Thursday 31 July 2014

Dina Nath Batra, saffron brigades Hindutav ideologue,encouraged by his 'successful crusade' against eminent scholar, Wendy Doniger's seminal work on Hinduism,is in news again.He has been rewarded by Gujarat Government for his 'valiant' efforts to promote tradition and culture strictly in accordance to saffron brigades Hindutav agenda . The Gujarat Government has asked 42,000 primary and secondary schools in the state to make a set of 9 books by him part of the curriculum's supplementary literature.India does not lack for scholars on culture and heritage,but Batra and his ilk are certainly not among them.The authorities in the Gujarat should examine how including books that speak of including neighbouring countries as part of India's map can help students in any way.The same can be said about his other exhortations and sermons like celebrating birthday by wearing swadeshi clothes,performing a havan,praying to ishtdev and feeding cows.
As per media reports,Batra is upset that despite his multiple 'successes' and work as a Hindu pedagogue NCRT has not yet changed its Hindi text books.He is outraged at the use of English words and phrases like 'vice chancellor' 'worker' 'business' 'backbone' 'plan' 'you get out' 'of course' 'frock' 'half yearly' 'seminars' 'cultural' 'horticulture' 'canvas' 'organize' and 'thank you'.Similarly he has complied a larger list of Urdu words,which of course are not part of shudh Bhartiyta. Some of the words are :- 'mushkil'[difficult], 'dost' [friend], 'gusa' [anger], 'shararat' [naughtiness],'khabardar' [to warn], 'ghayab' [vanish], 'saal' [year],'mohalla' [colony],' mauka' [occasion] and many more.
Since most of the words symbolizing extraordinary achievements of modern science and technology,are not any way related with supposed ancient wisdom,it is beyond any logic or comprehension to understand,how all those words are going to be Indianized ? How all those words are going to be connected with 'eternal' Hindu tradition and claim it to be product of their own native genius .Are Hindu apologists like Batra,going to fulfill the Mahabharata's boast that there is nothing outside of the tradition that it represents.
# Pushpak Viman,supposedly a flying chariot used by mythological character Rama,was first aeroplane in the world.
# Vedic math is the real mathematics and modern mathematics needs to be replaced by Vedic math in educational institutions.
# We must reject English education and revert to our ancient languages.
# Our rishi's were scientists, involved in the field of technology, medicine and science have been appropriated by the west .
[Media reports].

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