Sunday 8 January 2017

Why do gods wait for the next birth to convict his self created puppets [men]?Are gods not capable of punishing them in their present birth?Ideally,their acts must be followed by divine punishments or rewards immediately.Practically,this does not happen.
Around 2,400 years ago,Greek philosopher Epicurus declared that the presence of evil in the world denied god's existence.He said,"is he [god] willing to prevent evil,but is not able to?Then he is impotent.Is he able to prevent evil,but is not willing to ?Then he is malevolent.Is he both able and willing ?Then where did the evil come from?Is he neither able nor willing?Then why call him god ?"
Had gods punished the sinners in their present birth,it would have been justified.Not only would it ensure justice,it would have eliminated all crimes on earth and removed the necessity of policemen and guns.Punishment for the sins committed in the present life is conceivable; but its postponement to the next birth casts doubts over its credibility.

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