Sunday, 30 September 2012


There is no heaven, no final liberation,

nor any soul in another world,

Nor do the actions of the four castes,

orders, or priesthoods produce any real effect.

If a beast slain as an offering to the dead

will itself go to heaven,

why does the sacrificer not straightway offer his father?

If offerings to the dead produce gratification

to those who have reached the land of the dead,

why the need to set out provisions

for travelers starting on this journey?

If our offering sacrifices here gratify beings in heaven,

why not make food offerings down below

to gratify those standing on housetops?

While life remains, let a man live happily,

let him feed on butter though he runs in debt;

When once the body becomes ashes,

how can it ever return again?

If he who departs from the body goes to another world,

why does he not come back again,

restless for love of his kinfolk?

It is only as a means of livelihood

that brahmins have established here

abundant ceremonies for the dead—

there is no other fruit anywhere.

International Blasphemy Rights Day 2012

September 28, 2012

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International Blasphemy Rights Day (IBRD)—September 30—is almost here, and that’s a good thing because freedom of expression can definitely use a rallying point. From many governments, there has been a stronger push to prohibit “offensive” speech about religion than we have witnessed in years.
CFI helped launch IBRD in 2009 in part to emphasize the fact that criticism of religious beliefs is still prohibited through legal sanctions or social pressure in many parts of the world. Some in the developed countries no longer seem terribly concerned about restrictions on speech about religion because we enjoy a fair amount of leeway to speak frankly about religion. (Although depending on where one lives in the United States, the social pressure to keep quiet is still strong.) However, human rights are not restricted by national boundaries, and our concern for others similarly should not stop at our borders.
Multiple incidents over the last twelve months have underscored the appalling lack of freedom in many countries to express even the blandest criticism of either religion in general or the dominant religion in a particular country. To name just some examples, there are the cases involving Rimsha Masih, Hamza Kashgari, Alexander Aan, Sanal Edamaruku, Hamad al-Naqi, Pussy Riot, and Alber Saber.
One reason our concern for the freedom of others should not stop at our borders is because the desire of the dogmatists to regulate speech does not stop at their borders. Various leaders from Islamic countries have recently demanded international laws prohibiting attacks on religion. Embarrassingly, proponents of such laws have included NATO allies, such as Recep Erdogan, the prime minister of Turkey . The quality of the arguments in favor of such international laws is exemplified by the recent UN speech of Mohamed Morsi, Egypt’s president. Morsi told the UN that “Egypt respects freedom of expression,” just not “a freedom of expression that targets a specific religion or a specific culture.”  In other words, Egypt respects the right to freely express those views that the majority of its people like.
I recognize that some of the impassioned calls to suppress speech critical of religion are motivated by the furor over the film “Innocence of Muslims.” But I don’t think the push for increased censorship is a transient phenomenon. The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (a group with 57 member countries) has been arguing for stricter regulation of speech critical of religion for years. The outrage over the film merely provides a convenient reason for pushing harder on this issue now.
There are any number of ways to commemorate IBRD (please see the Facebook page for IBRD ), including simply educating oneself about the threat to human rights and free speech posed by blasphemy laws. This year CFI has decided to use IBRD as the launch point for a new Campaign for Free Expression, which will include, among other things, a website devoted to highlighting individuals who have been persecuted for exercising their freedom to speak. Look for an announcement shortly.
In closing, let me touch on a related point, one that may be of special interest to any devout Muslim who happens to be reading this post. As noted, and as everyone is aware, there have been a number of violent protests over the film (more precisely the trailer for the film) “Innocence of Muslims.” I have no doubt the outrage of believers over this film is largely sincere, but those who should be most outraged are those who believe in good taste or quality filmmaking. The film is an absurd piece of heavy-handed, inept propaganda that looks like it was produced by an artistically and intellectually challenged student in a high school film class. For those interested in protesting this film, violence is not only wrong and counter-productive, but it’s much less effective than the weapon of laughter and sarcasm. You violate no one’s rights when you ridicule those who engage in clumsy ridicule. Protecting freedom of expression also means preserving one’s own right to jeer.


Saturday, 29 September 2012

I always, always get tickled when people (theists) try to assert that no one can be an actual moral authority.

- Doctors are medical authorities.
- Aircraft engineers are aviation authorities.
- Historians are history authorities.
- Lawyers are law authorities.
- Economists are economics authorities
- Nutritionists are nutrition authorities.

Scientists are science authorities (in their fields).

And… wait for it…

- Moral philosophers are… moral authorities.

Religion has declared it to be arrogant and blasphemous to assert that anyone is a moral authority except God, who never speaks and thus, de facto, the clergy become the moral authorities despite that lack of credentials .

On theology island, you don’t actually need to think about moral questions, then, to become a moral authority, you only have to read these Bronze Age books and the exegesis laid on top of them by centuries of agendist, mostly ignorant imbeciles.
"There is one character in 'Joseph Anton'who explains what may seem inexplicable to others in the life of Rushdie.The fiction began before the fictions."The first gift he received from his father,a gift like a message in a time capsule,which he did not understand until he was an adult,was the family name,"he writes in Joseph Anton.Rushdie was an invention by his 
father Anis,whose real name was Khwaja Muhammad Din Khaliqi Dehlavi,"a fine old Delhi name."Anis adopted the name Rushdie inspired by Ibn Rushd,the twelfth century Spanish -Arab philosopher known as Averroes to the western world."His son bore the name for two decades before he understood that his father,a true scholar of Islam who was also entirely lacking in religious belief,had chosen it because he respected Ibn Rushd for being at the forefront of the rationalist argument against Islamic literalism in his time; and twenty more years elapsed before the battle the battle over the Satanic Verses provided a twentieth-century echo of that eight hundred year old argument,"he writes. "At least he told himself when the storm broke over his head-'i am going into the battle bearing the right name.'From beyond the grave his father had given him the flag under which he was ready to fight,the flag of Ibn Rushd,which stood for intellect,argument,analysis and progress,for the freedom of philosophy and learning from the shackles of theology,for human reason and against blind faith,submission, acceptance and stagnation,"writes the memoirist.
[Salman Rushdie ;Joseph Anton-perhaps the only memoir written in third person by author himself about thrills and trauma orchestrated by extreme religious tyranny].

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

I have read two books,in spite of the Gods and it happened in India,written by Edward Luce and Kishore Biyani respectively,about possibilities and probabilities in contemporary India,but apparently my knowledge process was incomplete and insufficient,till i came across following extraordinary and wonderful dat
a about Rajni Kanth :
1. Rajinikanth killed the Dead Sea.
2. When Rajinikanth does push-ups, he isn’t lifting himself up. …He is pushing the earth down.
3. There is no such thing as evolution, it’s just a list of creatures that Rajinikanth allowed to live.
4. Rajinikanth gave Mona Lisa that smile.
5 .Rajnikanth can divide by zero.
6. Rajinikanth can judge a book by it’s cover.
7. Rajinikanth can drown a fish.
8. Rajinikanth can delete the Recycle Bin.
9. Rajinikanth once got into a fight with a VCR player. Now it plays DVDs.
10. Rajinikanth can slam a revolving door.
11. Rajinikanth once kicked a horse in the chin. Its descendants are today called giraffes.
12. Rajinikanth once ordered a plate of idli in McDonald’s, and got it.
13. Rajinikanth can win at Solitaire with only 18 cards.
14. The Bermuda Triangle used to be the Bermuda Square, until Rajinikanth kicked one of the corners off.
15. Rajinikanth can build a snowman out of rain.
16. Rajinikanth can strangle you with a cordless phone.
17. Rajinikanth can make onions cry.
18. Rajinikanth destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.
19. Rajinikanth can watch the show 60 minutes in 20 minutes.
20. Rajinikanth has counted to infinity, twice.
21. Rajinikanth will attain separate statehood in 2013.
22. Rajinikanth did in fact, build Rome in a day.
23. Rajinikanth once got into a knife-fight. The knife lost.
24. Rajinikanth can play the violin with a piano.
25. Rajinikanth never wet his bed as a child. The bed wet itself in fear.
26. The only man who ever outsmarted Rajinikanth was Stephen Hawking, and he got what he deserved.
27. Rajanikanth can do a wheelie on a unicycle.
28. Rajinikanth doesn’t breathe. Air hides in his lungs for protection.
29. There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Rajinikanth lives in Chennai.
30. Rajinikanth kills Harry Potter in the eighth book.
31. If you spell Rajanikanth wrong on Google it doesn’t say, “Did you mean Rajanikanth?” It simply replies, “Run while you still have the chance.”
32. Rajinikanth has already been to Mars, that’s why there are no signs of life there.
33. Rajinikanth doesn’t move at the speed of light. Light moves at the speed of Rajinikanth.
34. Rajinikanth knows Victoria’s secret.
35. Water boils faster when Rajinikanth stares at it.
36. Rajanikanth was once on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune and was the first to spin. The next 29 minutes of the show consisted of everyone standing around awkwardly, waiting for the wheel to stop.
37. Rajinikanth kills two stones with one bird.
38. Google won’t find Rajinikanth because you don’t find Rajinikanth; Rajinikanth finds you.
39. Rajinikanth gave the Joker those scars.
40. Rajinikanth leaves messages before the beep.
41. Rajinikanth once warned a young girl to be good “or else”. The result? Mother Teresa.
42. Rajinikant electrocuted Iron Man.
43. Rajinikanth killed Spiderman using Baygon Anti Bug Spray.
44. Rajinikanth can make PCs better than the Mac.
45. Rajinikanth puts the ‘laughter’ in manslaughter.
46. Rajinikanth goes to court and sentences the judge.
47. Rajinikanth can handle the truth.
48. Rajinikanth can speak Braille.
49. Bullets dodge Rajanikanth.
50. Rajinikanth can teach an old dog new tricks.
51. Rajinikanth calls Voldemort by his name.
52. The last digit of pi is Rajanikanth. He is the end of all things.
53. When Rajanikanth enters a room, he doesn’t turn the lights on,……… …. he turns the dark off.
54. Ghosts are actually caused by Rajanikanth killing people faster than Death can process them.
55. Rajinikanth’s calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd, no one fools Rajanikanth.
56. Rajinikanth grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage.
57. The last time Rajinikanth killed someone, he slapped himself to do it. The other guy just disintegrated. Resonance.
58. Rajinikanth once had a heart attack. His heart lost.
59. Rajinikant is so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.
60. Rajinikanth can run at speed of light around a tree and screw himself.
61.Rajinikant can lick his elbows.
62. Rajinikant once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink.
63. Rajinikant does not get frostbite. Rajnikant bites frost.
64. Rajinikant doesn’t wear a watch. He decides what time it is.
65. Rajinikant got his drivers license at the age of 16 seconds.
66. When you say “no one is perfect”, Rajinikant takes this as a personal insult.
67. In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Rajinikanth could use to kill you, including the room itself.
68. Words like awesomeness, brilliance, legendary etc. were added to the dictionary in the year 1949. That was the year Rajinikanth was born.
69. The statement “nobody can cheat death”, is a personal insult to Rajnikanth. Rajni cheats and fools death everyday.
70. When Rajnikanth is asked to kill some one he doesn’t know, he shoots the bullet and directs it the day he finds out.
71. Rajinikant can give pain to Painkillers and headache to Anacin.
72. Rajinikanth knows what women really want.
73. Time and tide wait for Rajinikanth.
74. Rajinikanth sneezed only once in his entire life, that’s when the tsunami occurred in the Indian ocean.
75. Rajnikanth taught Voldemort Parseltongue.
76. Rajinikanth collects Honey from his private Moon – HoneyMoon.
77. Rajinikanth can answer a missed call.
78. Rajinikanth doesn’t need a visa to travel abroad, he just jumps from the tallest building in Chennai and holds himself in the air while the earth rotates.
79. Rajinikanth’s brain works faster than Chacha Chaudhury’s.
80. Rajinikanth doesn’t shower. He only takes blood baths.
81. To be or not to be? That is the question. The answer? Rajinikanth.
82. The quickest way to a man’s heart is with Rajinikanth’s fist.
83. Where there is a will, there is a way. Where there is Rajinikanth, there is no other way.
84. Behind every successful man, there is a woman. Behind every dead man, there is Rajanikanth.
85. Rajinikant doesn’t bowl strikes, he just knocks down one pin and the other nine faint out of fear.
86. Archaeologists unearthed an old English dictionary dating back to the year 1236. It defined “victim” as “one who has encountered Rajinikant”.
87. There is no such thing as global warming. Rajinikanth was feeling cold, so brought the sun closer to heat the earth up.
88. Once a cobra bit Rajinikanth’ leg. After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died.
89. Rajinikanth is a champion in the game “Hide n’ seek”, as no one can hide from Rajinikanth.
90. Rajinikant proves Newton wrong all the time. Every time he performs an action, he simply eliminates anything and everything that can provide the reaction.
91. Rajinikant is a weapon created by God to use on doomsday to end the world.
92. Aliens do indeed exist. They just know better than to visit a planet that Rajinikanth is on.
93. We live in an expanding universe. All of it is trying to get away from Rajinikanth.
94. If at first you don’t succeed, you’re not Rajinikanth.
95. Rajinikanth’s first job was as a bus conductor. There were no survivors.
96. Rajinikanth does not style his hair. It lays perfectly in place out of sheer terror.
97. When Rajinikanth plays Monopoly, it affects the actual world economy.
98. It takes Rajanikanth 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.
99. Rajinikanth’s house has no doors, only walls that he walks through.
100. Rajnikanth doesn’t answer nature’s call nature answers Rajnikanth’s call!!
101. Rajanikanth does not know where you live, but he knows where you will die.
Gullible and credulous believers have been reciting ganesh aarti [jai ganesh deva] parrot wise since time immemorial.The part of much popular and publicized aarti reads *andhan ko aankh devaiy *nirdhan ko maya *bhanjan ko putr devaiy *kodhi ko kaya. With humility ,i request believers to kindly provide data about following :
By reciting said aarti exclusively :-
*How many blind people have been 'cured' from blindness ?
*How many poor people have become rich and wealthy?
*How many sterile women have been cured from sterility ?
*How many patients have been cured from Leprosy?
Being freethinker,i am subject to correction,if any!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

The most well-known story is probably the one taken from the Shiva Purana. Once, while his mother Parvati wanted to take a bath, there were no attendants around to guard her and stop anyone from accidentally entering the house. Hence she created an image of a boy out of turmeric paste which she prepared to cleanse her body (turmeric was us
ed for its antiseptic and cooling properties), and infused life into it, and thus Ganesha was born. Parvati ordered Ganesha not to allow anyone to enter the house, and Ganesha obediently followed his mother's orders. After a while Shiva returned from outside, and as he tried to enter the house, Ganesha stopped him. Shiva was infuriated at this strange little boy who dared to challenge him. He told Ganesha that he was Parvati's husband, and demanded that Ganesha let him go in. But Ganesha would not hear any person's word other than his dear mother's. Shiva lost his patience and had a fierce battle with Ganesha. At last he severed Ganesha's head with his trishula. When Parvati came out and saw her son's lifeless body, she was very angry and sad. She demanded that Shiva restore Ganesha's life at once.
Unfortunately, Shiva's trishula was so powerful that it had hurled Ganesha's head very far off. All attempts to find the head were in vain. As a last resort, Shiva approached Brahma who suggested that he replace Ganesha's head with the first living being that came his way which lay with its head facing north. Shiva then sent his celestial armies (Gana) to find and take the head of whatever creature they happened to find asleep with its head facing north. They found a dying elephant which slept in this manner, and after its death took its head, attaching the elephant's head to Ganesha's body and bringing him back to life. From then on, he was called Ganapathi, head of the celestial armies, and was to be worshipped by everyone before beginning any activity.
[Material source :Shiv Puran].

Monday, 17 September 2012

The Mentality of the Common Man is Very Low :-

The great mass of people are very stupid. They are kept in stupidity by their rulers, priests, and preachers. All they know is to eat, gorge themselves to
 the point of sickness if they get a chance, work when they have to, procreate, repeat what they hear, like parrots, have their childish pastimes and die after a life of exploitation by grafting rulers, politicians, preachers, priests, and parasites on the body politic.

Intelligence is not a necessity for survival. Rabbits have little intelligence, yet in a few years they overran the whole of Australia and grew from a few to millions. Stupid people multiply just as fast as intelligent people and under present conditions much faster.

Let us look at the mentality of the common mind. A baby is born. Its parents talk "baby talk" to it for four or five years. During that time it plays with toys, is entirely dependent on its parents, and cannot complete even its natural functions without assistance. It is almost unable to reason, to consider, to compare facts, to determine between right and wrong. It may have been brought up under the Santa Claus illusion and may have been taught that this mythical person flies through the air in a sleigh led by reindeer, and that Santa Claus comes down the chimney while his reindeer remain on the roof, then fills stockings with gifts and candy. Of course, the whole childish story has arisen in the minds of ignorant people of ages ago. Every effort is made to fool the child. While it is in bed, the father or someone else puts gifts in the stockings, even rattles sleigh bells and does other tricks to fool the youngster. Because it is given toys to play with, candy and other gifts, the child looks forward to this deception, and in fact, many grown persons never advance very far beyond the Santa Claus state of mentality; they want Christmas trees all their lives.

At about five years the child is sent to school, which he doesn't like. He is taught how to cut paper dolls and smear water colors in kindergarten. Next year he is taught the alphabet, how to read and write, and later, arithmetic. He is often sent to Sunday school and taught to repeat a lot of rig-a-ma-role which he doesn't understand. He is told that such and such is a fact and doesn't dare, even if he wanted to, dispute what he is told by his elders or teachers.

Later he is taught a little history, how to sing childish songs, a little painting, how to spell, and is given simple childish books to read. He is taught fairy stories and a little geography. When the youngster is old enough he is taught English, grammar, arithmetic, a carefully revised history of the United States, then histories of Greece, Rome, Medieval Europe, England, and the Western Hemisphere. He learns little about Asia, the primitive peoples and their superstitions, the sex worship of the Hindus, the religions of China, Persia, Arabia -- Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Japanese Shintoism, Mohammedanism, -- and the atheism of Russia and even of his sister Republic, Mexico. The cults and blurred ideas of primitive peoples are not given him. He is not taught to read Voltaire, Thomas Paine, Robert Ingersoll, and other great leaders of advanced thought.

Much of what he does read or is taught is too much for his weak intelligence. He usually cares little for it and if it were not for compulsion, he wouldn't even go to school. He is more interested in girls, moving picture shows, driving a car, games, football, baseball, dances, sex stories and other simple pastimes, than he is in his studies.

At 18 to 25, unless he goes to college, his education practically stops except for what he gets out of the daily papers, perhaps a magazine full of sex stories, and a moving picture with exaggerated sex or love as the main feature.

Philosophy, history, knowledge of peoples and their religious customs, and science are not interesting to him. He gets a job, marries and drifts along. If he goes to church to please his mother, or his wife or sweetheart he gets a lot of religious ideas which are vague and blurred in his mind. He does not see anything in the papers against religion, the movies do not carry any such information nor is it broadcast by the radio.

If he wants such information, he must buy books or get them from the library or take special magazines. This is too much trouble, as a rule, and so he drifts along, works when he has to, goes to his club, or his sports, sleeps, eats, has his sexual experience, perhaps raises a few children and doesn't care much whether the stuff he is told by a preacher is true or not.

There are some who do study and develop a reasoning mind, but they are a very small percentage of the public. We are talking of the great mass, 95% of which works most of its life, wastes, gambles, and drinks up its income so that it must be supported by private or public charity after the individuals are 50 years of age.

Because this great mass of humanity believe that there is a god, that Christ was born of a virgin and that those who believe as the preachers tell them, will go to Heaven and live a life of eternal happiness, does not make it true.

Most people simply do not know any better. They are ignorant. They have been told religious fables just like the Santa Claus fable and they have no way of knowing the truth. They have heard only one side. They do not realize that 400,000,000 Chinese believe a different story, that 300,000,000 Hindus have 80 religions, that 200,000,000 Mohammedans have a still different belief and that millions of primitive people believe thousands of divisions of their own religions. All are different and all think other religions are false.

They are continually mentally whipped, by priests and preachers and those who profit from religion, into antagonism toward other churches.

Their leaders make them think they are better than followers of other religions. The Jews were told that they were "God's chosen people." Every circumstance of fortune which favored them was said to be a sign of their God's protection. Every misfortune to those with other religions and gods was said to be because the Jew's God was unfavorable to the other religion. When great calamities came upon the Jews, the priests claimed it was because the Jews had sinned, that is, disobeyed the priests and rulers who, of course, claimed to represent their God.

The Roman Catholic Church claims to be the only true church. For 1500 years the leaders of this church killed, maimed, imprisoned, tortured, burned at the stake and destroyed everyone they could who refused to believe and publicly profess their belief as their priests told them they should.

Today members of various sects look down on others. The Adventists believe that those who do not belong to their religion will be destroyed at the "second coming of Christ." The Mormons think that the "Gentiles" (the word they use to describe all non-Mormons) are beyond the pale and will lose their "souls." All young Mormon men and girls are supposed to be missionaries for a year or two, at their own expense, to help get more converts in the field.

Men of intelligence should listen to the claims of all religions. Then the great conflict and absurdity of the claims can be well realized.

If the gods or priests of any of these religions were all powerful, as their leaders claim them to be, they could confound all other religions and there would be only one. But about the only way they can expand their religions is to use the sword, or send missionaries with medical or other physical benefits to work on the minds of primitive people in Africa, the South Seas, Asia, or South America.

The mentality of our average citizen is very low. Millions of Americans will not begin a journey on the 13th or on Friday. Millions of words about Friday the 13th are printed in the daily papers. Thousands of articles are written by newspaper reporters and editors about what happens to people on the 13th. Many hotels do not number their rooms "13" because ignorant people will not sleep in a room with such a number. Even railroads are said not to number their cars "13" because ignorant, religious, superstitious people will not ride in cars so numbered.

The fact that millions of people have traveled on Friday, slept in rooms numbered "13," traveled on Friday the 13th, etc., doesn't keep these people from their superstitious dread of the "mystic" number.

Other ignorant people, claiming good fortune, will tap on wood to keep their luck from changing, whenever they mention their good fortune. Housewives have dozens of similar superstitions, such as dropping dish rags, forks or spoons, reading tea leaves, coffee grounds, etc.

Millions of dollars are given annually to fortune tellers, astrologers, spiritualists, and other "wizards" and "witches" by ignorant, stupid people who more or less believe what these fakes tell them.

Many business men spend large sums in consulting mediums, clairvoyants, psychics, and fortune tellers. Women patronize tea readers, card readers and similar racketeers who grow rich from the credulity of their dupes.

As the years have passed since this book was first started, the tremendous stupidity of the masses of the people becomes more amazing. Apparently, the ability to reason is confined to a very small percentage of people. The masses almost invariably follow not the intelligent leaders who would bring peace, prosperity and happiness to the world, but the worst leaders who bring war, crime, disease, mental darkness. It is all the more important then, that the search for those few men who have the ability to reason be pushed. There are many whose eyes have not been opened, because, although they may have personal intelligence, they have been kept under such a blanket of ignorance and superstition that the first glimmer of the light of reason or rather, the first information upon which they can base the falsity of current doctrines, has been withheld. To such men this book will open a new world of intelligence and light. If the spark is in the mentality of the individual, the opening wedge will be sufficient to start him on the road to being a Superior Man.

Whole nations vote themselves into slavery on the promise of something for nothing from selfish or even insane leaders. Criminals run poorly checked. Labor racketeers take heavy tribute from every person in the U. S. As a people we consume billions of gallons of poisonous drinks, such as alcoholic liquors, which we know are detrimental to our health. Loafers, in league with crooked politicians, sponge on the people who work and save. The incompetents, lazy, and chiselers blame everyone but themselves for their conditions, and using false accusations as excuses, try and succeed in fooling a large section of the populace into believing that loafers and petty crooks are entitled to be supported at the expense of thrifty and hard working people.

Such, then, is the mental condition of the great mass of people in which superstition-religion flourishes.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Biblical/Pentateuch Intolerance:

I see so many religionists rant and rave about how Atheists are “not tolerant of believers and have no respect for their faith”. To non believers this claim is absurd. For intolerance of various religions is the foundation
 of Judaism, Christianity, Muslim and many other orthodox communities. Matter of fact, the Bible and Pentateuch commands religious intolerance in MANY verses, even to the point of KILLING people for their beliefs. Here then, are a few choice verses that show just how intolerant these religionists are of other believers and nonbelievers. We shall start with the two verses that helped to inflict one of the biggest mass murders in history, the Inquisition.

Woman with “familiar spirits” must be stoned to death. Leviticus 20:27

“Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” Exodus 22:18

Kill those who are not Christian or Jewish:

You must kill those who worship another god. Exodus 22:20

Kill any friends or family that worship a god that is different than your own. Deuteronomy 13:6-10

Kill all the inhabitants of any city where you find people that worship differently than you. Deuteronomy 13:12-16

Kill everyone who has religious views that are different than your own. Deuteronomy 17:2-7

Kill anyone who refuses to listen to a priest. Deuteronomy 17:12-13

Kill any false prophets. Deuteronomy 18:20

Any city that doesn’t receive the followers of Jesus will be destroyed in a manner even more savage than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. Mark 6:11

Jude reminds us that God destroys those who don’t believe in him. Jude 5

Ignorance is bliss. Christians should not practice free inquiry nor socialize with non Christians:

Don’t associate with non-Christians. Don’t receive them into your house or even exchange greeting with them. 2 John 1:10

Shun those who disagree with your religious views. Romans 16:17

Paul, knowing that their faith would crumble if subjected to free and critical inquiry, tells his followers to avoid philosophy. Colossians 2:8
There is no doubt that freedom of expression is a fundamental right in any democratic and pluralistic society. On the other hand, the right of all citizens to be treated with equality, dignity and respect, and to be protected from hate crimes is also an equally important fundamental right. Finding the appropriate balance between th
ese rights is a challenge for every democratic society.

In that sense, freedom of expression is not a license to hate. In other words, freedom of expression does not mean the right to vilify. Furthermore, freedom of expression is also not sacrosanct. It is an established norm that no right is absolute. The modern concept of rights is that different rights and freedoms should mutually reinforce each other to build a strong and durable human rights system. There is no hierarchy of rights, with some rights of more importance than others. Rights work together towards a common purpose.

International conventions protecting human rights :-

In fact, the 1993 UN Vienna Declaration states that “all human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated. The international community must treat human rights globally in a fair and equal manner, on the same footing, and with the same emphasis.” On the other hand, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms that the exercise of any right must be done in a manner consistent with the protection of other rights.

I wish to recall further that while international human rights instruments carefully protect freedom of expression, they also provide limits on extreme forms of expression. Indeed, as we all know, Article 19, paragraph 3 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) provides that the right to freedom of expression carries with it special duties and responsibilities and that it may therefore be subject to certain restrictions. (These restrictions are enumerated as “respect of the rights or reputations of others, protection of national security or of public order or of public health or morals.” I believe these restrictions are self-explanatory.) Finally, Article 20 of the covenant makes it mandatory for all states to enact legal provisions to protect citizens from incitement to hatred and discrimination.

On the other hand, Article 4 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) specifically requires states to take active measures to combat racial hatred and discrimination. In summary, we can assert that the international norms (as well as most national legislation) place legal limits on hate speech and discrimination. What is needed is effective and general implementation of these measures.

Thursday, 13 September 2012


The nation of Mauritania faces a myriad of social, political and economic problems, which has greatly impacted it’s ability to develop. While most Mauritanians live and work in urban centers, a sizable number still depend on agriculture and animal husbandry, specifically in rural areas where the government 
has had little influence in affecting policy. One area where this is most apparent has been with gavage, or the practicing of force feeding. In his book Mauritania, Alfred G. Gerteiny wrote this of gavage:

Women are subjected to gavage-that is, forced feeding, in order to gain weight. Fathers send daughters 10 or 11 years of age to live with herdtending dependent aznagui who see to it that the girls gain weight … often by being tied to the ground, and, to expand their stomachs, given nothing by water for three days. Then they are crammed with milk, usually camel’s milk.

Though decades have passed since Gerteiny wrote of the practice, gavage still occurs. In Mauritania, women who are overweight, or in some cases, obese, are considered beautiful and alternatively, women who weigh what we here would consider a healthy weight are shunned. In recent years, the government and NGO’s have forcefully led a campaign to discourage the practice. The forceful feeding of adolescent girls creates a plethora of health complications as the young girls mature into women. In the larger cities, the practice has visibly been cut, both by a changing of the times and by the discouragement of the practice. However, things are different in the desert, where people continue traditional practices.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Suman Sehrawat;thanks for advice.Anyhow i take this opportunity to inform you that i too have worked hard for years to understand original content and context of scriptures that too in their original language.Being freethinker i don't believe in negative or blind criticism.The problem for people like your good self is blind reverence for scriptures.The fact of the matter is either you have to negate your own scriptures or accept truth which is unpleasant and bitter.Some linguistic experts deliberately exploit multiple meaning of Sanskrit words for their ulterior motives but truth cannot be hidden with the help of linguistic gimmickry. According to most authenticated Sanskrit dictionary ,authored by Vaman Shivram Aptay,the word Ashvamedha has been translated as:"Ashva pradhaantya medhytay hinsyatat atr [page 183].And the there are numerous references on the subject.Some of them are detailed as under:-vishnusmiriti 36/8;taitrya sanhita 5/3/12/2;yajurveda 23/19.23/20.23/22-23-24-26-28-29-30-31.I am herewith presenting details about division of meat as per Aitrya brahman:- "Now follows the division of the different parts of the sacrificial animal (among the priests). We shall describe it. The two jawbones with the tongue are to be given to the Prastotar; the breast in the form of an eagle to the Udgatar; the throat with the palate to the Pratihartar; the lower part of the right loins to the Hotar; the left to the Brahma; the right thigh to the Maitravaruna; the left to the Brahmanuchhamsi; the right side with the shoulder to the Adhvaryu; the left side to those who accompany the chants; the left shoulder to the Pratipasthatar; the lower part of the right arm to the Neshtar; the lower part of the left arm to the Potar; the upper part of the right thigh to the Achhavaka; the left to the Agnidhra; the upper part of the right arm to the Aitreya; the left to the Sadasya; the back bone and the urinal bladder to the Grihapati (sacrificer); the right feet to the Grihapati who gives a feasting; the left feet to the wife of that Grihapati who gives a feasting; the upper lip is common to both, which is to be divided by the Grihapati. They offer the tail of the animal to wives, but they should give it to a Brahmana; the fleshy processes (maanihah) on the neck and three gristles (kikasaah) to the Grahvastut; three other gristles and one half of the fleshy part on the back (vaikartta) to the Unnetar; the other half of the fleshy part on the neck and the left lobe (Kloma) to the Slaughterer (Shamita), who should present it to a Brahmana, if he himself would not happen to be a Brahmana. The head is to be given to the Subrahmanya, the skin belongs to him (the Subrahmanya), who spoke, Svaah Sutyam (to morrow at the Soma Sacriice); that part of the sacrificial animal at a Soma sacrifice which beloings to Ilaa (sacrificial food) is common to all the priests; only for the Hotar it is optional.

All these portions of the sacrificial animal amount to thirty-six single pieces, each of which represents the paada (foot) of a verse by which the sacrifice is carried up..."

"To those who divide the sacrificial animal in the way mentioned, it becomes the guide to heaven (Swarga). But those who make the division otherwise are like scoundrels and miscreants who kill an animal merely."

"This division of the sacrificial animal was invented by Rishi Devabhaaga, a son of Srauta. When he was departing from this life, he did not entrust (the secret to anyone). But a supernatural being communicated it to Girija,the son of Babhru. Since his time men study it."

[Aitareya Brahman, Book 7, Para 1]
The Vedic sacrifice

The Ashvamedha could only be conducted by a king (rājā). Its object was the acquisition of power and glory, the sovereignty over neighbouring provinces, and general prosperity of the kingdom.
The horse to be sacrificed must be a stallion, more than 24, but less than 100 years old. The horse is sprinkled with
 water, and the Adhvaryu and the sacrificer whisper mantras into its ear. Anyone who should stop the horse is ritually cursed, and a dog is killed symbolic of the punishment for the sinners. The horse is then set loose towards the North-East, to roam around wherever it chooses, for the period of one year (or half a year, according to some commentators). The horse is associated with the Sun, and its yearly course. If the horse wanders into neighbouring provinces hostile to the sacrificer, they must be subjugated. The wandering horse is attended by a hundred young men, sons of princes or high court officials, charged with guarding the horse from all dangers and inconvenience. During the absence of the horse, an uninterrupted series of ceremonies is performed in the sacrificer's home.
After the return of the horse, more ceremonies are performed. The horse is yoked to a gilded chariot, together with three other horses, and RV 1.6.1,2 (YV VSM 23.5,6) is recited. The horse is then driven into water and bathed. After this, it is anointed with ghee by the chief queen and two other royal consorts. The chief queen anoints the fore-quarters, and the others the barrel and the hind-quarters. They also embellish the horse's head, neck, and tail with golden ornaments. The sacrificer offers the horse the remains of the night's oblation of grain.
After this, the horse, a hornless he-goat, a wild ox (go-mrga, Bos gavaeus) are bound to sacrificial stakes near the fire, and seventeen other animals are attached to the horse. A great number of animals, both tame and wild, are tied to other stakes, according to a commentator 609 in total (YV VSM 24 consists of an exact enumeration).
Then the horse is slaughtered (YV VSM 23.15, tr. Griffith)
Steed, from thy body, of thyself, sacrifice and accept thyself.
Thy greatness can be gained by none but thee.
The chief queen ritually calls on the king's fellow wives for pity. The queens walk around the dead horse reciting mantras. The chief queen then has to mimic copulation with the dead horse, while the other queens ritually utter obscenities.[2]
On the next morning, the priests raise the queen from the place where she has spent the night with the horse. With the Dadhikra verse (RV 4.39.6, YV VSM 23.32), a verse used as a purifier after obscene language.
The three queens with a hundred golden, silver and copper needles indicate the lines on the horse's body along which it will be dissected. The horse is dissected, and its flesh roasted. Various parts are offered to a host of deities and personified concepts with utterances of svaha "all-hail". The Ashvastuti or Eulogy of the Horse follows (RV 1.162, YV VSM 24.24–45), concluding with:
May this Steed bring us all-sustaining riches, wealth in good kine, good horses, manly offspring
Freedom from sin may Aditi vouchsafe us: the Steed with our oblations gain us lordship!
The priests performing the sacrifice were recompensed with a part of the booty won during the wandering of the horse. According to a commentator, the spoils from the east were given to the Hotar, while the Adhvaryu a maiden (a daughter of the sacrificer) and the sacrificer's fourth wife.

Friday, 7 September 2012

1."Apaanam ordwam othapya pranam kanthaddho nayet;
yoghi jaramukhtha san shodsha abdwyoo bhavet !"
[Hathyogpradipika 2/47].
Exposition :-By pulling up the apana vayu [residing in anal area] and by forcing the praan vayu[believed to be residing in heart],down the throat,the yogi,is liberated from after effects of old age [re
juvenation act],attains the physical and mental status of 16 years old youth.
Question :-Is there any such so called Yogi among the millions of yoga enthusiasts,who has been able to transfer himself from old age to the status of 16 years old boy,of course with the help of said Pranayam ?
2."Na he pathyam apathyam va rasa sarvay api neerasa ;
api bhukhtam visham ghoram peyosham api jeeryati !"
[Hathyogpradipika 3/16].
Exposition :-there is nothing wholesome or injurious for those,who perform Mahamudra regularly as said act destroys harmful effects of all rasas;even for them,deadliest of poisons,if consumed,acts like nectar.
Question :-Has any Yogi testified the taste of Potassium Cyanide?How many of them are there who enjoy their breakfast,lunch or dinner such type of deadly poisons ?
3."Ahimsa pratishthayam tat sanidho vairtyagha !
[Patanjali yog sutra 2/35].
Exposition :-Horse and Buffalo,Rat and Cat,Snake and Mongoose and others being natural enemies of each other,give up their respective animosities,by following the tendencies of the mind of yogi,whose habit of not causing injury,is confirmed.
Question :-The Yoga enthusiasts, claim that all the great men of past were having extraordinary expertise of Yoga;but quite contrary to said claim,a Tiger killed the great grammarian Panini,Elephant killed the author of Mimansa darshan [philosophy],Jamini and Crocodile killed,the author of Chhandah Shastra,Pingala [Reference :Panchtantram,Mitrasamprapti-36].Even Dayanand Sarswati supposedly died due to Milk poisoning.Why above said great men could not save themselves from animals,with the help of their Yogic expertise ? Why ?
4.Swami Ramdev ,tallest exponent of Yoga in present era,presents Yoga and Pranayam as extraordinary panacea cure for all possible ailments and their after effects. Why has he failed to cure himself from the after effects of Bells palsy [Facial paralysis]?It will be pertinent to point out here that there is continuous lachrymatory process from his left eye along with involuntary movements of eyelids.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Religion Is A Gigantic Fraud 

Intelligent men do not decide any subject until they have carefully examined both or all sides of it. Fools, cowards, and those too lazy to think, accept blindly, without examination, dogmas and doctrines imposed upon them in childhood by their parents, priests, and teachers, when their minds were immature and they could not reason.
[Some] 433,000,000 Mohammedans believe that the Koran was brought by an angel from heaven; 335,000,000 Hindus believe one of their gods, Siva, has six arms; 153,000,000 Buddhists believe they will be reincarnated; 904,000,000 Christians believe a god made the world in six days, Joshua stopped the sun by yelling at it, and Jesus was born of a virgin and nullified natural laws to perform miracles.
There is absolutely no scientific proof of any of these claims. Science has shown them to be contrary to all known facts. It is more intelligent to classify them as false. Religions are all based upon the primitive superstitions of ignorant, stone-age men who had no knowledge of science and thought the world was flat. The Catholic Church imprisoned Galileo for life and burned Bruno at the stake because they disagreed with these superstitious beliefs.
These primitive beliefs have been kept alive by a vast army of priests, preachers, and rabbis because it is to their great profit to promote them, first, by imposing them on the helpless brains of children, and second, by saturating the air, TV, press, and schools with their childish superstitions and unreasonable claims. They fool the ignorant and make the gullible and the intelligent alike pay tribute to them. Their multi-billion-dollar properties and incomes are exempt from taxes; they get half-fare on trains, busses, and planes; and receive billions of dollars in grants of taxpayers' money to help build up their political power, wealth, and luxurious living. Taxes could be cut 10 percent if churches paid their just share. That would mean a probable saving of 20 billion dollars a year to the people of the U.S. every year of their lives. Some priests also indoctrinated with superstition from childhood probably believe what they preach. It pays them handsomely to do so.
Religious beliefs are against common sense. There is no god, just because priests say so. There are no angels, devils, heavens, hells, ghosts, witches, nor miracles. These superstitious beliefs are promoted for the purpose of making the gullible believe that by paying money to the priest-class, they will be favored by one of the gods. There is nothing supernatural -- nothing contrary to natural law.
Religion has caused untold ignorance, murder, torture, fear, poverty, unhappiness, wars, and has kept the world 10,000 years behind the times. It still does, while the millions support the priestly loafers in comfort and ease. For ages the independent thinkers have been murdered, ostracized, tortured, and suppressed and their writings destroyed. Only in recent years have a few courageous thinkers been free to criticize religions.
Great thinkers and scientists -- Voltaire, Thomas Paine, Charles Bradlaugh, Luther Burbank, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Henry L. Mencken, Charles Smith, Joseph Lewis, Rupert Hughes, Bertrand Russell, H.G. Wells, Mark Twain, Herbert Spencer, Thomas Huxley, Clarence Darrow, Chapman Cohen, George McDonald, George Bernard Shaw, and hundreds of others -- have discarded all or most of the religious beliefs.
This leaflet will be shocking to the unfortunate victim brain-whipped by religious indoctrination from childhood. But those who have a spark of intelligence will examine the facts, will stop paying tribute to the religious profiteers, and lose their fear of a mythical god and mythical hell.
If the gods which foolish people pray to were decent beings they would not permit innocent children to die of cancer, be blind, suffer from polio, muscular dystrophy, syphilis. A good god would not have manufactured fleas, bedbugs, chiggers, lice, rattlesnakes, sharks, deadly germs, sickness, diseased brains, idiots, and insanity. All these things are the result of blind, natural evolution. A just god would not cause some innocent people to die or be disabled for life in airplane, train, and ship disasters while others survived.
The Thinkers Club appeals to you to examine both sides so we may all escape from this religious oppression which degenerates the minds, forces all to pay tribute to the priestly parasites, and retards human progress.
na swargho,na apvargho va,na aiv aatma paarlokika;na aiv varan ashram aadinam kriyashch phaldayika;agnihotram,trayo vedasya tri dhandam,bhasam ghuntham;budhi poorsh hinanam jeevika dhatr nirmita [BRAHASPAT SUTRA]. Exposition:-There is no heaven,no final liberation, nor any soul in the other world,nor do the faith of caste prejudice produce any genuine effect.The agnihotra [the ceremony of offering oblations to the consecrated fire],the three Vedas,the ascetics 3 staves and smearing one's self with ashes-all such rituals have been established as livelihood by ancestors of all those who are destitute of knowledge and manliness.
Despite the influences of modern science and technology and consequent changed values of life,our outlook towards religion remains by and large,the same. Majority of us still believe that all our agony and miseries are the outcome of our wrong doings in an earlier life and real happiness does not lie in worldly matters
but in 'meditation'.This weakness of ours has been greatly exploited by the unscrupulous masquerading in religious grabs.Forgetting all our education,we surrender ourselves to so called holy guru's and baba's, which we believe are not only authorized agents of 'god',but are also capable of warding off all our sorrows and pain.It is ironical that majority of Hindu scriptures,-all constitute towards the creation,maintenance, and fattening of the tribe of the guru's and baba's at the expense of common man who toils incessantly and pours his hard earned money into the laps of these parasites. The writers and compilers of said scriptures,themselves belonged to the class of parasites and saw to it that the interest of their respective class was safeguard for generations to come.It is time we applied some commonsense in this case and cease to run after the mirage of spiritualism,salvation and mukti.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

The Hindus are in the habit of putting the cart before the horse with regards to the Vedas,for they eulogize said scriptures without studying them and when they ever study them,the eulogy blurs their visio
n.As a result,they fail to see what is actually in said scriptures.Instead,they tend to see in them what they want to see and quite logically the original text becomes the first causality.However,doubts have always persisted about the tall claims that scientific knowledge existed in the Vedas and even people like Swami Dayanand proved unable to clear them.Among the doubts that persist even today,are :-
*If the knowledge about science had really existed in the Vedas,why then those who had been reading,reciting, memorizing and expounding them since time immemorial,could not make any scientific discovery ?Why was it left to the western scientists to make discoveries when we had the "knowledge"with us all along ?
Why Vedic experts having Vedic "wisdom",have failed en mass to mention anything about scientific knowledge?Numerous old commentaries [bhashya] of Vedas have been written but non mentions anything about science.Why?
*When Hindus themselves,who had been learning and reciting Vedas for thousands of years,could not contribute anything in the field of science?How did the Germans succeed?After all,the Germans supposedly had taken away "divine scientific knowledge"of the Vedas from India!

Monday, 3 September 2012

*"...Then a body of men made it their business to carry on these sacrifices.These were the priests,who speculated on the sacrifices and the sacrifices became everything for them.The gods came to enjoy the fragrance of the sacrifices and it was considered that everything in this world could be got by the power of sacrifices.If certain oblations
 were made,certain hymens chanted,certain peculiar forms of altars made,the gods would grant everything."
*"...The priests have been deceiving man more than anybody else.This is the worst profession in the world-even worse than the profession of prostitutes.At least the prostitute gives you something in return,the priest gives you simply hot air.He has nothing to give to you.And this is not all.Whenever somebody has realized the truth,these priests are against him.Obviously they have to be,because if this truth is recognized by people,millions of priests in the world will be unemployed...They are parasites,they go on sucking the blood of man; from the moment,the child is born, until he enters his grave-the priest goes on finding ways to exploit him."
[OSHO,Priests and Politicians,the mafia of the soul,pp 79].
From the Mahabharata
Anusasana Parva, Section XXXVIII

The same text appears also in Sri Shiva Mahapurana

Yudhishthira said: O best of Bharatas, I wish to hear thee 
discourse on the disposition of women. Women are said to be the root of all evil. They are all regarded as exceedingly frail.

Bhishma said: In this connection is cited the old history of the
discourse between the Celestial Rishi (Seer) Narada and the celestial courtezan Panchachuda.

Once in ancient times, the celestial Rishi Narada, having roamed over all the world, met the Apsara Panchachuda of faultless beauty, having her abode in the region of Brahman. Beholding the Apsara, every limb of whose body was endued with great beauty, the ascetic addressed her saying, O thou of slender waist, I have a doubt in my mind. Do thou explain it.

Bhishma continued: Thus addressed by the rishi, the Apsara said unto him:

If the subject is one which is known to me and thou thinkest me competent to speak on it, I shall certainly say what is in my mind.

Narada said; O amiable one, I shall not certainly appoint thee to any task that is beyond thy competence. O thou of beautiful face, I wish to hear from thee of the disposition of women.

Bhishma contitued: Hearing these words of the celestial Rishi, that foremost of Apsaras replied unto him, saying: I am unable, being myself a woman, to speak ill of women. Thou knowest what women are and with what nature they are endued. It behoveth thee not, O celestial Rishi, to set me to such a task..

Unto her the celestial Rishi said: It is very true, O thou of slender waist. One incurs fault by speaking what is untrue. In saying, however, what is true, there can be no fault.

Thus addressed by him, the Apsara Panchachuda of sweet smiles consented to answer Narad’s question. She then addressed herself to mention what the true and eternal faults of women are!

Panchachuda said: Even if high born and endued with beauty and possessed of protectors, women wish to transgress the restraints assigned to them.This fault truly stains them, O Narada!

There is nothing else that is more sinful than women. Verily, women are the root of all faults. That is certainly known to thee, O Narada! Women, even when possessed of husbands having fame and wealth, of handsome features and completely obedient to them, are prepared to disregard them if they get the opportunity.

This, O puissant one, is a sinful disposition with us women, that, casting off modesty, we cultivate the companionship of men of sinful habits and intentions. Women betray a liking for those men who court them, who approach their presence, and who respectfully serve them to even a slight extent. Through want of solicitation by persons of the other sex, or fear of relatives, women, who are naturally impatient of all restraints, do not transgress those that have been ordained for them, and remain by the side of their husbands.

There is none whom they are incapable of admitting to their favours. They never take into consideration the age of the person they are prepared to favour. Ugly or handsome, if only the person happens to belong to the opposite sex, women are ready to enjoy his companionship. That women remain faithful to their lords is due not to their fear of sin, nor to compassion, nor to wealth, nor to the affection that springs up in their hearts for kinsmen and children. Women living in the bosom of respectable families envy the condition of those members of their sex that are young and well adorned with jewels and gems and lead a free life.

Even those women that are loved by their husbands and treated with great respect, are seen to bestow their favours upon men that are hump-backed, that are blind, that are idiots, or that are dwarfs. Women may be seen to like the companionship of even those men that are destitute of the power of locomotion or those men that are endued with great ugliness of features. O great Rishi, there is no man in this world whom women may regard as unfit for companionship.

Through inability to obtain persons of the opposite sex, or fear of relatives, or fear of death and imprisonment, women remain, of themselves, within the restraints prescribed for them. They are exceedingly restless, for they always hanker after new companions. In consequence of their nature being unintelligible, (unable to be understood) they are incapable of being kept in obedience by affectionate treatment.

Their disposition is such that they are incapable of being restrained when bent upon transgression. Verily, women are like the words uttered by the wise. Fire is never satiated with fuel. Ocean can never be filled with the waters that rivers bring unto it. Similarly women are never satiated with men.

This, O celestial Rishi, is another mystery connected with women. As soon as they see a man of handsome and charming features, unfailing signs of desire appear on their persons. They never show sufficient regard for even such husbands as accomplish all their wishes, as always do what is agreeable to them and as protect them from want and danger. Women never regard so highly even articles of enjoyments in abundance or ornaments or other possessions of an agreeable kind as they do the companionship of persons of the opposite sex.

The destroyer, the deity of wind, death, the nether regions, the equine mouth that roves through the ocean, vomiting ceaseless flames of fire, the sharpness of the razor, virulent poison, the snake and Fire- all these exist in a state of union in women. That eternal Brahman whence the five great elements have sprung into existence, whence the Creator Brahman hath ordained the universe, and whence, indeed, men have sprung, verily from the same eternal source have women sprung into existence. At that time, again, O Narada, when women were created, these faults that I have enumerated were planted in them!

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Perturbed over the reports of forced conversions of Hindu girls in Pakistan and a fresh spate of atrocities on the Hindu minority community of Pakistan, which also forced many of them to leave their country and seek asylum in India in the recent past, Pakistan Hindu Council has 
decided to move the United Nations and has also held a meeting with Hussain Haroon, representative of Pakistan in the UN to appraise him of the issues faced by the Hindu population of Pakistan.

Patron, Pakistan Hindu Council Ramesh Vankwani told TOI over phone from Karachi on Saturday that a delegation of Council met Haroon on Friday evening at his residence and told him how minorities were discriminated and why many Hindus were forced to leave their country.

He said the council had demanded immediate action in cases of forced conversation of religion.

He said the forced conversion was an unbearable act for the community and the Pakistan government should enact a law to curb the practice.

The council had also demanded from government for adequate security measures to safeguard the property and lives of Hindus and an early action for redressal of the problems faced by them, he said.

He said Haroon had assured them to take up the issues faced by the Hindu community to those who matter in government machinery and other quarters, besides taking up the issue at international forums.

"We are hopeful of some positive outcome of our meeting with Haroon," he added.