We have many anti-secular laws in our books. So India is at best a pseudo-secular state: 1. We have caste/religion based quota (which is dividing, degrading, destroying, suffocating and poisoning India). 2) Hindu temples under Govt control; why do you need a secular Govt to patronize any religious institution. It just needs to police.3)Taking Baabri Masjid dispute to court instead of restoring the wrongly brought down structure (did not we agree in 1947 that status quo remains)? 4)Hajj subsidy; Koran never calls for Muslims to take that pilgrimage, if they cannot afford it. Koran is not idiotic like many insipid Hindu scriptures such as Garuda Puranam which demand the impossible from the dumbest/best of us.5)Stop Govt sponsor of any religious nonsense may it be shumbha mela or kumbha mela or iftar or Christmas or hajj or amaranth yatra etc. Govt. should only ensure law and order for those perversions!6)Abolish all religious holidays and replace with personal holidays. I don’t need holiday for Ganesha chaturthi and Kasim saabi does not need it for Gokulashtami!7)State funeral for a missionary (accorded by Vajpayee's Govt). 8)Pope was a state guest, when he greeted us on festival of lights and said India is ready for harvest (again NDA doing; recall, China said Pope can go to Hong Kong as Tom, Dick and Harry- they have their own Pope!).9)Ban from media caste and religion references. Just like our rectum and kidney, it is a personal affair. Let all religions, caste , sub-caste, sub-sub caste thrive with no privilege from Govt. Shift it to need based with no caste reference. 10) Our PM said "India's national wealth first belong to her minorities"? Was he speaking for himself? Certainly, we have accomplished a lot, compared to any other country in the Indian sub-continent. We certainly can take pride in it, but ask for ourselves can we make it better. Only when we define a problem well, we can address it better. If we ignore the elephant in the room, we dance on dung!
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