Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Few days ago,Prakash Karat,General Secretary of CPI[M],stated that Mulayam Singh Yadav,can lead proposed non congress and non BJP,third front [supposedly progressive one]. Gone are the days,when political parties,believed and followed their respective political ideologies.Today there is hardly any line of distinction or demarcation between supposedly political left,right or center.It is beyond any logic or comprehension to understand the criteria for being progressive or regressive, and secular or non secular [communal]. It all depends on political convenience and short term adjustments.Today,if Ram Manohar Lohia or Jaya Prakash Narayan would have been alive,they would have definitely committed suicide,after being witness to 'political deeds' of their respective 'disciples' Mulayam Singh Yadav and Lallu Yadav.
Mulayam Singh criticizes Sangh parivar for being communal and fundamentalist,but in practice and perception,he had no problem to be Defense Minister under NDA rule,led by BJP. He often sarcastically comments about Nehru dynastic legacy,but again in practice and perception,he has kept his dynastic legacy alive by arranging prestigious political placements for his kith and kin,including his brother,son and daughter in law.He claims to be torch bearer of socialist ideology,but in real practice,he out rightly follows sectarian cast based politics.He claims to be crusader against corruption,but his success story in establishing huge financial empire,from rags to riches since 1967 [when he was elected MLA first time from Jaswant nagar],is well known and his disproportionate assets are often part of political debates and speculations.

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