Monday, 29 December 2014

This is a dour doctrine that — like other religious fundamentals — makes no distinction between myth and history, science and religious belief, and often comes close to caricature. It believes that Hinduism is a thought system perfect from its very origins, that all the problems of modernity and history were foreseen by Hindu sages 2,000 years ago, that all modern scientific achievement was prefigured in Hindu thought, that Indians of all faiths are “culturally Hindu”, that India’s four-fifths Hindu majority is under threat from minorities, and that all Hindus should fall in line with a singular interpretation of Hindu tradition controlled by a central authority. That body would be — surprise, surprise — the RSS.

Sunday, 28 December 2014

We and our society are fast approaching a stage,when in gross violation to our constitutional fundamental rights,a lunatic fringe section of ruling polity will decide and dictate about our priorities and preferences in various compartments of our day to day life. These extra legal self styled moralist did not allow screening of Anand Patwardhan's award winning documentary 'Ram ke nam' at ILS's law college Pune ,only few days ago and same very elements are demanding ban on box office popular movie 'PK'- though highest constitutional authority of the land Supreme Court has already dismissed writ petition seeking ban on the movie.
Hypothetically speaking,if identical elements among Christians,demand 1988 made movie 'The last temptation of Christ',will ruling polity cave in under pressure and ban the movie ?Needless to say the film depicts Christ being tempted by imagining himself engaged in sexual activities ,a notion that has caused outrage from a section of Christians,though it has not been banned anywhere .
Are we going to be left only with laundered strips of art,literature and culture,simply because our politics are being increasingly conditioned by appeals to the sentiments and much publicized 'sensitivity' of various religious obscurantist groups ?

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Though there are many other mythological characters in epic Valmiki Ramayana,  who are classical  symbol of evil and moral turpitude, yet quite contrary to logic and  reason, only Ravana has been selectively targeted for denigration and character assassination. What was the yardstick and criteria for negative exclusiveness? Otherwise, also the story of Ramayana as a whole cannot be described as some sort of treatise of morals. Moral degeneration, betrayal, arrogance and eccentricity is integral part of the individuality of so many other characters like,  Duryodhana,  Vibhushan ,Sugreev,  Bali ,Yudishter and Sukhani, yet non of them has been made        exclusive target of denigration and character assassination. The     history of Hindu  scriptures is full of such characters, but non of them has been either criticized or condemned in comparison to Ravana.
In Rigveda, there are eight verses [Mandal 10,Sukta 125] about one Rishi Valdambrini, who has been described as sadistic, eccentric and arrogant. Gita is classical example of eccentricity and self-glorification, in which Krishna has exhibited self-elation and self-glorification as many as 375 times. And,        then his role as manipulator par excellence and intriguer in the war of Mahabharata is definitely questionable.
May be, abduction of Sita by Ravana was gross violation of “established norms”, but was it not more or less reflection of provocation ,precipitated by Rama and Laxmana themselves by their arrogant, indecent and uncivilized behavior with Ravana’s sister Surpanakha. Was expression of love on part of Surpanakha, for Rama some sort of heinous crime, for which she was not only humiliated but also mutilated? Ravana was still decent and civilized in his behavior with Sita. Even author of Valmiki Ramayana has himself testified said fact: firstly Ravana exhibited respect and honor for the dignity of Sita and deployed only female watch and ward staff  during her captivity and secondly his bold moral declaration to Sita,” despite my extreme carnal desire, I will not even touch you, till there is natural desire in you for me.”[Valmiki Ramayana; Aranya Kand,sarg 54/4,15 and Sunderkand,sarg 2/6]. Well known historian R.C.Majmudar ,in his well documented book titled “ancient India “has stated that Ravana definitely exhibited and  followed better moral values than his opponents.[Page 209]. Moreover epic itself testifies that anguish and suffering of Sita was more due to egoistic and male chauvinistic behavior of Rama, rather than revengeful behavior of Ravana. It will be pertinent to point out here that, Rama himself made innocence of Sita ,questionable and doubtful by refusing to accept her even after much publicized Agnipariksha.
And then supposedly, abduction of Sita by Ravana  was an act of indecency and immorality, what about abduction of  Rukmani by Krishna, Subhadra by Arjuna, three daughters [Ambha,Ambalika and Ambika] of  Kashiraj by  supposedly great moralist Bhisham Pitamah? Well, diehard apologists will argue about the married status of Sita and question the morality of Ravana. Anyhow, said abduction is not an case of isolation in Hindu mythological scriptures. As per Bhagwat  Puran [9/14/4-5], there is episode of  Chandrama Devta [Moon god],who forcibly abducted Tara, wife of his Guru Brihaspati,which ultimately resulted in war between Deities and Demons. As per Brahm Vaivarta Purana [part first 49/36-40], Radha, daughter of Vrishbhanu, was married with Ryan, who was brother of  Krishna’s mother Yashodha. Accordingly Radha was maternal aunt [Mami] of Krishna, yet Krishna abducted her own maternal aunt and got ‘ married’ with her in the jungles of Bhandir and his  ‘marriage’ was solemnized by non other than celebrated priest Brihaspati [Ibid 15/124]. Sugreev and Vibhishana  are two respected and celebrated characters of Ramayana and  both of them were instrumental in getting their own brothers killed  by Rama. Both of them were traitors of their respective families and country. Their treachery and immoral nexus with Rama against their own kith and kin is definitely questionable and then their act of forcing, widows of Bali and Ravana for marital status lacks moral authority and by any logic cannot be justified. It will be again pertinent here to point out that even Tulsidas, author of Ramcharitmanas, has not justified their immoral acts.[Ramcharitmanas, Bal Kand].
It is interesting to note here that, Krishna, Chandrama, Vibhushan and Sugreev,have been nowhere denigrated in any scripture and on the contrary accorded respect and honor in socio religious practice and perception. It is beyond any comprehension that why Ravna alone has been made target of selective denigration and character assassination.

Friday, 26 December 2014

Post election scenario in Jammu Kashmir state today symbolizes more or less noora kushti,which is well known for its symbolism and pre planned fight strategy.All major political parties including PDP,BJP,National conference and Congress bitterly fought against each other and choicest political abuses were attributed against each other.Now today,all that spacious political sophistry,which included-regional discrimination,corruption,non governance,vested interests and ulterior motives,communalism c fundamentalism,article 370 c common civil code,'draconian' arms act, baap-beta and baap beti dynastic politics etc etc [the list is long one] has attained the status of 'total obsolete'.All the major stake holders are having 'meaningful dialogue' for share in power without having any 'conflict of ideology [interest]' as if it never existed.So after all what was the rational of much publicized hallagulla during electioneering ?Who was fighting against whom and what happened to those infamous election manifestos ?Was all that meant exclusively for respective credulous camp followers ?How said polity is different from noora kushti which is fought with mutual consent/convenience/ and planning?It is quite logical to say that electorate has been once again deceived with ludicrous precedent !

Thursday, 25 December 2014

धार्मिक अन्धविश्वास ;
आर्थिक सम्पनता के हेतु मूर्खता एवं पाखण्ड !
रूपया-पैसा, धन-दौलत प्रत्येक मनुष्य की अवश्यकता है। मनुष्य दिन से लेकर रात तक लक्ष्मी को पाने की मंशा लिए हुए कार्य करता है। मां लक्ष्मी धन-वैभव व ऐश्वर्य की देवी हैं। उनका पूजन करने से कभी भी धन-धान्य की कमी नहीं होती।
पूजन: प्रदोषकाल के समय स्नान कर घर की पश्चिम दिशा में एक चौकी पर लाल कपड़ा बिछाकर उस पर केसर मिले चन्दन से अष्टदल बनाकर उस पर चावल रख जल कलश रखें। कलश के पास हल्दी से कमल बनाकर उस पर माता लक्ष्मी की मूर्ति प्रतिष्ठित करें। मिट्टी का हाथी बाजार से लाकर या घर में बना कर उसे स्वर्णाभूषणों से सजाएं। नया खरीदा सोना हाथी पर रखने से पूजा का विशेष लाभ मिलता है। माता लक्ष्मी की मूर्ति के सामने श्रीयंत्र भी रखें। कमल के फूल से पूजन करें। इसके अलावा सोने-चांदी के सिक्के, मिठाई, फल भी रखें। इसके बाद माता लक्ष्मी के आठ रूपों की निम्न मंत्रों के साथ कुंकुम, अक्षत और फूल चढ़ाते हुए पूजा करें।
ॐ पहिनी पक्षनेत्री पक्षमना लक्ष्मी दाहिनी वाच्छा
भूत-प्रेत सर्वशत्रु हारिणी दर्जन मोहिनी रिद्धि सिद्धि कुरु-कुरु-स्वाहा।

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

धर्म का धन्धा -बिना किसी पूंजी के मुनाफा ही मुनाफा !
"मानवता की रक्षा के लिये ईश्वर ने धर्म को बनाया है "-धर्म के दुकानदार इन मिथ्या वचनों को इतनी बार बोलते हैं कि धार्मिक विश्वास रखने वाले लोगों को उन के यह शब्द शतप्रतिशत सत्य वचन लगते हैं.धर्म की दुकान पर सदाचार,भाईचारा ,परिश्रम ,दया ,दान ,करुणा,समानता आदि सब कुछ बिकता है .दुकान आसाराम ,रामदेव ,रामपाल ,श्रीश्री ,सहिबबंदगी,रामरहीम या अन्य किसी की भी हो ,अन्धविश्वासी अपनी कमाई इन पाखंडी लोगों के हवाले करते हैं  तथा इन के शोषण का शिकार हो जाते हैं.
आसाराम  तथा रामपाल जैसे तो कानून की गिरफ्त में आ गये हैं पर उन्हें अपवाद मानें .समस्त देश में धर्मो  का धन्धा ज़ोरों पर है. तीव्र गति से नये नये आश्रम बन रहे हैं ,पुराने आश्रमों का विस्तार हो रहा है .इन के ग्राह्कूं में अभेनेता ,नोकरशाह ,आम जनता तथा पोलिटिकल वर्ग -सभी शामिल हैं.भले ही पिछले ३-४ दशकों में साइंस तथा टेक्नोलॉजी के मैदान में जितनी भी प्रगति हुईं हो और उस प्रगति के साथ लोग कितने भी जुड़ें हूँ , क्रियात्मक रूप से २१वी शताब्दी के अध्यकांश लोग मानसिक स्तर पर पाषाण युग के निवासी हैं.उनकी मानसिकता में दोहरा मापदंड तथा अंतर्विरोध है.
अफसोस इस बात का है कि यह जानते हुये भी कि धर्म के नाम पर ही १९४७ में लाख़ों लोग मारे गये और यह घातक क्रम आज भी जारी है.आज विश्व में जहां कहीं भी खून की होली खेली जा रही है उसका पूरा श्रेय धर्म उन्माद को ही जाता है .धर्म के आधार पर ही लोग एक दूसरे को गाजर मूली की तरह काट रहे हैं .धर्म एकता का नहीं वरन सामाजिक विघटन का मुख्य आधार है.हमारे देश में जातीवाद संकीरता तथा सम्प्रदायकता भी धर्म की देन है.
देश की राजनीतिक त्रासदी यह है कि केंद्र की नयी सरकार अपने बघवा एजेंडा को क्रियान्वित हेतु एक धर्म विशेष को प्रोत्साहित कर रही है .कला,इतिहास ,साहित्य ,विज्ञान आदि सभी विषयों का हिन्दुकरण -धार्मिक उन्माद तथा सामाजिक विघटन का प्लेटफार्म बने गा -इस में कोई संदेह नहीं .
समय की पुकार है कि सभी प्रगतिशील,सेक्युलर तथा मानवतावादी तत्व एक होकर संघ परिवार तथा उस के विनाशकारी बघवा एजेंडा का विरोध  करें .

Monday, 22 December 2014

चार्वाक दर्शन के प्रणेता बृहश्पति का कहना है—
न स्वर्गो नापवर्गोवा नैवात्मा पारलौकिकः
नैव वर्णाश्रमादीनां क्रियाश्व फलदायिकाः
अग्निहोत्रं त्रयो वेदात्रिदण्डं भस्मगुण्ठनम्।
बुद्धिपौरुषहीनानां जीविका धातृनिर्मिता।।
पशुश्रेन्निहतः स्वर्ग ज्योतिष्टोमे गमिष्यति।
स्वपिता यजमानेन तन्न कस्मान्न हिंस्यते?
मृतानामपि जन्तूनां श्राद्धं चेत्तृप्तिकारणम्
निर्वाणस्य प्रदीपस्य स्नेहः संवर्धयेच्छिखाम्।।सर्वदर्शन संग्रह
आशय है कि न तो स्वर्ग हैन अपवर्ग(मोक्षऔर न परलोक में रहने वाली आत्मावर्णआश्रम आदि की क्रियाएं भी फल देने वाली नहीं हैंअग्निहोत्र,तीनों वेदतीन दंड धारण करना और भस्म लगाना—ये बुद्धि और पुरुषार्थ से रहित लोगों की जीविका के साधन हैंजिन्हें बृह्मा ने बनायायदि ज्योतिष्टोम-यज्ञ में मारा गया पशु स्वर्ग जाएगाजो उस जगह पर यजमान अपने पिता को ही क्यों नहीं मार डालतामरे हुए प्राणियों को श्राद्ध से यदि तृप्ति मिलती मिले तो बुझे हुए दीपक की शिखा तो तो तेल अवश्य ही बढ़ा ही देगा.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

भारत सरकार की विभिन दिशायें तथा नीति विरोधाभास !
कहा जाता है प्राचीन रूम में एक देवता के बारे प्रचलित विश्वास अनुसार उसके दो विपरीत दिशाओं वाले  दो चेहरे थे -एक चेहरा बीते कल का प्रतीक था जबकि दोसरा चेहरा भविष्य का प्रतीक था ! कुछ इसी प्रकार भारतीय जनता पार्टी सरकार की पॉलिसीस के विषय में चार चेहरे नज़र आते हैं ! यह सर्व विदित है -भारतीय जनता पार्टी की प्रथामिकता में हिन्दुत्व एजेंडा सर्वुपरी है -सो यदि इन चार चेहरों को ब्रह्मा का प्रतीक माना जाये तो तुलना को तरक्संगत ही समजना चाहये !
पहला चेहरा केवल देश की आर्थिक प्रगति तथा विकास की बात करता है !
दोसरा चेहरा उन सभी मंत्रियों का प्रतीक है जिन का कोई भी उतर्दयितव नहीं है ,वो जब चाहें जैसा चाहें बोल सकते हैं !
तीसरा चेहरे का विशेष दायित्व है -सामाजिक विघटन की भाषा बोलना ;एक धार्मिक विश्वास को अन्य धार्मिक विश्वास के समुख खड़ा करना; एक भाषा विशेष को संकीरण आधार पर प्राथिमकता देना !
चुतर्थ चेहरे का कार्य मन को मोहित करने वाले नारे लगाना तथा सुंदर भविष्य बारे नीति कार्यक्रम की समय समय पर घोषणा करना !
कमाल की बात है इन सभी प्रोग्राम का निर्देशन एवं नियंत्रण रिमोट कण्ट्रोल के सोजन्य से महाराष्ट्र प्रदेश के नागपुर नगर से होता है !कौन कहता है हमारे देश में पालिसी का अभाव है ? नई  शताब्दी में हम पूरण प्रगति की  दिशा में ४ बिंदु कार्यक्रम की सहायता से अवश्य ही अन्य देशों की तुलना में तेजी से चल रहे हैं !जय हिन्दू राष्ट्र !

Friday, 19 December 2014

Few days ago,union minister Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti, "intellectual par excellence" was 'gracious' enough to characterize whole lot of BJP political opponents as Haramzada's [literal meaning-bastards]. Since honourable minister is not only champion of moral rectitude but having prodigious expertise of Hindu mythology too,it will be very pertinent and worthwhile to know her valuable viewpoint about following  most celebrated mythological characters from epic Mahabharata,which has been recently described as divine source of "knowledge and wisdom" by her senior most colleague L.K.Advani.
# Dhritarashtra-Pandu-Vidhur ~biological father= Ved Vyasa instead of Vichitravirya.
# Yudhishtar  ~biological father = Dharamraj instead of Pandu.
# Bhim ~ biological father =Vayu instead of Pandu.
# Arjun ~ biological father= Indra instead of Pandu.
# Nakul~biological father =Ashwani Kumar instead of Pandu.
# Sahdev ~biological father =Ashwani Kumar instead of Pandu.
# Karna ~biological father =Surya. [when Kunti was unmarried].
Tail piece :-Since it very difficult to ascertain and verify whether whole lot of BJP opponents are bastards or otherwise,will Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti ji exhibit moral conviction to characterize Dhritarashtra,Pandu,Vidur,Yudhishtar,Bhim, Arjun, Nakul, Sahdev and Karanas Haramzada's in the light of authoritative much celebrated scripture Mahabharata.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

 Having received approval from Bhishma,Satyavati summoned her first born son Vyasa.Without any delay,Vyasa came to his mother and was given a briefing as to the crisis facing the family.Satyavati told Vyasa that it now depended on him to bring forth an heir to the throne and he would have to impregnate the wife of Vichitravirya.Vyasa agreed to do it. 

Then Satyavati informed Ambika of Vyasa's visit and advised her that she should welcome the Rishi accordingly for the purpose of obtaining an heir to the throne of Hastinapura.Ambika accepted and was willing to comply with the instructions she received.

Later that night,Vyasa entered the chambers of Ambika.She became terrified at the sight of the Rishi.Using his yoga maya or his illusionary powers to impregnate her she closed her eyes in fright. She kept her eyes closed for the entire duration of the encounter.

When Satyavati asked Vyasa next morning how things went,he said to her that a very strong and learned son would be born to Ambika.However, because she closed her eyes at the time of her conception,the child would be born blind.

This was very disappointing news for Satyavati and so she now instructed Vyasa to impregnate Vichitravirya's second wife,Ambalika. Satyavati advised Ambalika not to close her eyes and she did not. However,at the sight of Vyasa,she became pale.

When Vyasa was done,he reported back to his mother and told her that Ambalika would have a son who would be handsome and brave but because she became pale at the time of impregnation,her son would also be pale.

Satyavati was still disappointed and told Vyasa that after Ambika gives birth to the child that he should return and impregnate her once more so that she will also have a son with eyesight.Vyasa agreed and then left for the forest.

In time both queens Ambika and Ambalika gave birth to their sons and as Vyasa had said,one was blind and the other was pale.The blind son was named Dhritarashtra and the pale one was named Pandu.

Then Satyavati again sent for Vyasa and she warned Ambika to be careful this time.She reminded her that her son was born blind because of her mistake.Ambika was willing once more and accepted the advice.However, as much as she tried,she could not muster up the courage and the bravery to face Vyasa.So she sent her maidservant instead.

The maid served with attention and devotion to the sage.The next morning Vyasa told Satyavati that a son who would be the replica of Dharma would be born but he will be born to the maid because it was she who spent the time with him.He then gave blessings to all and departed once again.

The son born to the maid was named Vidura.All three boys received education under the guidance of Bhishma.Dhritarashtra was strong,Pandu was good at archery and Vidura was ever wise.Pandu was appointed as the ruler even though Dhritarashtra was elder.This was so because the Shastras forbids the appointment of a king who has a disability.Pandu ruled the kingdom with assistance from Vidura who was appointed as the Chief Minister.

Bhishma eventually had the task of selecting brides for them.Dhritarashtra married Gandhari who out of devotion to her husband decided to tie a scarf around her eyes so that she too would be blind to the world and Pandu married Madri,the princess from Madra. 

Saturday, 13 December 2014

All religious denominations claim to have founded upon the authority and will of god,who is the creator of all things,present everywhere,all powerful-all knowing .Then how comes so many gods even in monotheistic religions ?As per Judo-Christian religions,the man s made in god's image.But who is to verify the fact ?God did not show itself to the whole mankind but said to have appeared or spoken to a selected few.
Votaries of Hindu religion say that all men and women emerged from the various parts of Brahma's body.These human beings emerged distinctly with their casts [varnas].The Brahmans from his mouth,Kshatriyas [warriors] from his shoulders,the Vaishyas from his thighs and Shudras [dalits] from his feet.Ironically enough,in west there is division of labour but in this part of globe, there is division of labourers that is publicized as sanctified by god himself.The concept of god in Hindu religion is selective innovative and injected with malafide intention to divide and rule with peculiar tag of caste and gender prejudice !
यदा यदाही मोबाइलस्य
ग्लानिर्भवति सिग्नलः
'आउट ऑफ रीच' सूचनेन
त्वरित जागृत संशयाः ।
विच्छेदितं संपर्का: कलहं मात्र भविष्यति।
तस्मात 'चार्जिंग' एवं 'रिचार्जिंग' कुर्वंतु तव सत्वरं।
मनसोक्तम् 'चॅटिंगं'।
हास्यविनोदेन 'टेक्स्टिंगं'।
सत्वर सत्वर 'फाॅरवर्डिंगं'।
अखंडितं सेवाः प्रार्थयामि
'टच स्क्रीनं' नमस्तुभ्यं अंगुलीस्पर्शं क्षमस्वमे।
प्रसन्नाय इष्टमित्राणां अहोरात्रं मेसेजम् करिष्ये॥
इति श्री 'मोबाईल' स्तोत्रम् संपूर्णम् ।
ॐ शांति शांति शांति: ।।
॥शुभम् भवतु॥
रोज सुबह शाम इसका ३ बार जाप करें तो इंटरनेट की सर्विस अखंड बनी रहती है और आपका मोबाईल सदा निरोग अवस्था में रहता है। और हाँ भाइयो/ बहनों... संस्कृत का फ्युचर ब्राइट है.... थोड़ी बहुत सीख लोगे तो कृपा आएगी!!

Sunday, 7 December 2014

John Winston Lennon; (9 October 1940 – 8 December 1980), was an English musician, singer and songwriter who rose to worldwide fame as a founder member of the rock band the Beatles.He was well known for his rebellious nature against traditions and acerbic wit in his music.
Let us imagine with John Lennon a world with no religion~
"imagine no suicide bombers,
no 9/11,no 7/7,
no crusades,no witch hunts,
no gunpowder plot,no Indian partition,
no Israeli/Palestinian wars,
no Serb/Croat/Muslim massacres,
no persecution of Jews as 'Christ killers',
no northern troubles,no honour killings,
no shiny suited bouffant haired televangelists fleecing people of their money,
imagine no Taliban to blow up ancient statues,
no public beheadings of blasphemers,
no flogging of female skin for the crime of showing an inch of it,
no religion too"!
[Compilation based on his original song "GOD"].

Saturday, 6 December 2014

  Ashok Singhal of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad,has said “Sanskrit is the language of this country. Everything was written in Sanskrit thousands of years ago. If you want to eliminate it, you will eliminate this country.”
Chauvinists like Singhal see Hindi and Sanskrit as necessary to bind India together. But many in the South view Hindi and Sanskrit as a form of North Indian imperialism that can split India apart. Back in 1965, Tamil Nadu rebelled against the attempt of New Delhi to abolish the use of English and make all states use Hindi instead. Violent anti-Hindi riots cost hundreds of lives, and New Delhi had to back down. This propelled the DMK to power in Tamil Nadu in 1967, and the Congress Party could never bounce back. The BJP is not the only source of linguistic chauvinism: the Congress and many regional parties have chauvinists too.
It is not unusual today, for instance, to keep on making claims which have no scientific or historical back-up, to tell us that the favourite mode of transportation of the many heroic personages from the Mahabharat and Ramayan was the ‘viman’, the predecessor of what we mortals now call aircraft. Anu Shakti and thermonuclear weapons, and whatever today’s super powers may have in their arsenals, were routinely used in Mahabharat. Inter-planetary travel was like hiring a cab from Connaught Place to Karol Bagh, more seriously suggesting a rewrite of ancient and medieval Indian history, starting probably from the Ramayan and Mahabharat.
After all Vyas or Valmiki, the authors of two epics, were as much humans as the so-called historians whom we have been taught to take seriously. So we are told. Not that anyone has ever challenged the Mahabharat and the Ramayan as two great epic narratives. Likewise, a BJP-ruled State might order the schools run by Christian missionaries in the tribal areas that they immediately install murtis/pictures of Maa Saraswati in their institutions so that the children are allowed to bow to the goddess of learning before getting past the images of Jesus and Mary; that they shall not refer to any of the teacher-priests as Father, like saying “yes, father”. A repetition of an earlier fiat that forbade the use of the word principal for head of a similar institution.


A comparative query is better i think, then the dimwitted religious hordes can do their best to argue against themselves.
If you take two people, one atheist and one religious.  Then examine their fundamental life perspective  and evaluate who is more likely to live life to the fullest? who will have the best life?
Who will live a life filled with most contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, and joy?
If we begin with the religious mind,  look at the little meaningless restrictions religious leaders and religious followers place on themselves. Such as for example sexual abstinence, or twisting the value of knowledge like the scientific fact of evolution is bad, lets scare the children with suffering in our imaginary hell instead!
Who the hell in their right minds makes a choice for the latter? I wonder if religious morons trade their sanity with the lie of  potentially reaching heaven after death? because when seen through the lense of getting to heaven some of religious dogma can almost make sense.
Religious people live their life a little like if it was  a video game and if they fail they have an extra guy/life that will spawn once they die.
Now an Atheist knows that when the chemical computer that we call our own consciousness shuts down that is it, end of the line. Therefor an Atheist will cram their life full since they know,  this brief spark of consciousness is only temporary and you better make the most of it while you can.
Now all things being considered who do you think will live a better life?
- The religious person who places all kinds of restrictions on themselves on the ridiculous notion that they will have a chance to do it better in the “next round”?
- The Atheist that knows that this is the only time he or she has so they better make it count…
I guess you have to be as stupid as a religious person not to see that one.

Friday, 5 December 2014

# "We can feel proud of what our country achieved in medical science at one point of time.We all read about Karna in Mahabharata.If we think a little more,we realise that Mahabharata says Karna was not born from his mother's womb.This means that genetic science was present at that time.That is why Karna could be born outside his mother's womb.[Param Adarniya Pradhan Mantri Ji].
# "We worship Lord Ganesha. There must have been some plastic surgeon at that time who got an elephant's head on the body of a human being and began the practice of plastic surgery."[Param Adarniya Pradhan Mantri Ji].
# "Today we are talking about nuclear tests.Lakhs of years ago,sage Kanad had conducted nuclear test.Our knowledge and science do not lack anything.Astrology is the topmost science in the world and our astrologers dwarfed all other sciences."
[Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank,BJP MP].
# The RSS is keen on promoting a soft drink made from cow's urine,mixed with products such as Aloe Vera and Gooseberry to fight diseases. "Cow urine offers a cure for around 70 t0 80 incurable diseases like Diabetes.All are curable by cow urine".[Om Prakash,head of RSS's cow protection department].
# In his book Tejomay Bharat,Dinanath Batra,convenor of Shiksha Bachao Andolan Samiti,claimed that stem cell research was invented by an Indian Dr.Ganpat Matapurkar,who was inspired by the Mahabharata.
# Related tailpiece :Union HRD Minister Smriti Irani will one day be the country's president.[BJP politicians astrologer in Bhilwara].

Thursday, 4 December 2014

The ever vogue art of political sycophancy has been integral part of Indian polity since decades.Ever ready to crawl when asked just to bend,epitome of appeasement-cajolement-sycophancy [all in one] politicians along with their respective rank and file have been always there on the stage,though faces of real life actors have exchanged their places from time to time,strictly in accordance to their vested interests,convenience and ulterior motives. They have perfected 'science' of chamachagiri to the extent that they always find themselves well placed on the right side of executive kursi. The chamch culture has survived with innovative excellence irrespective of political tags and ideologies [if any].During infamous days of emergency [1975],Deba Kant Barruah was there to eulogize Indira Gandhi with innovative slogan-Indira is India,India is Indira and today in 21st century we have got Hiren Pathak with his brand new political innovation-Modi is India,India is Modi. Accordingly,following tradition,glorification of the personality cult and larger than life personification of Modi ji is virtually order of the day.
The Indian politician is always peculiar when compared to his fellow politicians world over.The average Indian politician likes to be flattered.The degree of flattery or the height to which it  reaches depends on the party to which he belongs to and to which part of  India he hails from.The south Indian  politicians  especially from  Tamilnadu and Andhra  are adept and amusive in taking sycophancy to great heights,Sychophancy makes them feel happy and brings pleasure to them. On the other hand candour earns their wrath easily.This may be because, fanatic hero worship of the tinsel world is so common in these two states.In these two states there are many film star-turned politicians and sycophancy is also handed down as a legacy from their past connections.Those who want to become their favourites choose the sycophacy route to be in their good books. Of late the sycophancy level has reached new heights and is nauseating.The distressing part of this servility is that many new comers to politics and new political outfits also take this as a benchmark and resort to this kind of subservience to reach their goals.The degree of sycophancy is measured by its size and how large it is.One can guess the size of the sycophancy by the size of the garland. The more it is, bigger  are the sycophants

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

अगर शोले संस्कृत में होती तो..
१.......बसंती इन कुत्तों के सामने मत नाचना
|| हे बसन्ति एतेषां श्वानानाम् पुरत: मा नृत्य||
२.......अरे ओ सांबा, कितना इनाम रखे हैं सरकार हम पर?
||हे साम्बा, सर्वकारेण कति पारितोषिकानि अस्माकं कृते उद्घोषितानि?
३.......चल धन्नो आज तेरी बसंती की इज्जत का सवाल है
||धन्नो, (चलतु वा) धावतु अद्य तव बसन्त्य: लज्जाया: प्रश्न: अस्ति |
४.......जो डर गया समझो मर गया
|| य भीत:भवेत् स:मृत:एव मन्य ||
५.......आधे इधर जाओ, आधे उधर जाओ और बाकी हमारे पीछे आओ
|| केचन पुरुषा:अत्र गच्छन्तु केचन पुरुषा: तत्र गच्छन्तु शेषा:पुरुषा:मया सह आगच्छतु||
६......सरदार, मैने आपका नमक खाया है
||हे प्रधानपुरुष: मया तव लवणम् खाद्यते ||
७.......अब गोली खा.
||अधुना गोलीम् खाद ||
८.......सुअर के बच्चो...
||हे सुकराणां अपत्यानि.....||
९.......तेरा क्या होगा कालिया...|
हे कालिया तव किं भवेत् ?
१०......ये हाथ मुझे दे दे ठाकुर
॥ ठाकुर, यच्छतु मह्यं तव करौ ||
११......हम अंग्रेजों के जमाने के जेलर है|
||अहं आंग्लपुरुषाणाम् समयस्य कारानिरीक्षक: अस्ति ||
१२..... तुम्हारा नाम क्या है बसंती?
||बसन्ति किं तव नामधेयम् ?
१३......होली कब है, कब है होली..?
||कदा होलिकोस्तव: कदा होलिकोस्तव:?
1. It is a sin to pluck your eyebrows.

2. It is against Islamic doctrine to have pictures in your home.

3. If a Muslim wife refuses to wear a veil, others will see her as her husband's slave rather than his wife.

4. The punishment for having unmarried sex is whipping with a hundred lashes and then being exiled for a year.

5. Getting into Paradise is usually not a sure thing. Your good deeds must outweigh your bad deeds, but who knows for sure if they do? But there are three things you can do to 
guarantee you'll you'll you'll make it to Paradise: a) killing a non-Muslim in battle, b) if two of your children were killed fighting for Allah, or c) memorizing the ninety-nine names of Allah.

6. Allah not just allows, but 
encourages Muslims to deceive non-Muslims if it will further the goals of spreading Islam.

7. Women are not allowed to wear hair extensions or a wig.

8. Wearing the color yellow is forbidden.

9. A Muslim must avoid yawning. Mohammad said, "Yawning is from Satan."

10. Dogs should be killed. All dogs.

11. Mohammad recommended women breastfeed young men. Then the men are considered family and would be allowed to talk to the woman unveiled. However, once she breastfed him, he would not be allowed to marry her.

12. It is a sin to lie on your back and cross your feet.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

 Islam = Submission
For those of you who don’t know this, Islam means submission.  It’s supposed to mean submission to Allah but since Allah doesn’t speak directly to anyone, not even Mohammed who had the arch-angel Gabriel act as intermissary, no one can be sure what it is Allah wants you to do.  Muslims usually point out that the Koran is the literal word of Allah yet completely discount the possibility that Mohammed was 7th century Charles Manson and as such, his recitations of what the arch-angel told him might have been a load of self-serving sociopathic permissiveness.  Like how Allah conveniently told Mohammed could temporarily acknowledge and pay his respects to the gods of Makkah and al-Madinah, yup, got to love a guy like Mohammed without the balls to stand up for his own faith.  At least in the Jesus story the point is that it is better to die horribly for what you believe in than to tell a lie to save your own skin.
There is also this idea that submission is somehow virtuous, but it is merely temporarily pragmatic in the case of being threatened with violence and cowardly if you have a free choice.  Submission is a violent act against the individual.  A person who submits cannot agree or offer their advice, labour or company freely, they are compelled to because they have ceased to be an autonomous person but have become a slave.  Submission means slavery, as anyone with a knowledge of BDSM knows, they would also know that it is degrading to be treated as such. Yet Islam is a religion that considers owning and dominating people to be virtuous.  This opposes everything our culture’s ideal of equal, universal and inalienable human rights stands for.  To endorse Islam is to surrender your human rights and dignity.
Allah tells Muslims to submit to his will or he will torture and torment you in the after life for eternity.  Don’t be misled, that’s the same thing as me putting a gun to your head and telling you to give me all your money or I would kill you.  Be smart, be brave, be proud and don’t submit.

You can always judge a religion by how well it treats it’s non-adherents.  In Islam they have perfected the art of abolishing the dignity of non-adherents.  They have developed this concise set of rules:
A. If they are Jewish or Christian, classify them as ‘dhimmis‘ and make them pay a special ‘tax’ (the jizya) to the Islamic endorsed government in return for not being murdered by Muslims.  If they do not pay up then enslave, rob, rape and lynch them as you please.
B. If they are not Jewish nor Christian, then enslave, rob, rape and lynch them as you please.
C. If they are atheists. Kill them.
D. If they were Muslim and became apostates then kill them.  Kill them now, with scalding water.
So the options are submit (slavery), submit (convert to Islam) or submit (be killed).

Monday, 1 December 2014

And when it comes to India's teen deviyaan,the triumvirate of formidable politicians who dominate Indian politics,namely Jaya,Mamta and Maya,the chamcha is thrown into an orgy of self -abnegation akin to blind worshippers rolling in the mud in a fervid religious cult. There are those who stay prostrate on the ground at Amma's feet weeping for her attention and demanding that she bless them by a kick or two,there are those queuing up behind Mayawati's gargantuan birthday cake for the sheer ecstasy of breaking of a piece of blue icing to gingerly place between the supreme leader's gnashing teeth,and there are those tollywood stars in Bengal intoning Trinamool ideology in unison like recently learnt mathematical times table to win the favour of their divine didi,never mind if only a few years ago they had intoned similarly for the left.