When the report was being assiduously spread by the enemies of reform that Swami Dayanand had refused to hold a shastrarth, some Sadhus elated by the report hastened to the Swami’s quarters, and coming into his presence, said that they had sought him out with the view of holding a discussion with him. “Vedantism,” was the reply of the leader of the band, a man of learning.
Swami ~ “To begin with, please explain what do you mean by Vedantism?”Sadhu - ”Vedantism is that which teaches that the world is false and that God is the only true existence.”
Swami ~ “What do you understand by the ‘world’ (jagata)? What things are included in your ‘world’ and what do you mean by the term ‘false’ (mithya)?”
Sadhu - ”Whatever there is from atoms up to the sun, is called the ‘world’ and all that is in it, is false and unreal.”
Swami ~ ”Are or are not your body, speech, moving about, updesh, guru, and books included in this world also?
Sadhu - Yes they are.”
Swami ~ “And is your religion also included in this, or is it outside of it?”
Sadhu - “Verily, that too is included in this.”
Swami ~ “When you yourself admit that you and your guru, your faith and your books, your speech and your updesh are false, what can I say to you? The case, according to the statement of the claimant himself, deserves to be dismissed. There is no need of witnesses here.
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