Friday, 7 September 2012

1."Apaanam ordwam othapya pranam kanthaddho nayet;
yoghi jaramukhtha san shodsha abdwyoo bhavet !"
[Hathyogpradipika 2/47].
Exposition :-By pulling up the apana vayu [residing in anal area] and by forcing the praan vayu[believed to be residing in heart],down the throat,the yogi,is liberated from after effects of old age [re
juvenation act],attains the physical and mental status of 16 years old youth.
Question :-Is there any such so called Yogi among the millions of yoga enthusiasts,who has been able to transfer himself from old age to the status of 16 years old boy,of course with the help of said Pranayam ?
2."Na he pathyam apathyam va rasa sarvay api neerasa ;
api bhukhtam visham ghoram peyosham api jeeryati !"
[Hathyogpradipika 3/16].
Exposition :-there is nothing wholesome or injurious for those,who perform Mahamudra regularly as said act destroys harmful effects of all rasas;even for them,deadliest of poisons,if consumed,acts like nectar.
Question :-Has any Yogi testified the taste of Potassium Cyanide?How many of them are there who enjoy their breakfast,lunch or dinner such type of deadly poisons ?
3."Ahimsa pratishthayam tat sanidho vairtyagha !
[Patanjali yog sutra 2/35].
Exposition :-Horse and Buffalo,Rat and Cat,Snake and Mongoose and others being natural enemies of each other,give up their respective animosities,by following the tendencies of the mind of yogi,whose habit of not causing injury,is confirmed.
Question :-The Yoga enthusiasts, claim that all the great men of past were having extraordinary expertise of Yoga;but quite contrary to said claim,a Tiger killed the great grammarian Panini,Elephant killed the author of Mimansa darshan [philosophy],Jamini and Crocodile killed,the author of Chhandah Shastra,Pingala [Reference :Panchtantram,Mitrasamprapti-36].Even Dayanand Sarswati supposedly died due to Milk poisoning.Why above said great men could not save themselves from animals,with the help of their Yogic expertise ? Why ?
4.Swami Ramdev ,tallest exponent of Yoga in present era,presents Yoga and Pranayam as extraordinary panacea cure for all possible ailments and their after effects. Why has he failed to cure himself from the after effects of Bells palsy [Facial paralysis]?It will be pertinent to point out here that there is continuous lachrymatory process from his left eye along with involuntary movements of eyelids.

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