Reports are pouring in that Kapil Sharma has been approached for hosting the 104th Indian Science Congress, which will be renamed Indian Science Circus. Relieved by the news, Nobel laureate V Ramakrishnan said to our Fakingnews reporter, “It was only inevitable for one major brands of circus to merge with another”. The HRD minister Smriti Irani has clarified the major reason for the rebranding saying, “It will bring science to the masses. We were thinking of rebranding it as a Saas Bahu serial but the idea was dropped as that way we would not reach the male population. Our online survey suggests that Kapil Sharma and comedy circus followers go across the age and gender lines and so we went with it”. When asked if this had anything to with calling a spade a spade, like V Ramakrishnan did, Smriti retorted, “There is a lot of time for the next Indian Science circus, please don’t start rolling out the jokes already”.
Reports are pouring in that Kapil Sharma has been approached for hosting the 104th Indian Science Congress, which will be renamed Indian Science Circus. Relieved by the news, Nobel laureate V Ramakrishnan said to our Fakingnews reporter, “It was only inevitable for one major brands of circus to merge with another”. The HRD minister Smriti Irani has clarified the major reason for the rebranding saying, “It will bring science to the masses. We were thinking of rebranding it as a Saas Bahu serial but the idea was dropped as that way we would not reach the male population. Our online survey suggests that Kapil Sharma and comedy circus followers go across the age and gender lines and so we went with it”. When asked if this had anything to with calling a spade a spade, like V Ramakrishnan did, Smriti retorted, “There is a lot of time for the next Indian Science circus, please don’t start rolling out the jokes already”.
The major source of funding is thought to come from Patanjali brand. Hence, as expected, western cool drinks will not be served. Ramdev branded Gau Mutra (Godhan Ark) will be served at subsidised rates to the VIPs and those who can afford it can buy it to promote science, while adrak wali chai will be served to the rest
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