Tuesday 2 December 2014

You can always judge a religion by how well it treats it’s non-adherents.  In Islam they have perfected the art of abolishing the dignity of non-adherents.  They have developed this concise set of rules:
A. If they are Jewish or Christian, classify them as ‘dhimmis‘ and make them pay a special ‘tax’ (the jizya) to the Islamic endorsed government in return for not being murdered by Muslims.  If they do not pay up then enslave, rob, rape and lynch them as you please.
B. If they are not Jewish nor Christian, then enslave, rob, rape and lynch them as you please.
C. If they are atheists. Kill them.
D. If they were Muslim and became apostates then kill them.  Kill them now, with scalding water.
So the options are submit (slavery), submit (convert to Islam) or submit (be killed).

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