Oscar-winning composer AR Rahman has done India proud on more than one occasion and his participation in yet another international project should have been a moment of honour. Unfortunately, it has been turned into an unwarranted controversy. A little known Raza Academy has issued a "fatwa" against Rahman for composing music in acclaimed Iranian director Majid Majidi's film, “Muhammad: Messenger of God”, which is ludicrous. Ideally, the nondescript body's objections to the film shouldn't have merited any attention, but the growing attacks on writers, artistes and rationalists force one to reassert the liberal values. Iran has clarified that the film does not violate any Islamic values. Obviously, the bigots are reacting without seeing the film.
After issuing orders with threats on what to wear, eat, see or read, religious and political hardliners are now telling actors what roles they can or cannot play. Their latest victim is Tamil superstar Rajinikanth, who has been told not to play Tipu Sultan in a film on the ground that “he (Tipu) was an aggressor, who committed maximum atrocities against Hindus”. In both instances the intransigent positions of self-styled custodians of religions stem from the same dogmatic mindset. Indeed, no one has the right to offend people's religious sentiments. The freedom of creative expression undeniably has its limits. But what are the artistes and filmmakers to do when some organisations with no locus standi choose to feel hurt to push their divisive agenda?
Oscar-winning composer AR Rahman has done India proud on more than one occasion and his participation in yet another international project should have been a moment of honour. Unfortunately, it has been turned into an unwarranted controversy. A little known Raza Academy has issued a "fatwa" against Rahman for composing music in acclaimed Iranian director Majid Majidi's film, “Muhammad: Messenger of God”, which is ludicrous. Ideally, the nondescript body's objections to the film shouldn't have merited any attention, but the growing attacks on writers, artistes and rationalists force one to reassert the liberal values. Iran has clarified that the film does not violate any Islamic values. Obviously, the bigots are reacting without seeing the film.
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