Tuesday, 30 August 2016

The reflex invocation of the outdated law of sedition in spite of the Supreme Court’s clear pronouncement that it has application only if a person ‘incites people to violence against the government established by law, or with the intention of creating public disorder’ is now plain ludicrous. If Kannada actor Divya Spandana, aka Ramya, can be accused of sedition for saying that Pakistan is not hell, then Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who must have made a record of sorts for the number of times he has embraced Nawaz Sharif, should have been placed in the dock long ago.
Secondly, nationalism cannot become a reason to cynically deflect attention from matters of concern to citizens. To run with the tricolour away from legitimate issues relating to failures in governance, in the hope that this act of ultra-nationalism will silence critics, is an expedient attempt to overarch ineptitude, inequity and mal-governance.
You cannot push Dalit protests aside by saying ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’. Nor can you cover up the fact that farmers are in deep distress by shouting ‘Vande Mataram’. If your handling of students and universities is ham-handed, you cannot take the law in your own hands to beat up protesters in the name of the ‘motherland’. It is ironical, indeed, that this new ritualism around the tricolour is being pushed by BJP which draws its inspiration from RSS, which did not believe in the tiranga and preferred the bhagua dhwaj instead.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

स्वर्ग तो पाकिस्तान है ....यानि जो पाक यानि शुद्ध  यानि पुण्यात्माओं का लोक है ....हिंदुस्तान तो हिन्दू यानि काफिरों का लोक है  | ..........................किन्तु रक्षामंत्री पर्रिकर  का मनोहर विचार स्वर्ग तो हिंदुस्तान लोक है | पाकिस्तान तो नरक है जहाँ हम जैसे  पुण्यात्मा कभी नहीं जाते | स्वर्ग मैं न तो आतंकवाद है ,न भ्रष्टाचार है नाही चोरी गुंडागिर्दी ,डकैती ,और बलात्कार ही है | जो है भी तो सब मनुष्य के स्वाभाविक धर्मों की तरह है | स्वाभाविक धर्म कर्म पाप नहीं होते | जैसे शेर     का स्वाभाव   ....|

Saturday, 27 August 2016

When Dalits in prosperous states start agitating against occupations such as clearing garbage and tanning, India’s mask of social harmony starts to slip. Dalits facing physical violence are speaking up, as with a young Dalit boy attacked recently in Bhavra village, 40 km from Ahmedabad, because his family had decided to boycott the work of lifting dead carcasses. They are increasingly asking for basic rights — the right to land, the right to public goods and spaces like water and temples, and the right to social acceptance. Other Dalits in Saharanpur’s Usand village in Uttar Pradesh have taken to sleeping in the forest, given the concerns about physical safety. Municipal corporations around India are suddenly starting to run out of willing Dalit workers to sweep the floors and remove carcasses. Social justice, an age-old topic, is the new third rail.

Friday, 26 August 2016

मोदी भक्त की दुविधा /बेचारा डाक्टर कोमा में !
अच्छे दिनों की प्रतिक्षा, 
(देवदूत, विशेष संवाददाता की रिपोर्ट ).
16 मई 2014 के दिन जब भाजपा को लोकसभा में पूर्ण बहुमत मिल गया, जिस के परिणामस्वरूप, प्रसन्नता की चरम सीमा में एक मोदी भक्त बेहोश होगया और कुछ समय बाद कोमा की स्थिति में चला गया. 15 मास के लम्बे अंतराल के बाद दो दिन पहले उसे बजरंगबली की कृपा से आश्चर्यजनक ढंग से जब होश आया, तो उस न डाक्टर से जिज्ञासास्वरूप पूछा :-
# अब आप भ्रष्टाचार मुक्त भारत में क्या महसूस कर रहे हैं?
# क्या राहुल गांधी और सोनिया गांधी जेल में बंद हैं या वह इटली भाग गये हैं?
# मुझे झुमरीतलया बुलेट ट्रेन में जाना चाहिए या बोईंग 707 में ?
# विदेशी बैंकों से कितना पैसा वापस आया है?
# प्रत्येक भारतीय नागरिक के खाते में 15-15 लाख जमा होने के बाद, क्या मोदी जी की कृपा से देश गरीबी मुक्त हो गया है?
# क्या अमरीकी डालर 35 रूपया के समानांतर हो गया है?
# कुकिंग गैस, सब्जियों, टमाटर, प्याज़ और आलू पर मोदी जी की सब्सडी स्कीम से क्या सभी देशवासी प्रसन्न हैं ?
# पाकिस्तान ने डरकर जब दाऊद इब्राहिम को भारत के हवाले किया, तो उस का क्या बना?
# किसानों को जब सारी ज़मीनें लौटाई गई हैं, तो क्या किसान खुश हैं?
# पाकिस्तान, अफगानिस्तान, नेपाल, बर्मा और श्रीलंका के भारत में सम्पूर्ण विलय के बाद विराट अखंड भारत के नागरिक के रूप में आप क्या महसूस कर रहे हैं ?
# क्या सेवानिवृत सैनिक एक रेंक एक पेंशन मिलने पर खुश हैं ?
* यह सब प्रश्न सुनने के बाद डाक्टर कोमा की स्थिति में चला गया है जबकि भक्त को मानसिक असन्तुलन के कारण आगरा के मानसिक रोग हास्पिटल में भर्ती किया गया है.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

The RSS, always led by upper caste functionaries, relies on a model of Hindu assimilation that the late sociologist M.N. Srinivas would have called “sanskritisation” of lower castes. But millions of Dalits can’t join a Hindu unity platform that ignores or gravely undervalues the truly shabby treatment they have historically received from castes ranked higher on the traditional hierarchy. For them, an explicit recognition of their suffering has to be the starting point of their inclusion. 
A habitually wayward defence minister makes a bizarre and outlandish  statement demonising Pakistan as "hell".If Pakistan was such a disagreeable, demonised place, why has the Raksha Mantri not persuaded his own government to do the very minimum: break off diplomatic relations with Islamabad; or, at least, recall our High Commissioner?

Monday, 22 August 2016

New Delhi: Historian Romila Thapar is under attack yet again by the big brother of the Sangh Parivar — RSS. This time the RSS is breathing fire on her latest book — On Nationalism.
In her new book, Ms Thapar has stated that nationalism cannot be reduced merely to waving flags and shouting slogans and penalising people for not shouting slogans like Bharat Mata ki Jai.
Seething over her observations, the RSS mouthpiece, Organiser, which described Ms Thapar as “queen bee of highbrow intellectualism of divisive Left,” targeted her saying, “Thapar is far from surprise to those who understand the phoney communist character of her intellectual politics.”
Targeting the latest brand of nationalism, Ms Thapar said, “Sloganeering or flag waving smack of a lack of confidence among those making the demand for slogans.”
Of course this has gone against the nationalist spirit of the Sangh. The mouthpiece said, “This time, she has produced another stinky logic of provincialising the otherwise wide-ranging cultural nationalism or Hindutva.”
Hitting out at Ms Thapar, the Organiser wrote in its cover story — Nation for Naysayers — “In the post-Independence era, historians like Thapar were nurtured by the Congress and were established as intellectuals only to ensure that they echo the political programme of this power mongering party through their divisive theories and intellectual activism so that the most legitimate cultural interests of the Hindu society gets nullified from general cognizance."
Ms Thapar in her book which is a compilation of essays by Thapar, lawyer A.G. Noorani and cultural commentator Sadanand Menon, has said, “In India we distinguish between secular anti-colonial nationalism that was the mainstay of the national freedom movement and the other movements that called themselves nationalism but were doubtful as such and were correctly religious or communal nationalism that drew their identity from individual religions, such as Muslims, Hindu and Sikh nationalisms.”

Friday, 19 August 2016

Rio has revealed much else that is wrong with our sport: Lack of jerseys forcing the hockey team to miss the coveted march past; Sports Minister Vijay Goel carrying with him the annoying VIP culture and being put in place for disregarding the rules; Abhay Chautala landing at Rio without the court/CBI permission; Haryana minister Anil Vij leading a delegation to Rio on the pretext of cheering Haryana sportspersons but forgetting to buy tickets for their matches; and a radiologist being made the Indian contingent’s chief medical officer just because he is the son of a vice-president of the Indian Olympic Association. We all know what should not happen, what is wrong and what needs to be done; but we just don’t do it.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

कुछ कडवा, कुछ मीठा, 
गाय हमारी माता है, 
मतदान में मत दिल्ली है, 
जीत सुनिश्चित कराती है, 
सत्ता तक पहुंचाती है, 
सिंहासन पर बैठाती है,
गाय दुध मलाई देती है,
वोट भी दिलाती है,
चुनाव में जीताती है,
जीवन सफल बनाती है,
हम गाय को गौशाला में छोड़ आते हैं,
माता को ओल्ड एज होम के हवाले कर देते हैं,
जहां वह भूख से तड़प तड़प कर मरती है,
हम गौ रक्षक हैं,
गाय हमारी माता है।

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

So for as formalism or mechanical ritualism among Hindus is concerned,there is probably none in this wide world to beat them.Most Hindus go through the motions of various religious ceremonies,spread over hours or in some cases for many days,without having the ghost of an idea of what is being done and orchestrated by that class of abominable social parasites, known as priests and dharam gurus.A 'revered' priest or guru asks you to dip a finger in the water with your 'sacred thread' either in right arm or left arm.You have to wait till he directs you where to place the drop so collected on finger,usually on your own article/articles being donated to him,some on on your own forehead and some times on his own brow.You obey his directions to adopt different postures while performing rituals.So for as the reciting of the mantra's is concerned,yajmaan obediently recites all such mantra's parrot like with closed mind ,without having any idea about the content and context of recited verses. Said Mantra's are usually recited in Sanskrit with great gusto ,but following at best only a word or two [usually one of the myriad synonyms of supposed god] out of the whole prayer.