Friday, 28 June 2013

चार्वाक दर्शन के प्रणेता बृहस्पति का कहना है—

न स्वर्गो नापवर्गो, वा नैवात्मा पारलौकिकः
नैव वर्णाश्रमादीनां क्रियाश्व फलदायिकाः
अग्निहोत्रं त्रयो वेदात्रिदण्डं भस्मगुण्ठनम्।
बुद्धिपौरुषहीनानां जीविका धातृनिर्मिता।।
पशुश्रेन्निहतः स्वर्ग ज्योतिष्टोमे गमिष्यति।
स्वपिता यजमानेन तन्न कस्मान्न हिंस्यते?
मृतानामपि जन्तूनां श्राद्धं चेत्तृप्तिकारणम्
निर्वाणस्य प्रदीपस्य स्नेहः संवर्धयेच्छिखाम्।।—सर्वदर्शन संग्रह

आशय है कि न तो स्वर्ग है, न अपवर्ग(मोक्ष) और न परलोक में रहने वाली आत्मा. वर्ण, आश्रम आदि की क्रियाएं भी फल देने वाली नहीं हैं. अग्निहोत्र, तीनों वेद, तीन दंड धारण करना और भस्म लगाना—ये बुद्धि और पुरुषार्थ से रहित लोगों की जीविका के साधन हैं. जिन्हें बृह्मा ने बनाया. यदि ज्योतिष्टोम-यज्ञ में मारा गया पशु स्वर्ग जाएगा, जो उस जगह पर यजमान अपने पिता को ही क्यों नहीं मार डालता? मरे हुए प्राणियों को श्राद्ध से यदि तृप्ति मिलती मिले तो बुझे हुए दीपक की शिखा तो तो तेल अवश्य ही बढ़ा ही देगा.
Religion is
Contrary to Reason
Most religious teachings are contrary to reason. We are told to believe that a god who must look like a man, because a man was made in his image, made the world in six days. This god took some clay in his hand, molded it, blew on it, and a man was formed.
Science teaches that the world was formed as an offshoot from the sun, over a period of millions of years, and that man evolved through the ages from lower forms of life.
Religion tells us that Christ was born from a virgin. Reason teaches that this is impossible. The Bible says Christ made wine out of water. Reason denies such a thing is possible.
The Bible says Joshua made the sun stand still. Science and reason could not countenance for a moment such a fabrication. The Bible says that God of the Jews cut the Red Sea in half and let the Jews escaping from Egypt, walk between two walls of water. Science denies such a possibility.
There are hundreds of "miracles" reported in the Bible and thousands in the traditions and writings of all religious works. All these miracles purport to set aside natural laws. The miracles are supposed to be phenomena which men are unable to do but which gods and supernatural beings can do. Any modern magician can perform any number of tricks which people do not understand. By relating these miracles, listeners are supposed to be convinced that the people who tell them are correct in their religious belief or propaganda. No miracles in Christianity of any consequence have been reported during the last 1900 years. The farther away, and the longer time back in history, miracles are reported, the less they are subject to investigation.
"Miracles" are for the purpose of "selling" the prospective convert the religion the "promoter" has to offer. It is a method of getting the "prospect" to sign up and join the religion. Those who head the religion or church usually are well paid for their work. After a few years an organization is built up which tends to be self-perpetuating. All the "promoters" have to do is to keep talking. They toil not, neither do they spin. Their "gift of gab" keeps them on the payroll..
[The case against religion [originally 'superior men'];James Hervey Johnson,1949].

Their arguments are, of course, always contrary to reason. The miracles they tell about are contrary to reason. The philosophy they propagate is not originated on a basis of common sense, practical benefit to people, and the production of happiness. On the contrary, the following of religious philosophies often is the greatest cause of unhappiness in a whole nation.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

"If a man wishes that a son should be born to him who will be a famous scholar, frequenting assemblies and speaking delightful words, a student of all the Vedas and an enjoy-er of the full term of life, he should have rice cooked with the meat of a young bull or of one more advanced in years and he and his wife should eat it with clarified butter. Then they should be able to beget such a son." *
Some Hindutvavadis try to play tricks even here by trying to twist the translation of few words like 'Auksha' and 'Aarshabh". They say they refer to certain medicinal plants and not a bull. To refute them, we are fortunate to have available the most ancient commentary on this mantra by none other than Adi Shankaracharya, revered by Hindus as the reviver of Hinduism in India and finishing off Buddhism and Jainism. Commenting on this verse he writes,

मांसमिक्षमोदनं मांसौदनम्. तन्मांसनियमार्थमाह - औक्षेण वा मांसेन. उक्षा सेचनसमर्थः पुंगवस्तदीयं मांसम्. रिषभस्ततो.अप्यधिकवयास्त दीयमार्षभं मांसम्.

"Odan' (rice) mixed with meat is called 'Mansodan'. On being asked whose meat it should be, he answers 'Uksha'. 'Uksha' is used for an ox, which is capable to produce semen. Or the meat should be of a 'Rishabh'. 'Rishabh' is a bull more advanced in years than an 'Uksha'."
*[Reference :-Brahad Darnyk Upnishad;6/4/18].
 Hindu religion through its mythology and epics continues to 
keep the women at the low level. In the Hindu-Indian mythology five 
women are portrayed and showed as role model for other women. They are 
Sita, Savitri, Draupadi, Ahalya and Arundhati. Sita is the obedient 
wife of the Ramayana epic's god, Rama. Her obedience is shown also to 
her brother-in-law. In the case of failure of this obedience, she will 
face problems and hardships. The epic tells that Sita disobeyed her 
brother-in-law and, consequently, was abducted by the evil person 
Ravana. The lesson from this epic is that wife should obey if not she 
will suffer. 

Another story of suffering and obedient wife is contained in the 
Mahabaratha epic. This second “model” woman is Savitri. She is a queen 
chooses a blind the one who is going to die soon, as a marriage 
partner. She is given as model as the one who suffered and scarified 
her life for the sake of her husband. Savitri is shown as an ideal 
wife.[12] Dr. R. Dhanjal observes that for the low and degradation 
position of women is due to the ongoing cultural and religious mind 
set up imposed on Indian women. Dhanjal says; “All men want their 
wives to be like Sita – long suffering and obedient. The lot of most 
Indian women today is similar to that of Savitri and Sita, but with a 
slight difference.” Dhanjal further says; “Modern-day Indian women put 
up with indignity and degradation from sheer economic necessity, being 
not trained for any profession. Taught from childhood that a husband's 
word is law, most find it easier to suffer rather, than leave the 
security of the home to look for a job to support themselves and their 
children. That is one reason for the low divorce rate in India.”[13] 

The third role model for women is Draupadi. Her story comes in the 
epic of Mahabaratha. Draupadi is the wife for five princes. Although 
she was married to only one prince later she was asked to be the wife 
for her four brother-in-laws. She kept silent and obeyed her husbands 
even in the extreme situation when she was gambled away by one of her 
five husbands. In the gamble her husbands were defeated and they were 
sent to exile for 13 years. Even in these critical and painful 
situations she kept quiet, obeyed and accompanied her husbands 
wherever they went. Never raised her voice against her husbands 

Ahalya an epic woman narrated in the Ramayana is the fourth one. 
Ahalya is the wife of Gautama a Hindu rishi (hermit). She was seduced 
by god Indra and had sexual relationship with god Indra when she was 
unconscious. Due to her infidelity she was cursed by her husband to 
become stone. Ahalya´s life is shown as an example to Indian women 
that if any wives are seduced by other men will be punished by their 
husbands even if it happens without the consent of the women. Even 
though the wives are not responsible for the seduction they have to 
undergo punishment. The fifth woman is Arundhati the wife of Vashishta 
a sage. Her story is narrated in many Hindu epics. She is shown as 
model for her chastity. 

The Hindu-Indian tradition again and again imprints in the hearts and 
minds of the women that women should obey to her husband undergo 
suffering and should be chaste. If they violate this tradition they 
will face the same problems as the Hindu epic women faced. Margaret R. 
Higonnet observes it was the duty of the women to prove that they are 
chaste. She says; “As traditional narrative model, these legends 
(Ahalya and Sita) propose purification for the violated woman through 
symbolic death (transformation into a stone, passage through fire), to 
resolve the crisis of rape or attempted rape.”[14] Kailash 
Vijayavargiya, a BJP political party minister in Madhya Pradesh,[15] 
quoting Ramayana, Vijayavargiya said just like Sita was abducted by 
Ravana, a woman will be punished if she crosses her limits,”[16] 
commented following the gang rape and murder of 23 years old girl in 
New Delhi. In the same context, Mohan Bhagwat the RSS (a Hindu 
fundamentalism part) leader, commented that “A husband and wife are 
involved in a contract under which the husband has said that you 
should take care of my house and I will take care of all your needs. I 
will keep you safe. So the husband follows the contract terms. Till 
the time, the wife follows the contract, the husband stays with her, 
if the wife violates the contract, he can disown her.”[17] Commending 
the Bhagwat statement, Brinda Karat, CPI (M) communist political party 
leader, said the Hindu fundamentalist groups want to create a new 
Indian constitution based on Manushriti.[18] 
'People ridicule the superstitions of others, while cherishing their own.'
All ailments have cures but not superstitions. And if for some reason or other, any superstition crystallizes into a religion, it easily becomes an almost incurable malady. In the performance of certain religious functions, even educated people of today forget their human dignity to accept the most ridiculous, superstitious beliefs.
Superstitious beliefs and rituals were adopted to decorate a religion in order to attract the multitude. But after sometime, the creeper which is planted to decorate the shrine as it were, outgrows and outshines the shrine, with the result that religious tenets are relegated to the background and superstitious beliefs and rituals become predominant?the creeper eclipsing the shrine.
Like superstition dogmatic belief also chokes the healthy growth of religion. Dogmatic belief and intolerance go hand-in-hand. One is reminded of the Middle Ages with its pitiless inquisitions, cruel murders, violence, infamy, tortures and burning of innocent beings. One is also reminded of the barbaric and ruthless crusades. All these events were stimulated by dogmatic beliefs in religious authority and the intolerance resulting therefrom.
Before the development of scientific knowledge, ignorant people had many superstitious beliefs. For example a lot of people believed that the eclipse of the sun and moon brought bad luck and pestilence. Today we know that such beliefs are not true. Again some unscrupulous religionists encourage people to believe in superstitions so that they can make use of their followers for their own 'benefit'. When people have truly purified their minds of ignorance, they will see the universe as it really is and they will not suffer from superstition and dogmatism. This is the 'salvation' that Buddhists aspire to.
It is extremely difficult for us to break up the emotional feeling that is attached to superstition or dogmatic belief. Even the light of scientific knowledge is often not strong enough to cause us to give up the misconceptions. For example, we have noticed for generations that the earth moves round the sun; but experientially we still behold the sun rising, moving across the sky, and setting in the evening. We still have to make an intellectual leap to imagine that we are, in fact, hurtling at great speed around the sun.
We must understand that the dangers of dogmatism and superstition go hand-in-hand with religion.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Manu Smiriti is the most infamous scripture,well known for caste prejudice not only against Shudras,but against women too.I have come across,many die hard Hindu apologists,who while denying any caste prejudice in Hinduism [scriptures],put forward the standard argument that 'all such related verses in Manu Smiriti are prakhipt [not original but adulterated] and have been incorporated by vested interests  [enemies of Hinduism] for their sinister design to defame otherwise benign Hinduism.It will be pertinent here to point out,that despite my sincere efforts,i have failed to collect supposed original Manu Smiriti as it does not simply exist at all.The most primitive and authoritative bhashyakarta[commentator] of Manu Smiriti,Medhatithi,has nowhere mentioned such related verses as prakhipt and are integral part of his bhashya[commentary].On the contrary,it is an established fact that racist caste prejudice is integral part of Hindu scriptures,right from most primitive Vedas to somewhat latest Ramcharitmanas.
Brahmsutra is one of the most authoritative scripture with lot of reverence by believers and followers. Manu Smiriti is generally classified as hotbed of caste and gender prejudice,but i believe very few people know about Brahmsutra and Gotamdharamsutra for its sanctimonious sanctity for caste prejudice and no body till today has repeated prakhipt hypothesis about said scriptures.
*na shudraya matim dadhat [no body should encourage intellect of shudras].
*paduo ha va aitat shamshanam [shudras are movable cemetery].
*tasmat shudro baho pashu [shudra is more or less animal]'.
*ath ha asya vedam upshrunvat tropujtobhyam shrotra prati purnam udharanay,jeeva chedho dharnay sharirbheda...arthvidharnay hraday vidarnam [authoritative commentary by Aadi Shankra and Ramanuj,being presented][Brahmsutra,1/3/38 and Ghotamdharamsutra, 2/3/4].

And on account of the prohibition, in Smriti, of (the Sûdras') hearing and studying (the Veda) and (knowing and performing) (Vedic) matters.

Adi, Shankaracharya commenting on it writes,

"The Sûdras are not qualified for that reason also that Smriti prohibits their hearing the Veda, their studying the Veda, and their understanding and performing Vedic matters. The prohibition of hearing the Veda is conveyed by the following passages: 'The ears of him who hears the Veda are to be filled with (molten) lead and lac,' and 'For a Sûdra is (like) a cemetery, therefore (the Veda) is not to be read in the vicinity of a Sûdra.' From this latter passage the prohibition of studying the Veda results at once; for how should he study Scripture in whose vicinity it is not even to be read? There is, moreover, an express prohibition (of the Sûdras studying the Veda). 'His tongue is to be slit if he pronounces it; his body is to be cut through if he preserves it.' The prohibitions of hearing and studying the Veda already imply the prohibition of the knowledge and performance of Vedic matters; there are, however, express prohibitions also, such as 'he is not to impart knowledge to the Sûdra,'and 'to the twice-born belong study, sacrifice, and the bestowal of gifts.'--From those Sûdras, however, who, like Vidura and 'the religious hunter,' acquire knowledge in consequence of the after effects of former deeds, the fruit of their knowledge cannot be withheld, since knowledge in all cases brings about its fruit. Smriti, moreover, declares that all the four castes are qualified for acquiring the knowledge of the itihâsas and purânas; compare the passage, 'He is to teach the four castes' (Mahâbh.).--It remains, however, a settled point that they do not possess any such qualification with regard to the Veda."

Acharya Ramanuja commenting on the same Brahmasutra writes,

"The Sûdra is specially forbidden to hear and study the Veda and to perform the things enjoined in it. 'For a Sûdra is like a cemetery, therefore the Veda must not be read in the vicinity of a Sûdra;' 'Therefore the Sûdra is like a beast, unfit for sacrifices.' And he who does not hear the Veda recited cannot learn it so as to understand and perform what the Veda enjoins. The prohibition of hearing thus implies the prohibition of understanding and whatever depends on it."

"Swarn chora konkhyam surapa shya vadant tam;
..............jad muok andh badira vikrta kratyas tatha "[Manu Smiriti,chapter 11,verse 49-52].
49. He who steals the gold (of a Brahmana) has diseased nails; a drinker of (the spirituous liquor called) Sura, black teeth; the slayer of a Brahmana, tuberculosis                           ; the violator of a Guru's bed, a diseased skin;
50. An informer, a foul-smelling nose; a calumniator, a stinking breath; a steal-er of grain, deficiency in limbs; he who adulterates (grain), redundant limbs;
51. A steal-er of (cooked) food, dyspepsia; a steal-er of the words (of the Veda), dumbness a steal-er of clothes, white leprosy; a horse-steal-er, lameness.
52. The steal-er of a lamp will become blind; he who extinguishes it will become one-eyed; injury (to sentient beings) is punished by general sickness; an adulterer (will have) swellings (in his limbs).

Monday, 24 June 2013

Habib Jalib [1928-1993] was a Pakistani revolutionary poet,left wing activist and poet who opposed martial law,authoritarianism and state oppression. Jalib was a Marxist Leninist and aspired to the ideals of then communist party of Pakistan,which was later banned.I am herewith presenting his famous poem-'Islam is not in danger'[khatre mein Islam nahin].
Islam Is Not In Danger
Khatre Mein Islam Nahin

Khatra hai zar daron ko
Girti hui diwaron ko
Sadiyon ke bimaron ko
Khatre mein Islam nahin
Sari zamin ko ghere hue hain aakhir chand gharane kyon
Naam nabi ka lene wale ulfat se begane kyon

Khatra hai khun khwaron ko
Rang birangi karon ko
Amrika ke pyaron ko
Khatre mein Islam nahin
Aaj hamare naaron se larza hai bapa aiwanon mein

Bik na sakenge hasrat-o arman unchi saji dukanon mein
Khatra hai bat maron ko
Maghrib ke bazaron ko
Choron ko makkaron ko
Khatre mein Islam nahin
Amn ka parcham le kar utho har insane se piyar karo
Aprna to manshoor hai Jalib, sare jahan se pyar karo

Khatra hai darbaron ko
Shahon ke ghamkhwaron ko
Nawabon, ghaddaron ko
Khatre mein Islam nahin


Islam Is Not In Danger

Endangered are the idle rich, bursting with cash
Crumbling walls about to crash
All the centuries’ mish-mash
Islam is not in danger
Why do a few clans all the land rights enjoy
And those, who revere the Prophet, are bereft of joy

Endangered are the beasts of prey
Multicoloured cars which in the streets sashay
And for whom the American hearts sway
Islam is not in danger
Due to our slogans the palaces shake and tremble
The towering ornate shops cannot our hopes quell

Endangered are the robbers of the highway
Western traders who make hay
Thieves and tricksters who waylay
Islam is not in danger
Holding aloft the banner of peace, loving all humans, we are on the go
Loving all the world, O Jalib, is our proud credo

Endangered are the palatial predators
The kings and their abettors
Nawabs and other such traitors
Islam is not in danger.
*Pilo Mody [1926-1983], then Swatantra party member of parliament,declaring in upper house,' i am CIA agent.'
*Sita Ram Goel [1921-2003],confessing in his short biography titled 'India's only communalist','i am a Hindu communalist.'
*Now in 21st century :-

New post on Hinduawaken's Weblog


by hinduawaken


Maria WirthReligious fundamentalists are on the rise and that is bad for our societies. Most people will agree on this. Yet few examine who religious fundamentalists are. Obviously, such persons would want to stick to the fundamentals of their religion. They want to live a life that is advocated in their holy books and would please their God. Now, since religious fundamentalists pose a problem, does it mean that the fundamentals of religions are bad for our societies? Let’s look at the three biggest religions:

Concerning Christianity, fundamentalists believe that God has revealed himself in the Bible and sent his only begotten son to earth to save all mankind. They believe in the first commandment: ‘You shall have no other gods before me’. Therefore, all humanity has to believe in the God of the Bible and his only son, Jesus Christ. Those who do not do so, will end up in hell. “Go out into the world”, is a central tenet of the Christian faith and fundamentalists consider it as their duty to convert as many ‘heathens’ as possible to Christianity by whatever means.

Concerning Islam, fundamentalists believe that Islam is the only true religion and Allah the only true God who wants the whole world to submit to Him. Those who do not become Muslims will go to hell. It is a central tenet and keeps recurring in the Quran. Fundamentalists see it as their duty to make all of humanity accept Islam and often take literally commandments in the Quran like “Strike terror in the hearts of unbelievers.” Hinduism, fundamentalists believe that Brahman (other names are allowed and in use) is the one true God. However, Brahman is not a personal God who saves those who believe in Him and damns all others. Rather, Brahman is the most subtle conscious essence that permeates everything and everyone, never mind, which religion he follows or whether he is an atheist. “Atman is Brahman” or “one’s own Self is God”, the Vedas proclaim.

Now, all religions claim that there is only one Highest, one ‘true God’ in English or one ‘Allah’ in Arabic or one ‘Brahman’ in Sanskrit. And of course there is only one Highest/ God – the almighty, all knowing presence that is responsible for the existence of the universe. How can it be otherwise? Hindus, however, often don’t understand that Christians as well as Muslims are really convinced that their one true God, respectively Allah, saves only the brothers and sisters of their own faith and sends all others as heathen or infidels into hell. This conviction is indeed difficult to understand for humans with a normal reasoning capacity. Yet if one grows up hearing repeatedly that only one’s own faith is true and other people are bad because they don’t accept this, it may actually make sense. It happened to me as a child – it made sense that only we Christians go to heaven, because we have been chosen by God…

So we have a situation in the world where Christianity and Islam, each one over a billion strong, rival with each other: “Our God alone is true! If you don’t believe it, you go to hell.” And the other group counters, “No. Our God alone is true! And if you don’t believe it you go to hell.”

One could laugh it off if it were not so serious. Fundamentalists stick to this belief – and unfortunately, the official clergy of both religions uphold it, as well. It is naturally a cause for great friction in the world.

Hinduism (or Sanatana Dharma, as it used to be called) does not take part in this one-upmanship. It is ancient. It was there long before Christianity or Islam appeared on the scene. In Hinduism, Brahman is not a male entity who watches over us from somewhere. It is inside everyone, conscious, living and loving. It will always give another chance until everyone realises his true being and merges in Brahman, which may take many lives. The Hindu scriptures proclaim, “Humanity is one family”. “Brahman permeates the smallest as well as the biggest.” “Thou art That.” “Brahman is not what your mind thinks but That by which the mind is capable to think.” “See God in everyone.”  “Respect nature.”

And they lead us in prayer: “May we be protected together, may we be nourished together, may we work together with great vigour, may our study be enlightening, may no obstacle arise between us.” “Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.” “May everyone be happy”, and so on.

Many Hindus, too, don’t know these fundamentals of their religion and believe it is all about rituals, worshiping their favorite aspect of God to get their wishes fulfilled and celebrating festivals. They don’t realize that Hinduism is the only religion that is all inclusive. It does not set one group of people against all the others. It is also not opposed to science and does not only allow using one’s intelligence but encourages to do so.

Maybe that is the reason why in the west, Hinduism is sometimes even missing when the world religions are listed, as for westerners, a religion is apparently not a religion if it is not based on unverifiable dogmas, especially the one that sets it apart from other religions and which is so harmful for a harmonious living together of all humanity. Is it not about time for us in the 21th century to scrap such unverifiable, harmful fundamentals that set up one group of people against another group?

The best option is to follow the Hindu fundamentals. So let’s be Hindu fundamentalists who see God in everyone, also in animals and in nature. Our world would benefit.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

The rise of Islamic extremism in Central Asia and the Caucasus

Islamic extremism in Central Asia and the Caucasus will further increase in the next few years, predicts a new report by Anna Münster, a Fellow of the Russia and Eurasia Programme at Chatham House.
US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014, and expected regime changes in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan threaten to destabilise the region, providing radicals with a platform from which to operate, claims Growing Islamic Extremism in Central Asia and the Caucasus – Situation and Outlook.
The situation is further complicated, writes Munster, by the 'New Great Game' unfolding in Central Asia – part two of the 'Great Game' of the 19th and early 20th centuries, during which time Britain and Russia vied for power within the region.
The report, written for the World Watch List, traces the roots of Islam within Central Asia and the Caucasus to Dagestan (a republic of Russia, in the North Caucasus) in the seventh century, although the religion has since taken a variety of different shapes in different countries.
Sunni Islam is most widely followed, but Munster claims it is the individual and collective responses to particular factions of Islam which dictate how the religion is manifested.
Hard-line groups such as Hizb ut-Tahrir and the Muslim Brotherhood, and a "cult of martyrdom", have become a "unifying and mobilising factor" for young Muslims often dissatisfied by their political and socio-economic situation, reports Munster.
The notion of Islam growing as a response to disillusionment is referenced several times, as is the existence of solidarity between Muslims in Central Asia and the Caucasus who feel victimised by the West and believe themselves to be subjected to a "grand conspiracy against the Muslim world".
This sense of solidarity is perpetuated, writes Munster, through warfare – whether wars in Afghanistan and Iraq or conflicts in Chechnya and Bosnia: "The advance of political Islam in the last quarter of the century in the region is often described as a response to local grievances, challenges and conflicts," she writes.
Munster predicts US withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan will have a destabilising effect on the whole region, while she says the collapse of the Soviet Union played a major role in the recent growth of Islam, and Islamic extremism.
The repression of Muslims by the Soviet Union, which "closed mosques and exiled or killed clergy", and the emergence of new independent states such as Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan, led to "local Islamic expressions developing under foreign influences", she writes.
These influences ranged from the peaceful to the political, as a range of international organisations gained footholds within the region. Different countries reacted differently, claims Munster, depending upon, among other things, their interpretation of Islam and the extent to which they were secularised during the Soviet era.
As various global powers vie for access to the wealth of natural resources in Central Asia and the Caucasus, Munster reports several modern examples of corruption and bribery.
Perhaps most notably, she highlights a deliberate "closing of the eyes" to human rights abuses in Uzbekistan, where Western governments have vested interests. Here, Munster says Islamists have been subjected to brutality and torture in prisons – "even those who never engaged in violent actions and were [incarcerated] simply for possessing a Hizb ut-Tahrir leaflet".
Torture is often "systematic" and "deeply disturbing", she writes, while the "extension of government control over life, including religious life, has been reminiscent of Soviet times, though the use of new technologies and events of the Arab Spring may present a stark warning to today's repressive governments".
"The rise of Islamic extremism in Central Asia and the Caucasus" (archived)
World Watch Monitor, Christian Today India, June 14, 2013.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Badrinath is mentioned in religious texts as far back as the Vedic period. Some accounts claim that the temple was built on a former Buddhist temple site. One legend explains the reason why Vishnu is shown sitting in padmasana, rather than reclining. According to the story, Vishnu was chastised by a sage who saw Vishnu's consort Lakshmi massaging his feet. Vishnu went to Badrinath to perform austere meditation in padmasana. To this day, the area around Badrinath attracts yogis who come there for meditation and seclusion. Another legend says that Shiva and Parvati were doing tapas in Badrinath. Vishnu came to them in disguise as a small boy, crying loudly and disturbing them. When Parvati questioned him, he insisted that he wanted Badrinath for meditation. Shiva and Parvati realised that it was Lord Narayan in disguise. They left Badrinath and moved to Kedarnath.

Badri refers to a berry that was said to grow abundantly in the area, and nath refers to Vishnu. Badri is the Sanskrit name for the Indian Jujube tree. Some scriptural references refer to jujube trees being abundant in Badrinath. Legend has it that the Goddess Lakshmi took the form of jujube berries to provide sustenance to Lord Vishnu during his long penance in the harsh Himalayan climate.
The Badrinath temple is naturally the biggest attraction in town.The Badrinath area is referred to as Badari or Badarikasram in Hindu scriptures. It is a place sacred to Vishnu's dual form of Nara-Narayana. Another legend has it that when the goddess Ganga descended to earth to help suffering humanity, the earth was unable to withstand the force of her descent. Therefore, the mighty Ganga was split into twelve holy channels, Alaknanda being one of them. It later became the abode of Lord Vishnu or Badrinath.
Legend has it that Shankara discovered a black stone image of Lord Badrinarayan made of Saligram stone in the Alaknanda River. He originally enshrined it in a cave near the Tapt Kund hot springs. But in the sixteenth century, the King of Garhwal moved the murti to the present temple.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

 Mostly Man-made Calamity in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh.
The political leaderships leading the administration in the country and the bureaucracy which is running it cannot escape by saying that the rainfall was unprecedented and so the terrific damage to people and property is taking place. The central and state governments or the bureaucracy or the vested interests including the RSS outfits like the Viswa Hindu Parishad (VHP) cannot claim that the calamity faced by millions of people in the region and the hundreds of thousands of pilgrims to the Himalayan temples was not foretold. More than three decades ago during the Chipco Movement the catastrophe going to take place if the frantic forest destruction, quarrying , road constructions to numerous temples coming up along the route to Badrinath and Kedarnath, mad race for real estate expansion and numerous other acts intensifying ecological destruction were not stopped and if a new approach to developmental works in the fragile Himalayan region in particular and to development perspective in general was not taken. Nobody in the administration, leaders of ruling class parties, all those supervising the development paradigm of the ruling system and the Hindutua leaders bothered. They went ahead merrily causing more ecological destruction in spite of the floods and huge destruction during the last five years. The materiological and other departments responsible for fore-warning the heavy rain were found much wanting when their services were required badly. All these factors together led to the unprecedented calamity we are witnessing today in this vast region. The millions of people suffering including the many thousands who have lost their lives and injured are victims of the mostly man made ecological catastrophe. Even the unprecedented and before-time rain fall like other climate changes are mostly linked to global warming like factors created by ecological destruction. Still the government leaders and others responsible for this catastrophe are trying to put the entire blame over the vagaries of nature and wash their hands of this real massacre of human lives and environment. While extending our sorrow and condolences to all those who are suffering under this catastrophe, let us raise our fingers against all those who are responsible for creating this catastrophe not only in this region but also in areas like Delhi where thousands of crores were spent for Yamuna river training and still millions are suffering.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Hindu nationalists have been keen on proving that the landmass of India was the original homeland of the 'Aryans,' and therefore the cradle of all civilization. 'Vedic Aryans,' on this account, were the authors of all natural sciences which then spread to Greece, Sumeria, China and other major civilizations in antiquity. To substantiate these claims, all kinds of modern scientific discoveries are read back into the Rig Veda, the most ancient of all Vedas.
But such boastful claims raise the question of methodology. How did our Vedic forebears figure out the speed of light, the distance between the sun and the earth and why did they code it into the shape and size of fire altars? Similar questions arise for the more general claims that are basic to Hindu metaphysics, namely that there is a higher realm of ultimate reality (Brahman) that cannot be assessed through sensory means. How did our Vedic forbears know it exists and that it actually determines the course of evolution of species, and makes the matter that we all are made of? How can you experience what is beyond all sensory knowledge? But even more important for the claims of scientificity of the Vedas, how do you test the empirical claims based upon that experience?
Here one finds an incredibly brazen claim: Because in Hinduism there are no distinctions between the spirit and matter, one can understand laws that regulate matter by studying the laws of the spirit. And the laws of spirit can be understood by turning inward, through yoga and meditation leading to mystical experiences. Within Hinduism, it is as rational and scientific to take the non-sensory 'seeing'--that is mystical and other meditative practices--as empirical evidence of the spiritual and natural realm. This purported scientificity of the spiritual realm, in turn, paves the way for declaring occult New Age practices like astrology, vastu, quantum healing, and even yagnas as scientific within the Vedic-Hindu universe.
Rather than encourage a critical spirit toward inherited traditions, many of which are authoritarian and patriarchal, postmodernist intellectuals have waged a battle against science. As the case of Vedic science in the service of Hindu nationalism demonstrates, this misguided attack on the Enlightenment has only aided the growth of pseudoscience, superstitions and tribalism.

Monday, 17 June 2013


The mythologies of the Puranas (one of Hindu's sacred scripture) is mystically intriguing and to dispute such myth is considered "blasphemy." Many of their incarnations and saints were not born but created one after the other out of thin air. Anjani was impregnated by seminal fluid poured into her ears. She gave birth to Hanoman, their monkey-God who swallowed the sun at one time; and a bull, standing on a turtle supports the earth. There are many such myths present in the Hindu theology.
The sacred book, the Bhagvat, gives the story of creation as a lotus sprung from the navel of Vishnu (God of sustenance) and Brahma (Creator) out of the lotus. Swayambhava (One who is self-existent) came out of the right big toe of Brahma's right foot. The queen Satyrupa came out of his left great toe. From his forehead were born ten sons such as Rudra and Marichi who begot ten Prajapatis whose thirteen daughters were married to Kashyapa.
Out of these thirteen wives of Dashyapa, Diti gave birth to fiends, Danu to demons, Aditi to the sun, Vinata to Birds and Dadru to snakes. Sharma gave birth to dogs and jackals, and others to elephants, horses, donkeys, buffaloes, grass, straw and trees, etc.
In this modern age is there anyone who really believe such nonsense from the idiotic authors of the Bhagvat. This was the backwardness of the masses, when true knowledge died. The cunning imbeciles took advantage of this scenario to enhance their own greedy life styles. This pattern of greed and ignorance became the stigma of future dogmas to come.
In the Markandeya Purana, the section devoted to the goddess Durga, it is stated that out of the bodies of the gods came forth light. This light formed a goddess who killed a demon called Mahishasura or Raktabija. A drop of blood fell from his body and many demons were produced to fill the whole world.
In the second chapter of the Shrimad Bhagavat, Narayana blesses Brahma saying,"Thou shalt never be a victim to infatuation, either during Creation or Dissolution." In the tenth chapter, it says Brahma stole calves through infatuation. When this book teaches that there is no love, hate, anger, jealousy or pain in heaven (Baikuntha), why did Sanaka and others become angry at the gate of heaven? It is simple logic that if anger was there it was certainly no heaven.
In the Bhagavat, Hiranyaksha folded the earth and made a pillow of it which he placed under his head and went to sleep. Vishnu incarnated himself as a boar, and caught hold of the earth from under his head. This woke him. A battle began and Hiranyaksha was killed. When Hiranyaksha rolled up the earth into a pillow, and placed it under his head, what did he sleep on and what did the boar walk on to engage him in battle? 

When the report was being assiduously spread by the enemies of reform that Swami Dayanand had refused to hold a shastrarth, some Sadhus elated by the report hastened to the Swami’s quarters, and coming into his presence, said that they had sought him out with the view of holding a discussion with him. “Vedantism,” was the reply of the leader of the band, a man of learning.
Swami ~ “To begin with, please explain what do you mean by Vedantism?”Sadhu - ”Vedantism is that which teaches that the world is false and that God is the only true existence.”
Swami ~ “What do you understand by the ‘world’ (jagata)? What things are included in your ‘world’ and what do you mean by the term ‘false’ (mithya)?”
Sadhu - ”Whatever there is from atoms up to the sun, is called the ‘world’ and all that is in it, is false and unreal.”
Swami ~ ”Are or are not your body, speech, moving about, updesh, guru, and books included in this world also?
Sadhu - Yes they are.”
Swami ~ “And is your religion also included in this, or is it outside of it?”
Sadhu - “Verily, that too is included in this.”
Swami ~ “When you yourself admit that you and your guru, your faith and your books, your speech and your updesh are false, what can I say to you? The case, according to the statement of the claimant himself, deserves to be dismissed. There is no need of witnesses here.

Hindus perceived that heaven as very simple to achieve through devotion; e.g. taking a dip in the Ganges (in this way many animals can go too), renouncing all material wealth at old age, and going on Holy pilgrimage. Many believe salvation can be gained from a priest through formulas and rituals and not necessarily through austerity. The heavens of the different sects of Hinduism differs in many respects.
The Jains believe their heaven consists of going to Shivpuri and sitting there quietly on a platform called the stone of salvation. The religion of the Vama Margis flourished in the eighteen century and their heaven is going to Shripur. Amazingly, what would be deemed sudden hell for us now, was the criteria for their heavenly abode. Their salvation consisted of consuming meat and alcohol, listening and singing romantic songs and enjoying promiscuous sex with women who could even be their mothers or sisters.
They look upon all men as Mahadeva or Vishnu (Gods), and all women as Parvati or Lakshmi (Goddesses) and enjoy themselves with one another. They maintain that there is no disease in heaven and that you will always remain young. When the ignorant are guided by such sensual enjoyment to salvation is it any wonder why so many are attracted to it?
The Shivites, Vaishnavites, and the Gosaaeens are promised enjoyable life by means of beautiful wives with pretty dresses. The dwelling consisted of luxurious houses and dining in delicious food and drinks.
The Puranics believe in many kinds of salvation. They find residence in the same world with God, living with Him as His younger brother and becoming Godlike in nature. The closeness to God is like a servant living near his master brings an intimate union with God.
This particular sect of Hinduism is surrounded with mythologies. But it does not bother the faithful in any conceivable way as they stress devotion and not reasoning. To a Hindu, the chanting or listening to chants of mantras of the Puranas, Ramayan and Gita, accompanied by music is devotion enough. For him, there is no need to enter into an intellectual debate with logic.
Political hypocrisy based on opportunism and convenience has been always order of the day in sangh parivar.Since Narendra Modi has suddenly "discovered and redefined" Sardar Patel,it will be pertinent and worthwhile to present here what Loh Purush thought about RSS.At the same time,it is not a hidden fact that sangh parivar was always critical about both Patel and Gandhi.
It was Sardar Patel who, as Home Minister, did not hesitate in telling the then supremo of the RSS, Guru Golwalkar, that his organization was responsible for killing Gandhi and instigating violence. In a letter written to Golwalkar, dated 11 September 1948, Sardar Patel stated:

“Organizing the Hindus and helping them is one thing but going in for revenge for its sufferings on innocent and helpless men, women and children is quite another thing… Apart from this, their opposition to the Congress, that too of such virulence, disregarding all considerations of personality, decency or decorum, created a kind of unrest among the people. All their speeches were full of communal poison. It was not necessary to spread poison in order to enthuse the Hindus and organize for their protection. As a final result of the poison, the country had to suffer the sacrifice of the invaluable life of Gandhiji. Even an iota of the sympathy of the Government, or of the people, no more remained for the RSS. In fact opposition grew. Opposition turned more severe, when the RSS men expressed joy and distributed sweets after Gandhiji’s death. Under these conditions it became inevitable for the Government to take action against the RSS… Since then, over six months have elapsed. We had hoped that after this lapse of time, with full and proper consideration the RSS persons would come to the right path. But from the reports that come to me, it is evident that attempts to put fresh life into their same old activities are afoot.”

Sardar Patel continued hammering the fact that the Hindutva brigade collectively was responsible for the murder of Gandhi. In a letter to Nehru dated February 27, 1948, he wrote, “It was a fanatical wing of the Hindu Mahasabha directly under Savarkar that hatched the conspiracy and saw it through. It also appears that conspiracy was limited to some ten men… Of course, his [Gandhiji’s] assassination was welcomed by those of the RSS and Hindu Mahasabha who were strongly opposed to his way of thinking and to his policy.”
Apparently the whole exercise is for establishing Gujarati chauvinism for electoral gains !

Sutji, once narrated the following tale to the assembled sages which sheds light on the origin of jewels and other precious stones -

' During ancient times there lived a mighty demon named Bala. Although he had defeated the deities and driven them out from the heaven, yet he had assured them that he would extend fullest cooperation and support in any yagya performed by deities in future. All the deities planned to perform a 'Yagya' in order to regain their lost kingdom. They made all the necessary preparations for the Yagya but were unable to find a person who could offer himself as a 'sacrificial being'- a ritual without which any yagya is incomplete.'

'Seeing no other option, the worried deities took refuge of 'Balasur' and requested him to offer himself for sacrifice so that the yagya could be accomplished without any hitch. Balasur was bound by his promise so he agreed. This way, the deities were able to accomplish their yagya. But, a strange event coincided with the death of Balasur, which surprised even the deities. The virtuous deed of offering himself as a sacrificial being in the yagya ceremony had amazingly transformed Balasur's corpse into jewels. Deities tried to carry the 'Jewel-body' through the aerial route towards a safer place, but it was fragmented into countless pieces due to the impact of ferocious speed of the wind it had to negotiate. These pieces scattered all over the places- ocean, rivers, Mountains, Forests, etc. In course of time these places got transformed into countless mines of jewels and precious stones such as Vajra (diamond), Muktamani, Indraneel, Sphatik, Prawal, Pushparag and many more.
[Translation from Sanskrit].

Sunday, 16 June 2013

" Under BJP rule, superstitions started getting described as science. Hindu nationalists started invoking science in just about every speech and policy statement. But while they uttered the word 'science'--which in today's world is understood as modern science--they meant astrology, vastu, Vedic creationism or transcendental meditation. This was not just talk: state universities and colleges got big grants from the government to offer post-graduate degrees, including PhDs in astrology; research in vastu shastra, meditation, faith-healing, cow-urine and priest-craft was promoted with substantial injections of public money.

Nearly every important discovery of modern science was read back into Hindu sacred books: explosion of nuclear energy became the awesome appearance of God in the Bhagvat Gita; the indeterminacy at quantum level served as confirmation of Vedanta; atomic charges became equivalent to negative, positive and neutral gunas, or moral qualities; the reliance of experience and reason in science became the same thing as reliance on mystical experience, and so on. Contemporary theories of physics, evolution and biology were wilfully distorted to make it look as if all of modern science was converging to affirm the New Age, mind-over-matter cosmology that follows from Vedantic monism. 'Evidence' from fringe sciences was used to support all kinds of superstitions, from vastu, astrology, 'quantum healing' to the latest theory of Vedic creationism. Science and 'Vedas' were treated as just different names for the same thing".
[Excerpted from a longer article by Meera Nanda in the January 2005 issue of New Humanist Magazine].
Political hypocrisy based on opportunism and convenience has been always order of the day in sangh parivar.Since Narendra Modi has suddenly "discovered and redefined" Sardar Patel,it will be pertinent and worthwhile to present here what Loh Purush thought about RSS.At the same time,it is not a hidden fact that sangh parivar was always critical about both Patel and Gandhi.
It was Sardar Patel who, as Home Minister, did not hesitate in telling the then supremo of the RSS, Guru Golwalkar, that his organization was responsible for killing Gandhi and instigating violence. In a letter written to Golwalkar, dated 11 September 1948, Sardar Patel stated:

“Organizing the Hindus and helping them is one thing but going in for revenge for its sufferings on innocent and helpless men, women and children is quite another thing… Apart from this, their opposition to the Congress, that too of such virulence, disregarding all considerations of personality, decency or decorum, created a kind of unrest among the people. All their speeches were full of communal poison. It was not necessary to spread poison in order to enthuse the Hindus and organize for their protection. As a final result of the poison, the country had to suffer the sacrifice of the invaluable life of Gandhiji. Even an iota of the sympathy of the Government, or of the people, no more remained for the RSS. In fact opposition grew. Opposition turned more severe, when the RSS men expressed joy and distributed sweets after Gandhiji’s death. Under these conditions it became inevitable for the Government to take action against the RSS… Since then, over six months have elapsed. We had hoped that after this lapse of time, with full and proper consideration the RSS persons would come to the right path. But from the reports that come to me, it is evident that attempts to put fresh life into their same old activities are afoot.”

Sardar Patel continued hammering the fact that the Hindutva brigade collectively was responsible for the murder of Gandhi. In a letter to Nehru dated February 27, 1948, he wrote, “It was a fanatical wing of the Hindu Mahasabha directly under Savarkar that hatched the conspiracy and saw it through. It also appears that conspiracy was limited to some ten men… Of course, his [Gandhiji’s] assassination was welcomed by those of the RSS and Hindu Mahasabha who were strongly opposed to his way of thinking and to his policy.”
Apparently the whole exercise is for establishing Gujarati chauvinism for electoral gains !

Friday, 7 June 2013


Once, before taking her bath, goddess Parvati anointed unguent on her body and while removing it created a human form from the accumulated dross. The head of this human form resembled an elephant. Parvati then playfully immersed the human-form into river Ganga. But, to her sheer amazement the human form became alive and of enormous size. She accepted him as her son and he was none other than elephant-headed deity-Ganesh.

Once, Lord Shiva became so deeply fascinated by her consort. Parvati hat he did not come out from his palace for 1000 years. The deities became worried and sent Agni to find out the reason. Agni disguised himself as a parrot and entered the palace where Shiva was enjoying privacy with Parvati.

Meanwhile, Parvati went at the bank of a reservoir to quench her thirst. After reaching there she saw six divine women (matrikas) carrying water in the leaves of lotus flowers. As Parvati was thirsty, she requested them to give some water. The matrikas agreed on the condition that a son born to her (Parvati) should also have to be accepted as their son. Parvati gave her conscent. The matrikas gave Parvati water to drink.

Hardly had Parvati finished drinking water than a divine child emerged out from her womb. The child possessed various weapons like, trident, shakti and a noose in his hands. He was none other than Kartikeya.The deities appointed Kartikeya as the commander of their army. During that time, a mighty demon named Tarakasur used to torment the deities. Kartikeya killed that demon on the request of deities.
[Sanskrit translation from Padam Puran, Srishti khand].