Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Sectarian Intolerance within Hinduism

Shaivites and Vaishnavites are the two major sects under the umbrella name 'Hinduism', takinng Shiva and Vishnu respectively as the chief objects of their worship. Srimad Bhagvata Purana is a Vaishnava scripture. Concerning Shiva Bhaktas (devotees) it says,

भवव्रतधरा ये च ये च तान् समनुव्रताः
पाखंडिनस्ते भवन्तु सच्छास्त्रपरिपन्थि  
मुमुक्षवो घोररूपान् हित्वा भूतपतीनथ , 
नारायणकलाः शान्ताः भजन्तीत्यनसूयवः 
"One who takes a vow to satisfy Shiva or who follows such principles will certainly become an atheist and be diverted from transcendental scriptural injunctions. Those who vow to worship Shiva are so foolish that they imitate him by keeping long hair on their heads. When initiated into worship of Lord Śiva, they prefer to live on wine, flesh and other such things." [Bhagvatapuran 4/2/28-29]
On the other hand the Shaivite scripture Saur purana has this response to give to the Vaishnavites

चतुर्दशविद्यासु गीयते चन्द्रशेखरः
तेन तुल्यो यदा विष्णुः ब्रह्मा वा यदि गद्यते
षष्टिवर्षसहस्राणि विष्ठायां जायते कृमिः
"Fourteen sciences sing the praises of Shiva. A person who puts Brahma or Vishnu on an equal level to Shiva, it incurs him a grievous sin on account of which he will suffer for 60,000 years as an insect." [Saur Puran 40/15,17]
Continuing the tirade, Padma Puran says,
तस्माद् विष्णोः प्रसादो वै सेवितव्यो द्विजन्मना,
इतरेषां देवानां निमल्यिं गर्हितं भवेत् .
सकृदेव हि योsश्नाति ब्राह्मणो ज्ञानदुर्बलः
निर्मल्यिं शंकरा दीनां स चांडालो भवेद ध्रुवं
"Dwijas (Brahmin, Khatriya, Vaishya) should only eat the Prasad offered to Vishnu, not of any other deity. If any foolish Brahmin, even once, will consume the prasad of Shiva, it is certain that he will be born as a Chandal (outcaste)."
विष्णुदर्शनमात्रेण शिवद्रोहः प्रजायते ,
शिवद्रोहान्न संदेहो नरकं याति दांरूणम्
Even having a glimpse of Vishnu, is tantamount to being a traitor to Shiva and such a person will be cast into hell.

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