Are we all gullible people who can be easily deceived and tricked by ordinary uneducated fraudsters in the name of religion? Though scandals of all sorts are common to all religions all over the world the recent ones involving an assortment of our self-styled swamis or godmen with questionable credentials have come to astound us Indians for the simple reason that we hardly learn from our past mistakes.
Are our people so naive and ginormous that they fall to the feet of these canny god men and give up all their reasoning ability to differentiate between the tawdry motives of these swamis and true spiritualism? What is it that draws people, both men and women educated and illiterate, rich and not the so rich, in hordes to these spiritual leaders? What might be the motivation for these peace seekers in the feet of these swamis to disown their own family, give up jobs and donate huge amount of money to the ashrams just to be in the ‘service’ of these self-appointed god men?
Bapu Asaram and his regressive obscurantism is classical example ,wherein he has been able to establish his larger than life status to the extent that he can utter any absurdity with impunity.
We have numerous examples of vacuous celebrities both from India and abroad falling prey to the machinations of these spiritual leaders. We had and still have many politicians who patronize these swamis trying to find solace in their arms for all their wrongdoings. Don’t we have enough examples of such god men who rake money in millions only to stash them in their ashrams spread throughout the country or in some unknown destinations? It is therefore, not easy to find a ready answer to such questions because people continue to seek relief and spiritual contentment in mendacious Swamis who thrive with impunity. Some people realize their blunder and try to expose the sleaze once they know but others fail to see the light and continue to be under their benign magnanimity.
Are we all gullible people who can be easily deceived and tricked by ordinary uneducated fraudsters in the name of religion? Though scandals of all sorts are common to all religions all over the world the recent ones involving an assortment of our self-styled swamis or godmen with questionable credentials have come to astound us Indians for the simple reason that we hardly learn from our past mistakes.
Are our people so naive and ginormous that they fall to the feet of these canny god men and give up all their reasoning ability to differentiate between the tawdry motives of these swamis and true spiritualism? What is it that draws people, both men and women educated and illiterate, rich and not the so rich, in hordes to these spiritual leaders? What might be the motivation for these peace seekers in the feet of these swamis to disown their own family, give up jobs and donate huge amount of money to the ashrams just to be in the ‘service’ of these self-appointed god men?
Bapu Asaram and his regressive obscurantism is classical example ,wherein he has been able to establish his larger than life status to the extent that he can utter any absurdity with impunity.
We have numerous examples of vacuous celebrities both from India and abroad falling prey to the machinations of these spiritual leaders. We had and still have many politicians who patronize these swamis trying to find solace in their arms for all their wrongdoings. Don’t we have enough examples of such god men who rake money in millions only to stash them in their ashrams spread throughout the country or in some unknown destinations? It is therefore, not easy to find a ready answer to such questions because people continue to seek relief and spiritual contentment in mendacious Swamis who thrive with impunity. Some people realize their blunder and try to expose the sleaze once they know but others fail to see the light and continue to be under their benign magnanimity.
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