Prabhodhini Ekadashi, also known as Dev Uthani Ekadashi, Utthana Ekadashi, Bodhini Ekadashi and Dev Utthana Ekadashi, is observed in the month of Kartik in the traditional Hindu lunar calendar. The vrat is observed on the 11th day during the waxing phase of the moon, or Shukla Paksha. The gullible an
Prabhodhini Ekadashi, also known as Dev Uthani Ekadashi, Utthana Ekadashi, Bodhini Ekadashi and Dev Utthana Ekadashi, is observed in the month of Kartik in the traditional Hindu lunar calendar. The vrat is observed on the 11th day during the waxing phase of the moon, or Shukla Paksha. The gullible an
d credulous Hindu devotees believe that Lord Vishnu woke up from his Yoga Nidra (cosmic sleep) on this day, thereby marking the end of the Chaturmaas vrat. Prabhodhini Ekadashi corresponds in the month of October or November as per the Gregorian calendar. The Pandarpur Yatra is performed in Lord Vithal Temple in Pandarpur on this day. People also observe a vrat in order to be" relieved "from the various sins and evil actions committed.
While people across the country buy gold and silver to celebrate Diwali and Dhanteras,in Rajasthan's Mewat region,girls are "purchased" to mark the occasion.It is the grim reality of rampant human trafficking in the region,consisting of Alwar,Bharatpur and Dholpur districts.Women/girls bought before Diwali are "married off" on the occasion of said Dev Uthani Ekadashi,considered Auspicious day-this year it falls on November 24.
While people across the country buy gold and silver to celebrate Diwali and Dhanteras,in Rajasthan's Mewat region,girls are "purchased" to mark the occasion.It is the grim reality of rampant human trafficking in the region,consisting of Alwar,Bharatpur and Dholpur districts.Women/girls bought before Diwali are "married off" on the occasion of said Dev Uthani Ekadashi,considered Auspicious day-this year it falls on November 24.
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