Saturday, 31 May 2014

Bayer CEO started Medical Apartheid: Denies its Cancer medicine to Indians
MNCs are only for ruthless profits regardless of any ethic, morality and human value. The recent statement made by Mr. Marijn Dekkers, CEO of agro-chemical and pharmaceutical giant Bayer precisely told that these Corporations are meant for extracting money and extortion at any cost.
"We did not develop this medicine (Nexavar) for Indians," ?Marijn Dekkers said at a little reported pharmaceutical forum last month, according to the January 21st edition of Businessweek.
"We developed it for western patients who can afford it," Dekkers said, and called the Indian regulator's action "essentially theft".
Being among the largest Chemical Company in the world and having huge business in India Bayer is into selling and manufacturing human and animal drugs, agro-chemicals (Pesticides) and material science. One of its products ‘Nexavar’ used to treat liver and kidney cancer is highly expensive and India’s Controller General of Patents has allowed a local drug manufacturer to produce its generic copy in India.  It is noteworthy that Bayer Corporation has obtained a patent in India in 2008 for Nexavar which cost Rs. 2.8 lakh for a month’s dosage of pack of 120 tablets. On March 9, 2012, the Controller of Patents, Mumbai, granted the first-ever compulsory licence to local Drug Company Natco to make ‘Sorofenib Tosylate’, a generic version of Bayer’s high-priced anti-cancer drug Nexavar. Natco was told to sell the pack at Rs. 8,800 which is almost 97% discount to the original selling price of the Bayer product in India. No MNC will like any court order disallowing them from making expensive drug hical profit of more than 30 times than what that drug can be made available for.
It is ironical that rather than wanting to save lives around the world,what Bayer is interested in is maximising profits by selling eafford it."expensive drug to "western patients who can afford it."And those who cannot,well,it is dead end for them,as they have to do without Bayer's lifesaving drug.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

*Adoration of tombs,graves,idols,animal figures,'sacred' plants and trees. .
*Sacrament [the rite of baptism,confirmation,the Eucharist,penance,anointing for sick,ordination and matrimony].
*Sun and moon worship.
*Wearing 'sacred threads' and talisman.
*Orchestrating animal sacrifice in order to 'appease the god'.
*Circumambulations and prostrations at religious places.
*Organising non stop Jagratas.
*Bathing in 'holy' rivers in order to be absolved from committed sin and immorality
*Circumcision and sacred thread ceremony for infants and children.
*Char daam yatra and other pilgrimages .
*Shradh ceremony for appeasement of ancestors,their forgiveness and supposed divine blessings.
*Sarv dharam sadbhav samelan,where selective parts of mutually conflicting scriptures are read simultaneously.
*Bhumi pojan on the eve of new construction [project].

Monday, 26 May 2014

Superstition is defined as an irrational belief or behaviour which profoundly based on apparent existence of supernatural objects, witchcraft and abject rituals which are against the very basis of natural science and common logics. In India superstition is deeply imbedded in social fabric. Some form of these believes and rituals are highly abject, inhuman and criminal in nature. There are several reasons for such superstitious believes in India. Religious factors are one the most important cause behind wide spread superstitious practices though the opinions are highly divided. Rationalist argue that basis of each religion that belief in the existence of God itself promote superstitions and supernatural phenomenon, however many believe that there is a profound difference between faith and blind faith. Though at the core the teaching of most of the religions don't preach superstition, however there is no doubt that religious teachings have always been quoted by the propagators of such rituals. It also involves social factors such as caste, economic and education status of the masses.

Fight against superstition is not only the need of hour but citizen's fundamental duty. As according to constitution (51A), it is a citizen's fundamental duty to evolve scientific temper, Humanism, spirit of enquiry and reform. Scientific temper is the mental attitude that gives us the power of reasoning and reforms and it is directly against the idea of superstitious beliefs and practices. However by looking at education, economic and social status in India, it will not be realistic to think that a mere legislation or government effort can eradicate deep rooted superstitious behaviour from society. We need a well-coordinated country wide mass campaign to aware the common people about the harms of such practices and beliefs, simultaneously a nationwide campaign only can force the government to act strong and determined against inhuman religious practices.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

I am often bewildered ,why supposed god with those attributions-omnipotent,omnipresent,omniscient and benevolent,invariably fails to accord 'divine' safety cover to his believers and followers,when they need it so badly ?Why 'god' is so indifferent and insensitive to grotesque human suffering ?The presence of misery,torture,pain,anguish and trauma alongwith other evils, contradicts rather than confirms,the attributions attached to much publicized 'god' as all good,all wise,all powerful and above all benevolent [kripalo/dayalo].Said failure is visible and testified since time immemorial.It has been rightly said that-'religion has caused more misery to all of mankind in every stage of human history than any other single idea."When Mohmud Ghazni,had reached the gates of the fabulous Somnath Temple,on his pillage and plundering trip,thousands of believers and followers,who were reciting mantra's in his favor instead of even any symbolic fight, were tortured to death in an most abominable manner.There was virtually genocide ,when more than 10 million innocent people               were tortured to death at the time of partition of the subcontinent.Earlier many millions were massacred during world war one and two. And the process is on even today !
What sort of "gods", credulous follow and worship,who would not lift even their little finger to protect their very own devotees or preserve their own abodes ?As the poet ,Agha Shayer Kizilbash,has put the matter :-
"Hashr mein insaaf hoga,bas yahee sunte rahoo,
kuchch yahaan hotaa rahaa hai,kuchch vahaan ho jayegaa "
There could be an endless debate on the rout of secular forces, although the reasons may not be far to seek. The secularists lost perhaps for not being secular enough. They did recite the secular mantras but their response to religious revivalism betrayed a mix of fear and opportunism. They displayed neither the will nor the skills needed to prevent the youth from taking the communalist path.They utterly failed to provide alternative to first time voters and other youth between in the age group of 20 to 30 years,who in the absence of any viable alternative were influenced by unprecedented media advertisement and opted almost en mass for supposed messiah of 21st century !

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Now,when elections are over,nobody can deny legitimacy and constitutionality of the verdict or "political maturity" of Indian electorate ?Only time will tell whether Modi can dare to come out of the ambit of RSS and its core Hindutav agenda in the larger and collective interests of the nation ?Period of sensational populism is over and count down for implementation is going to begin within days,Easier said than done period is also over.
Going forward there can only be hope that the next India premier’s focus will be on once again accelerating India’s sagging growth rate, and also its redistribution problems, rather than the polarising politics of communalism. Much as India’s prime minister-elect is touted for spurring growth and running an efficient administration, the problems of crony capitalism and the licence raj remain acute. Spurring growth is often easier than ensuring equality of opportunity and a level playing field for all economic actors.Development agenda and opportunity for whom-Adani's or common man ?Can extraordinarily publicized 'larger than life status and persona' be above class interests of those who have been "magnanimous enough" and have played behind the curtain crucial role for the electoral success of Modi and his party ?

Friday, 16 May 2014

"Pity the nation that acclaims the bully as hero,
And that deems the glittering conqueror bountiful.
Pity a nation that despises a passion in its dream,
Yet submits in its awakening.
Pity the nation that raises not its voice
Save when it walks in a funeral,
Boasts not except among its ruins,
And will rebel not save when its neck is laid
Between the sword and the block.
Pity the nation whose statesman is a fox,
Whose philosopher is a juggler,
And whose art is the art of patching and mimicking
Pity the nation that welcomes its new ruler with trumpeting,
And farewells him with hooting,
Only to welcome another with trumpeting again.
Pity the nation whose sages are dumb with years
And whose strongmen are yet in the cradle.
Pity the nation divided into fragments,
Each fragment deeming itself a nation.”
Will you still deem the conqueror bountiful? Will you still despise a passion in your dream? Will you still choose to be quiet? Will you still submit to the fox and the juggler? Will you still be dumb? Will you? Will you?
कडवी मगर सच बात..
धन की देवी लक्ष्मी की पुजा सिर्फ
हमारे देश मे की जाती है,
फिर भी देश की 75%
जनता गरीबी और भुखमरी से लड
रही है।।
शिक्षा की देवी सरस्वती की पुजा भी सिर्फ
हमारे हि देश मे ही की जाती है ।।
फिर भी हमारे देश की गिनती सबसे
अनपढ़ देशो मे होती है ।।
अन्न उत्पादन करने
कि देवी माँ अन्नपुर्णा की पुजा भी सिर्फ
हमारे देश मे होते है ।।
फिर भी हमारे देश के हजारो गरीब
किसान हर साल अत्महत्या कर लेते है ।।
वर्षा के देवता इन्द्र
की पुजा भी सिर्फ हमारे हि देश मे
होती है।।
फिर भी कभी सुखा तो कभी बाढ़ आ
जाती है ।।
स्त्री को हमारे
यहा देवी का दर्जा दिया जाता है ।।
फिर भी दहेज के लिये हर साल
हजारो औरतो को जिन्दा जला दिया जाता है।।
अतिथि देवो भव: अर्थात
अतिथि को भगवान माना जाता है ।।
फिर भी विदेश से आये
अतिथियों की हत्या या बलात्कार
होना हमारे यहा आम बात है ।।
सेक्स के भगवान काम देवता भी हमारे
ही देश मे है,
तो क्या इसी लिये हमारे
देशवासी इतने हवश के पूजारी है ??
नटखट श्री कृष्ण की पूजा भी हमारे
ही यहाँ होती है,
तो क्या इसी लिये सबसे
ज्यादा लड़कियो से छेड़छाड़ और
बलात्कार हमारे यहाँ होते है??
विश्वकर्मा की पूजा हमारे देश में
ही होती है,
लेकिन उद्योग विकास में हमें
पिछड़ा माना जाना है ।।
क्यों ?
Karl Marx could not have visualised political debacle and defeat of his followers at the hands of regressive right wing political outfits nor could he imagine that his comrades will be victim of deadly and diabolical caste system in India.This was bound to happen as the left movement in the country has generally rather deliberately refrained from attacking anti people divisive caste system and its accompanying evils just for electoral politics.Since decades,the fundamental mantra of Dialectical Materialism has been replaced by politics of convenience and compromise,which has precipitated identification crisis [who is who].Trade unions of working class have been hijacked by regressive polity.Failure of progressive left is more than visible.
Today,when left has been virtually dismantled,the million dollar question arises,why the left has not been able to expand its presence both in urban India and rural Bharat,except to some reasonable extent in Kerala, West Bengal and Tripura?In a country like India,which is always ripe for picking because of several economic and social problems that besiege it constantly.Under such scenario ,the left should have been in the forefront ,articulating both unhappiness and dissent about day to day problems of common man and forging an alternative that could assure lead and fight against crude exploitation of under privileged,marginalised and lower middle class.The vacuum was always there but comrades hardly visualized it and paradoxically the vacuum and place was occupied by right wing BJP to major extent and by others to lesser extent.What a sublime political tragedy ?

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

"koee milney ko tera nishan bhee hai?
Koee rehney ka tera makaan bhee hai?
Tera charcha jahaan kee zabaano peh hai;
Tera shore zamaney kay kaanon mein hai;
Magar aankhon say deykha to parada hasheen;
Kaheen too na mila,tera ghar na mila."
[is there any address,where i can find you?Any home in which you reside?Your name is on every one's tongue;your fame rings in the world's ears;but when i look for you-you are hid behind a veil;i sought you everywhere but did not find your abode].

Monday, 12 May 2014

Frankly speaking on the basis of personal experience,character assassination and denigration of atheists,by theists is the sanctimoniously established social order of the day,though process is on since time immemorial.According to 'divine hypothesis' of the theists,'god' is said to be responsible for the acts of man.It follows that it is 'god' ,who for one reason or other,makes some believe in his non existence and question his very existence.Will it not be logical to say in accordance to same hypothesis,when a person declares "god does not exist",it is 'god' himself who is speaking through him or her.Atheism is born out of rationalism,supremacy of reason,scientific temper and humanism.Since time immemorial attributions of supposed god as 'omnipotent,omniscient,omnipresent and benevolent',have been questionable in the light of extreme sufferings of the respective credulous followers and believers.If 'faith' in supposed god,provides solace and tranquility to theists,faith for his non existence likewise helps atheists to pass through the vicissitudes of the life with logic and reason.Accordingly,it is beyond any reason or comprehension to denigrate an atheist for his social practice and perception- as all is supposedly ordained by 'god'.
And then,has faith in 'god' prevented mankind from committing crime and sin?Has the thought of 'god',associated religiosity and parrot like recitation of respective scriptures,made believers really generous,moral and civilised ?Can it be testified that the faith in 'god' [theism] has preserved and enhanced the dignity of individual ?Has there been any other single idea,other than religion,which has caused more misery to all of mankind in every stage of human history and existence ?The answer is emphatic-"NO" !

Saturday, 10 May 2014

It was tulsidas [1532-1623], who Established larger than life Divine status of Rama, the main character of Ramayana, when he composed Ramcharitmanas in 16th century. If we go through both popular versions of mythological story [Ramcharitmanas and Valmiki Ramayan], it is beyond any logic or comprehension to believe that Rama deserved to be accorded status of Maryadha Purshotam [an epithet of 'god' Vishnu with propriety of conduct and dignity].
* According to the Ramayana, the whole world was "created by god" for the exclusive benefit and glory of Brahmins.All other castes in general and Shudra in particular were meant to serve them.Accordingly Shudras were not entitled to devout penances. When one Shudra Shambuka violated the divine code, resulting in the premature death of a Brahmin boy' just' 5000 days old, it was considered as grave administrative lapse under Ramrajya.Rama, being "ideal" king, himself took the initiative and "criminal" Shudra was located on the bank of a lake by the side of the Shavaili mountain doing rigorous tapas, standing upon his head. Without a moments hesitation Rama "with a beautiful sharp sword chopped off his head". The 'gods' in 'heaven' were so delighted at that "god like work" of Rama that they showered flowers flowers upon his head "again and again" and extolled him. [Valmiki Ramayana, part 2, uttarkandam, chapter 73-76 ].
* There was conflict of interests between two Brothers Bali and Sugreeva. Rama for his own selfish motives exploited their conflict and entered into a pact with Sugreeva, and accordingly Rama fulfilled his part of the pact by sending a deadly arrow against Bali, while the later was engaged in a duel with Sugreeva, hiding himself behind a tree unseen. Rama comes out of this EPISODE as an unscrupulous and cowardly assassin. [Ibid, Kishkinda kandam].
* Surapnakha, was the sister of Ravana. The description of her, by Valmiki, appears to be Highly prejudiced. When her brother was as handsome as' Manmatha ", she could not be so horribly ugly.When she saw Rama by chance, she fell in love with him and solicited his hand. Rama did not reciprocate her love. There was nothing wrong on both sides; but when she continued to exhibit her excessive love for Rama-at first both brothers cut jokes at her expense and then finally punished her for her impertinence by cutting off her nose and ears.It is share hypocrisy today when gullible and credulous followers of Rama, condemn Ravana for his revenge act and also condemn Muslim fanatics whenever there are reports of same type of brutality against Muslim women.
*With the defeat of Ravana,there was an end to the sorrows of Rama and there should have been an end to the sorrows of Sita as well.Any way,it was not the case.Rama,supposedly epitome of righteous deeds,against all evidence,suspected the chastity of his wife during her captivity and banished her from his kingdom to spend the last days of her life in the forests.This he did after taking her into his affection and having made her pregnant.Sita put an end to her sorrows by burying herself alive.It is ironical that thousands of people including Rishis,Devas.Kings and Brahmans gathered to witness the ghastly scene but not one of them had the courage to raise his little finger to prevent the tragedy.Sita is the personification of man's injustice to women in the country through the ages-courtesy 'Maryada Purshotam' Rama !

Friday, 9 May 2014

Hindu religious authorities are mature and 'wise' enough to establish and patronize rituals for the collective 'interests' of both Brahmans and credulous devotees,which for all practical purposes is busy weekly          schedule for predator and his prey .All those devotees who strictly adhere to said schedule are 'assured' of   solid benefits not only in this world but also in 'other world' too,with guarantee tag.
*Ravivar vrat tatha katha [Sunday fast and ritual]:-Sunday fast alongwith prescribed ritual,if observed with devotion is assured of wealth and health alongwith all worldly benefits.In cases of sterile women ,who have failed to obtain desired results from modern medical science,they are essentially assured of putar [son]prapti.In accordance to caste prejudice, Brahmans are assured of divine knowledge,khatriya's are assured of power, vaishya's are assured of wisdom and Shudra's are assured of just satisfaction.Needless to say that Ravivar [Sunday] belongs to god surya [Sun god].
*Somvar vrat tatha katha [Monday fast and ritual]:-There are exclusive monopoly rights of both Shanker and Parvati for Monday.One who observes said ritual continuously for sixteen Monday's [16 Somvar],with full dedication and prescribed ritualistic process,he/she is assured of all possible worldly luxuries with fame and name.
*Mangalvar vrat tatha katha [Tuesday fast and ritual] :-Well,no match for Mangalvar vrat tatha katha,as said day is associated with most 'powerful' deity Hanuman..Accordingly,one who observes said ritual continuously for twenty one Tuesday's [21 Mangalvar],are 'guaranteed'  best possible benefits not only in this world but in 'other' world too.
*Budhvar vrat  tatha katha [ Wednesday fast and ritual] :-Said day is associated with less publicized Budhdev.Gullible and credulous believers are assured of intellectual wisdom,once they observe said ritual with devotion ,dedication and prescribed methodology.
*Brahaspati vrat tatha katha [Thursday fast and ritual]:-It is well established fact that gender prejudice against women is integral aspect of Hinduism and associated scriptures,yet Thursday has been declared exclusively beneficial for women only.All those women,who observe said ritual with full devotion and dedication to Brahaspatidev,are not only assured most suitable matrimonial adjustment but also all possible worldly benefits as per their respective desire and ambition.
*Shukarvar vrat tatha katha [Friday fast and ritual]:-Supposedly associated with Santoshi Ma,Friday fast with associated ritual is first preference with gullible devoted women.Its popularity among women sore to heights with the extraordinary box office success of Film 'Jai Santoshi Ma',though it is interesting to note that there is hardly any reference of supposed Santoshi Ma ,in Hindu scriptures,along with other Devi/Devta's[gods and goddess].One who observes Shukarvar vrat tatha katha,with prescribed rituals,is assured of freedom from poverty [nirdanta] with all possible benevolence from Laxami Mata[goddess of wealth].She is further assured of tension free day to day life.
*Shanivar vrat tatha katha[Saturday fast and ritual]:-As name indicates,Shanivar is associated with Shani Devta.All those devotees,who observe Shanivar vrat tatha katha are assured of unlimited benevolence from Shanidev.

Friday, 2 May 2014

It was nothing but mental torture and intellectual suffocation to be witness to the inimical and invidious fact that Prakash Karat, General Secretary of the CPI[M] ,pleading as well as visualising that in post election scenario, Mulayam Singh Yadav of the infamous pseudo Socialist Samajvadi party is the most suitable person to lead probable third front Government.I wonder,what is positive about him and his petty political games of opportunism and convenience.His dynastic party is no way related with practice and perception of Socialism.His past testifies that he does not suffer from any illusion of being some sort of progressive and can even be party to saffron brigade for his convenience [he has done it in past with impunity].How this wrestler turned politician is different than any BJP or Congress leader as for as practice and perception is concerned ?Being well wisher of the left,i wish if CPI[M] ,will ever visualize independently on their own,without meaningless and purposeless political compromises ?

Thursday, 1 May 2014


There would be no freedom of religion because Sharia supports only Islam.
There would be no freedom of speech.
There would be no protection for homosexuals, Christians, or anyone else Islamists don’t like.
Rape victims would be executed, and those who were not executed by the state would legally be murdered by their families as “honor killings.”
Women would not be allowed to vote, drive, go to college, or show their faces in public. Little girls as young as 8 years old would be forced to “marry” men three and four times their age. Many would die when these beasts forced themselves on their “brides.”
Women would not be allowed to be treated by male doctors they were not related to.
Stoning as a form of execution would be sanctioned for women caught in adultery. Women would be forced to wear burkas in public.
There would be no pig farms or dogs, and public schools would be forbidden from serving anything but Halal–style food.
Alcoholic beverages would be forbidden, and cab drivers who suspect a passenger is carrying alcoholic beverages (or Christian or Hebrew bibles) could refuse them service.