The "god" of theists is a ghost,infinitely attenuated and expanded,coterminous with the entire universe.Children believe in ghosts and adults with children mentality believe in "god".Every child born into the world is not a theist;theism is the result of indoctrination based on respective religions and associated religiosity.The growth of a child into a theist or an atheist has nothing to do with the existence or non existence of 'god'.
Religious belief is powerful in proportion to the want of scientific knowledge on the part of believer;the more ignorant-the more credulous and gullible.Belief in 'god' is not founded on reason.If at all we brush aside all our rational explanations and try to have a child like faith in 'god',then too there crop up questions as to what we ultimately gain in believing that 'god' exists.
Has belief in 'god' prevented man from committing crime against man ?Has the thought of 'god' made men really generous,moral and civilized?Can we claim that the faith in 'god' has preserved and enhanced the dignity of man ?Has mankind been been benefited from the belief in 'god'?The answer is an emphatic NO.
The presence of pain,misery,strife,crimes and other social evils contradicts rather than confirms the attribution of 'god' as omnipotent,omnipresent,omnisci ent and above all benevolent .
We in India are aware how numerous religions,professing and preaching numerous 'gods' have divided Indians into various casts and creeds.They have created communalism [communal divide],and parochialism,brought bloodshed on numerous occasions and ultimately weakened the country's solidarity.
Modern science and technology has opened its new vistas of life for universal humanity;progress and prosperity and progress lie in the best use of these by mankind himself without feeling the essentiality of believing in 'god'.
It is the appreciation of human values and proper execution of the principles of liberty,equality and fraternity in every walk of life,which alone can bring peace and progress on all fronts on this earth.'God' need not come in the picture at all.It is imperative that we demolish the old trodden beliefs and superstitions founded on the faith in numerous 'gods' and follow a new vision-a religion of man-based on reason and scientific temper.therein lies the true solace !
The "god" of theists is a ghost,infinitely attenuated and expanded,coterminous with the entire universe.Children believe in ghosts and adults with children mentality believe in "god".Every child born into the world is not a theist;theism is the result of indoctrination based on respective religions and associated religiosity.The growth of a child into a theist or an atheist has nothing to do with the existence or non existence of 'god'.
Religious belief is powerful in proportion to the want of scientific knowledge on the part of believer;the more ignorant-the more credulous and gullible.Belief in 'god' is not founded on reason.If at all we brush aside all our rational explanations and try to have a child like faith in 'god',then too there crop up questions as to what we ultimately gain in believing that 'god' exists.
Has belief in 'god' prevented man from committing crime against man ?Has the thought of 'god' made men really generous,moral and civilized?Can we claim that the faith in 'god' has preserved and enhanced the dignity of man ?Has mankind been been benefited from the belief in 'god'?The answer is an emphatic NO.
The presence of pain,misery,strife,crimes and other social evils contradicts rather than confirms the attribution of 'god' as omnipotent,omnipresent,omnisci
We in India are aware how numerous religions,professing and preaching numerous 'gods' have divided Indians into various casts and creeds.They have created communalism [communal divide],and parochialism,brought bloodshed on numerous occasions and ultimately weakened the country's solidarity.
Modern science and technology has opened its new vistas of life for universal humanity;progress and prosperity and progress lie in the best use of these by mankind himself without feeling the essentiality of believing in 'god'.
It is the appreciation of human values and proper execution of the principles of liberty,equality and fraternity in every walk of life,which alone can bring peace and progress on all fronts on this earth.'God' need not come in the picture at all.It is imperative that we demolish the old trodden beliefs and superstitions founded on the faith in numerous 'gods' and follow a new vision-a religion of man-based on reason and scientific temper.therein lies the true solace !
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