Monday 26 May 2014

Superstition is defined as an irrational belief or behaviour which profoundly based on apparent existence of supernatural objects, witchcraft and abject rituals which are against the very basis of natural science and common logics. In India superstition is deeply imbedded in social fabric. Some form of these believes and rituals are highly abject, inhuman and criminal in nature. There are several reasons for such superstitious believes in India. Religious factors are one the most important cause behind wide spread superstitious practices though the opinions are highly divided. Rationalist argue that basis of each religion that belief in the existence of God itself promote superstitions and supernatural phenomenon, however many believe that there is a profound difference between faith and blind faith. Though at the core the teaching of most of the religions don't preach superstition, however there is no doubt that religious teachings have always been quoted by the propagators of such rituals. It also involves social factors such as caste, economic and education status of the masses.

Fight against superstition is not only the need of hour but citizen's fundamental duty. As according to constitution (51A), it is a citizen's fundamental duty to evolve scientific temper, Humanism, spirit of enquiry and reform. Scientific temper is the mental attitude that gives us the power of reasoning and reforms and it is directly against the idea of superstitious beliefs and practices. However by looking at education, economic and social status in India, it will not be realistic to think that a mere legislation or government effort can eradicate deep rooted superstitious behaviour from society. We need a well-coordinated country wide mass campaign to aware the common people about the harms of such practices and beliefs, simultaneously a nationwide campaign only can force the government to act strong and determined against inhuman religious practices.

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