Thursday, 27 December 2012

धर्म और संस्कृति भारत में बलात्कार की जिम्मेदार क्यों और कैसे है?
मध्य प्रदेश के एक बीजेपी के मंत्री ने बलात्कार की घटना के सन्दर्भ में बयान दिया है कि पूरे भारत में ड्रेस कोड लागू होना चाहिए और यह सब विदेशी संस्कृति के प्रभाव से ऐसा हो रहा है| कांग्रेस के एक नेता भी लड़कियों को रात में न निकलने देने की वकालत करते सुने गए| इसके अलावा भी मैंने धर्म और संस्कृति के झंडाबरदारों की कई ऐसी पोस्ट यहाँ देखी जिनमें कि लड़कियों के रात में बाहर निकलने और उनके पहनावे इत्यादि को बलात्कार का जिम्मेदार ठहराया जा रहा था| स्त्री की स्वतंत्रता का पूर्णरूपेण हनन कर देने वाले एक धर्म के अनुयायी तो मेरे पेज पर कहने लगे कि ईश्वर ने औरत को कमज़ोर बनाया है|
धर्म और संस्कृति के पैरोकारों तुम्हें शर्म आनी चाहिए, तुम्हारे जैसे गंदे लोगों की वजह से ही आज हमारे देश का चरित्र और हालात इस स्तर तक नीचे गिर चुके हैं कि खुद को भारतीय कहलाने में भी शर्म महसूस होती है| क्योंकि तुम्हारे हिसाब से औरत कमज़ोर है, ताड़न की अधिकारी है, नर्क का द्वार है, पराया धन है और दान करने योग्य वस्तु है| इंसान समझा कहाँ तुमने और तुम्हारे धर्म ने उसको| एक रिपोर्ट के अनुसार पिछले 10 सालों में तुमने 60 लाख बेटियां मार दी| जो नहीं मार पाते वो बेटी के जन्म पर बुझ से जाते हैं फिर मन मारकर स्वीकार तो करना ही पड़ता है| कितनी बार तो मैंने देखा है कि एक बेटे की चाह में बेटियों की लाइन लगा देते हैं क्योंकि कपाल क्रिया तो वही करेगा और वंश तो उसी से चलेगा| कितनी जगह तो मैंने बेटी का जन्म होने पर माँ को ताना सुनते भी देखा है| क्योंकि बेटी को पालना भी तो कोई हंसी खेल नहीं है| लड़का कुछ भी करे, कहीं आये जाये, कैसा भी पहने कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता पर लड़की के ऊपर तो हज़ार बंदिश होंगी| कहाँ जाना, कब जाना, क्या पहनना, किससे मिलना यह सब कुछ लड़की कोई अपनी मर्जी से थोड़ी न कर सकती है| अरे भूल जाइए शादी ब्याह या फिर सेक्स पार्टनर अपनी मर्जी से चुनने की आज़ादी यहाँ तो पढ़ना लिखना और पहनना ओढ़ना तक अपने हाथ में नहीं होता लड़की के| जिस समाज में लड़की की ये दशा हो तथा उसे अभिशाप समझा जाता हो, वहां कौन लड़की होना चाहेगा और कौन बेटी पैदा करना चाहेगा!
जब हमारे देश के प्रधानमंत्री, गृहमंत्री तथा और बड़े बड़े लोग कहते हैं कि हमारी भी बेटियां हैं और हमें भी चिंता है बेटियों की तो मुझे बड़ी हंसी आती है और मन में आता है कि जरा इनसे पूछा जाये कि इनकी बेटियों ने कभी दिल्ली की बसें देखी हैं क्या? बलात्कार तो रोज़ सबके साथ और सामने नहीं होता परन्तु जब कोई लड़का बस में या मन्दिर में सट कर खड़ा होता है, या गलत ढंग से हाथ फिराता है, अथवा चिकोटी काटता है, या फिर आते जाते फब्तियां कसता है| कैसा महसूस करती है? यह तो भुक्तभोगी ही बता सकती है, परन्तु मुख्यतया बात ये है कि जिस भारतीय परिवेश में लड़की को पालापोसा जाता है उसमें उसकी प्रतिरोध करने की क्षमता भी मर जाती है और वो उसे किसी तरह कड़वा घूट मानकर पी जाती है| क्योंकि मैं तो लड़की हूँ इसलिए "मुझे तो सहना है", यह सब| क्या हम आप नहीं जानते कि लड़की को किस तरह से हंसने, बोलने, छींकने इत्यादि के सलीके सिखाये जाते हैं, हमारे महान देश में, याद रखियेगा केवल दिल्ली, मुंबई जैसे शहरों में ही भारत नहीं है, महानगरों का कल्चर शेष भारत से बहुत अलग है| जरा महानगरीय संस्कृति से इतर अन्य शहरों व देहातों में देखो कि यहाँ लड़की किस तरह की पारम्परिक परिस्थितियों में बड़ी होती है| इस तरह से अपनी बेटियों की परवरिश करके सोचिये कि आप अपनी बेटी को क्या बना रहे हैं? उनकी सारी प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को ही मार दिया आपने और फिर चाहते हैं कि बलात्कार रुक जाये!
किस धर्म और संस्कृति की बात कर रहे हैं आप, जहाँ के शास्त्रों और किस्सों में इंद्र जैसे बलात्कारी देवता पुरुष की भी पूजा होती है और विष्णु अगर छल पूर्वक किसी से यौनाचार करे तब भी उसे इसलिए स्वीकार कर लिया जाता है क्योंकि “समरथ को नहिं दोष गुसाईं” और असमर्थ स्त्री को पत्थर होने का शाप भी भोगना पड़ता है, शाप तो इन्द्र को भी मिलता है, जरा सुनिए किस बात का कि इन्द्र के शरीर में एक हज़ार योनियाँ बन जायेंगी| संभवतः एक नहीं बल्कि एक हज़ार योनि एक साथ देखने की परिकल्पना ने ही इस प्रकार के शाप की रचना करी होगी| परन्तु ध्यान दीजिये इस पूरी कहानी में कि योनि होना ही अपने आप में शाप है, यह हमारा धर्म सिखाता है हमें|
इस पुरुषवादी धर्म और संस्कृति ने ही लड़की को ऐसे पालने पोसने और बड़ा करने की वकालत करी कि एक पुरुष के लिए उसका बलात्कार करना आसान हो जाये| आज औरत क्या नहीं कर सकती और क्या नहीं कर रही परन्तु क्या समझते हैं आप कि अगर सुनीता विलियम्स पारम्परिक भारतीय परिवेश में पली बढ़ी होती तो वह न होती जोकि वो आज है| औरत को कमज़ोर बताने वाले मूर्खों से पूछना चाहिए कि पुराने समय की वीरांगनाओं की बात छोड़ भी दें तो यह बताओ यह कमज़ोर महिलायें विभिन्न देशों की सेनाओं में क्या कर रही हैं! शर्म आनी चाहिए तुम्हें, औरत को कमज़ोर बनाने वाले तुम्हारे इस बलात्कारिक षडयंत्र पर| असल में यह पुरुषवादी मानसिकता ही बलात्कारी है|
बलात्कार दरअसल एक धार्मिक समस्या है क्योंकि धर्म ने ही औरत को भोग्या, वस्तु, अपवित्र, आज्ञाकारिणी, पर्देवाली, कमज़ोर और दूसरे दर्जे का नागरिक बनाया है| कुछ धर्म तो साफ़ साफ़ उसे पीटने की भी वकालत करते हैं| समस्या की जड़ में जाओ, जरा सोचो कि औरत के प्रति इस प्रकार की धारणा का निर्माण धर्म ने ही किया है| फांसी की सज़ा से बलात्कार नहीं रुकने वाले, औरत के प्रति दृष्टिकोण को बदलना होगा| “जहाँ स्त्री होती है वहां देवताओं का वास होता है” इस तरह के छलने वाले और दोगले वक्तव्य देने वाले शास्त्र ही यह भी कहते हैं कि स्त्री नर्क का द्वार होती है और कहीं कहीं तो कुछ तथाकथित साधू सन्यासी कहते हैं कि स्त्री की शकल देखना भी पाप है और दिख जाये तो वो प्रायश्चित भी करते हैं और उसी सम्प्रदाय के सन्यासियों की सेक्स फ़िल्में भी बाज़ार में आ जाती हैं| देखो कितने दोगले हैं ये धार्मिक लोग और इनके ग्रन्थ, मैं तो उन्हीं शास्त्रों में यह भी लिख दुंगा कि भारत में जहाँ अकेली स्त्री होती है वहां वहशी बलात्कारियों का वास होता है|
उन्हें शर्म आनी चाहिए जोकि स्त्री की स्वतंत्रता और पहनावे को बलात्कार का जिम्मेदार ठहराते हैं और लड़कियों से कहते हैं कि ये मत करो, वो मत पहनो, वहां मत जाओ, ऐसे रहो और वैसा करो| अरे तुम मर्द हो! कहाँ गई गैरत तुम्हारी, अपने ऊपर तुम कंट्रोल नहीं कर सकते और औरत को उपदेश दे रहे हो, आखिर ताला तुम अपने पैंट पर क्यों नहीं लगा लेते और अगर कंट्रोल नहीं होता तो फेक दो काट कर| बताओ अपने चरित्र को देखकर कौन हुआ कमज़ोर मर्द या औरत? ये हरामखोर तर्क देते हैं कि अगर औरत ऐसे पहनेगी और बाहर निकलेगी तो और क्या होगा! इसी मानसिकता के लोग ही हैं वो जो मौका मिलने पर अपनी माँ, बहन और बेटी का बलात्कार करने में भी नहीं चूकते क्यों कि उनकी दृष्टि में तो यह स्वाभाविक है, जहाँ औरत की चमड़ी दिखी और ये बेकाबू हुए यह तो पूरी तरह नार्मल है उनके लिए आखिर एक पुरुष जो हैं वो|
आपको पता है कि एक रिपोर्ट के अनुसार 93% बलात्कार घरवालों, नाते रिश्तेदारों, परिचितों के द्वारा ही होते हैं| अब बताइये यहाँ कौन सा पहनावा, मोबाइल और रात में बाहर निकलना कारण है बलात्कार का? सब कुछ घर में ही होता है और औरत को उसके औरत होने की कीमत चुकानी पड़ती है| इस प्रकार की पुरुषवादी मानसिकता और प्रवृत्तियों से ही औरत को बचाने के लिए ही परिवार तक के मर्दों से पर्दा करना औरत को सिखाया गया| अक्सर ही आजकल आप अख़बारों में पढ़ सकते हो कि पिता, ससुर, जेठ, भाई, चाचा इत्यादि के द्वारा औरतों का ही नहीं बल्कि नाबालिग बच्चियों का भी बलात्कार होता है| पहनावे और औरत की आज़ादी को बलात्कार का कारण मानने वाले धार्मिक और सांस्कृतिक लोगों से यह कहना चाहता हूँ कि जब लगभग रोज ही हम अख़बारों में पढ़ते हैं कि 2 अथवा 3 साल की बच्ची से लेकर 10 साल तक की बच्चियों से बलात्कार हो रहे हैं तो कृपया बताएं कि इस उम्र की बच्चियां कैसा कपड़ा पहनकर और किस प्रकार का अंग प्रदर्शन करके इन पुरुषों को इतना कामोत्तेजित कर देती हैं कि वो उनका बलात्कार करने पर विवश हो जाता है|
क्या आप सच में यह समझते हैं कि बलात्कार क़ानून व्यवस्था की समस्या है? या फिर यह सोचते हैं कि सज़ा कड़ी कर देने से आप इसे रोक सकेंगे? सत्य तो यह है कि बलात्कार एक सामाजिक और सांस्कृतिक समस्या है| वह धर्म जोकि स्त्री को दोयम दर्जे का नागरिक बनाता है, जोकि स्त्री को पिता, पति और पुत्र के संरक्षण में रहने की वकालत करते हुए उसे कमज़ोर बनाता है, वह समाज और संस्कृति जिसमें स्त्री के चेहरे को देखकर योनि की कल्पना से उत्तेजित हो जाने वाले पुरुष की कुदृष्टि से बचने के लिए औरत को घूँघट, पर्दा और बुरका पहनना पड़ता है, वहां आप बलात्कार को कैसे रोक पायेंगे? याद रखिये जिस समाज में इस प्रकार की पुरुषवादी मानसिकता रहेगी, उसे आप बलात्कार जैसे अपराध से किसी भी क़ानून और सजा के द्वारा मुक्त नहीं कर पाएंगे|
यदि बलात्कारिक मानसिकता रोकनी है तो पहले स्त्री की यौन शुचिता जैसी बातें करना बंद करो और औरत की इज्ज़त को अंग विशेष में सीमित करना बंद करो| “इज्ज़त लुटना” जैसे जुमले बंद करो| कुदृष्टि के भय से औरत को कमज़ोर बनाने वाली घूँघट और बुरके की प्रवृत्तियां बंद करो और उसे इन्सान समझो वस्तु नहीं|
धर्म और संस्कृति के झूठे गर्व में मदहोश लोगों को आजकल यदि कुछ भी हो जाये तो पाश्चात्य संस्कृति को दोष देने का फैशन चल पड़ा है| जब कि सत्य यह है कि यहाँ पश्चिम से बहुत जादा व्यभिचार हो रहा है, और ये बात मैं अपने अनुभव के आधार पर कह रहा हूँ क्यों कि दोनों संस्कृतियों को जी रहा हूँ| पैदा पला बढा यहाँ हूँ और पिछले 12 साल से वहां रह व काम कर रहा हूँ| जितने अपराध, बलात्कार, बेईमानी यहाँ होती है, वहां ऐसी स्तिथी नहीं है| यहाँ के महानगर हों या गाँव आपकी माँ, बहन, बेटी अँधेरा होने पर बाहर निकलने में असुरक्षित महसूस करती है, दो साल की बच्ची से लेकर अस्सी साल की बुढ़िया तक से बलात्कार की घटनाएँ प्रायः सुनने में आती हैं, परन्तु वहां सामान्यतः ऐसा नहीं है, एक जवान लडकी भी अकेले रात को बस अथवा ट्रेन में सुरक्षित यात्रा कर सकती है| आखिर हम वहां की संस्कृति के गुणों को क्यों नहीं देखते और आयात करते हैं? न तो मैं पाश्चात्य संस्कृति के गुण गा रहा हूँ और न ही भारतीय संस्कृति को नीचा दिखाना चाहता हूँ, मैंने दोनों ही संस्कृतियों के गुण दोष के विषय में बहुत लिखा है| ये भड़ास तो मेरे मन का कष्ट है क्यों कि मुझे मेरे देश से प्रेम है, परन्तु मुझे आज भारतीय होने पर गर्व नहीं हो रहा बल्कि शर्म आ रही है कि किस तरह के समाज में रह रहे हैं हम| क्या दशा है हमारे धर्म की प्रमुखता वाले देश की, चाहे राजनीति हो, नौकरशाही हो, धार्मिक जगत हो सब तरफ दुराचार और भ्रष्टाचार नज़र आता है| मैं धर्म और संस्कृति की दुहाई देने वाले लोगों से ये कहना चाहता हूँ कि इन समस्यायों का हल पाश्चात्य सभ्यताओं को दोष देने से नहीं मिलेगा बल्कि इसके जड़ में देखना होगा कि समस्या आखिर उत्पन्न कहाँ से होती है| जबतक तुम समाज की मानसिकता नहीं बदलोगे भारत को बलात्कार से मुक्त नहीं कर पाओगे|

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Sectarian Intolerance within Hinduism

Shaivites and Vaishnavites are the two major sects under the umbrella name 'Hinduism', takinng Shiva and Vishnu respectively as the chief objects of their worship. Srimad Bhagvata Purana is a Vaishnava scripture. Concerning Shiva Bhaktas (devotees) it says,

भवव्रतधरा ये च ये च तान् समनुव्रताः
पाखंडिनस्ते भवन्तु सच्छास्त्रपरिपन्थि  
मुमुक्षवो घोररूपान् हित्वा भूतपतीनथ , 
नारायणकलाः शान्ताः भजन्तीत्यनसूयवः 
"One who takes a vow to satisfy Shiva or who follows such principles will certainly become an atheist and be diverted from transcendental scriptural injunctions. Those who vow to worship Shiva are so foolish that they imitate him by keeping long hair on their heads. When initiated into worship of Lord Śiva, they prefer to live on wine, flesh and other such things." [Bhagvatapuran 4/2/28-29]
On the other hand the Shaivite scripture Saur purana has this response to give to the Vaishnavites

चतुर्दशविद्यासु गीयते चन्द्रशेखरः
तेन तुल्यो यदा विष्णुः ब्रह्मा वा यदि गद्यते
षष्टिवर्षसहस्राणि विष्ठायां जायते कृमिः
"Fourteen sciences sing the praises of Shiva. A person who puts Brahma or Vishnu on an equal level to Shiva, it incurs him a grievous sin on account of which he will suffer for 60,000 years as an insect." [Saur Puran 40/15,17]
Continuing the tirade, Padma Puran says,
तस्माद् विष्णोः प्रसादो वै सेवितव्यो द्विजन्मना,
इतरेषां देवानां निमल्यिं गर्हितं भवेत् .
सकृदेव हि योsश्नाति ब्राह्मणो ज्ञानदुर्बलः
निर्मल्यिं शंकरा दीनां स चांडालो भवेद ध्रुवं
"Dwijas (Brahmin, Khatriya, Vaishya) should only eat the Prasad offered to Vishnu, not of any other deity. If any foolish Brahmin, even once, will consume the prasad of Shiva, it is certain that he will be born as a Chandal (outcaste)."
विष्णुदर्शनमात्रेण शिवद्रोहः प्रजायते ,
शिवद्रोहान्न संदेहो नरकं याति दांरूणम्
Even having a glimpse of Vishnu, is tantamount to being a traitor to Shiva and such a person will be cast into hell.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

It is ironical, in fact hypocritical, that alongside the differential treatment and for that matter discrimination in the most extreme forms against females, the Hindus hold several Goddesses in high esteem and special kovils are built to venerate them. According to the Hindu religion, the Supreme Being has both masculine and feminine traits and the female part is as important as the male part. Among prominent goddesses in Hinduism are Durga symbolizing moral order and righteousness, Lakshmi symbolizing wealth and fortune – material and spiritual, Saraswathi symbolizing arts, music, knowledge and wisdom and considered as the consort of Brahma the   creator of the universe in the Hindu religion, Kali who is the violent and ferocious of all goddesses and is referred to as goddess of death and Parvathi who the consort of Shiva, the trinity god in Hinduism. How can Hindu males venerate female goddesses while indulging in or subscribing to gruesome criminal actions against females in their day to day lives?

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Parents Have to Lie About Santa Claus:

Perhaps the most serious objection to perpetuating belief in Santa Claus among children is also the simplest: in order to do so, parents have to lie to their children. You can’t encourage the belief without dishonesty, and it’s not a “little white lie” that is for their own good or that might protect them from harm. Parents should not persistently lie to children without overwhelmingly good reasons, so this puts supporters of the Santa Claus myth on the defensive.
Parents’ Lies About Santa Claus Have to Grow:

In order to get kids to believe in Santa Claus, it’s not enough to commit a couple of simple lies and move on. As with any lie, it’s necessary to construct more and more elaborate lies and defenses as time passes. Skeptical questions about Santa must be met with detailed lies about Santa’s powers. “Evidence” of Santa Claus must be created once mere stories of Santa prove insufficient. It’s unethical for parents to perpetuate elaborate deceptions on children unless it’s for a greater good.
Santa Claus Lies Discourage Healthy Skepticism:

Most children eventually become skeptical about Santa Claus and ask questions about him, for example how he could possibly travel around the whole world in such a short period of time. Instead of encouraging this skepticism and helping children come to a reasonable conclusion about whether Santa Claus is even possible, much less real, most parents discourage skepticism by telling tales about Santa’s supernatural powers.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Vaccination itself is not a remedy. On the contrary, it is a form of a disease with serious side effects. It is, therefore, a method which is in conflict with Islam. A principle of the Shariah states: “Abstention from harm has priority over the derivation of benefit.” A substance of an institution in which there is both good and bad will be shunned because of the incumbency of the aforementioned principle. In view of the fact that vaccinations are harmful to human health and employ haraam and filthy substances, they are not acceptable to the Shariah. DISEASES


The following is a formidable list of diseases spawned by vaccinations: Anaphylactic shock, Diseases and Disorders of the blood, brain, nervous system and skin, Atypical Measles, Monkey fever, Premature Ageing, Allergies, Cancer, Leukaemia, Paralysis, Multiple Sclerosis, Arthritis, SIDS, Encephalitis, Encephalopathy, Ocular Palsies, Guillain_Barre Syndrome, Subacute Scerosing Panencephalitis, Malaise, Sore Throat, Headaches, Fever, Rash, Erythema, Induration, Tenderness and Regional Lymphadenopathy, Parotitus, Ataxia, Retardation, Hyperactivity, Aseptic Meningitis, Seizures, Hemiparests, Rheumatoid, Arthritis, Parotitis, Orchitis, Thrombocytopenia, Purpura, Wheal, Flare, Artheral Polyneuritis, Hemiparests, Pruritus, Unilateral Nerve Deafness, Encephalitis, Brain Damage, Nerve inflammation, Disease of the Lymph glands, Inflammation of the testicles, and glands near the ear, Partial deafness, Skin disorders, Itchiness, Discoloration, Blood disorders, etc……..{Compiled from the book Immunisation:The Reality behind the Myth by W. James} NONSENSE Dr. William Hay says: “It is nonsense to think that you can inject pus…into a little child and in any way improve its health…The body has its own methods of defence. These depend on the vitality of the body at the time. If it is vital enough it will resist all infections; if it is not vital enough it won’t and you can’t change the vitality of the body for the better by introducing poison of any kind into it.”…….{Immunisation:The Reality behind the Myth}

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

गर्व से कहो, मैं नास्तिक हूँ।
सीना तान कर और गर्दन उठा कर कहो, मैं नास्तिक हूँ।
ऊंची से ऊंची जगह पर खड़े हो कर कहो, मैं नास्तिक हूँ।
सारी दुनिया को सुना कर कहो, मैं नास्तिक हूँ।
क्योंकि नास्तिक एक अच्छा इन्सान होता है।
वह अपने मां-बाप की सन्तान होता है।
अपने बहन-भाइयों का बहन-भाई होता है।
अपने बच्चों का मां-बाप होता है।
अपने सगे-संबंधियों और रिश्तेदारों का रिश्तेदार होता है।
इसलिए कि वह आकाश से नहीं टपका था।
वह शून्य से नहीं प्रकट हुआ था।
वह अपने मां-बाप के शरीर से उगा था,
किसी इश्वर की कृपा से नहीं।
किसी देवी-देवता की दया से नहीं।
नास्तिक जीने के लिए पैदा होता है।
वह जी भर कर जीना चाहता है।
वह भरपूर जीना चाहता है।
वह चाहता है की मरने के बाद भी
अपनी संतानों के रूप में जिन्दा रहूँ।
वह जीने के लिए अपना भोजन जुटता है।
अपनी रक्षा के लिए हर कोशिश करता है।
अपनी मौत को टालने के लिए उपाए करता है।
वह निर्लेप नहीं, सन्यासी नहीं, उदासीन नहीं,
निर्मोही नहीं, आसक्त बनना चाहता है।
वह प्यार करता है, इश्क करता है, लव करता है।
वह मोक्ष नहीं चाहता, मुक्ति नहीं मांगता।
वह हर हाल में जीना चाहता है।
वह जनता है की इस दुनिया में
वह अकेला नहीं, अलग नहीं, न ही वह स्वतंत्र है।
यहाँ हर कोई हर किसी पर निर्भर है।
हर कोई हर किसी का सहारा है।
नास्तिक अपने को मानव समाज का
एक जिम्मेदार सदस्य मानता है,
पूरे जीवजगत का एक अभिन्न अंश मानता है।

Monday, 17 December 2012

Chanakyaniti has an important place among the volumes describing ethics and morality in ancient Sanskrit literature.Known as Rajniti Samuchya also,there are 334 hymns divided in 17 chapters.Some of the hymns have been repeated from Manusmrti, Mahabharata and Purana.
It is significant to observe that denigration and character assassination of women has been 'glaring' aspect of ancient Hindu scriptures right from earliest Vedas to somewhat latest Ramcharitmanas [Tulsi Ramayan]. Was Chanakya too classified misogynist and male chauvinistic like other contemporaries around his time ?It is beyond any logic and comprehension that what on earth led Chanakya to believe that women en mass are not to be trusted due to inherent tendencies of "falsehood and low moral character",though he is often hailed as great visionary.There are ample references in said scripture,which reflect and symbolize his prejudice and hatred against women.
*nakhinan ch...stresho rajkulesho ch [Chanakyaniti Darpana,1/15]. Exposition :-The beings which have nails,rivers,the beings which have horns and the persons which hold arms should not be relied on. Similarly women and the royal clan should also not to be relied on.
*strinam dvigunam aharo...kamashch ashtguna smrata [ibid 1/17]. Exposition :-The diet of women than man is two times more,the savvy four times,the courage six times and the desire for sex,eight times more than man.
*anrtam sahasam...dosha swobhavjha [ibid 2/1] :-Fallacy in expression and fortitude,manipulation,foolishness,aggravated greed,untidy and cruelty are the usual defects in the personality of women.[It will be pertinent to point out here that Manu in Manusmrti and Tulsidas in Ramcharitmanas have also described six and eight demerits respectively found in women. Adi Shankracharya has in questionnaire  said-"what is the main and sole door to hell?"Its answer is-"the women".]
*ikhudandstila..kanta...mardanam gunvardnam [ibid 9/13]. Exposition :-sugarcane, sesame,stupid,women,gold,land,sandal,curd and betel should be thrashed severely because in proportion to thrashing,their qualities get enhancement. [Tulsidas too has repeated said infamous concept-"dhol,ganwar,sudra,pasu,nari,sakal tadna kay adhikari.[sunderkand RCM].
*vinyam...stribhya shekhet kaitvam [ibid 12/18]. Exposition :-One should learn the art of talking humbly and aptly from the princes,intellectual communication from scholars,fallacy from gamblers and manipulation and intrigue from women.
*atyasna....striya [ibid 14/11]. Exposition :-The king,fire,the teacher and the women should be dealt with the middle way as their existence is useless while at a distance and their proximity becomes cause of death.
*agnir apa striyo...pranharani shat {ibid 14/12]. Exposition :-The fire,the water,women,stupid,snake and the royal family should be dealt most cautiously because they may become cause of death even when slight omission is committed.
* strinam aikto rati [ibid 17/2]. Exposition :-The women flirt with someone in conversation,watch at other while posture and gesture in body,keep someone deep in heart and think about someone else in their mind.
ashakhasto...vradha nari pativrata [ibid 17/6]. Exposition :-The weak men becomes saint,the pauper a celibate,patient a devotee to god and women becomes chaste in her old age.
*patyur...nare narkam vrajet [ibid 17/9]. Exposition :-the women who observes fast without getting permission of her husband,causes reduction of the age of her husband and is placed in hell after her death.
*na danaih...pad odakair yatha [ibid 17/10]. Exposition :-The water percolated from the feet of husband[when the wife washes them and use the same for bathing and other purpose] is the best purifier and service to the husband. At the same time said ordained act is greater than donation,observing hundred fasts and visiting pilgrimages.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Do scientists shoot 14 year old girls in the head for wanting to go to school? No, only religious assholes do that.
Do scientists fly airplanes into buildings?

Do scientists harass and threaten biology teachers?

Do scientists raise their arms into the air to praise the Magic Jeebus Man?

Do scientists call thems
elves "god's chosen people"?

Do scientists go to insane asylums called churches to listen to professional idiots babble about magic fairies, magical heavens, and magical hells?

Do scientists blow themselves up to murder innocent people?

Do scientists invoke magic to solve scientific problems?

Do scientists brainwash children with magical bullshit that couldn't possibly be true?

Do female scientists hide their entire bodies with a black tent with veiled holes for their eyes?

Do scientists riot and murder whenever somebody ridicules one of their ideas?

Do scientists call their ideas "the one true hypothesis"?

Do scientists refuse to throw out old ideas when massive new extremely powerful evidence repeatedly shows beyond any doubt those old ideas are bullshit?

Do scientists deny basic scientific facts that have been tested thousands of times and are supported by overwhelming extremely powerful evidence and more than a century of scientific research?

Do scientists exterminate millions of people just because they believe the wrong childish fantasies?

Do American scientists waste taxpayer money trying to defend their disrespect for the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution?

Do scientists attack science education to defend everything-is-magic bullshit?

Do scientists believe a retard who calls himself "the son of god" can become a zombie after being dead for three days?

Do scientists believe the Earth's moon was magically split in half and then magically put back together again?

When scientists are unable to solve a scientific problem do they give up and say "The Magic Man did it"?

Do scientists believe in childish cowardly bullshit like a magical heaven because they're terrified of reality?

Do scientists pray to invisible fairies?

Do scientists give away their hard-earned money to professional assholes who brainwash innocent children?

Do American scientists end speeches with bullshit words like "god bless America"?

Do scientists believe the entire fucking universe was magically created out of nothing 6,000 years ago?


Thursday, 13 December 2012


Is there nothing in this country of substance beyond Bollywood, cricket and politicians?

The country is reeling under a power crisis. Villages go without electricity for long hours. Yet, there is opposition to nuclear power and all the explanations of expert scientists do not seem to carry conviction. Even if a disaster like Fukushima were to happen, would it not be insignificant compared to the huge loss in terms of men and material, which the country is suffering due to a lack of adequate power generation? What is the difficulty in accepting all power generation strategies, from windmill to nuclear?

Grain production is stagnating at 200+million tonnes, while China is at 500+million tonnes. We will soon exceed China's population. Millions of children are dying of mal/under-nutrition. All the traditional practices and resources have not mitigated the tragedy. But the country will oppose GM technology, which has the potential to increase productivity and the nutritive quality of grain.

There is strident activism against GM technology in the name of environment and biodiversity. There is a constant vertical and horizontal transfer of genes in evolution. How did the 2,000 varieties of brinjal evolve, if it is not through gene changes? What does it matter, if a couple of transgenes (e.g. Bt gene) are transferred to unintended targets? Experience for over a decade has shown that Bt gene is benign and Bt corn and Bt cotton have not caused authenticated damage to individuals or environment. Even so, activists have succeeded in demonizing the Bt with highly exaggerated negative claims.

Cultivation of Bt cotton has changed the face of India from an importing destination to an exporting country. If Bt rice with balanced protein and micro nutrients were to be available, it would revolutionalise the health of millions of children in the mid-day meal programme. Why cannot organic farming, traditional practices, marker-assisted breeding and GM crops co-exist?

Even if there is one vaccine-related death, for no fault of the vaccine itself, the media would write the epitaph on the product. There are activists preaching against vaccines, a weapon for mass protection over centuries. Ayurveda is projected as a great traditional wisdom, which is true. But it need not be pitted against modern medical science. Even spiritual yoga gurus, who deride modern medicine, rush to allopathy in emergency. Is it not true that Ayurveda has been corrupted by quacks and lack of scientific validation? How can anecdotal experience make it internationally acceptable? How is it that experts abound in astrology, numerology, etc., dominating TV shows and finding solutions for every ailment?
Is there nothing in this country of substance beyond Bollywood, cricket and politicians?

The country is reeling under a power crisis. Villages go without electricity for long hours. Yet, there is opposition to nuclear power and all the explanations of expert scientists do not seem to carry conviction. Even if a disaster like Fukushima were to happen, would it not be insignificant compared to the huge loss in terms of men and material, which the country is suffering due to a lack of adequate power generation? What is the difficulty in accepting all power generation strategies, from windmill to nuclear?

Grain production is stagnating at 200+million tonnes, while China is at 500+million tonnes. We will soon exceed China's population. Millions of children are dying of mal/under-nutrition. All the traditional practices and resources have not mitigated the tragedy. But the country will oppose GM technology, which has the potential to increase productivity and the nutritive quality of grain.

There is strident activism against GM technology in the name of environment and biodiversity. There is a constant vertical and horizontal transfer of genes in evolution. How did the 2,000 varieties of brinjal evolve, if it is not through gene changes? What does it matter, if a couple of transgenes (e.g. Bt gene) are transferred to unintended targets? Experience for over a decade has shown that Bt gene is benign and Bt corn and Bt cotton have not caused authenticated damage to individuals or environment. Even so, activists have succeeded in demonizing the Bt with highly exaggerated negative claims.

Cultivation of Bt cotton has changed the face of India from an importing destination to an exporting country. If Bt rice with balanced protein and micro nutrients were to be available, it would revolutionalise the health of millions of children in the mid-day meal programme. Why cannot organic farming, traditional practices, marker-assisted breeding and GM crops co-exist?

Even if there is one vaccine-related death, for no fault of the vaccine itself, the media would write the epitaph on the product. There are activists preaching against vaccines, a weapon for mass protection over centuries. Ayurveda is projected as a great traditional wisdom, which is true. But it need not be pitted against modern medical science. Even spiritual yoga gurus, who deride modern medicine, rush to allopathy in emergency. Is it not true that Ayurveda has been corrupted by quacks and lack of scientific validation? How can anecdotal experience make it internationally acceptable? How is it that experts abound in astrology, numerology, etc., dominating TV shows and finding solutions for every ailment?

If scientists speak up, they are labelled as arrogant or consigned to the pay books of multinationals. It is true that there is opposition among scientists themselves on some of these issues. Each area has become much specialized and older generations, barring some, are not in touch with the developments. But they would not hesitate to make sweeping generalizations.

Differences in opinion are exploited by vested interests to derail technology rather than to find ways to objectively deal with the differences and get the best out of technology. The only science the country seems to appreciate is the satellite launch shown on TV channels. I have hardly seen any scientist figuring in “Indian of the year” or “heroes of the year” shows of popular TV channels, which seem to set the agenda for the country. Scientists may say that they do not care (they do care!).

Is there nothing in this country of substance beyond Bollywood, cricket and politicians? But more seriously, if young minds do not opt for science, where are the role models? Several scientists quietly work day and night, unseen and unsung. The Nobel Prize will not descend from the heaven, unless an appropriate environment is created and the role of scientists is appreciated. No technology comes without a risk and any one technology will not solve all our problems. But unbridled activism against science and scientists will only lead us to miss out on technology options. We need to give S&T a chance to deliver. I am sure, eventually, nuclear power can take care of at least 25 per cent of India's requirements. GM technology can increase food productivity and improve nutritive quality. We cannot cut off our nose to spite our face or throw the baby out with the bathwater.
If scientists speak up, they are labelled as arrogant or consigned to the pay books of multinationals. It is true that there is opposition among scientists themselves on some of these issues. Each area has become much specialized and older generations, barring some, are not in touch with the developments. But they would not hesitate to make sweeping generalizations.

Differences in opinion are exploited by vested interests to derail technology rather than to find ways to objectively deal with the differences and get the best out of technology. The only science the country seems to appreciate is the satellite launch shown on TV channels. I have hardly seen any scientist figuring in “Indian of the year” or “heroes of the year” shows of popular TV channels, which seem to set the agenda for the country. Scientists may say that they do not care (they do care!).

Is there nothing in this country of substance beyond Bollywood, cricket and politicians? But more seriously, if young minds do not opt for science, where are the role models? Several scientists quietly work day and night, unseen and unsung. The Nobel Prize will not descend from the heaven, unless an appropriate environment is created and the role of scientists is appreciated. No technology comes without a risk and any one technology will not solve all our problems. But unbridled activism against science and scientists will only lead us to miss out on technology options. We need to give S&T a chance to deliver. I am sure, eventually, nuclear power can take care of at least 25 per cent of India's requirements. GM technology can increase food productivity and improve nutritive quality. We cannot cut off our nose to spite our face or throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Monday, 10 December 2012

There is a report of a survey on Indian Scientists which says 29 percent of them believe in 'karma'; 26 in life after death and seven percent of them even believe in ghosts. 

No wonder it will take a millennium to get the requite scientific temper. Even if we get all the positions in the Forbes top ten rich men we are not li
kely to get even two Nobel Laureates in Sciences in the same year any time in foreseeable future.

New Delhi: One in four Indian scientists believe in God and many more accept existence of a "higher power", says a survey conducted across the country.

A survey of 1,100 scientists across 130 universities and research institutes across the country threw up interesting results as 29 per cent believed in the philosophy of 'karma', 26 per cent accepted the principle of life after death and seven per cent researchers gave credence to existence of ghosts.

A survey, by the Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture of Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut and Hyderabad-based Center for Inquiry, found that religion and faith had deep roots in the minds of Indian scientists.

As many as 64 per cent scientists said they would refuse to design biological weapons because of their moral and religious beliefs, while 54 per cent said they will not work on nuclear weapons for the same reasons.

As many as 93 per cent researchers defined secularism as tolerance for various religions and philosophies, while only a minority of scientists said it meant atheism.

As many as 33 per cent scientists strongly disapproved of space scientists seeking the blessings of Lord Venkateswara in Tirupati before launching a rocket in 2005. Only 14 per cent strongly approved of the action.

Most scientists (44 per cent) were willing to criticise and confront religions where they think they contradict accepted scientific theories but a sizeable minority (23 per cent) is opposed to it.

The scientists are most likely to regard their personal outlook as "secular" (59 per cent) or "somewhat secular" (16 per cent). Secularism, according to a majority of them, is tolerance for various religions and philosophies.

One fourth of the total scientists surveyed were firm believers while another fourth took an atheist or agnostic position about belief in the divine.

Twenty-six per cent scientists said they believed God exists and they had no doubts about it. As many as 30 per cent scientists did not believe in a personal God but in a higher power.

Twelve per cent scientists said they did not believe in God while another 13 per cent said they neither knew about the existence of God nor did they believed there was any way to find it out.

A majority of scientists thought of themselves as being spiritual, which according to two thirds of them is either "commitment to higher human ideals, such as peace, harmony or well being" (34 per cent), or "a higher level of human consciousness or awareness" (31 per cent).

A majority of the Indian scientists were Hindus (66 per cent) and 10 per cent identified themselves as atheists or having no religion.

Muslims and Christians formed three per cent each of the scientists surveyed; four per cent were Sikhs, Buddhists and other religions while 14 per cent did not report their religion.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

There are as many as 620 out of total 700 verses ,which are directly related with Krishna.It will be relevant to point out here that in his narration,he has used expression 'i' as many as 375 times,one way or other.Some details are as under:-
*aham [i] 77 times.*maam [to me] 76 times.*may [mine or for me] 43 times.*mum [mine] 1
9 times.*mya [i did] 12 times.*mye [in me] 18 times.
There are 33 verses in chapter 10,in which expression 'i' has been used as many as 96 times.It will be very much relevant here to quote translation of 20 related verses of the said chapter :-
20. I am the Self, O Gudâkesha, existent in the heart of all beings; I am the

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beginning, the middle, and also the end of all beings. 20

21. Of the Adityas, I am Vishnu; of luminaries, the radiant Sun; of the winds, I am Marichi; of the asterisms, the Moon.

22. I am the Sâma-Veda of the Vedas, and Vâsava (Indra) of the gods; of the senses I am Manas, and intelligence in living beings am I.

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23. And of the Rudras I am Sankara, of the Yakshas and Râkshasas the Lord of wealth (Kuvera), of the Vasus I am Pâvaka, and of mountains, Meru am I.

24. And of priests, O son of Prithâ, know Me the chief, Brihaspati; of generals, I am Skanda; of bodies of water, I am the ocean.

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25. Of the great Rishis I am Bhrigu; of words I am the one syllable "Om"; of Yajnas I am the Yajna of Japa (silent repetition); of immovable things the Himâlaya. 25

26. Of all trees (I am) the Ashvattha, and Nârada of Deva-Rishis; Chitraratha of Gandharvas am I, and the Muni Kapila of the perfected ones.

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27. Know Me among horses as Uchchaisshravas, Amrita-born; of lordly elephants Airâvata, and of men the king. 27

28. Of weapons I am the thunderbolt, of cows I am Kâmadhuk; I am the Kandarpa, the cause of offspring; of serpents I am Vâsuki.

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29. And Ananta of snakes I am, I am Varuna of water-beings; and Aryaman of Pitris I am, I am Yama of controllers.

30. And Prahlâda am I of Diti's progeny, of measure-rs I am Time; and of beasts I am the lord of beasts, and Garuda of birds.

31. Of purifiers I am the wind, Râma

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of warriors am I; of fishes I am the shark, of streams I am Jâhnavi (the Ganges).

32. Of manifestations I, am the beginning, the middle and also the end; of all knowledge's I am the knowledge of the Self, and Vâda of disputants. 32

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33. Of letters the letter A am I, and Dvandva of all compounds; I alone am the inexhaustible Time, I the Sustain-er (by dispensing fruits of actions) All-formed. 33

34. And I am the all-seizing Death, and the prosperity of those who are to be prosperous; of the feminine qualities (I am) Fame, Prosperity (or beauty), Inspiration, Memory, Intelligence, Constancy and Forbearance.

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35. Of Sâmas also I am the Brihat-Sâma, of metres Gâyatri am I; of months I am Mârgashirsha, of seasons the flowery season. 35

36. I am the gambling of the fraudulent, I am the power of the powerful; I am victory, I am effort, I am Sattva of the Sâttvika. 36

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37. Of the Vrishnis I am Vâsudeva; of the Pândavas, Dhananjaya; and also of the Munis I am Vyâsa; of the sages, Ushanas the sage.

38. Of punishers I am the sceptre; of those who seek to conquer, I am statesmanship; and also of things secret I am silence, and the knowledge of knowers am I.
[Ibid,chapter 10,verse 20-38].

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Spirituality and enlightenment apart, common sense we know, is a virtue ravi shankar prizes.
Thus it was common sense to then sport a beard, wear white garb, flash a million dollar smile and put out stories of, advanced science degrees at age 17, of having mastered the Gita at age 4, of being an enlighten

ed being,to a society that was economically ascendent and and on the lookout for relief from the stresses and insecurities of material life.

Thus the economic ascendency ensured the competency of society to pay for his courses while at the same time the increasing materialism with its usual side effects of mental unease, ensured that he would remain in business, what with his SKY being touted as a cure all and he himself an incarnation of krishna and jesus all rolled into one.

Thus it also was common sense to portray himself and his teachings and his kriyas, as being spiritual as opposed to being religious, as being beyond religion, as being scientific even, when he toured the west and then cosying up to the hindu right when back in his home country to let them know that he was actually in their camp and was willing to act as a softer alternative/conduit for their brand of Hindutva especially in the west. Thus his “scientific” spirituality wins him devotees in the west while his religiosity and indulgence in Hindu rituals, and the validation of the Hindu scriptures through his own enlightenment, wins him devotees back home even as his supposed charitable works gets his organization an NGO status and his books and magazines where he tells the world how similar Islam and Christianity are to Hinduism, keeps his secular credentials intact. An whats more, by giving each one in the organization the unique identity of being an AOL member, he ensured that his identity is kept unique and distinct from other similar organizations and spiritual leaders in society.After all this it was surely common sense to proclaim than the concepts of ownership of wealth and creation of wealth were not anathema to spiritual growth and that wealth creation walked hand in hand with spirituality.So that put to rest any unease, a by now besotted devotee may have had over the widely proclaimed inverse relationship between wealth and spirituality. Thus wealth was not bad as long as you gave charity to the point that it hurt. And who better to give it to, than an NGO who was engaged in creating a divine society.

Thus by merely applying his commonsense ravi shankar made sure that it appeared, that he had something to could give to everyone in society i.e the stressed in search of relief, the seekers looking for spiritual growth, the dispossessed and oppressed in need for material succor, the militant right wingers seeking support for their religious identity,the orthodox seeking validation of their scriptures,the skeptics looking for truths beyond the material world etc. etc. etc. etc. You name the pie and be sure ravi Shankars got his fingers in it.

If anything the whole AOL structure and the whole business of these new age gurus by extension is nothing but a validation of how far applying common sense can take you.Thus we now have a multifaceted individual who is spiritual,scientific, religious, compassionate, knowledgeable, all inclusive and yet does not shy away from materialism, orthodoxy and traditionalism.[BY STUPID SEEKER].