Friday 16 May 2014

Karl Marx could not have visualised political debacle and defeat of his followers at the hands of regressive right wing political outfits nor could he imagine that his comrades will be victim of deadly and diabolical caste system in India.This was bound to happen as the left movement in the country has generally rather deliberately refrained from attacking anti people divisive caste system and its accompanying evils just for electoral politics.Since decades,the fundamental mantra of Dialectical Materialism has been replaced by politics of convenience and compromise,which has precipitated identification crisis [who is who].Trade unions of working class have been hijacked by regressive polity.Failure of progressive left is more than visible.
Today,when left has been virtually dismantled,the million dollar question arises,why the left has not been able to expand its presence both in urban India and rural Bharat,except to some reasonable extent in Kerala, West Bengal and Tripura?In a country like India,which is always ripe for picking because of several economic and social problems that besiege it constantly.Under such scenario ,the left should have been in the forefront ,articulating both unhappiness and dissent about day to day problems of common man and forging an alternative that could assure lead and fight against crude exploitation of under privileged,marginalised and lower middle class.The vacuum was always there but comrades hardly visualized it and paradoxically the vacuum and place was occupied by right wing BJP to major extent and by others to lesser extent.What a sublime political tragedy ?

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