Saturday, 23 January 2016


They call us anti-national: Anand Patwardhan
What exactly is their vision of India?

Their founding fathers came from the most conservative Brahmin castes,
with enormous faith in the culture that empowered them.

They opposed the mainstream secular freedom struggle and started to
mobilise along religious lines from the early 20th century.

They openly admired Hitler and said that it would “profit” India to
copy the Nazi approach to minorities.

They stated that their top three enemies were a) Muslims, b)
Christians and c) Communists.

Arguing that Hindus and Muslims were irreconcilable, they propagated
the two-nation theory, exactly as did their mirror opposite, the
Muslim League.

They along with the Muslim League supported the British even during
the 1942 Quit India movement.

They, along with the Muslim League, instigated unparalleled bloodshed
during Partition.

At the dawn of Independence in 1947, they rejected the tricolour
national flag and flew only their saffron flag.

In 1948, they murdered Mahatma Gandhi and distributed sweets afterwards.

In 1950 they wrote bitterly against the Indian Constitution,
preferring the Manusmruti instead.

In 1951 they opposed Law Minister Dr Ambedkar’s Hindu Code Bill that
granted Hindu women the same rights as Hindu men. Dr Ambedkar resigned
in disgust, so the work of drafting a Uniform Civil Code, which was
his next stated goal, was never fulfilled.

In 1956 they opposed all those who along with Dr Ambedkar, walked out
of caste-ridden Hinduism to embrace non-casteist Buddhism.

Despite continuing heinous atrocities against Dalits, they continue to
oppose any questioning of “holy” scriptures that enshrine the caste
system. They continue to pretend to the world that their religion is
the most tolerant one on the planet.

In 1987, they glorified sati in Rajasthan to make electoral gains.

They bitterly opposed the Reservation policy for Dalits and Other
Backward Classes until they finally realised the electoral damage of
their stand.

In 1992, they demolished the Babri Mosque and destroyed the fragile
unity between Hindus and Muslims.

They targeted and murdered Christians working for the educational and
medical needs of Adivasis.

In 1998 they promoted the atom bomb and even wanted to build a temple
to it. They also began weaponising the bomb and started a nuclear arms
race with Pakistan that has brought the subcontinent to the brink of
nuclear holocaust.

After engineering countless communal riots throughout the
post-Independence era, they started a pogrom against Muslims in
Gujarat in 2002.

They carried out a witch-hunt of whistleblowers like Teesta Setalvad
and her team just because they challenged the post-riot impunity of
their justice system.

Other communal riots in Muzaffarnagar and many other places followed
as when required by the exigencies of elections.

From 2013 on, they murdered three well-known rationalists and many
unknown ones, as well as threatened scores of others.

Today, they and their mushrooming affiliates are giving arms training
to vigilante groups across the countryside to attack minorities in the
name of a beef ban and love jihad.

Their rapidly growing youth wings are terrorising campuses across
India, opposing all other student bodies be they secular, democratic,
Gandhian, Left, Dalit or any combination of these. They violently
oppose or defame all rival groups and individuals whose thinking
challenges their hegemony, from Professor Sandeep Pande of the Benares
Hindu University, to Sheetal Sathe of the Kabir Kala Manch, from the
students of Film and Television Institute of India to those of the
Ambedkar-Periyar group in Chennai and the Ambedkar Students
Association in Hyderabad.

Their ideology now combines a medieval cultural mindset with a free
market economic model that surrenders sovereignty and natural
resources to foreign multinationals, modern avatars of the East India

And they called Rohit Vemula, their latest victim from a section of
society they oppressed for thousands of years, an “anti-national”.

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