Tuesday 2 December 2014

 Islam = Submission
For those of you who don’t know this, Islam means submission.  It’s supposed to mean submission to Allah but since Allah doesn’t speak directly to anyone, not even Mohammed who had the arch-angel Gabriel act as intermissary, no one can be sure what it is Allah wants you to do.  Muslims usually point out that the Koran is the literal word of Allah yet completely discount the possibility that Mohammed was 7th century Charles Manson and as such, his recitations of what the arch-angel told him might have been a load of self-serving sociopathic permissiveness.  Like how Allah conveniently told Mohammed could temporarily acknowledge and pay his respects to the gods of Makkah and al-Madinah, yup, got to love a guy like Mohammed without the balls to stand up for his own faith.  At least in the Jesus story the point is that it is better to die horribly for what you believe in than to tell a lie to save your own skin.
There is also this idea that submission is somehow virtuous, but it is merely temporarily pragmatic in the case of being threatened with violence and cowardly if you have a free choice.  Submission is a violent act against the individual.  A person who submits cannot agree or offer their advice, labour or company freely, they are compelled to because they have ceased to be an autonomous person but have become a slave.  Submission means slavery, as anyone with a knowledge of BDSM knows, they would also know that it is degrading to be treated as such. Yet Islam is a religion that considers owning and dominating people to be virtuous.  This opposes everything our culture’s ideal of equal, universal and inalienable human rights stands for.  To endorse Islam is to surrender your human rights and dignity.
Allah tells Muslims to submit to his will or he will torture and torment you in the after life for eternity.  Don’t be misled, that’s the same thing as me putting a gun to your head and telling you to give me all your money or I would kill you.  Be smart, be brave, be proud and don’t submit.

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