To watch middle-class Indians wear their nationalism on their sleeves and hearing their insufferably proud chatter about all things Indian, makes one wonder, whether we are a nation of insecure juveniles. How else can we froth at our mouths endlessly about someone not chanting ‘Bharat Mata ki jai’? What’s really pathetic is that ideas of nationalism, instead of getting broader and liberal with higher education are only becoming narrower and sillier. It’s as if the middle-class simply has no understanding of how nationalism and an exaggerated sense of greatness have always been manipulated politically and historically for consolidating power. It is not love for country; it’s just making us willing accomplices to repression. Another undercurrent is the perpetual sense of Hindu victimhood, as if they have always been subjugated and persecuted by Muslims and Christians, who now ought to be similarly dominated.
To watch middle-class Indians wear their nationalism on their sleeves and hearing their insufferably proud chatter about all things Indian, makes one wonder, whether we are a nation of insecure juveniles. How else can we froth at our mouths endlessly about someone not chanting ‘Bharat Mata ki jai’? What’s really pathetic is that ideas of nationalism, instead of getting broader and liberal with higher education are only becoming narrower and sillier. It’s as if the middle-class simply has no understanding of how nationalism and an exaggerated sense of greatness have always been manipulated politically and historically for consolidating power. It is not love for country; it’s just making us willing accomplices to repression. Another undercurrent is the perpetual sense of Hindu victimhood, as if they have always been subjugated and persecuted by Muslims and Christians, who now ought to be similarly dominated.