My 10 simple questions to Muslims about Islam (Quran & Hadeeths).
1. In Quran Allah says that "I guide whomever I choose to guide and I misguide whomever I choose to misguide" My question is that If Allah is the one who guides and misguides people then why did he gave us brain to think & reason? If Allah is the one who guides then why don't he guide all the non-believers to Islam? If Allah is the one who misguides, then those who are non-believers and will burn in hell, is it not because of Allah? If Allah is the one who guides and misguides then why do you bother to preach (Dawah) to non-Muslims? And most importantly, if Allah is the one who guides and "misguides" people, than why and what did he created Satan for?
The FACT: I believe that guidance does not come to us from Allah, but we ourselves go searching for the guidance, and after reasoning & analyzing we come to conclusion and accept it or reject it.
2. In Quran & Hadiths Allah says that "I provide Human beings with food." My question is that, then why are there so many people dying of hunger in the world? Does it not proves and makes it clear that Allah does not provide human beings with food?
The FACT: I believe that Allah (God) has created food (Fruits, Vegetables & Animals etc.) but it's up to us to go out and hunt and work to get food for ourselves and then provide it to our families. The fact is that Allah has created food but does not provide it to us; we have to work by ourselves to earn or gain food.
3. In Quran & Hadiths Allah says that "I make Rich whomever I will & I make poor whomever I will, I give kingdom ship to whomever I will and I take kingdom ship from whom ever I will, I give respect and honor to whomever I will and I give disgrace to whomever I will." My question is that why do we give credit to Allah for everything when it is clear that he does not do any of those above mentioned things that he have claimed to do?
The FACT: It is us who struggle and work hard to get rich; it's not Allah who comes and gives us wealth. It is we who earn respect or dis-respect of people by our good or bad actions, attitude & behavior and it is not Allah who comes and brainwashes people into liking or disliking us. And it is the kings and their armies who fight and sacrifice their lives to take and make kingdoms and it is not Allah who comes and gives us ready-made kingdoms (LOGICAL FACT).
4. In Quran and Hadiths it is written that Allah has decided when the person will be born, how much he will live, how much will he earn, whom he will marry, how many kids will he have and when and how will he die. If Allah has already predestined that how a person will die then my question is that, if someone comes and kills me was it decided by Allah already that I will die by the hands of that man? If yes then it means that, that man did not have any free will to choose and it will be wrong to punish him. And if that man had free will (which we all have) then it means that it was up to him to choose to kill or not to kill, which proves that Allah has not decided how every man would die.
In other scenario if I kill someone was it decided by Allah already that, that man would die by my hands? If yes then it means that I did not have any free will to choose and it will be wrong to punish me. And If I had a free will (which we all have) then it means that it was up to me to choose to kill or not to kill him. (In other words I am the decision maker at that time to decide if he would live or die and not Allah).
The FACT: I believe that Allah (GOD or CREATOR) has everything in his perfect and complete knowledge, he knows the complete future in detail but that does not mean that he have decided things for us as it will go against free will, I believe that he knows the future but that's it, he has not predestined any of those above mentioned things (or at least most of them). The concept of destiny seems very illogical to me and that's why I don't believe in it.
5. In Quran & Hadiths Allah says that pray to me and ask me for help and I will grant you your prayer and help you. My question is that then why don't Allah listens to our prayers and helps us?
The FACT: I believe that Allah (God) has created the world and that's it, he does not intervene in it, we have to survive by ourselves and we have to help ourselves and each other's. Allah (god) does not listen to prayers or helps us, praying is just like hoping and that's it, nothing more.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for lifetime; give a man a religion and he will die praying for a fish."
Two working hands can do more than thousand praying lips, because praying is just like hoping and it has no practical results.
6) If your concept of GOD is All-Merciful & All-Loving, then tell me that how do you justify his cruel act of burning people in hell for ever and ever, till eternity? Just for following the wrong religion or the wrong sect within Islam, even If they were good, humble, merciful and caring human beings toward the others? I am sure with all my heart that there is a GOD, and if HE is merciful and JUST, so it would be against HIS justice and definitely against HIS mercy to punish someone infinitely for a finite mistake or transgression. It is neither just nor acceptable to burn someone forever, no matter what the crime was, every punishment should have a limit just like every crime has a limit, "An eye for an eye" is JUST but "eyes for an eye" is unjust.
7) In Quran & Hadiths it is mentioned that Allah is sitting on his throne (Kursi) above the seven skies on Arsh. Now my question is that if GOD does not depend on space, matter & time, then what is his chair made of? Because it means that his chair also does not depend on space, matter and time. And if that's the case then does it mean that it is a part of Allah? And if yes then it means that it is GOD as well and should be worshipped and if no then how is it that a GOD who is not made of matter is sitting on a throne that is made of matter? Isn't it against your own explanation of Allah that he is unique and there is nothing similar to him?
8) Another point that should be noted is that in Sahih Hadiths it is mentioned that Allah smiles when he sees a Mujahid fighting in a battlefield without his armor, now my question is that isn't a kind of idolatry? Because for someone to smile it needs a face or similar features like that, so is this not similar to people who give forms to a formless CREATOR? Again going against the statement in Quran that there is nothing unto like him (Allah) and then comparing him with a human like feature. (Please don't tell me that it is just to express the happiness of Allah, meaning he is happy, if that was the case then Muhammad would have actually said the word happy instead of "smiles") It simply shows that Muhammad made up things about GOD what he seemed was right according to his knowledge just like all the others. While on the other hand we just seem to keep on twisting it and changing it to fit our meanings according to the modern world.
9) The concept of Satan is completely illogical. There is no being called Satan who tells us to do wrong things or misguides us. But it is our own selfish desires that cause us to do bad things. There are five things within us: 1) Lust, 2) Ego, 3), Anger, 4) Hatred & 5) Attachment (to this world & other materialistic things). When the love of GOD or the sense of "GOOD" disappears from our heart, then our five selfish desires take control of us and we start committing selfish and wrong acts. (LOGICAL OR NOT?)
10) Why are all the miracles just in the books (Quran & Hadeeths)? Why don't they happen in reality, today? So we could have seen it by our self. Why do Allah only listens to Duaah (Prayers) and helps people just in books immediately but never in real life? How is the story of Cinderella any different from the story of Muhammad splitting the moon? I can tell you the similarities, both lack evidence, go against logic, against the GOD made laws of nature and physics and against common sense.
Many Muslims also brag about that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Let me tell you why, In Islamic law the punishment for preaching any other religion except Islam in a Muslim country is Death, while Muslims spend billions upon billions of dollars preaching their religion and sugarcoating it to non Muslims. They want the right to practice and preach their religion in a non Muslim country but they are such a hypocrite that they kill others if they preach their religion in a Muslim country,This is the so called freedom in Islam.
So if Islam is "Al Haq" than it should have not been afraid of other religions. Why is it than that Muslims want the right to preach their religion in non-Muslim western countries and that they are allowed to do, but than in Islamic Shariah the punishment for non-Muslims to preach their religion in an Islamic country is punishable by death. So why these double standards? Why all this Hypocrisy? And why all this cruelty? It certainly can not be a religion of "Peace & Freedom" after all that, don't you think?
Also, why did Muslims use to take non-Muslim girls as their sex slaves and use to rape them???
Why is their systematic rape allowed in Islam???
And also, why is slavery allowed in Islam???