# It is believed by gullible and credulous followers that due to extraordinary intellect and memory power,Sant Gyaneshwar,had attained unprecedented expertise for all the four Vedas-that too in his childhood.Since he was not part of privileged society,he had to face often sarcastic comments. Once few people compared young Gyaneshwar with a male Buffalo and thrashed poor animal with sticks.Whether you believe it or not-there were thrashing marks on Dnyaneshwar's trunk.On being further challenged,he asked Buffalo to recite Vedic Mantras and Buffalo recited verses from Vedas with precise pronunciation and literary authority.
# Sant Gyaneshwar was often invited for Sharad ceremony [religious ritual in honor of manes/ancestors] and on his invocation, dead ancestors ,while presenting themselves in full form,would also enjoy sacred Sharad meals in the company of Gyaneshwar.
# According to one well publicized miracle,he swayed a troublemaker by making him see ,Muktabai -his sister cook food over his back.It implied that his "spiritual" power was so strong that the it gave served as the fire for cooking.
# One yogi,Changdeo by name was said to be fourteen hundred years old.By virtue of his supposed yogic power,he had subdued all fierce beings like the tiger and the serpent.After knowing about Gyaneshwar,he decided to visit him.He rode on a tiger and was using serpent as a whip.At that time Gyaneshwar and his brethren were sitting on a compound wall outside their house.When they were told that Changdeo was coming to them on tiger backs,they 'made' the wall itself to move and thus went forward to receive Changdeo.
Well,beyond any supremacy of reason or comprehension,there are enough followers even today in 21st century,who exhibit blind reverence for all such miracles,with closed eyes and shut mind.And today,identical "ancient divine wisdom" is latest mantra for intellectual development and 'revival' of social /moral values !
# It is believed by gullible and credulous followers that due to extraordinary intellect and memory power,Sant Gyaneshwar,had attained unprecedented expertise for all the four Vedas-that too in his childhood.Since he was not part of privileged society,he had to face often sarcastic comments. Once few people compared young Gyaneshwar with a male Buffalo and thrashed poor animal with sticks.Whether you believe it or not-there were thrashing marks on Dnyaneshwar's trunk.On being further challenged,he asked Buffalo to recite Vedic Mantras and Buffalo recited verses from Vedas with precise pronunciation and literary authority.
# Sant Gyaneshwar was often invited for Sharad ceremony [religious ritual in honor of manes/ancestors] and on his invocation, dead ancestors ,while presenting themselves in full form,would also enjoy sacred Sharad meals in the company of Gyaneshwar.
# According to one well publicized miracle,he swayed a troublemaker by making him see ,Muktabai -his sister cook food over his back.It implied that his "spiritual" power was so strong that the it gave served as the fire for cooking.
# One yogi,Changdeo by name was said to be fourteen hundred years old.By virtue of his supposed yogic power,he had subdued all fierce beings like the tiger and the serpent.After knowing about Gyaneshwar,he decided to visit him.He rode on a tiger and was using serpent as a whip.At that time Gyaneshwar and his brethren were sitting on a compound wall outside their house.When they were told that Changdeo was coming to them on tiger backs,they 'made' the wall itself to move and thus went forward to receive Changdeo.
Well,beyond any supremacy of reason or comprehension,there are enough followers even today in 21st century,who exhibit blind reverence for all such miracles,with closed eyes and shut mind.And today,identical "ancient divine wisdom" is latest mantra for intellectual development and 'revival' of social /moral values !