Wednesday 4 December 2013


A sensible god, all-powerful and all-good, would have made a world for human beings with no wars, no sickness, no dishonesty, no killing, no crime, no noxious insects, no sorrow, no trouble, no worries, no earth quakes, no poison snakes, no animals nor men tearing one another to pieces. All would have been peace and quiet, happiness, and enjoyment.

The priests have built up a fabulous monster who delights in making men sinful, and then punishing them by eternal torment in hell for their so-called wrong doing. What man would want to punish his enemies forever and ever? Of course, the truth is that the original priests or religious leaders knew that there was no such thing as a god, and they built their monster on the basis of their own imaginations. The god they talk about is a god who will send to hell anyone who has the intelligence and courage not to believe in the priests' fables.

Naturally the priests want people to do as they say and the way to get them to do it is to threaten them with eternal torment after death. The priests could not demonstrate their God by having him strike unbelievers dead, so they had to reserve punishment for the atheists until after death. No one returned to say that they had not been punished, so many people were impressed by the claim that they had been sent to hell.

Any of the moronic church followers can see that good men suffer and criminals prosper on earth. So the only thing the priest could say was, "Just wait until they die, then they will suffer."

Good men can only look forward to happiness in heaven, be cause often they are robbed while alive. And the priest fills his pockets at the expense of the believing fools who want to stand on the right side of their religious leaders while alive, and of the God Demon after death.
[The case against religion].

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