Monday, 30 June 2014

Several studies across the world have conclusively established that generalized annual health checkups are unnecessary and add enormously to healthcare costs without any commensurate benefits.Several other screening tests and investigations have also been similarly shown to make little sense-other than adding to the bank balance of diagnostic centers and Doctors who get a cut for sending patients for tests and investigations.
# Such check-ups have no effect on total mortality or mortality due to cardiovascular disease or Cancer,says recent article in British medical journal,expected to lead to over diagnosis and over treatment.
# There is no regulatory mechanism or audit on investigations to determine,if such tests are in the best interests of the patients .

Thursday, 26 June 2014

वेदों की ही विचारधारा आगे महाकाव्यों में प्रतिफलित हुई । महाभारत में जो ‘गीता‘ मिलती है , उसका प्रमुख लक्ष्य युद्धोन्माद पैदा करना ही है । इस की रचना ही अर्जुन में युद्धलिप्सा जगाने के लिए की गई थी , यद्यपि यह तो नहीं माना जा सकता कि वर्तमान गीता का एक एक शब्द युद्धक्षेत्र में लिखा व कहा गया था । पिछले कम से कम एक हज़ार वर्षों से महाभारत के भीष्म पर्व में जिस रूप में गीता मिलती है , उस से पता चलता है कि जब अर्जुन धनुषबाण छोड़कर युद्ध से विमुख होता है तब श्रीकृष्ण , जो गीता का कथित वक्ता है , उसे अनार्य आदि कहकर फटकार लगाता है और अपनी विविध बातों से उसे युद्ध के लिए भड़काता है तथा संबंधियों को युद्ध में क़त्ल करने में किसी भी प्रकार की अनैतिकता न होने की बात करता है । उदाहरण के लिए कुछ कथन प्रस्तुत हैं -
यदृच्छया चोप्पन्नं स्वर्गद्वारमपावृतम
सुखिनः क्षत्रियाः पार्थ लभन्ते युद्धमीदृशम्
अथ चेत् त्वमिमं धम्र्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि 
ततः स्वधर्म कीर्ति च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्ययसि 
( गीता , 2-32,33 )
अर्थात हे अर्जुन , इस तरह के युद्ध का मौक़ा ख़ुशक़िस्मत क्षत्रियों को ही प्राप्त होता है , यह तो स्वर्ग के खुले द्वार सा है । यदि तू इस धर्मयुद्ध को नहीं करेगा , ( क्षत्रिय होने से युद्ध करना तेरा धर्म है , ) तो तेरा धर्म व यश नष्ट हो जाएगा और तुझे पाप लगेगा ।
हतो वा प्राप्यसि स्वर्गं जित्वा वा भोक्ष्यसे महीम

तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चय : 
( गीता , 2-37 )
अर्थात हे अर्जुन , यदि तू इस युद्ध में मारा गया तो तुझे स्वर्ग की प्राप्ति होगी । यदि तू जीत गया तो पृथ्वी का भोग करेगा । अतः उठ और युद्ध के लिए तैयार हो ।
युद्धाय युज्यस्व ( गीता , 2-38 )

अर्थात युद्ध करने के लिए युद्ध करो ।
निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व ( गीता , 3-30 )
अर्थात ममतारहित होकर युद्ध करो ।
तस्मात् त्वमुत्तिष्ठ यशो लभस्व जित्वा शत्रून भुंक्ष्व राज्यं समृद्धम् ( गीता , 3-33 )
अर्थात अर्जुन , उठो यश प्राप्त करो और शत्रुओं को जीत कर इस समृद्ध राज्य का आनन्द उठाओ । 
सर्वेषु कालेषु मामनुस्मर युध्य च ( गीता , 8-7 )
अर्थात हे अर्जुन , तू मेरा अर्थात मुझ परमात्मा का स्मरण कर और युद्ध कर ।

Sunday, 22 June 2014

जेठली ने महंगाई के लिए मानसून को जिम्मेदार क्या ठहराया, बिफर पड़े इंद्र देव !

देवलोक / नई दिल्ली
बारिश के देवता इंद्र ने भारतीय प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी को एक पत्र लिखकर वित्त मंत्री अरुण जेटली के उस बयान पर गहरी निराशा जताई है जिसमें उन्होंने कहा था कि कमजोर मानसून के कारण देश में महंगाई बढ़ने की आशंका है।
इंद्र ने अपने पत्र, जिसकी प्रति फेकिंग न्यूज के पास भी है, में लिखा है कि धरती पर सदियों सेयह एक बहुत गलत परंपरा पड़ गई है कि किसी भी काम के लिए देवलोक में बैठे देवताओं को दोषी ठहरा दो।पिछले कुछ सालों से खासकर बारिश बरसाने से संबंधित मेरे कामकाज पर जो टिप्पणियां की गई हैं, वह काफी खेदजनक हैं। उन्होंने पूछा, महंगाई बढ़ने से लेकर केदारनाथ जैसे हादसों के लिए आखिर मैं कैसे जिम्मेदार हो गया? क्या धरती के लोगों का कोई जिम्मा नहीं बनता? सरकार का जिम्मा नहीं है?

उन्होंने आगे लिखा, “पिछली सरकारों से तो मुझे उम्मीद नहीं थी। लेकिन जब आपने सत्ता संभाली तो लगा कि अब कोई बहानेबाजी नहीं चलेगी। हमें लगा कि अब हमारे भी अच्छे दिन आ जाएंगे, लेकिन आपके मंत्री के बयान ने निराश कर दिया है।”
इंद्र देवता के इस पत्र पर प्रधानमंत्री की कोई प्रतिक्रिया नहीं आई है, लेकिन उच्च पदस्थ सूत्रों का कहना है कि उन्होंने इस मामले को गंभीरता से लिया है।
उन्होंने सभी मंत्रियों से कहा है कि भविष्य में मानसून का उल्लेख करते समय भगवान इंद्र की भावनाअों का ख्याल जरूर रखें।
उधर शाम को उन्होंने टेलीफोन पर इंद्र से इस मामले में बात की। बातचीत क्या हुई, इसका खुलासा नहीं हुआ, लेकिन इंद्र भवन के सूत्रों के अनुसार भगवान इंद्र ने भारतीय पीएम के साथ बातचीत पर संतोष जताया है।
# na swargo na apwargo va na aiv aatma par lokika,
   na aiv varn aashram aadinam kriyashch phaldayika,
  agnihotram tryo vedas tridandam bhasm ghontham,
 budhi poorsh heenanaam jevika dhatr         nirmata ;
# pushochey nihata swargam jyotish tomay gameshyte,
  swpita yajmaanain tatr kasmaan na      hinsyatay;
# mratnam api jantonaam shradam ch trapti karnam,
 ghachhtami ha jantonaam vertham pathye kalpanam ;
# yadi ghachhait param lokam deh aadesh vinargata,
  kasmaat bhoyo na ch aytee bandhu sneh sam akola ;
# tryo vedasy kartaro bhand dhorta nishachara           ,
   jarfari turfari ityadi panditanaam vacha smartam   ; [Charvaak Darshan,page 4,* ].
There is no heaven, no final liberation, nor any soul in another world,
Nor do the actions of the four castes, order, &c, produce any real effect,
The Agnihotra, the three Vedas, the ascetic’s three staves, and smearing oneself with ashes —
 these are but means of livelihood for those who have no manliness nor any self respect/esteem.

If a beast slain in the Jyothishtoma rite will itself go to heaven,
why then does not the sacrificer forthwith offer his own father?
If the Sraddha produces gratification to beings who are dead,
then why not give food down below to those who are standing on the house-top?
If he who departs from the body goes to another world,
how is it that he come not back again, restless for love of his kindred?

The three authors of the Vedas were buffoons, knaves, and demons.
All the well-known formulae of the pandits, jarphari, turphari, etc.
* As quoted by Dayanand Sarswati in Satyarth Prakash, page 381-382.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

# Reason is the prerequisite of all human knowledge,which is derived either through sense experience or a priori reasoning.
# Rationalism promotes inquisitiveness and scientific temper.Thus it is opposed to any kind of metaphysical assumptions of inherited traditions or any other type of dogmatic assumptions,religious prejudice and conservatism.
# Thus rationalism is in tune with scientific temper as both accept open mind in any intellectual pursuit,spirit of inquiry,commitment to truth and a well articulated method to provide progressive knowledge of facts

Monday, 16 June 2014

One can drive his faith based on his reason but religious conditioning makes faith thus strong for Muslim’s that their faith start driving their reason. For an instance Theory of evolution is the best way to judge a religion as it describe how humans come in existence. It describes how a amoeba or a alive cell developed in different forms of life and finally evolved as Human’s. DNA code is the evidence for this theory.
Instead of judging the lies of Muhammad based on theory of evolution they start blaming theory itself. They say it’s a false theory. Reason is always based on truth. Faith is not based on anything but your mental conditioning. Unfortunately in Islam mental conditioning is starts at very early age. If you teach a 2.5 yr old kid that a rapist, a killer, a thug is the divine messenger of god and killing non followers is his duty then by the time of 6 year age he will be conditioned completely and it will be almost impossible to erase what is taught to him/her. That is why Muslim chose to make madarsas because they know deceptive religion cannot survive without early age conditioning. If they don’t make madarsas then reason will set the Muslims free.
I don’t know what sheikh taught to girl Narcole . But I can see the blindness towards reason in her. If you indicate fruits of Islam she will say Osama and Islam have nothing in common. If you tell her how she could be beaten after marriage and dumped based on Islamic evidences then she will not take evidences sighting wrong translation. If you provide evidence of female brain deficiency in Islam then she will say it’s from wrong source.
We can see clearly her faith is driving the reason. No matter how truthful is the reason, how sharp is the evidence but she will give final verdict based on lieful conditioning .
It reminds me a story of a Monster who loved her wife a lot and one day her wife died. Demon loved wife thus much that he was not able to believe that she died. He did not dispose her body but continue his daily life as she was alive. He will bath her dead body, change clothes daily, feed food to dead body. and if someone  come in his cave and tell her why doing all this with a dead body, dispose her she is died then he will kill the person because he feels offended.
That Monster’s faith was thus strong that worst smell of dead body 24 hours, insects and worms lying on dead body were not able to awake him. Muslim’s story is no different. They are living in hell carrying the dead body of Islam. All reason and evidences are against their religion but they will not dispose it, in fact they can kill you if you remind them about their delusion.
Only reason can help Muslim’s. I don’t see a solution for the person who is blind to reason.
We can leave her to die with Islam as Lyka (first animal who was sent to moon by Russia) was left on moon as there was not possible to bring her back.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

In the wake of rising instances of rape across country, government has decided to legalize it. Government will be introducing “right to rape” bill in upcoming budget session. Under this bill, every citizen will be granted the right to rape and every victim will be entitled for pre-decided compensation.

Compensation will be decided based on gender, social status, age, look, skin color and physical attributes. Government has provisioned 30% reservation for SC / ST and 10 % quota for OBCs in total rapes in a year. A Pilot project is underway in UP and once streamlined, it will be rolled out across India.
Mulayam singh has appreciated a move and declared his support for the bill by quoting, “every third minute, a woman is raped. This reflects the huge demand among public for rape and being a democratic government, one cannot ignore public’s wish. We will be making all possible contributions in making pilot project a huge success in UP”
As part of “Minimum government, maximum governance”, government is trying to do away with impractical and non-implementable laws.
Reading out government’s official statement, woman and child minister Menka Gandhi said, “Government is wasting huge amount of resources in polices cases and judicial systems for rape cases given that in most of the cases, guilty is not punished. Legalizing rape will free up these resources which will be utilized to make animal rights more effective.”
“Its the human psychology to be attracted to prohibited things. Imperial studies have shown that prohibition of drugs has led to rise in consumption of the same. Legalizing rape should remove the “glamour and fantasy” factor out of it and making it non attractive and reduce occurrences dramatically.
Additionally, legalization of rape should create better ways to “went out” one’s frustrations. This eventually will result in reduced domestic violations and eventually strengthen institute of marriage and family” said world renowned psychologist Dr. Ghanteshwer.
Opposition is demanding for a provision to releasing all convicted rapist for fairness and social justice.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Denigration of women along with caste prejudice against so called Shudra is almost integral aspect of all Hindu scriptures.Right from most earlier scripture ,Rigveda [1200-900 BC] to some what latest scripture,Ramcharitmanas [1574 CE],caste prejudice against 'Shudra' has been accorded divine sanctity and glorified all the way.The repugnant hypothesis that Brahman was produced by 'god' from his mouth.Khshtriya from his arms, Vaisha from his thighs and Shudra from his foot,stands both sanctified and glorified in Rigveda [pursh sukth,10-90-12] and Manusmiriti [1/33],while in Ramcharitmanas,it has been brazenly stated that drum,stupid,Shudra, women always needs to be thrashed [RCM,sunder kand,62/3].
#Brahmno asya mukham asseth,baho rajanya krita,
 uro tadasya yad vaisha,padbhyam shudro ajayat   [RV,Pursh sukth,10-90-12].
# Lokanam to vivradhy artham mukh baho uro padata,
 Brahnam khshtryam Vaisham Shudram ch nirvartyat    [MS,1/33].
# Dhol ganwar Shudra nari sakal tadan kay adhikari [RCM,sunderkand,62/3,page 751].
Hindu apologist in general and a significant section in particular, exhibit very high level of reverence for Geeta [400 BCE-200 CE] and describe said scripture not only as    most righteous one but extraordinary moral guide in their day to day life.Despite said spacious sophistry, caste prejudice has been sanctified and glorified by 'Lord' Krishna himself,though credulous followers provide altogether different exposition with the help of linguistic gimmick.
# Chatur varanyam mya srashta......[ Geeta 4/13].The four divisions of caste order were created by me according to differences in quality and aptitude ,although the creator of this,know me as non-doer being immutable.
# Maam he parth ......[Ibid,9/32].O Arjun,even vaisha,shudra and women who are by product of sin and immorality [Paap yoniya] and born from the wombs of degraded women,if they take full shelter of me ,they also reach supreme goal.
*It will be pertinent to point out here that Shankracharya too has described women as 'door to hell'.
# Brahmna khshtriya vaisha ....[Ibid 18/41].O Arjun, the activities of Brahman,khshtriya, vaisha and shudra are clearly divided and sanctified by me according to qualities born of their own nature by birth.
# Shamo damastapa shocham......[Ibid,18/42]. The action of  a Brahman arising from his own nature are serenity,self control, austerity,honesty,tolerance,honesty,knowledge of Vedas,wisdom and firm faith.
# Shoryam tejo dhriti....[Ibid,18/43]. The action of Khshtriya born of his own nature are heroism,exuberance,determination,resourcefulness without trace of cowardice in battle,generosity and leadership.
# Krishi gorakhya vanajyam......[Ibid 18/44].Tha action of Vaisha born of his own nature are agriculture,cow protection and trade,also the action of Shudra, born of his own nature consists in services to Brahman,Kjshtriya and Vaisha..
# Ishwara sarv bhutanam hrad deshay...[Ibid 18/61].Within the hearts of all living entities,resides the supreme lord,O Arjun and by the potency of illusary energy orchestrates the actions of all living entities like figurine on a carousel.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

THE United Nations Children’s Fund estimated last week that 9,000 children had been recruited into fighting in South Sudan. Both sides of the conflict were implicated in arming children, who were given weapons and military uniforms and taken to various conflict areas. When interviewed by journalists, the children insisted that they were older, 17 or 18.

According to the testimony of former child soldiers, the rebels in South Sudan like to have children run ahead to draw out enemy fire. If the kids die before the adult soldiers, there is less of a loss accrued to their side; they have a better chance of winning.

If the rebels in South Sudan are heartless in their subjection of children to the frontlines, the recruiters of various Pakistani and Afghan extremist groups are worse. A report published in The Guardian last year described the hundreds of child would-be suicide bombers in the juvenile detention centre in Kandahar. When given a piece of paper, the report described, the children would write fiery arguments expressing their fervour to become suicide bombers. The temporary incarceration is but a tiny hurdle in their path; their mothers tell them that they will one day be successful.
*Once Bharadwaj muni went to take bath in Ganga as part of a ritual and there he laid eyes on the apsara Ghritachi, The apsara was coming out of the river after bath and her attire disoriented. Bharadwaj muni had a burning desire which he overcame but his vital fluid came out. He took this in a vessel (Droona = vessel) and out of which cameDronacharya (This accounts for the world’s first test tube baby, In vitro fertilization and Earliest incubator J). Dronacharya grew up at his father’s place learning all the martial arts, military arts and religion along with the Drupada, son of Panchala king.
[Mahabharta;sambav parv;chapter 129,verse 33-38].
*Again in the epic of Mahabharta,it has been stated that Kripi was the wife of Dronacharya and mother of Ashvthama.Kripi was the twin sister of Kripa.There is a interesting mythological story related to the birth of Kripa and Kripi.Accordingly Indra was frightened with sage Shardvan as he was a great archer with wonderful expertise in the all types of warfare.Indra directed one Apsara Janapadi to tempt Shardvan.Shardvan could not control his carnal desire and his semen fell on weeds.From there two children were born to the sage in a tuft of grass.Shardvan upset with himself left his hermitage to jungle for reparation. King Santanu found the twin children and brought them up out of compassion and named them Kripi and Kripa.
*Ashvthama was  son of of Dronacarya and Kripi.As soon as he was born,he cried and made a sound similar  to Ushirvas [Horse];hence was named Ashvthama.

Monday, 9 June 2014

A Cow is said to be the abode of all the" Gods". Every atom in cow’s body is abode of the 33 crore Gods. All the 14 mythical worlds exist in the limbs of cow.
  • Brahma and Vishnu on the root of two horns.
  • All the sacred reservoirs and Vedavyasa on the tips of the horns.
  • Lord Shankara on the centre head.
  • Parvathi on the edge of head.
  • Kartikeya on the nose, Kambala and Ashwatara Devas on the nostrils.
  • Ashwini Kumaras on the ears.
  • Sun and Moon in the eyes.
  • Vayu in dental range and Varuna on the tongue.
  • Saraswathi in the sound of cow.
  • Sandhya goddesses on the lips and Indra on the neck.
  • Raksha Ganas on the hanging under the neck.
  • Sadhya Devas in the heart.
  • Dharma on the thigh.
  • Gandharvas in the gap of hoofs, Pannaga at the tips, Apsaras on the sides.
  • Eleven Rudras and Yama on the back, Ashtavasus in the crevices.
  • Pitru Devas on the ides of umbilical joint, 12 Adityas on the stomach area.
  • Soma on the tail, Sun rays on the hair, Ganga in its urine, Lakshmi and Yamuna in the dung, Saraswathi in milk, Narmada in curd, and Agni in ghee
  • 33 crore Gods in the hair
  • Prithwi in stomach, oceans in the udder, Kamadhenu in the whole body
  • Three Gunas in the root of the brows, Rishis in the pores of hair, and all the sacred lakes in the breathe.
  • Chandika on the lips and Prajapathi Brahma on the skin
  • Fragrant flowers on nostrils
  • Sadhya Devas on the arm-pit
  • Six parts of Vedas on the face, four Vedas on the feet, Yama on the top of the hoofs, Kubera and Garuda on the right, Yakshas on the left and Gandharvas inside
  • Khecharas in the fore of the foot, Narayana in intestine, mountains in the bones, Artha, Dharma, Kama and Moksha in the feet.
  • Four Vedas in the Hoom… sound

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Short list of banned books in India, which have joined the ranks of endangered species, along with the tiger:-

# Nine hours to Rama; author: Stanley Wolpert.
# The Lotus and the Robot; author :Arthur Koestler.
# The Satanic Verses; author : Salman Rushdie.
# The Face of Mother India; author : Mayo,Katherine.
# Nehru,a Political Biography; author Michael Brecher.
# The True Furqan.
# An area of Darkness; author :V.S.Naipaul.
# Rama Retold; author :Aubrey Menen.
# The Hinduism,an Alternative History; author :Wendy Doniger.
Encouraged by his infamous but successful 'Jehad' against scholarly work on Hinduism by Wendy Doniger,Dina Nath Batra of the Shiksha Bachao Andolan Samiti ,has now declared his crusade against Sekhar Bandyoadhyay's book titled ' From Plasey to Partition :A History of Modern India' ,describing the work as 'most objective account of the period'.Noted Historian Ramachandra Guha,quite logically has said that it would be a 'big blow to Indian democracy and scholarship ' if such books were banned.Instead he has made the suggestion ,symbolizing intellectual discourse,that if Batra did not agree with its contents,he should write his own book refuting Bandyoadhyay's account.It will be very pertinent to point out here,that Batra has publically stated that he will be soon meeting Prime Minister Modi to persuade NDA Government to review in totality existing academics in order to present 'genuine and true perspective of Indian History'.Newly appointed HRD Minister has already stated her policy vision on identical 'grounds'.
While taking into consideration,the vast accessibility of internet technology,where any desired write up can be uploaded and instantaneously distributed, just banning is not going to yield desired results. Needless to say  that most of the supposedly banned stuff is easily available on internet.The million dollar arises, how can Batra and co overcome such sneaky subterfuges ?
The meaningful and purposeful solution is to curb intellectual pursuits of reading and writing.Otherwise also,symbolizing counter productive implications of internet technology,there are very few persons,who can be described as serious one,who read and are also capable to write.
Let intellectual propriety of reading and writing be declared as curse instead of bliss.Let us be 'progressive and bold 'enough to declare literacy-a very dangerous capability.In case,there is no literacy,there can be no writing or reading and subsequently there will be no need for banning books.Let us collectively fight for greater uneducation instead of greater education,more unlearning rather than more learning. Let us be literally wordless with wonder.[SARCASTIC REALISM].

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

May be,we had a great past but all that was old,was not gold. A good deal of it was base metal.Ancient religious 'wisdom' was associated with fantasies,idiosyncrasies and apartheid against dalits and women in particular too.
Mr Modi is rumoured to favour the dismantling of India’s essential scientific temper in favour of religious revivalism. He should hear the BBC’s Alistair Cook in one of his inimitable Letters from America. It took the Pope 400 years to pardon Galileo for having claimed it was the earth that revolved round the sun, and not, as the scriptures said, the other way around, Mr Cook informed us. It would hopefully not be so inordinately long before Mr Modi finds out that placing the source of the Ganges in Lord Shiva’s mythical tuft was an aspect of religious tradition.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Now,when our 'perfect intellectual par excellence' HRD minister has stated that knowledge of divine Hindu scriptures [vedas,puranas,upnishdas etc etc] is going to be essential ingredient for future academic curriculum, it will be very pertinent to present here sample of such knowledge and wisdom :-


Sutji, once narrated the following tale to the assembled sages which sheds light on the origin of jewels and other precious stones -

' During ancient times there lived a mighty demon named Bala. Although he had defeated the deities and driven them out from the heaven, yet he had assured them that he would extend fullest cooperation and support in any yagya performed by deities in future. All the deities planned to perform a 'Yagya' in order to regain their lost kingdom. They made all the necessary preparations for the Yagya but were unable to find a person who could offer himself as a 'sacrificial being'- a ritual without which any yagya is incomplete.'

'Seeing no other option, the worried deities took refuge of 'Balasur' and requested him to offer himself for sacrifice so that the yagya could be accomplished without any hitch. Balasur was bound by his promise so he agreed. This way, the deities were able to accomplish their yagya. But, a strange event coincided with the death of Balasur, which surprised even the deities. The virtuous deed of offering himself as a sacrificial being in the yagya ceremony had amazingly transformed Balasur's corpse into jewels. Deities tried to carry the 'Jewel-body' through the aerial route towards a safer place, but it was fragmented into countless pieces due to the impact of ferocious speed of the wind it had to negotiate. These pieces scattered all over the places- ocean, rivers, Mountains, Forests, etc. In course of time these places got transformed into countless mines of jewels and precious stones such as Vajra (diamond), Muktamani, Indraneel, Sphatik, Prawal, Pushparag and many more.[Source ,Garudhpuran].
God Shiva, smitten by the glamour of the ravishing beauty of Mohini and not being able to keep his eyes off her, runs shamelessly after her. The well-formed glory of Mohini pleased Shiva and the naked Mohini felt embarrassed and tried to hide herself behind the trees. Lord Shiva excited with lust, like a male elephant on heat, caught her by the braid of her hair and pulled her close to his body against her will. Mohini, with scattered hair, squirmed like a snake and managed to free herself. She ran quickly and her heavy hips precipitated the illusionary potency of the lord. Oh lord, who never spills in vain went after her like a mad bull chasing a female, could not further control his carnal desire and subsequently his semen was discharged. All those places where his semen fell were converted into silver and gold mines. [Ref.Shrimad Baghwat Puran,skand 8,chapter 12 ].
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