The topic of science in the Quran came up again, so I spent a few hours over the past few days researching the scientific “facts” in the Quran. There are a number of people who have written about this on the internet, so it was helpful to review their findings first. But in each case I further checked the original source and made my own findings.
I’m linking to my Facebook posts on this topic, that compile both an image and URL of the relevant source, and my analysis.
This is a pretty raw analysis – when I find time I’ll compile into a booklet I plan to write on Islam.
Some Hindus drink cow urine as medicine. Mohammed believed camel urine was medicine.
Science in the Quran: (1) There was no evolution. Man was created directly; (2) Unlike in the Old Testament version (which itself is a total joke), man came FIRST; the rest of the Universe came later. That means our immediate universe is not 14 billion years old (there are almost certainly an infinity of other universes out there), but less than a hundred thousand years. I must say I’m able to even more firmly declare that God DEFINITELY did not “dictate” this document that’s full of some of the most basic falsehoods. Even ONE error would have proved this was nothing but Mohammed’s own rambling. But the number of errors (and their magnitude) are beyond belief.]
Science in the Quran. So after God made man (without any place to stand or any air to breathe), this is the order of things that happened (
1) The sky is a ceiling – it is finite – you could potentially touch it.
2) There is light everywhere, but you need to “extract’ light in order to get darkness. This is presumably done every night.
3) The earth is flat – it has been duly spread.
4) Water has to be extracted from this flat earth.
5) Without God’s actions, the mountains would not be firm and would keep doddering around the place
6) All this was needed for the man (hanging in thin air – who had been first created without a place to stand) – who could then be gingerly placed on top of this flat earth.
Sadly, God made a huge blunder in this process. He forgot to teach Islam to this man, so he had to thereafter secretly (not openly) communicate with Mohammed, who had to be persuaded – over the course of many years – to kill off the kafirs – a good chunk of his own creation!!
He needed an intermediary since God has no power to talk directly to his creations (although He did somehow learn Arabic – so he could communicate with one of us).
This is a strange God, indeed. He could do all these wonderful things but forgot to program Islam into man’s DNA, causing a level of confusion among men who are therefore busy killing each other to this day.
Maybe God – obviously a pretty incompetent “creator” – should dismantle this school project and start a new one, in which his creation (man) can be programmed to believe only in Islam.
God’s real mistake was to give man a brain. Man, today, after acquiring vast amount of knowledge through tens of thousands of experiments and studies, wants to know why God didn’t know (when the Quran was dictated) about how the world actually got created. If God was/ is ignorant and needs man’s help to understand the universe, he should say so.

Science in the Hadith: Mohammed confirms that the Quran is correct. The sun does sleep every night (it has a bed below God’s Throne – the throne is, however, invisible, since it is on the other side of the flat earth and no one can see it).
Now, there’s this slight problem with the actual facts (apart from the fact that the sun never “rests”): there are at least 100 billion TIMES 100 billion suns in this universe – more suns than the grains of sand on earth.
Why is our sun so special that God has to sit on top of it every night?]
Question: What’s the purpose of angels?
Answer: To drive clouds.
Question: What’s the purpose of stars?
Answer: To stop rebellious devils from listening to angels and to pelt such rebellious devils from every side if they dare to listen to the angels.
Question: What if a devil listens to some words of the angels?
Answer: Thereafter stars pursue them in a burning flame that is piercing in brightness (i.e. stars become comets: now you know).
This tells you a lot about what’s going on up above you.
1) Stars are living creatures with ears that can listen pretty long distance to the earth’s clouds (where the angels drive – push? – our clouds and chat about noble things).
2) Each time you see a meteor shower, that’s the stars pelting rebellious devils.
3) When a comet comes by, be sure there’s a really bad rebellious devil in front of it (invisible to us) who is being chased with blindingly bright light.
In brief, devils have NO CHANCE.
Be happy, people. You are well protected by the stars.
Science in the Quran. Mountains are stakes that hold the earth in place. Otherwise this flat earth would curl up because of our movements, like a carpet that crumples when you walk on it.
Remember, man was created first (before everything else). Well, there’s a further first step: to find a “clinging substance” (some have translated it as “blood clot”).
God obviously had to make everything, so when he woke up with a new project idea in mind and found nothing – absolutely nothing – around him, he first made a clinging substance (DNA mixed with clay? – but wherefrom came clay without creating the earth first? – don’t ask me too many questions, folks). The sequence of God’s current school project is:
1) Make clinging substance
2) Make man but forget to teach him Islam
3) Make other things including (a) stars (that listen to angels in the clouds and belt rebellious devils with stones) and (b) other things that are more commonly observable
4) Put man on the earth
5) Secretly talk to Mohammed since, somehow, God – despite his amazing power – is not allowed to speak out openly (till today) to the rest of us.
6) Get those who listen to Mohammed to kill off those who don’t much care about such illogical ramblings.
Too easy!]
Science in the Quran, continued. I’ve got some questions.
Anyone know why God made the rebellious devils? If there were no rebellious devils, he would not have needed to make 100 billion times 100 billion stars and almost an infinity of meteorites and comets; save himself a lot of bother.
Also, why not come out of hiding today? I can understand it was hard for God to communicate with all men in the past: there was no TV. So he secretly spoke to one of us. But today? Any clue why God is afraid to get up from his Throne and talk to us on TV? Or is his problem that he is invisible and can’t be seen on TV? What’s going on?]
God had obviously never looked through a microscope. He was limited by man’s ignorance at the time he “dictated” the Quran.]
Note that the original Quran ***doesn’t*** have the word “reflected”. It is pure corruption to suggest that God knew that the moon reflects the sun’s light when he “dictated” the Quran.
God was deeply ignorant about basic cosmology in those days.]
Talking ants. Reminds me of a Disney movie I saw somewhere. Quran is clearly a fairy tale for children – but because of the violence embedded in it, it is a pretty dangerous one once people actually believe it.