Friday, 31 October 2014

"Ishwara sarv bhutanam hrad daishay Arjun tishtatee....[Geeta,61/18]";
Exposition  Arjun,within the hearts of all living entities resides the god and the potency of energy which orchestrates the movements and actions of all living entities like figurines on a carousel.
Divine sanctimonious sanctity for human actions,undertakings and initiatives indeed ! And then supposedly ~
If god himself is a Babu who can be bribed to do your bidding with a prayer, a few diyas or candles or 24 hour non stop ritualistic jagrata , where’s the harm in slipping some currency notes to a bureaucrat or politician or policeman to do what you want done? Doesn't god himself teach us to bribe? In which case, how can bribery and corruption be bad things, if they're God-given?
And then ~
Is not relationship of followers and believers with their respective deity or deities-and with all variety of gods/goddess exclusively commercial ?Are they not exclusive people in the world who tell their god ,point blank that should he do what they wish for,they would present sweets to eat or a silver/gold umbrella,new clothes,a new abode with all modern facilities including air conditioner for gruelling summer months.And their respective business may be directly or indirectly linked with any type of moral turpitude.After all he is their own god-very own and accordingly they keep no secrets from him.Can any one cite a religion in the world in which the relationship between god and the devotee is so reciprocal ?

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Under the extraordinarily dynamic leadership of Minister for human resources development, IIT'S and other technical institutions have been already directed to contemplate establishment of separate veg and non veg canteens,in order to boost the genuine image of 21st century Hinduism. Now,highly placed sources have disclosed that honorable minister has constituted high power committee which includes Dinanath Batra,Dr.Praveen Togadia,Dr.M.M.Joshi,Acharya Giriraj Kishore,Ashok Singhal and Ram Madhav,to explore and suggest alternative to animal fat- extensively used in commonly used domestic products.The compiled list of such products is as under :-
# Cosmetics,shampoos,conditioners,cologne and perfumes.
# Soaps,shaving creams,toothpastes,deodorants and moisturizers.
# Chocolates,pastries,chewing gum,potato chips,hard candy and sugar.
# Plastic bags, leather based footwear,belts,wallets,belts and bags.
# Paint brushes,fabric softener,condoms and candles.
# Bio fuels and fire works.
# Car,bike tires and plywood.
# Glue used in woodwork and musical instruments.
# Injection Insulin and all other drugs.
# Computers and lubricants.
# Wine and beer.
# Color and dyes.
Initiative for swach and shudh Bharat indeed.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

बलात्कार रोकने के लिए अब महिलाओं के कपड़ों पर देवी-देवताओं की तस्वीरें छापी जायेंगीः केंद्र ;
"जब हनुमान जी अपनी गदा लिये हर लड़की के साथ खड़े दिखाई देंगे तो बुरे से बुरा आदमी भी लड़की को घूरने से पहले दस बार सोचेगा।”
नयी दिल्ली. केंद्र सरकार ने बलात्कार रोकने के लिए अब आख़िरी उपाय आज़माने का फ़ैसला कर लिया है। सरकार ने तय किया है कि देश की सभी महिलाओं को देवी-देवताओं की तस्वीरों वाले कपड़े पहनाये जायेंगे। इस परियोजना को उसने ‘हारे को हरिनाम’ (हाकोहा) नाम दिया है।
पिछले दिनों सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने फटकार लगाते हुए केंद्र से पूछा था कि “बलात्कार रोकने के लिए सरकार क्या कर रही है?” इसके जवाब में सरकार ने आज कोर्ट को बताया कि “हमने लड़कियों को बुर्क़े से लेकर बोरी तक सबकुछ पहनाकर देख लिया, लेकिन कोई फ़ायदा नहीं हुआ।”
सरकार की ओर से कोर्ट में पेश हुए एडिशनल सॉलिसिटर जनरल मदन गोपाल ने कहा कि “माई लॉर्ड! अब ये साबित हो चुका है कि बलात्कार के लिए लड़कियों के कपड़े ही दोषी हैं, लड़के नहीं! और चूंकि हम लड़कों को तो बदल नहीं सकते, इसलिए हमने कपड़ों को बदलने का फ़ैसला किया है।”
“माई लॉर्ड! लोहे को लोहा ही काटता है। अब तक कपड़ों की वजह से बलात्कार होते थे, अब कपड़ों की वजह से ही रुकेंगे भी! जब हनुमान जी अपनी गदा लिये हर लड़की के साथ खड़े दिखाई देंगे तो बुरे से बुरा आदमी भी लड़की को घूरने से पहले दस बार सोचेगा।”
जब कोर्ट ने पूछा कि “हमारे देश में इतने सारे क़ानून हैं, तो फिर आपको भगवान की क्या ज़रूरत पड़ गई?”, इस पर श्री गोपाल ने जवाब दिया कि “माई लॉर्ड! अपनी खुशी से भगवान को कौन याद करता है!”
“वैसे भी हमारी महिलाएं इनडायरेक्टली हमेशा से भगवान के भरोसे ही तो रहती आई हैं। फ़र्क बस इतना है कि अब डायरेक्टली भी रहेंगी।”, इसके बाद एडिशनल सॉलिसिटर जनरल ने कपड़ों के कुछ सैंपल पेश करते हुए कहा कि “सूट-सलवारों पर सबसे ज़्यादा भगवान कृष्ण का फ़ोटो छापा जायेगा क्योंकि द्रोपदी की लाज उन्होंने ही बचाई थी।”
कोर्ट से निकलने के बाद श्री गोपाल ने पत्रकारों को बताया कि “शुरुआत में ‘हाकोहा’ को ट्रायल के तौर पर दिल्ली में लागू किया जायेगा। अगर यह योजना क़ामयाब रही तो फिर इसे पूरे देश में लागू कर दिया जायेगा।” अंत में उन्होंने उम्मीद जताई कि “अब कुछ ही दिनों में लड़कियों के भी अच्छे दिन आ जायेंगे।”
उधर, कांग्रेस के वरिष्ठ नेता एनडी तिवारी ने इस फ़ैसले की आलोचना करते हुए कहा है कि “ये सरकार इस देश के मर्दों को जानती नहीं क्या? इन्होंने लड़कियों के साथ-साथ भगवान की इज़्ज़त को भी ख़तरे में डाल दिया है।”
How astonishing that law makers should become law breakers. They may not do so intentionally and nobody would be ready to attribute motives to their defaulting behaviour, nevertheless, one expects the elected representatives of the people who have the privilege of making laws for the land have not declared their assets and liability details to the House Secretariat before 26 September the last date for making such submissions. Among the defaulters are no less a person than Rahul Gandhi, L.K. Advani and others. The declaration of property etc. is desired under Assets and Liability Declaration Rules 2004, Provisions 5 and 6, and the Representation of the People Act 1951, Section 75 (A).  An MP is required to make the declaration of his assets and liabilities within 90 days of his or her election as MP. This has not been adhered to by the representatives concerned. We don’t think that the House Secretariat needed to send reminders to the defaulting legislators to submit their declaration.  An MP once elected needs to know all the do’s and don’ts of the job. Ignorance of law is no excuse and they cannot find alibi in ignorance. They have set example for the people they lead. 400 MPs who have not submitted their declarations constitute 75 per cent of the total strength of the Parliamentarians in our country. This is a reflection on them. What message will it give to the bureaucracy, the Government functionaries and the public in general? Charity begins at home. Interestingly, the defaulters come from almost all mainstream national parties and other smaller groups. We would suggest that House Secretariat should publish a booklet as guide for all MPs keeping them informed on do’s and don’ts. This booklet should be issued to each MP at the time of oath taking ceremony. There should be no need for the Secretariat to send reminders to them. It is there duty to complete all formalities set forth in the guidebook. Again it is also important that action against the defaulter has to be taken in accordance with the law. They cannot have immunity in case they violate the law.
After online prasad, what next? Will e-commerce provide a service by which a surrogate ‘you’ will trek to a pilgrimage site on your behalf in order to fulfil a pledge you’d made to undertake the journey if a boon were granted to you? Say you’d prayed that you'd hike all the way up to Vaishno Devi if you got the job promotion you yearned for, or got cured of a chronic ailment. And your prayers came true, and you got the promotion you wanted, or the cure that you’d sought. Now, to fulfil your part of the bargain with the Ooperwala you’d be obliged to take time off to undertake the pilgrimage you’d promised to make. Darn. How inconvenient. Not to mention physically taxing. But what if someone were to do it for you? It would be a win-win situation for all concerned. For you, who didn't have to go through the hassle of a pilgrimage; for the organisation which earned money by providing you the service of a pilgrimage-by-proxy; and for the Ooperwala whose received blessings had duly been acknowledged in the promised thanksgiving exercise.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Despite the influences of the scientific progress and the consequent changed values of life,outlook of the majority segment of society remains by and large the same.It is beyond any logic or comprehension,how vast majority of highly educated beneficiaries of modern science and technology continue to believe in supernatural powers supposedly embodied in Gurus ,who are peddlers of 21st century spiritualism ?It is ironical that gullible and credulous followers still believe that their all problems and miseries are the outcome of their wrong doings in an 'earlier life' and real happiness does not lie in worldly matters but in spiritualism and meditation.This personality disorder and inferiority complex has been greatly exploited since time immemorial by the unscrupulous masquerading in religious garbs. Majority segment of superstitious people of India Whose superstitious beliefs border on ludicrousness and absurdity are being exploited to the hilt in a variety of ways by a horde of Gurus,who publicize themselves as sole authorised middlemen of 'god'.These Godmen are manifesting themselves physically in myriad hideous and funny ways.If they are lined up an amusing comical spectacle of people taking part in funny fancy dress competition will have into view.Some of them have matted locks covering their scalps and beards flowing up to their knees,some covering their bodies with flowing pink or black gowns,some clad only in loincloths [some of them prefer natural birth suit] and so forth. Virtually mesmerized by spacious sophistry of modern day Gurus,credulous believers surrender almost in totality to self styled godmen, on the presumption that being authorized agents of 'god',they are capable of warding off their respective sorrows and pain .
Some friends may say that there are genuine Gurus too. Any way the job of verifying the genuineness of the Gurus is tremendous one. Even Swami Dayanand Saraswati wrote in this aspect that he was disillusioned many times before he was able to find his Guru Virjanand.
The 'holy' books of the Hindus,the Shastras and the Puranas-all constitute towards the creation,maintenance and fattening of the tribe of the Gurus at the expense of the common man who toils incessantly and pours his hard earned money into the laps of these social parasites,The writers and compilers of these scriptures themselves belonged to the class of social parasites and they saw to it that the class interests of their class was safeguarded for generations to come and accordingly hypothesis of spiritualism,salvation and mukti was established .
It will be very relevant to quote here Brihaspati,Guru of ancient rationalism :-
na swargho,na apvargho va,na aiv aatma paarlokika;na aiv varan ashram aadinam kriyashch phaldayika;agnihotram,trayo vedasya tri dhandam,bhasam ghuntham;budhi poorsh hinanam jeevika dhatr nirmita [BRAHASPAT SUTRA]. Exposition:-There is no heaven,no final liberation, nor any soul in the other world,nor do the faith of caste prejudice produce any genuine effect.The agnihotra [the ceremony of offering oblations to the consecrated fire],the three Vedas,the ascetics 3 staves and smearing one's self with ashes-all such rituals have been established as livelihood by ancestors of all those who are destitute of knowledge and manliness.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Symbolizing significant political event as well as political about turn,Prime Minister Narendra Modi,has made well planned statements eulogising Mahatma Gandhi.The political somersault by RSS is surprising as well as astonishing because RSS and its political wing BJP has hated Gandhi from the core of their heart.Though Modi has been continuously talking about Gandhi,but he has not uttered a word about Gandhi's biggest political weapon and experiment 'Ahimsa'.It will be very pertinent to mention here that the RSS detests Ahimsa and calls it "impotency"and in its convoluted sense of history,blames non violence for 'foreign invaders' ruling the Indian subcontinent. The RSS chief M S Golwalkar has termed Gandhi's Ahimsa as "great betrayal"perpetrated over Indians.Historically speaking ,the RSS was born as a reaction to Gandhi's call to support Khilafat movement in 1919,which was defined by Hindu conservative's as an attempt to appease Muslims.
It is indeed salutary to recall ,what Vallabhbhai Patel wrote in his letter of July 18,1948 to Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee :-"there is no doubt in my mind that the extreme section of Hindu Mahasabha was involved in the conspiracy.The activities of the RSS constituted a clear threat to the existence of government and state."
He wrote again on 11 September 1948 to the Sangh Chalak of RSS:-"the speeches of the Sangh leaders are poisionous.It is a result of the venom that Mahatma Gandhi has been assassinated.The followers of Sangh have celebrated Gandhi's assassination by distributing sweets."
Any way,let us forget history and be wise and mature enough -not to live with past.Otherwise also Sangh Parivar has always denied its hand in the brutal assassination of Mahatma-though their denial has been always questionable.Now today let us believe that RSS has finally and formally surrendered to the man whose memory it has worked so hard to erase.May be,RSS has rediscovered and redefined in 21st century the political virtues of Mahatma's philosophy and its implication today-hence the eulogising and appropriation of Gandhism.
Without any prejudice or any doubt about the latest political hypothesis of Sangh Parivar,it will be very pertinent to know and improvise our political knowledge :-
# Whether Saffron brigade has shunned the concept of violence and accepted Ahimsa as a core value ?
# Whether RSS has discarded Golwalker's hypothesis and finally  accepted                   Gandhi's formulation of Hindu-Muslim unity ?
# Whether it has 'forgiven' Gandhi For accepting the division of India ?
# Whether it has modified its map of Akhand Bharat,which includes Afghanistan,Pakistan, Nepal, Burma and Sri Lanka ?
# Whether RSS has finally realised that brutal killing of Mahatma was not  just vadh but a criminal act and Godse was rightly sent to the gallows ?

Friday, 3 October 2014

Does God have a multiple personality disorder?

At last count, there were . . . well . . . I won’t even try to count all the different religions in the world! Besides the large, well-known world religions such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism, there are countless smaller religions, including many varieties of traditional, cultural, and nature-based religions, throughout the world. There are also a billion or so people who don’t belong to any particular religion, either because they are atheist or agnostic or because they follow their own personal spiritual beliefs.
All of the religions have some concept of God—although some do not talk much about God. However, if we ask adherents of the various religions what God is like, we will get many different descriptions. Within the different religions God has been pictured as a male or female human being, as various kinds of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and insects, as being with a human body and the head of an animal, as a tree or a plant, as lightning and thunder, as the sun, moon, or stars, and in many other ways.
When we start talking about the different mental and emotional characteristics of God, things get even more interesting. God loves and hates, is wrathful and merciful, is omniscient and forgetful, is unchanging yet relents from punishments that were planned, is all-forgiving but condemns everyone who doesn’t believe or do certain things.
Does God have a multiple personality disorder? How could one God be so many different things all at once? How could God be so many contradictory things at the same time? After all, if we ask people of the various religions how they know what God is like, most them will say that their beliefs originally came from God.