Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Faiz Ahmed Faiz [1911-1984] was one of the most prominent revolutionary intellectual of the sub continent.                                                           His political beliefs [Marxist-Leninist]                                 set him up as an natural critic of General Zia Ul Haq. In 1985, as part of Zia's programme of forced Islamicization, the sari, part of the traditional atire for women on the subcontinent was banned. That year, Iqbal Bano, one of Pakistan's best loved singers and artists, sang Hum Dekhenge to an audience of 50,000 people in a Lahore stadium wearing a black sari. The recording was smuggled out and distributed on bootleg cassette tapes across the country. Cries of "Inqilab Zindabad" ("Long Live Revolution") and thunderous applause from the audience can be heard on the recording onYouTube. Faiz was in prison at the time.
Hum Dekhenge was written in 1979. It is considered Faiz’s response to General Zia ul Haq’s repressive dictatorship and a critical commentary of Zia’s brand of authoritarian Islam.


hum dekhenge,
laazim hai ke hum bhii dekhenge,
hum dekhenge,
woh din ke jis kaa waada hai,
jo lauh-e-azal pe likhaa hai,
hum dekhenge,
jab zulm-o-sitam ke koh-e-giraa.n,
roo_ii kii tarah uR jaayenge,
hum mahkoomo.n ke paa_oo.n tale,
yeh dhartii dhaR dhaR dhaRkegii,
aur ahl-e-hakam ke sar uupar,
jab bijlii kaR kaR kaRkegii,
hum dekhenge.
jab arz-e-Khudaa ke kaabe se,
sab but uThwaaye jaayenge,
hum ahl-e-safaa mardood-e-haram,
masnad pe biThaaye jaayenge,
sab taaj uchhaale jaayenge,
sab taKhth giraaye jaayenge,
hum dekenge.|
[Translation :-we will see,we are also duty bound to see,what happens on the day of promise,written on tablets of history,we will see.When massive mountains of cruelty and tyranny,when marching steps of downtrodden,will make the earth beneath their feet quake and shudder,when skies above the heads of tyrant rulers,by streaks of lighting are split asunder,we will see.When from the sacred square of the kaaba,idols of false gods will be uprooted,when to us rootless and unwanted,seats of power will be granted,all crowns will be tossed into the air,all thrones ground to dust,we will see].
The paharies believe in superstitions having become victim of 'ghosts','dains and churials [evil spirits]'.In certain diseases like Hysteria,Epilepsy and some of the Gynecological problems,the women in particular become unconscious and the story goes round that such and such women is under the influence of supposed evil spirits.I have been personally witness to such many cases,during my posting in District Poonch and Rajouri [nearly 22 years]. The women in question behave indifferently and cry producing different sounds with violent jerks of the body.They start trembling in such an odd situation and in majority of such cases,their relatives seek the help of Piers,Jogies and Darvesh instead of any nearest medical facility,though of late some logical awakening has taken place among some section of the Paharies.These superstitions are still quite common both among the Hindus and Muslims of hilly population. In order to establish his 'professional expertise' ,the experts dealing with supposed evil spirits dress and behave abnormally.Some times they burn red chilies in the fire port and place it before the nose of sufferer,while reciting phrases,which others can hardly understand or question.Some times they beat the victim black and blue and some times they create such fear psyche threat that the sufferers take their word so seriously and accordingly all of sudden the victim starts uttering that he or she is indeed an evil spirit.As part of established practice and legacy,Darvesh or Jogi,are presented black cloth,black Cock, piece of iron and cash[Rs 11/51/101/501 or even 1001] for their services.Among the Hindu ladies,some pronounce themselves 'Mata or Devi' on specific times or days.The whole ritual called locally Chowki [religious prayer] ,is basically process of hallucination ,under which supposed Devi issues sermons in native language,concerning problems of devotees.In Pahari villages,the children wear Jantar or taweez so that no evil spirit takes them into their 'clutches'.

Monday, 28 April 2014

There is something about politics and politicians that make them impervious to promises and the same could be said about manifestos of political parties.

Every election, every political party announces a manifesto, in other words, promises and then, till the next elections they promise a lot more to keep those promises. Like a necessary elephant in the room that needs to be addressed sooner or later, every political party in India has come up with a list of promises for the 2014 General Elections.
On behalf of voters,it will be very pertinent to quote here, Mirza Ghalib :-
Hum ko maaloom hai jannat kee haqeeqat lekin,
Dil ke khush rakhney ko Ghalib yeh khyaal achchhaa hai.
[we all know the truth about paradise,i fear,But Ghalib,the illusion keeps the heart in good cheer].

Thursday, 24 April 2014

शादियों का मुहूर्त पंडों का कारोबार;

साल 2014 में कुल 90 दिन शादी की शहनाइयां बजेंगी. इन में सब से ज्यादा विवाह 17 जून को होंगे. साल 2013 में 126 दिन में शादियों के मुहूर्त थे. यह खबर पिछले दिसंबर से एक नियमित अंतराल से प्रकाशितप्रसारित की जा रही है और हर महीने पड़ने वाले तीजत्योहारों पर इस का अलगअलग तरह से दोहराव होता रहेगा. बड़े पैमाने पर धुआंधार तरीके से इस खबर के प्रचारप्रसार का सीधा संबंध पंडों की दुकान से है जिन की आमदनी का एक बड़ा जरिया शादी कराना भी है.
पत्रपत्रिकाओं और न्यूज चैनल्स ने इस अनुपयोगी मसौदे को खबर बना कर बड़े दिलचस्प तरीकों से पेश किया. आम लोगों ने भी उतनी ही दिलचस्पी से इसे देखा, पढ़ा पर किसी ने यह सोचनेसमझने की न कोशिश की और न ही जरूरत समझी कि आखिरकार इस की उपयोगिता क्या थी. 
जिन के यहां विवाह योग्य उम्मीदवार हैं उन्होंने तो बाकायदा ऐसी सभी खबरों की कतरन संभाल कर रखीं ताकि बातचीत के पहले दौर का काम संपन्न कर लिया जाए जिसे मुहूर्त कहते हैं. इंटरनैट इस्तेमाल करने वालों ने कतरन नहीं रखी क्योंकि यह जानकारी कई वैबसाइट्स पर मौजूद है.
दरअसल, इस प्रचार के पीछे पंडों का बड़ा हाथ और स्वार्थ है जिन का कारोबार चलता ही मुहूर्त से है. सदियों से ये लोग शुभ मुहूर्त में काम करवाने का धंधा कर रहे हैं और आम लोगों से मुहूर्त बताने के अलावा धार्मिक और गैर धार्मिक संस्कार संपन्न कराने की फीस वसूल रहे हैं.
मुहूर्त के कारोबार की बुनियाद अनिष्ट का डर और उस से बचना है. कोई नहीं चाहता कि भविष्य में उस के काम में किसी तरह के अड़ंगे पेश आएं. संभावित विघ्नों से बचने के लिए लोगों को पंडों के बताए समय में काम करने में कोई हर्ज नजर नहीं आता. लोगों का ऐसा मानना होता है कि मुहूर्त पर 2-4 हजार रुपए खर्च कर, काल्पनिक ही सही, परेशानियों से बचा जा सकता है तो सौदा घाटे का नहीं.
यह दीगर बात है कि परेशानियां ज्यों की त्यों हैं और शुभ मुहूर्त में काम करने के बाद भी होती हैं. लेकिन यह अंधविश्वास भारतीय जनमानस के दिलोदिमाग में पंडों ने कैंसर की तरह ठूंस रखा है ताकि उन की कमाई पर आंच न आए.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Since time immemorial,credulous religious followers have suffered from several kind of hallucinations.Accordingly dependence on religious hallucinations have caused widespread 'divine' disappointments from time to time.Today,it is well known that psychedelic symptoms and signs observed in drug addicts and visions of delirious patients are also hallucinations.
Here in this part of country,there exists related tradition of 'chowki' and subsequent 'darshan' of 'devi-who takes over the subject'.It is quite interesting to know that during the period of supposed divine take over,subjects see the vision of god only in the forms familiar to them and receive revelations of message,in Dogri language,which they know.Now generally speaking,a Hindu sees the vision of 'god' with four hands[only Hindu 'gods/goddess'],whereas a Christian sees only Jesus on the cross or carrying a lamb or healing a leper.A Muslim devotee hears the message of supposed brotherhood or of Jihad according to concrete shapes to any imaginations.It is quite 'logical' too,as respective followers have been indoctrinated in their childhood and hallucinations are strictly in accordance to childhood indoctrination.
I  have read somewhere one interesting and related anecdote.A Christian girl who could not make up her mind,whether to marry or not,finally listened to the Church bell,telling her 'ma-rry'[based on sound of the bell].After some years,when her marriage proved utter failure,she again went to Church,again listened to the same ding dong of the Church bell,telling her 'di-vorce'.And here was divine command to act.
Religious hallucinations are therefore subjective realities and objective falsehoods.  

Saturday, 19 April 2014

*Alleppey renamed as Alappuzha. *Banglore renamed as Bengaluru.
*Baroda renamed as Vadodara. *Benares renamed as Varanasi.
*Bombay renamed as Mumbai.* Calcutta renamed as Kolkata.
*Calicut renamed as Kozhikode. * Cannanore renamed as Kannur.
*Cape Comorin renamed as Kanyakumari.* Cochin renamed as Kochi.
*Coimbatore renamed as Koyamuthoor.*Ellore renamed as Eluru.
*Gauhati renamed as Guwahati. *Madras renamed as Chennai.
*Madura renamed as Madurai. *Mysore renamed as Mysure.
*Ootacamund[Otty] renamed as Udhagamandalam. *Poona renamed as Pune.
*Palghat renamed as Palakkad. *Orissa renamed as Odisha. *
*Pondicherry renamed as Puducherry.* Simla renamed as Shimla.
*Quilon renamed as Kollam.*Tanjore renamed as Thanjavur.
*Thana renamed as Thane. *Trichinopoly renamed as Thiruchchirapalli.
* Trivandrum renamed as Thiruvananthapuram.*Trichur renamed as Trissur.
And many more ! As rationalist,i am subject to logical correction,if any ?

Akshay trithya, also known as Akshay Teej, is Hindu and Jain 'holy' day that falls on 3rd tithi [lunar day] of the bright half [shukla pakhsh] of the Indian month of Vaishakha. Accordingly to Hindu mythology, said day is not only birthday of Hindu sage Parshurama, but is also supposedly 'ruled' by Vishnu-the 'preserver god'. There has been associated myth that starting a new work or buying valuables on this day, is divine panacea for 'luck' and 'success'.

Traditionally has been linked with child marriages too. Even today,despite law against child marriages, such marriages are solemnized in many parts of the country, mainly due to supposed alignment of the sun and the moon-considered auspicious for respective parents. It is mystery when and how, said day got corporate makeover and its exclusive modern observance for purchasing gold. True to class interests, even world gold council has declared Akshay Trithya as 'auspicious' for buying gold and silver ornaments. Eric Hobsbawn and Terence Ranger have rightly said, 'not only the symbols and the rituals have to be invented afresh, but a 'historic continuity' has to be 'invented' for them.'
Classical example of establishing a lineage with the older tradition.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Gaytri mantra is probably the most popular divine mantra recited daily by millions of gullible followers with full devotion.Its original classical name is Savitri and is mentioned in Rigveda,Yajurveda and Samveda.Classified as Kamdenu [cow belonging to Indra,believed to yield whatsoever may be desired from her]from time immemorial,it is recited specific times ranging from one thousand times to fifty one Lac times.It got place of honor and prominence with the advent of Arayasamaj and today recitation of said mantra is "must" virtually for each and every Hindu ritual performed by Aryasamaji's and others.There is no substantive evidence to its attributed miracles,yet over the centuries,it has precipitated all that,among gullible followers,which is essentially against human process of dexterity.Today it has become popular craze loaded with superstition.Gayatrimantra has been glorified in most of the scriptures,which include Purana's,Grhaisutra's and Smriti's. Well known Vedic scholar A.M.Macdnil translated said 24 letter mantra as under,"we may be able to attain stimulating intelligence from Savita Devta [Sun God]and he my illuminate our intellect; we may be inspired by his pungency.[A history of Sanskrit literature,page 75].Here are some of the "wonderful divine "glorification's :-
*Mere recitation of Gayatrimantra daily 100 times leads to redemption.
*Recitation of Gayatrimantra 1000 times daily leads to total redemption.
*Recitation of Gaytrimantra one Lac times leads to salvation and redemption and one is absolved from crimes like murder,rape,theft and all other acts of immorality.
*In case you desire:-
1.Death of your enemy/opponent,just offer oblation with Ghee while reciting Gayatramantra.
2.Wealth and all other materialistic benefits, just offer oblation with lotus while reciting Gayatrimantra.
3.For attaining super intelligence,just offer oblation with milk and mustard while reciting Gayatrimantra.
[ParsharSmriti 11-56].
*Brahma has derived three letters of GM,namely bho,bhava and soha from Rigved, Yajurved and Samved respectively.
*Daily recitation of GM morning and evening,provides divine help to be expert of Vedas without studying them.
*Recitation of GM daily,away from population in some forest,leads to total redemption from all committed acts of sin and immorality.
*One who recites GM daily morning and evening continuously for three years,he attains status of super human being during his life and after his death [Brahmvarchas].
[Manusmriti chapter 2].

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Today is Hanuman Jayanti.For followers and believers ,Hanuman is extraordinarily epitome of power,strength and knowledge and till date no body has dared to question his perfect par excellence credentials or dethrone him from his much publicized and celebrated chair,symbolizing his popularity since time immemorial. Hanuman Chalisa has been integral part of the DNA of his bakhtas.
Now in 21st century,symbolizing kal yuga and its adverse impact, both Hanuman and his Hanuman chalisa has been replaced by one neo god Modi along with new version of devotion,popularly known as Modi Chalisa:-
Modi chalisa and a NaMo-NaMo temple -
Jan 25, 2014 - Oneindia Modi chalisa and a NaMo – NaMo temple Times of India It has a 4-foot statue of the CM that stands beside a shivling, and devotees ...

Sunday, 13 April 2014

People have to realize that no 'god' [the greatest delusion]would come down from non existent heaven to restore goodness and to sort out mess created by man.It is man alone who can clear up this mess since it is his own creation.To become creator and shaper of his destiny,men and women have to outgrow from the false legend promoted by the teaching of various religions.Because of these teachings,superstitions and regressive thought process is still hanging round the neck of majority of Indians.Intellectual life of majority of the Indians ,is very much permeated with prejudices,blind faith and sectarianism, metaphysical assumptions-all that is contrary to scientific temper,supremacy of reason and humanism.It is ironical that this very segment is most vulnerable and susceptible to the socially malignant concepts of fundamentalism and obscurantism.They are living under illusion and euphoria that 21st century messiah is coming soon to settle their all problems-once for all !

Saturday, 12 April 2014

"There were two asuras named Shumbha and Nishumbha. They meditated a lot and pleased Brahma. Brahma thereupon gave them the boon that they could not be killed by males. Having obtained the boon, the two demons started to oppress the world. They drove the gods out of heaven and the gods went to Brahma so that a solution might be found to the problem. 
Brahma went to Shiva. You have to help the Gods, he told Shiva. I have given Shumbha and Nishumbha the boon that they cannot be killed by males. Find a way so that a female is born out of Parvati’s body. She will kill Shumbha and Nishumbha. 
I will try, replied Shiva. 
When Shiva next met Parvati, he addressed her as Kali. This angered Parvati, since kali means black or dark. 
Why did you marry me if you thought I was so dark? she asked Shiva. Why do you pretend to love me? Cursed is the woman who is not loved by her husband. I am going to perform tapasya so that I may become fair. I am going to pray to Brahma. 
Parvati went off to meditate. She meditated for many years. 
There was a tiger which saw Parvati meditating. It was not a good tiger at all, but an evil one. It thought that Parvati would provide a good meal. It sat down in the front of Parvati to appreciate for a while the treat that was in store for it. Parvati did not realize that the tiger was planning to eat her. She thought that it had sat down in front of her because it wanted to protect her from other wild beasts. She thought that the tiger was one of her devotees and she therefore entered the tiger’s soul. As soon as she did this, all thoughts vanished from the tiger’s mind. Now it was indeed one of her devotees. 
Meanwhile, Brahma arrived to find out who Parvati was meditating. Parvati said that she wanted to become Gouri, that is, someone who was fair. She was sick and tired of being addressed as kali. Brahma granted the boon. 
Parvati shed off all the dark cells (kosha) from her body became Gouri. From the cells emerged a dark-hued goddess named Koushiki. Parvali handed over Koushiki to Brahma. Endowed with weapons by Brahma, Koushiki killed Shumbha and Nishumbha. 
Parvati returned to her husband as Gouri. 
What happened to the tiger? Shiva turned him into a man and he was employed by Nandi as one of Shiva’s guards. He was named Somanandi."
Ancient "divine wisdom" unmatched even today in 21st century.
# Translation from Sanskrit #.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

The line of demarcation and distinction between political opponents and sworn enemies have got blurred with abominable and loathsome hate speeches and brazen personalized attacks with impunity,throwing all political decency and decorum to the winds.                                    .Concept of political morality,decency and to differ with grace,has been redefined as per respective political convenience for petty political gains and ulterior motives.Here are some of the nuggets from 'spacious sophistry'-courtesy Indian politicians :-
*"Those who fought for victory in Kargil war,were not Hindu soldiers.In fact the ones who fought for our victory were Muslim soldiers." Azam Khan.
*" Modi is Napunsak [impotent]." Salman Khurshid.
*"Taraka Sonia." Ramdev comparing Sonia Gandhi to a demon in mythological Ramayana.
*"Struck between a moron [Rahul] and murderer [Modi]."Kejriwal's sermon.
*"Kejriwal is Pakistani agent and AK 49." Modi's sermon.
*"I appeal to Muslims not to divide the Muslim vote,stop the secular vote from splitting ."Sonia Gandhi.
*"This election is about badla [revenge] and protecting izzat [honor]."Modi's man Friday Amit Shah.
*"If Modi tries to make UP into Gujarat,we will chop him into pieces."Congress candidate [now replaced].
*"I firmly believe you will not allow those who sow zehar ki kheti [seeds of poison]."Sonia Gandhi.
*"yedi aap chahtay hain ki Chattisgarh kay upar kisi khooni panje ka saya na padhay too aap kamal par button dabana." Modi.
*"Modi is deranged who needs to be treated in a mental hospital." Sharad Pawar.
* "Strip Sonia and Rahul and dispatch them to Italy.Es Italian kutiya ki kitni himmat hai bhai." BJP candidate from Rajasthan.
*"Kutay kay bachhay ka badha bhai." Azam Khan's sermon about Modi.
*" Modi is biggest goon of RSS and Rajnath Singh is Modi's slave."Beni Prasad Verma.
*"Woh teen bar Modi ki godh main baith chokee hai."SP candidate Nahid Hassans sermon about Mayawati.
It will be pertinent to point out here that two Supreme Court benches are hearing petitions seeking a ban on hate speech.But the problem is two dimensional-while one bench has viewed the issue as a fundamental right whereby the right to free speech could not be curtailed.However the second bench has asked the law commission to consider whether leaders making hate speeches could be disqualified and their parties derecognised ?
Under such circumstances who bothers for average citizens concern and distaste for vulgarity,gender insensitivity and speeches spewing communal and sectarian hatred ?

Sunday, 6 April 2014

For any curious citizen but politically conscious without any prejudice,it is definitely big task to put together a bagful of unquotable quotes from the ugly election debate raging in the country for over three months.Rarely has the poll time discourse seen the level of debate/discussion sinking to such low depths as it has this time over.
From public platforms and in the really coarse verbiage,mouthed by 'select' panels of party spokesmen each evening,unfailingly indulging themselves with so much relish and unabashed vulgarity ,we have seen the death of serious debate and birth of most abusive discussions on view.The same spirit of vulgar abusiveness is very much to the fore in the public utterances in big rallies of the principal campaigners.Much publicized and patronized ,star campaigner of saffron brigade- Narendra Modi,who with no regard for facts and the help of a selective memory,fells totally free to say any thing he likes.He is indeed leading by 'example' and in stiff competition his adversaries are not lacking behind.As for as political abuse loaded with vulgarity and character assassination is concerned,there cannot be any comparative and comprehensive parameter to decide minimum or maximum ugly verbiage though respective die hard variety of followers are always there with "logical" argumentation .[Based on media reports].
*Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition in which people have an excessive sense of self importance,an extreme preoccupation with themselves and lack of empathy for others. They generally believe that world revolves around him exclusively.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

  • Manglik + Manglik = Happy Marriage: There is no logical reason of this explanation but it’s actually a popular belief in our Indian Society. For what I know, I have seen manglik couple, married and they fight like hell almost every day.
  • Marry a Tree and Save the Husband: The priests always advise you to get married to a tree first if you have Mangal Dosh. Marriage with a tree will nullify all the problems related to being a manglik and don’t come with second marriage.  May be this is the main reason of Global Warming at least in India. All Mangliks marry a tree – tree is dead and you get a partner. (Hilarious! Isn’t it?)
  • Death of Husband or Close Relative: One another belief which is completely baseless is either your husband or anyone close to you will die :P
  • Divorce is Certain: According to the astrologers, the compatibility of married couple depends on their Mangal Dosh and not on their understanding and love of each other.
Mangal dosham—supposedly an astrological amalgamation of planets that occurs if Mars is in the second, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house of the ascendant chart of Vedic astrology—involves the same problem. In most parts of India, a person born during this combination of stars is called a manglik. Being a manglik, like smoking, is considered injurious to the health—nay, the very life—of the spouse of the person, or, at the very least, to their matrimonial life. Apparently this is ascribed to the ‘fiery’ nature of Mars. Thanks to this belief, it is not unusual to find people (more often women) who remain unmarried till late into life.
The belief, once again, may be perfectly acceptable in a primitive society with a primitive understanding of the nature of the planets. In those times (as even today), having pronounced mortal danger for those unfortunate enough to be born under unfavourable stars, the priests and sages couldn’t simply throw away their powers over the masses. After all, if they were the intermediaries between gods and the masses, they also had to suggest solutions. A solution, if any, would also reassure the masses that all wasn’t lost, since help was on hand thanks to the priests. These priests gave birth to another belief: the ‘fault’ in a marriage in which the woman was a manglik could be corrected if she was first married off to a sacred peepul tree (ficus religiosa), banana tree or a silver or golden idol of Lord Vishnu—a practice called kumbh vivah. With the ire of Mars unleashed on the tree or the idol, the woman was now safe and could marry a mortal man. The system continues to this day.
Clearly, for the ancient sages, when science or scientific methods were thousands of years away, the challenges of establishing why a distant planet should cause marital disharmony on planet earth or how the antidote of kumbh vivah could neutralize the evil effect of Mars were unnecessary complications. In the present day, these have grown into beliefs, or parts of our heritage and culture, not to be questioned.
The sages at the time showed the same implicit faith in these beliefs that Aristotle did when he declared that women had fewer teeth than men. Just as it never occurred to Aristotle to line up a few men and women, have them open their mouths, count their teeth and compute an average for the two sexes, it never occurs to our society to investigate such misplaced beliefs by employing a dash of scientific temper, by following up on the lives of, say, fifty random manglik marriages to investigate if any systematic danger to life and limb accrued to the relevant spouse.
The real issue is not so much that people in their inertia continue to believe in such mumbo jumbo. The more important issue is why very few social or religious institutions come forward to free religion from ancient dogmas, given the twenty-first-century knowledge of the universe about a so-called retrograde planet, or why we do not have many more studies and public discussions on the observed absence of correlation between being a manglik and marital disharmony.
 *Excerpted from Chapter 6, Ganesha on the Dashboard (Penguin India, 2010).