The first major flaw in the book is, in sholaka 40, adhaya 1, Arjuna compares women with the kids, who can easily be influenced and brainwashed. Well, it is both socially and scientifically unacceptable. I am a woman dude, and I am sorry, you could not trick me. Moreover, it is a scientific fact that females are more stable psychologically. So, dear dearest-of-Lord, next time come up with logics, not with stupid comparisons.
In shloka 6, adhyay 8, the god tells that the thoughts we have in our last time, is what decides our Yoni (Yoni is what we are going to be) in next incarnation. So, Brain-dead are definitely gonna be in Moksha, no? So why do all this worshipping, all you gotta do is ensure a Brain death.
Adhyay 4, shloka 40, speaks that if you doubt the word of God, you can never attain happiness. Well yes, Stupid are always happy. Intelligence creates chaos. It reminds me of my maths teacher who used to punish us if we asked any doubts. We reported and she was replaced soon. I am gonna report it too, let’s see, if god has a replacement.
The second flaw is paradoxical nature of God’s words. In shloka 37, adhyay 2, Krishna, the God, inspires Arjuna to fight the battle. He tells him that in case of victory, he will get the kingdom of Kaurava. And in any case, if Kauravas win the battle, Arjuna will be reincarnated in heaven (Well, let’s assume the reincarnation and heaven thing to be true, though the book didn’t give me any reasons to). The same God, in the very same adhyay, in shloka 44, tells us that the people who live for and consider the wealth as happiness are stupid. (Though I agree on it) and in shloka 42, motivates us to let go the greed of heaven. Well, not well played God!
Moreover, in shloka 29, adhyay 9, He claims to believe in equality among all beings. Still, the way he has described the women and kshudra in shloka 32, and Brahmins in shloka 33, well, if I do it, I will be behind the bars. Claims to be most intelligent, still don’t know the use of words. Makes perfect sense.
The next flaw is very logical one, which made me question the point of narration of Gita. The reason of narration of Gita is to inspire Arjuna, who is not psychologically stable at that point. Even at that unstable stage, it is strange how Arjuna managed to ask such things, which at many instances seemed pointless to ask, and dramatic, as if the God has trained him to ask only those questions. One such instance is shloka 54 of adhyay 2. The question that Arjuna asked is not related to the situation or the previous answer anyhow. The whole scene seems real dramatic, and we don’t even need CID to catch that.
In shloka 14, adhyay 12, the god tells about his favourite pupil. And I have found someone who fits the description. Know who? It is Honda’s Asimo, feeling nothing, doing whatever asked to without questioning. Well, sorry dude, I guess you programmed most of us wrong, but don’t worry, we will supply you your favourite pupil, just gonna cost some million dollars. And yeah, COD is not available.
Adhyay 10, shloka 30, the God, in order to imply himself to be the most powerful, tells that if he was an animal, he would have been the lion. Well, they didn’t have Jurassic Park in Mahabharta time; else he could have a better comparison.
The third flaw is unscientific claims. In shloka 14, adhyay 3, The God tells us that Yagya, a form of worship, brings the rain. Well, God failed the 5th standard.
Moreover, in shloka 34, adhyay 13, the god tells that Sun enlightens the Universe. I wonder if he knew how tiny the Sun is, while compared with the Universe (Though still greater than your tiny tiny existence). We live in the era where an Indian had discovered a cluster of 400 Quasars (the brightest object of the universe and about a million time brighter than sun), and we still continue to believe on a book who claims Sun to be the brightest!
In shloka 33, adhyay 13, the god claims the sky to be isolated and un-interactable with matter. Umm… Next time I am gonna donate a book of chemistry to the temple. Dude, haven’t you seen the rusting of iron??
“I am in the heart of all living organisms.” Shloka 20, adhyay 10. Funny how he claimed to know everything, still doesn’t know that only vertebrates have hearts.
In shloka 12, adhyay 11, the Arjuna describes the God as bright as thousand of Suns, standing right on earth. Poor fella, didn’t know light is a radiation which contains heat. And our earth definitely can’t bear that amount of heat. So the event is as probable as existence of Mickey Mouse.
“I have created the universe and can destroy it. It runs on my will.” Well, this reminds me of a quote from Einstein, that if God really created the universe, I wonder how much liberty he really had. The universe runs on few fixed principles, not on someone’s wills. No matter how powerful you are, you can never make gravity (the force you claim to have created) repulsive.
Shloka 6, adhyay 9, Claim is air is everywhere in the sky. Dude, you needa go on mountaining. Obviously air is not everywhere, even in earth’s atmospherical layers.
And here is something that may interest NASA. The god has another claim in shloka 25, adhyay 8. You wanna go on moon (Chandra Lok)? What all you gotta do is to die in Tamokala (The kala of darkness). Well, I wonder how many dollars NASA could save!
“I am the taste of Water, the light of Moon and Sun.” Shloka 8, adhyay 7. Eh… Seriously stupid. My 8 year old sister won’t buy it man! Her damn teacher had taught her that moon has no light, and water has no taste before she could learn any faith.
Shloka 19, Adhyay 6, Our Super intelligent God doesn’t know that a candle needs air to burn. How many science classes did u bunk man!
These are just some of the flaws I noticed while reading. But the book is a total trash, it asks us to believe for no reasons, makes stupid and unrelatable comparisons, gives no explanation of the stuff.
The guy I mentioned in the beginning, well I have an answer for him, i.e. yes I have read the book and you derive your morals from an unscientific, illogical, and socially unacceptable book? Well, what kind of person you are!
I am not mad on God or something, your God (from Gita) is way too stupid to argue with and be mad at. So next time, when someone asks you to read Gita, simply gift them A Brief History Of Time, or even a batman comic series, because batman teaches more morals than this book.