Christmas Superstitions Myths:-
Christmas Superstitions Myths:-
Of all the holidays, Christmas is quite possibly the most steeped in superstition, more so possibly even than Halloween. Why then does Christmas not bring to mind a wealth of superstitions? They have been cleverly wrapped over the years so to appear as simple tradition.
Here is just a small sampling of some of the many superstitions surrounding Christmas:
*-A Christmas tree should never be thrown out doors or it will attract evil spirits and goblins. Christmas trees should be burned.
*-Failing to decorate a Christmas Tree will cause spring to never come, but bad luck and evil spirits instead.
*-Decorating a Christmas tree with apples will bring good luck
*-A candle or lamp must be burned all night on Christmas Eve or there will be a death in the home.
*-Christmas decorations must be entirely taken down before the twelfth night after Christmas or goblins and bad luck will come.
*-One portion of the Christmas cake must be saved for Christmas day, and one for New Year’s or bad luck will come the following year.
*-Stirring Christmas pudding will bring you good luck, a wish, and if you are a female a husband within the year.
*-As many pies as your try at different homes will be the number of happy months to come. Cutting the pie you eat yourself however is bad luck.
*-The first person to open the door on Christmas will have good luck.
*-Those born on Christmas will never see spirits, be hung or drown, and in general have good luck.
*-On Christmas morning the first person down the stairs must quickly open the front door and sweep trouble out the door.
*-A dog that howls on Christmas Eve will go mad.
*-No work must be done on Christmas.
*-The fire must not be stirred during Christmas.
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