Thursday, 31 July 2014

"With the Modi government settling down to its new responsibilities,it is becoming increasingly clear that it comes with its baggage.And each day brings a new gem of wisdom from the Bhartiya Janta Party's ranks and allies to offer a concept of India and the world that is part of medieval, part gauche.
Judging by our six years of experience of the Valpayee government,we had come to expect our education and allied ministries  to be packed with Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh [RSS] ranks and sympathisers.We have seen an obscure historian  with pronounced RSS sympathies take over the Indian Council of Historical Research.
In the ministry dealing with education and allied subjects,instead of an ideologue ,the Modi government has done better :appointing  a novice and school leaver to provide the RSS a sheet of blank paper to write on.Indeed,the oratory of BJP ranks and allies has been in full flow in welcoming a Hindu India of Mr. Modi's concept and in dilating upon the evils of such peril as bikinis and bars in Goa.
On the sensitive issue of rape,very much in the public eye,BJP party men's views are as conservative and retrograde as those of many other parties such as Samajvadi party.The world's gender revolution has still to catch up with the bulk of our male politicians who still live in male dominated society,with the country's traditional and mythical tales reinforcing a chauvinist mindset".
[Excerpt from lead article,Daily Tribune].
Dina Nath Batra, saffron brigades Hindutav ideologue,encouraged by his 'successful crusade' against eminent scholar, Wendy Doniger's seminal work on Hinduism,is in news again.He has been rewarded by Gujarat Government for his 'valiant' efforts to promote tradition and culture strictly in accordance to saffron brigades Hindutav agenda . The Gujarat Government has asked 42,000 primary and secondary schools in the state to make a set of 9 books by him part of the curriculum's supplementary literature.India does not lack for scholars on culture and heritage,but Batra and his ilk are certainly not among them.The authorities in the Gujarat should examine how including books that speak of including neighbouring countries as part of India's map can help students in any way.The same can be said about his other exhortations and sermons like celebrating birthday by wearing swadeshi clothes,performing a havan,praying to ishtdev and feeding cows.
As per media reports,Batra is upset that despite his multiple 'successes' and work as a Hindu pedagogue NCRT has not yet changed its Hindi text books.He is outraged at the use of English words and phrases like 'vice chancellor' 'worker' 'business' 'backbone' 'plan' 'you get out' 'of course' 'frock' 'half yearly' 'seminars' 'cultural' 'horticulture' 'canvas' 'organize' and 'thank you'.Similarly he has complied a larger list of Urdu words,which of course are not part of shudh Bhartiyta. Some of the words are :- 'mushkil'[difficult], 'dost' [friend], 'gusa' [anger], 'shararat' [naughtiness],'khabardar' [to warn], 'ghayab' [vanish], 'saal' [year],'mohalla' [colony],' mauka' [occasion] and many more.
Since most of the words symbolizing extraordinary achievements of modern science and technology,are not any way related with supposed ancient wisdom,it is beyond any logic or comprehension to understand,how all those words are going to be Indianized ? How all those words are going to be connected with 'eternal' Hindu tradition and claim it to be product of their own native genius .Are Hindu apologists like Batra,going to fulfill the Mahabharata's boast that there is nothing outside of the tradition that it represents.
# Pushpak Viman,supposedly a flying chariot used by mythological character Rama,was first aeroplane in the world.
# Vedic math is the real mathematics and modern mathematics needs to be replaced by Vedic math in educational institutions.
# We must reject English education and revert to our ancient languages.
# Our rishi's were scientists, involved in the field of technology, medicine and science have been appropriated by the west .
[Media reports].
My 10 simple questions to Muslims about Islam (Quran & Hadeeths).
1. In Quran Allah says that "I guide whomever I choose to guide and I misguide whomever I choose to misguide" My question is that If Allah is the one who guides and misguides people then why did he gave us brain to think & reason? If Allah is the one who guides then why don't he guide all the non-believers to Islam? If Allah is the one who misguides, then those who are non-believers and will burn in hell, is it not because of Allah? If Allah is the one who guides and misguides then why do you bother to preach (Dawah) to non-Muslims? And most importantly, if Allah is the one who guides and "misguides" people, than why and what did he created Satan for?
The FACT: I believe that guidance does not come to us from Allah, but we ourselves go searching for the guidance, and after reasoning & analyzing we come to conclusion and accept it or reject it.
2. In Quran & Hadiths Allah says that "I provide Human beings with food." My question is that, then why are there so many people dying of hunger in the world? Does it not proves and makes it clear that Allah does not provide human beings with food?
The FACT: I believe that Allah (God) has created food (Fruits, Vegetables & Animals etc.) but it's up to us to go out and hunt and work to get food for ourselves and then provide it to our families. The fact is that Allah has created food but does not provide it to us; we have to work by ourselves to earn or gain food.
3. In Quran & Hadiths Allah says that "I make Rich whomever I will & I make poor whomever I will, I give kingdom ship to whomever I will and I take kingdom ship from whom ever I will, I give respect and honor to whomever I will and I give disgrace to whomever I will." My question is that why do we give credit to Allah for everything when it is clear that he does not do any of those above mentioned things that he have claimed to do?
The FACT: It is us who struggle and work hard to get rich; it's not Allah who comes and gives us wealth. It is we who earn respect or dis-respect of people by our good or bad actions, attitude & behavior and it is not Allah who comes and brainwashes people into liking or disliking us. And it is the kings and their armies who fight and sacrifice their lives to take and make kingdoms and it is not Allah who comes and gives us ready-made kingdoms (LOGICAL FACT).
4. In Quran and Hadiths it is written that Allah has decided when the person will be born, how much he will live, how much will he earn, whom he will marry, how many kids will he have and when and how will he die. If Allah has already predestined that how a person will die then my question is that, if someone comes and kills me was it decided by Allah already that I will die by the hands of that man? If yes then it means that, that man did not have any free will to choose and it will be wrong to punish him. And if that man had free will (which we all have) then it means that it was up to him to choose to kill or not to kill, which proves that Allah has not decided how every man would die.
In other scenario if I kill someone was it decided by Allah already that, that man would die by my hands? If yes then it means that I did not have any free will to choose and it will be wrong to punish me. And If I had a free will (which we all have) then it means that it was up to me to choose to kill or not to kill him. (In other words I am the decision maker at that time to decide if he would live or die and not Allah).
The FACT: I believe that Allah (GOD or CREATOR) has everything in his perfect and complete knowledge, he knows the complete future in detail but that does not mean that he have decided things for us as it will go against free will, I believe that he knows the future but that's it, he has not predestined any of those above mentioned things (or at least most of them). The concept of destiny seems very illogical to me and that's why I don't believe in it.
5. In Quran & Hadiths Allah says that pray to me and ask me for help and I will grant you your prayer and help you. My question is that then why don't Allah listens to our prayers and helps us?
The FACT: I believe that Allah (God) has created the world and that's it, he does not intervene in it, we have to survive by ourselves and we have to help ourselves and each other's. Allah (god) does not listen to prayers or helps us, praying is just like hoping and that's it, nothing more.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for lifetime; give a man a religion and he will die praying for a fish."
Two working hands can do more than thousand praying lips, because praying is just like hoping and it has no practical results.
6) If your concept of GOD is All-Merciful & All-Loving, then tell me that how do you justify his cruel act of burning people in hell for ever and ever, till eternity? Just for following the wrong religion or the wrong sect within Islam, even If they were good, humble, merciful and caring human beings toward the others? I am sure with all my heart that there is a GOD, and if HE is merciful and JUST, so it would be against HIS justice and definitely against HIS mercy to punish someone infinitely for a finite mistake or transgression. It is neither just nor acceptable to burn someone forever, no matter what the crime was, every punishment should have a limit just like every crime has a limit, "An eye for an eye" is JUST but "eyes for an eye" is unjust.
7) In Quran & Hadiths it is mentioned that Allah is sitting on his throne (Kursi) above the seven skies on Arsh. Now my question is that if GOD does not depend on space, matter & time, then what is his chair made of? Because it means that his chair also does not depend on space, matter and time. And if that's the case then does it mean that it is a part of Allah? And if yes then it means that it is GOD as well and should be worshipped and if no then how is it that a GOD who is not made of matter is sitting on a throne that is made of matter? Isn't it against your own explanation of Allah that he is unique and there is nothing similar to him?
8) Another point that should be noted is that in Sahih Hadiths it is mentioned that Allah smiles when he sees a Mujahid fighting in a battlefield without his armor, now my question is that isn't a kind of idolatry? Because for someone to smile it needs a face or similar features like that, so is this not similar to people who give forms to a formless CREATOR? Again going against the statement in Quran that there is nothing unto like him (Allah) and then comparing him with a human like feature. (Please don't tell me that it is just to express the happiness of Allah, meaning he is happy, if that was the case then Muhammad would have actually said the word happy instead of "smiles") It simply shows that Muhammad made up things about GOD what he seemed was right according to his knowledge just like all the others. While on the other hand we just seem to keep on twisting it and changing it to fit our meanings according to the modern world.
9) The concept of Satan is completely illogical. There is no being called Satan who tells us to do wrong things or misguides us. But it is our own selfish desires that cause us to do bad things. There are five things within us: 1) Lust, 2) Ego, 3), Anger, 4) Hatred & 5) Attachment (to this world & other materialistic things). When the love of GOD or the sense of "GOOD" disappears from our heart, then our five selfish desires take control of us and we start committing selfish and wrong acts. (LOGICAL OR NOT?)
10) Why are all the miracles just in the books (Quran & Hadeeths)? Why don't they happen in reality, today? So we could have seen it by our self. Why do Allah only listens to Duaah (Prayers) and helps people just in books immediately but never in real life? How is the story of Cinderella any different from the story of Muhammad splitting the moon? I can tell you the similarities, both lack evidence, go against logic, against the GOD made laws of nature and physics and against common sense.
Many Muslims also brag about that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Let me tell you why, In Islamic law the punishment for preaching any other religion except Islam in a Muslim country is Death, while Muslims spend billions upon billions of dollars preaching their religion and sugarcoating it to non Muslims. They want the right to practice and preach their religion in a non Muslim country but they are such a hypocrite that they kill others if they preach their religion in a Muslim country,This is the so called freedom in Islam.
So if Islam is "Al Haq" than it should have not been afraid of other religions. Why is it than that Muslims want the right to preach their religion in non-Muslim western countries and that they are allowed to do, but than in Islamic Shariah the punishment for non-Muslims to preach their religion in an Islamic country is punishable by death. So why these double standards? Why all this Hypocrisy? And why all this cruelty? It certainly can not be a religion of "Peace & Freedom" after all that, don't you think?
Also, why did Muslims use to take non-Muslim girls as their sex slaves and use to rape them???
Why is their systematic rape allowed in Islam???
And also, why is slavery allowed in Islam???

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

There are a shocking parallels that we find in Gaza and North Wiziristan. Both Taliban and Hammas in North Wiziristan and Gaza respectively do not accept the writ of their respective states, have established states within their states from where they attack their own people and the neighboring states. We have seen videos depicting Taliban cutting throats and playing football with heads and the operatives of Hammas dragging the dead bodies alongside roads to exhibit a show of barbarism.
What our armed forces are doing against Taliban in our tribal areas need to undertaken by the West bank Palestinian authority against Hammas in Gaza. But unlike pakistani armed forces, this authority does not have power enough to suppress this insurgency and cleanse the area of terror outfits. This is why Israel has to undertake this unpleasant job of conducting an effective operation against the terror of Hammas in the absence of an effective force of Palestinian authority under Mahmoud unlike Pakistan in North Wiziristan.
Six days war proved catastrophe for the the Palestinian people and ended in the occupation and later annexation of territories like Golan Hights under Syria, Sinai peninsula and Gaza under Egypt and West bank and East Jerusalem under Jorden. Sinai peninsula was returned to Egypt under an agreement by the gracious act of Israel in a course of time.
Since 2006 we find no elections taking place in Gaza and the West bank. After being elected to the legislative council, the prime minister of Hammas refused to renounce violence, honor the past agreements and vowed to destroy Israel and did not accept it. As a result the chairman of the authority using his powers dismissed the government of Ismael Hanyea and appointed Salam fayyad a new prime minister in the aftermath of violent clashes occuring between the forces of authority and Hammas. Since then Hammas has illegally occupied Gaza and continues to challenge the writ of the Palestinian authority which enjoys sole recognition of the world and UNO. It is like Taliban gets control over a certain piece of land in our tribal areas for a time being without being recognized the world and some misguided elements start calling their illegal occupation as legitimate government. Shocking.
Over a period of time, after suffering more than 60000 casualties, Pakistan has learnt this bitter lesson that non state actors should never be used as an instrument of foreign policy to move forward the state agenda for it always backfires. When will the people of Palestine come to learn the same lesson?

This place has been made for the Kaafirs (infidels), Munafiqs (hypocrites) and the sinful and wicked people to live. The Kaafirs will be imprisoned here forever. This is also a place where there is complete darkness and strong black fire, which has no shine to it. It's fire will continue to get hotter. The fire of Hell is so strong that if a pinpoint (equal to a tip of a needle) of it was thrown into this world every single person would die from its heat. If one of the guards of Hell came to this world, people would all die just by seeing his frightening face. No one would survive.
The Jahannamis will be given many different types of punishment. Big snakes and scorpions will bite them. People will have their heads crushed by big hammers. People will suffer from extreme hunger and thirst. They will be given a boiling hot oil type of water to drink and poisonous thorny fruits to eat. When they eat this fruit it will get stuck in the throat, and to wash it down they will ask for water and will be given boiling hot water. When drinking this water, all their insides will break and wash away. The thirst will be so extreme that when drinking this water the lips will crumble away.
The Kaafirs will become so helpless from this punishment that they will wish for death, but death will not come. They will ask for each others advice and go to the guard of Hell, Sayyiduna Malik. They will ask him to speak to Allah Taala of their fate. Sayyiduna Malik will not reply to them for a thousand years. After a thousand years, he will reply, "What are you telling me for, tell Him Whom you have disobeyed". Then for a thousand years they will call Allah Ta'ala by His Merciful Names, and for a thousand years He will not reply. After a thousand years, Allah Taala will reply, "Stay away, remain in Hell, do not talk to Me". At this time, the Kaafirs will become completely hopeless of any kind of mercy and will start screaming and crying like the sound of donkeys. First they will cry with tears. Then, when the tears finish, they will cry with tears of blood. There will be big gaping gaps in their cheeks due to the effects of their crying. The amount of water and pus from crying will be so much that if boats were put into them, they would start sailing. The face of Jahannamis will be so bad that if a Jahannami were brought into this world, all the people would die by looking at his face and from the foul stench.
Finally, for the Kaafirs, the situation will be such that for every infidel a coffin will be prepared for them to the length of their height, and then they will be put into this coffin. Then, it will be set on fire and it will be locked with a padlock of fire. It will be then be put inside a larger coffin also made of fire and the gap between will be set on fire. A padlock with chains made of fire will also be put around it. It will then be put into another coffin and then also set on fire and again will be locked with a lock of fire. All this will be then put into a bonfire. Then all the infidels will think that they will never be able to withstand any other heat and that this punishment is above all punishment. There will always be punishment for them and it will never end.
After all the Jannatis enter Jannah, only the Jahannamis will be left in Jahannam forever. At that time, death would be placed in between Jannah and Jahannam in the form of a ram. Then a voice will call out to the Jannatis. They would peep with fear thinking that they would be taken out of Jannah. Then, the voice will call out to the Jahannamis. They would be happy while peeping thinking that they would be taken out from Jahannam. Then the voice would ask them if they recognise it (the ram). All will say, "Yes, this is death." Then the ram will be slaughtered. The voice will say, "O Jannatis, you will live forever and will not die". Then it would say, "O Jahannamis, you will live forever and will not die". From this, the Jannatis will be ever happy and the Jahannamis will be very sad.
[Source material : Noor-e-Nabi].

Saturday, 19 July 2014

1. Karan Johar
It would be a cloyingly romantic love-triangle between Caesar, Cornelia and Koba, interspersed with some scenes wherein Caesar and Koba pretend to be gay and in love with each other.
The movie would feature a nice disco song with the three of them painting a pub red (in which Kajol would make a guest appearance as herself), followed by another song where Cornelia would set the stage on fire, decked in Manish Malhotra ape designer wear including ghungroos, choodis and payals, shaking her legs to Farah Khan’s steps.
As the story progresses, however, things would get complicated with Caesar ending up on his death bed. In a tearful climax, Caesar would unite Koba and Cornelia, requesting Koba to take good care of her.
Years later, Koba and Cornelia would give birth to a baby ape and no prizes for guessing what they’ll name him – Caesar.
Oh, and the movie will be titled “Kabhi Bandar kabhi insaan”
2. Mahesh Bhatt
First things first. The movie would be an A-rated movie, featuring a series of bold, erotic sex scenes between the newly married Cornelia and Caesar. Soon, things would go downhill with Cornelia starting an affair with Koba behind Caesar’s back.
Another set of passionate love-making scenes would follow, with one scene testing the limits of Indian censors. Finally, the story would progress with a livid Caesar confronting and killing Koba.
Unable to cope with her guilt, Cornelia would shoot herself. A distraught Caesar would follow suit, with nothing more to look forward to in life. While we’re not sure if this may be the final story or if there may be a story at all, but we can very safely confirm the sex scenes.
3. Sajid Khan
Again, deriving the story is an impossible task, but rest assured, you will see Caesar wearing a pink bra and a white skirt and dancing with Cornelia and Koba on a beach. Koba will be wearing a blouse and a towel by the way.
Caesar will don a long wig of straight hair, while Koba will put on a curly-haired, bob-cut wig. The movie will be titled “Hum Bandars.” Enough said. We do not want to add anything more.

Friday, 18 July 2014

Since time immemorial,there is sanctimonious sanctity for reciting verses from Guradhpuran/Vedas/ Geeta with the help of Brahmnical professional expertise,at the time of death .Credulous and gullible have got profound faith that recitation of verses ,not only absolves deceased from all committed sin and immorality,but also is instrumental in preserving place of comfort in 'next/other world'.Social hype is given to the fact that 'sacred mantras' were chanted when he/she was cremated.This chanting is meaningless as the dead cannot hear nor is it established any way that content and context of verses is communicated to supposed gods,in the larger interests of deceased.The recited verses are Greek for mourners too,as they can hardly understand ,whatsoever is being recited in chaste Sanskrit language.Can the chanting change and alter the alleged much publicized karma hypothesis ?Can the chanting orchestrate post death deputation process for heaven and hell ?Can the attribution of moral turpitude and moral rectitude be interchanged and modified as per whims of the kith and kin of deceased ?Now hypothetically speaking,in case of such eventuality ,the whole edifice of Hinduism will crumble and falsification of karma theory will be accordingly established.The fact of the matter is that,said post death ritual is not only futile exercise but meaningless gesture too,though it is 'meaningful and purposeful' for that class of social parasites,popularly known as Brahmans.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

New York. If a research paper published in the reputed science journal “Evolution Today” is to be believed, human beings are going to evolve into owls in the next 5000 years, all due to the growing habit of staying awake quite late at nights.
The report has been written by a group of evolutionary researchers working on the impact of modern lifestyle on human evolution.

“Our habits and needs define the course of evolution. We all know how we evolved from apes to humans, and now it’s time to move on,” said Dr. Mark Darwin, head of the research team, who thinks that humans have already started gaining the first characteristic of an owl.
“Many of us, who have access to internet, smartphones, laptops, etc. are developing the habit of going to bed around 3 am or 4 am in the morning. That means we are slowly moving toward nocturnality,” he continued.
During their research, Mark and his team met many people who accepted that they felt the desire to keep staring at their mobile devices, even in the last moments before finally falling asleep, just like an owl appears to stare at things.
“It appears that like earlier we got bored of being an ape, now we are bored of being human,” Mark added further.
According to the research paper, in the next 200 years, with most of the world population having access to modern technology, humans will completely lose their power to work during the day while they will be actively spending time on internet all night.
And by year 3000 AD, they will be having feathers on their bodies.
However, there is one glitch. Unlike normal owls, human-turned-owls will not be having eyes that are capable to see in the dark.
“This is because we normally spend nights staring at lighted screens of mobiles and laptops, which in turn is not allowing our eyes to develop their own lights. So, we will be like second-class owls, and we might not get the same respect in the owl community which a normal owl gets,” feared Mark Darwin.
In his concluding remarks, Mark has requested people to sit idle during the night with all lights and gadgets switched off, so that humans evolve into normal owls.
“No, we can’t stop this evolution, we can try our best to make things a bit better,” he said.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014


Religious extremism has been the root cause of most of the
world problems since time immemorial. It has decided the fates
of men and nations. In a vast nation like India, the imposition of
religious dogma and discrimination upon the people has taken
place after the upsurge of Hindu rightwing forces in the political
arena. As a consequence of their political ascendancy in the
northern states of India, they started to rewrite school textbooks
in an extremely biased manner that was fundamentalist and
revivalist. Not only did they meddle with subjects like history
(which was their main area of operation), but they also imposed
their religious agenda on the science subjects. There was a plan
to introduce Vedic Astrology in the school syllabus across the
nation, which was dropped after a major hue and cry from
secular intellectuals.
This obsession with ‘Vedic’ results from the fundamentalist
Hindu organizations need to claim their identity as Aryan (and
hence of Caucasian origin) and hence superior to the rest of the
native inhabitants of India. The ‘Vedas’ are considered ‘divine’
in origin and are assumed to be direct revelations from God.
The whole corpus of Vedic literature is in Sanskrit. The Vedas
are four in number: Rgveda, Saamaveda, Yajurveda and
Atharvaveda. In traditional Hinduism, the Vedas as a body of
knowledge were to be learnt only by the ‘upper’ caste Hindus
and the ‘lower castes’ (Sudras) and so-called ‘untouchables’
(who were outside the Hindu social order) were forbidden from
learning or even hearing to their recitation. For several
centuries, the Vedas were not written down but passed from
generation to generation through oral transmission. While
religious significance is essential for maintaining Aryan
supremacy and the caste system, the claims made about the
Vedas were of the highest order of hyperbole. Murli Manohar
Joshi, a senior Cabinet minister of the Bharatiya Janata Party
(BJP) that ruled India from 1999-2004 went on to claim that a
cure of the dreaded AIDS was available in the Vedas!
And now,Smiriti Irani ,new Avatar of human resources development,under newly constituted BJP ministry has declared her profound faith and priority for ancient divine wisdom. Accordingly Vedic mathematics is soon going to be a buzz word and in due course of time all necessary initiatives will be undertaken to popularize Vedic Mathematics under the policy of redefined and rediscovered education policy based exclusively on much publicized Bhartiya sabhyta tatha sanskrti.
What are the contents of Vedic mathematics and  what are its scriptural references ?The only supposedly authoritative book on the subject is-"Vedic Mathematics "authored by Swami Bharati Krishna Tirtha [1884-1960],the Shankracharya of Goverdhana Matha, Puri.The content and text of the book is based on 16 Sutras [aphorisms from aika adhikain porvaina to gunakasamachhyah] and 13 Subsutras [anuropyena to gunitsmachhya].Any way,there is nothing Vedic about said content and context,as they are the authors self composed and homespun sentences in modern Sanskrit.Not only that,the 355 page book contains neither any quotation from the Vedas nor does it refer to any Vedic verse or sentence..The book is completely un-Vedic.This fact,in a way,exposes the myth of the Vedic mathematics.Had there been concerned verses available in the Vedas,the learned author would have quoted them.
Dr.K.S.Shukla,formerly professor of mathematics,Lucknow University,in his essay-"Vedic Mathematics-the Deceptive title of Swamiji's book" has commented,"...bears the impression that it deals with the mathematics contained in the Vedas.This indeed is not the case as the book deals not with Vedic mathematics but with modern elementary mathematics".[Issues in Vedic mathematics,page 31]. Dr Shukla has examined in detail all the 40 chapters of said book and concluded-"from the contents it is evident that the mathematics dealt with in the book is far removed from that of the Vedic period.Instead,it is that mathematics which which is taught at present to high school and intermediate classes.It is indeed the result of Swami ji's own experience
as a teacher of mathematics in his early life.Not a single method described is Vedic,but the Swami ji has declared all the methods  and processes  explained by him as Vedic and ancient."[Ibid,page 34-35].
In simple words,it is like selling a modern statue in the name of an antique.A clearcut deception is involved there.

Monday, 7 July 2014

Last week, Yellapragada Sudershan Rao was appointed head of the Indian Council of Historical Research. He is also president of the Sangh Parivar-affiliated Bharateeya Itihaasa Sankalana Samithi, an organisation that seeks to write history from an Indian nationalist perspective from “the beginning of kaliyuga onwards”. Rao, though, goes further back than the kaliyuga: one of his current projects involves affixing a definitive date to the Mahabharata war. His other interests include Vedic literature, bharateeya sanskriti (Indian culture) and Indian mythology (the use of the word “mythology”, given his literalist interpretation of the Mahabharata, is an interesting choice).

This was inevitable. Politics has always used history as a tool and agent. The move is reminiscent of the appointment of Murli Manohar Joshi as human resources development minister in Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s Bharatiya Janata Party government. Joshi made a number of appointments in crucial academic positions, which were criticised by academic historians at the time as attempts to saffronise the curriculum and position Hindu scriptural dicta as academic thought.

Yet, the contest between these narratives of Indian history is not new. A look at five areas where Hindutva historians have sought to rewrite accepted histories.

1. The Medieval Period as India’s Dark Ages
The medieval period saw a succession of Muslim rulers establish empires, especially in north India. When prime minister Narendra Modi mentioned India’s “slave mentality of 1,200 years” in the Lok Sabha, he was asserting that it was not only during the two hundred years of British dominion that Indians were enslaved, but in the preceding thousand years of Muslim-rule as well. (The thousand-year number is incorrect in any case; Muslim monarchs of various dynasties controlled Delhi for about 600 years, and even less in other parts of the subcontinent.)

Indian historiography does not consider the medieval period foreign rule, primarily because the Muslim kings engaged with Indian culture meaningfully as they ruled, and were not economically extractionary like the British colonists. Historians associated with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh have long sought to challenge this, painting the years of Muslim rule as foreign.

In January this year, Hindutva adherents on Twitter created a furore over Tipu Sultan being featured on Karnataka’s Republic Day float. A number of Indian historians have championed Sultan as one of the few kings who refused to submit to England’s military advantage.

An extreme version of the efforts to de-legitimise rulers of this age is found in the works of historian PN Oak (quoted often by a member of the BJP, Subramanian Swamy). Oak claims that the Taj Mahal was once a Shiva temple named “Tejo Mahalaya” that the Mughals simply took over, changing the name slightly.

2. The Golden Hindu Age
Looking past the many advances India made in the medieval period, Hindutva historians often look to ancient India for a sense of historical sustenance. Ironically, the preferred morality of the RSS is modeled more on 19th century European sensibilities than the mores prevalent in ancient India. Historians such as DN Jha, who have showed that some people in ancient India ate beef, are therefore attacked.

In an interview with the Telegraph, Rao bluntly confirms that his aim is to “rewrite ancient history”.

It is worth noting that the Hindutva imagining of history resembles many other fundamentalist movements. As one satirical tweet on Iraq's ISIS read: “The ISIS have no idea what restoring the Caliphate actually means. In Baghdad, it’d involve booze, odes to wine, science… and a gay court poet.”

3. Scholarship around Hinduism
Religious history, in itself, is a useful field given how society is shaped by faith. Archaeologists like BB Lal and SR Rao have even sought to determine the truth of events related in the Mahabharata through their research.

Unfortunately, much of this work has been literalist in approach, reminiscent of the Biblical archaeology movement. This perception is reinforced by the treatment that Wendy Doniger’s work on Hinduism has received. Dinanath Batra, the senior RSS member who ensured Doniger’s publishers pulped her book, advised the previous BJP government on education policy.

4. Out-of-India Theory
Hindutva historians such as the Belgian Indologist Koenraad Elst explain the linguistic links between India and Europe through a theory in which Europeans are the modern descendants of people who migrated out of India, spreading their language in the process. This is crucial given how Hinduism is defined as completely indigenous to India by the RSS.

But this theory has little credibility in linguistics and historical research. The Kurgan Hypothesis (or the Aryan Migration Theory) is the mostly widely-accepted model.

5. Re-interpreting the Freedom MovementThough each period of Indian history has become a source of contest, the freedom movement is possibly the most politicised segment of Indian history. The Congress has its own band of historians who have interpreted the period as per its needs. Surprisingly, the BJP agenda here is the least contentious and comprises what are basically petty turf wars involving individuals.

When the BJP was last in power, bitter squabbles arose over whether Hindutva ideologue Veer Savarkar’s picture should go up in Parliament or not. Nehru – a fond target of the Hindutva right – will probably come under more attack, and his more conservative contemporary Vallabhbhai Patel will be championed.

Yet, even as the RSS makes strenuous efforts to refashion history to suit its own needs, it must be pointed out to anybody excessively alarmed (or pleased) by this, that official histories have a pretty small role to play in today’s world. For example, the current set of history textbooks published by the National Council for Educational Research and Training are truly well-written, with little political interference and featuring the latest research. Most politically aware Indians, though, simply ignore them and pick such history off the Internet, that best fits their preconceived notions.

Moreover, most of the primary research is now done outside India. More academics in India seem to be keeping away from the hard grind of primary-source research, an attitude that American Sanskrit scholar Sheldon Pollock has described as “cultural genocide”. That, perhaps, is something we should be worrying about more.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

In Hinduism fate of women has been hanging in between Durga to Devdasi,closer to Devdasi than to Durga.For a long time,because of high valuation placed on the idea of sanyasa in Hinduism,women were despised as source of worldliness. They were regarded as the "torch lighting the way to hell."They were considered to be a bad influence on men,a positive hind
rance in the meaningful development of their personality. Kabir asked men to shun the company of women,saying-"Kabira tin ki kya ghat jo nit nari kay sang".She was looked down upon as a 'potential temptress'.Tulsidas,author of Ramcharitmanas,placed women at par with animal,by saying-"dhol,ganwar,sudr,pasu,
nari-sakal tadana kay adhikari."Yoghi Gorakh Nath has described women as "baghni" a she wolf who robbed men of their youthful vigor. Both Krishna and Shankracharya have described women as "paap yoniya"[product of sin and immorality] and "narak dwar"[door to hell] respectively.
Basically, out present attitude towards women streams from our religious scriptures which refer to women as contempt. Our oldest book are the 'Vedas' which contain highly objectionable and condemn-able passages concerning women. Taking cue from the 'Vedas' authors of subsequent religious scriptures referred to women in more contemptuous form. 'Sati pratha' (custom of burning the widow with the body of her husband), 'Dasi Pratha' (keeping the slave girls), 'Niyog Pratha' (ancient Aryan custom of childless widow or women having sexual intercourse with a man other than husband to beget child), were among cruel customs responsible for the plight of the women.

Naturally, seeking shelter under such religious sanctions, unscrupulous women disgraced women to the maximum possible extent and made them means of satisfying their lust. No one wanted a daughter. As a result; female infant came to be considered unwanted. No one wanted a daughter. Everyone was interested in having a son. The birth of the son was celebrated, but the birth of the daughter plunged family into gloom. This attitude still persists, even though certain other customs have undergone changes.
"It is not some sundry alim but Al-Ghazzali himself,who tells us that "merit has one thousand components,only one of which is attributable to women,while nine hundred and ninety nine are attributable to men."It is the view not of some sundry alim but of this ,the most influential of Islam's theologians and philosophers that for eve's disobedience and the moral depravity of women-kind Allah has punished women in 18 different ways,which include Menstruation,Pregnancy,The pain of childbirth,Separation from her parents and marriage to a stranger,the liability to be divorced and her inability to divorce,the fact that it is lawful for a men to marry four wives while she has to be content with one husband,that her testimony counts for just one half of the testimony of a man,that her share in property be half that of her brother and so on."
[Women in Islam,pp 4-5;as quoted in book,'The world of Fatwas,page 594].

Section 66A of the Information Technology Act

Note: The Information Technology Act, 2000 was amended in 2008. The amended Act which received the assent of the President on February 5, 2009, contains section 66A.

66A. Punishment for sending offensive messages through communication service, etc.
Any person who sends, by means of a computer resource or a communication device,—
(a) any information that is grossly offensive or has menacing character; or
(b) any information which he knows to be false, but for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenience, danger, obstruction, insult, injury, criminal intimidation, enmity, hatred or ill will, persistently by making use of such computer resource or a communication device,
(c) any electronic mail or electronic mail message for the purpose of causing annoyance or inconvenience or to deceive or to mislead the addressee or recipient about the origin of such messages,
shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and with fine.

Explanation.— For the purpose of this section, terms “electronic mail” and “electronic mail message” means a message or information created or transmitted or received on a computer, computer system, computer resource or communication device including attachments in text, images, audio, video and any other electronic record, which may be transmitted with the message.