Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Women In Hinduism


Inequity and degradation of women are sanctified in the Hindu religion. Manu Smriti says:
Never trust a woman. Never sit alone with a woman even if it may be your mother, she may tempt you. Do not sit alone with your daughter, she may tempt you. Do not sit alone with your sister, she may tempt you.
Again the same Manu Smriti continues:
“Na stree swadantriya marhathi”. “No liberty for women in society”.
Now, that is most disgusting!!! This sick pervert actually insinuates that one’s own mother will tempt him! Na’oothu billahi minash-shaytaanir-rajeem!!!

Now see the verses of “Sacred” Hinduism Literature about women

Women = Dogs = Sudras = Untruth
“And whilst not coming into contact with Sûdras and remains of food; for this Gharma is he that shines yonder, and he is excellence, truth, and light; but woman, the Sûdra, the dog, and the black bird (the crow), are untruth: he should not look at these, lest he should mingle excellence and sin, light and darkness, truth and untruth.”
(Satapatha Brahmana 14:1:1:31)
Women are dumb !
“Indra himself hath said, The mind of woman brooks not discipline,her intellect hath little weight.”
(Rig Veda 8:33:17)
Women r powerless n have no inheritence !
“they could not discern the world of heaven, they saw this (cup) for the wives, they drew it; then indeed did they discern the world of heaven; in that (the cup) for the wives is drawn, (it serves) to reveal the world of heaven. Soma could not bear being drawn for women; making the ghee a bolt they beat it, they drew it when it had lost its power; therefore women are powerless, have no inheritance, and speak more humbly than even a bad man”
(Yajur Veda – Taittiriya Samhita 6:5:8:2)
A wife without a son is a discarded wife !
“And on the following day he goes to the house of a discarded (wife), and prepares a pap for Nirriti;–a discarded wife is one who has no son. He cooks the pap for Nirriti of black rice, after splitting the grains with his nails. He offers it with, ‘This, O Nirriti, is thy share: accept it graciously, hail!’ For a wife that is without a son, is possessed with Nirriti (destruction, calamity)
(Satapatha Brahmana 5:3:1:13)
Women = Idiots = Animals = Untrustworthy
“At the time of consultation he should have removed idiots, the mute, blind, or deaf; animals and very old people; women, barbarians, and those who are ill or who lack a part of the body.”
“(Such) despicable (persons), likewise animals and especially women betray secret council; therefore he should be cautious among them.”
(Manusmrti 7:149-150)
Women r not fit for independence ! 
Men must keep their women dependent day and night, and keep under their own control those who are attached to sensory objects. Her father guards her in childhood, her husband guards her in youth, and her sons guard her in old age. A woman is never fit for independence.
(Manusmrti 9:2-4)
All women think like whores ! 
Women donot care for beauty, nor is their attention fixed on age (thinking)It is enough he is a man.” They give themselves to the handsome and to the ugly.”
Through their passion for men, through their mutable temper, through their natural heartlessness, they become disloyal to their husbands, however they may be carefully guarded over this.”
(Manusmrti 9:14-15)

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

"...Across a wide swath of animist and Muslim Africa,young girls are subjected to the hell of circumcision and infibulation ,which involves the slicing off of the Labia and the clitoris,often with a sharp stone and then the stitching up of the vaginal opening with strong twine,not to be removed until it is broken by male force on the bridalnight.Compassion and biology allows for a small aperture to be left,meanwhile,for the passage of menstrual blood.The resulting stench,pain,humiliation and misery exceed anything that can be easily imagined and inevitably result in infection,sterility ,shame and the death of many women and babies in childbirth.No society would tolerate such an insult to its womanhood and therefore to its survival if the foul practice was not holy and sanctified."
[Christopher Hitchens,God is not great,page 50].

What Are the Problems?

There are many physical and psychological problems that a woman may face after having any of the three types of Female Genital Mutilation. These include the transmission of HIV, as the same unsanitary tools (such as unclean shards of glass, razor blades etc.) are used to perform the surgery on many different women without being sanitized. The surgery is often performed without anesthesia, leaving the woman in an extreme amount of pain. Women can experience extreme blood loss which can lead to possible death, as well as high infection rates, pregnancy conflicts and psychological damage among many other things. A report states that 1/3 of the Sudanese girls who undergo the surgery do not survive it. The pains a woman goes through after her surgery are sometimes referred to as the "three feminine sorrows." Not only does the woman feel extreme pain on the day of her surgery, but also will she on the night of her marriage when her vagina is reopened, and the day she gives birth. The surgery has lasting effects for a woman.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Religious rules and laws invariably hamper the development of conscience. This causes all sorts of problems like pointless violence and warfare. Those who preach nonviolence as a rule or law tend to be the most violent of all. Such people cannot be trusted because they’ll violate their proclaimed values with the weakest of excuses.

When you externalize compassion into a set of rules and laws, what you’re left with isn’t compassion at all. True compassion is a matter of conscious choice, and that requires the absence of force-backed rules and laws.

The more religious a person becomes, the less compassionate s/he is. The illusion of compassion substitutes for the real thing. Religious people tend to be the most bigoted and non-accepting people on earth. They’re the least trustworthy and suffer from the grossest character defects. They pretend they’re doing good, but they’re really collaborators in a system designed to push people into unconscious slavery to a “higher” authority. They are slaves promoting slavery.

Historically speaking, religious people love to fight each other. Instead of unconditional love, they practice conditional loyalty. The only unconditional aspect is their thirst for blood. If you disagree with them, you’re a target… either for conversion or destruction (both of which are really the same thing).

Monday, 6 January 2014

Mankind suffered from diseases for three thousand years without doing enough to find out their causes and remedies.Have you wondered why ?Priests discouraged writing and reading of scientific books.For a longer period,priests convicted and punished several secular philosophers and scientists.Bruno’s adventures in free thought ended when the Roman Inquisition declared him “an impenitent, pertinacious, and obstinate heretic,” to which he characteristically replied, “You may be more afraid to bring that sentence against me than I am to accept it.” In 1600 the inquisitors stripped Bruno naked, bound his tongue, and burned him alive. At least his universe survived.
However they could not impede it forever.Science ultimately had its way.Gradually,over the last two hundred years or so,scientists have managed to explain almost all these so called divine powers and their divinity to inflict various physical and mental ailments.Today modern science and technology ,guides every aspect of human life. Surprisingly, credulous believers and followers of various faiths,are still thanking someone in the sky for all these scientific developments.Divine paradox indeed !
मनोज सागर
अगर कोई भगवान होता ।
कोई भूखा रोटी को ना रोता ।।
अगर कोई भगवान होता ।
कोई नंगा कपडे को ना रोता ।।
अगर कोई भगवान होता ।
कोई अँधा कोई काना ना होता ।।
अगर कोई भगवान होता ।
कोई लंगड़ा कोई लूला ना होता ।।
अगर कोई भगवान होता कोई गोरा कोई काला ना होता ।।
अगर कोई भगवान होता ।
कोई अमीर कोई कंगाल ना होता ।।
अगर कोई भगवान होता ।
कोई ऊँचा कोई नीचा ना होता ।।
अगर कोई भगवान होता ।
कोई जवानी बचपन में जीवन ना खोता ।।
अगर कोई भगवान होता ।
कोई बालक माँ बाप को ना रोता ।।
अगर कोई भगवान होता ।
कोई माँ बाप औलाद ना खोता ।।
अगर कोई भगवान होता ।
कोई असमय जीवन ना खोता ।।
अगर कोई भगवान होता ।
कोई जीवन भर रोग ना ढोता ।।
अगर कोई भगवान होता ।
कोई किसी का गुलाम ना होता ।।
अगर कोई भगवान होता ।
कोई दूसरे के पाप ना ढोता ।।
अगर कोई भगवान होता ।
हर आदमी चैन से सोता ।।
अगर कोई भगवान होता ।
कोई विधवा कोई विधुर ना होता ।।

Thursday, 2 January 2014


After killing the demons king Ravan, Sri Ram returned to Ayodhya. Many sages had arrived there to bless him on the occasion of his crowning ceremony. Sage Vashishth was one of them.As Sri Ram was conversing with the sages a brahmin arrived there with the corpse of his son and wailed---"O son! Your death is certainly due to some flaw of Sri Ram. Now, your mother and I have decided to give up our lives as there is no point in living."

Sri Ram's heart was filled with grief and he asked Sage Vashishth as to how the brahmin could be helped. Sage Vashishth revealed to Sri Ram that the brahmin's son had died a premature death because of Shambuk. Vashishth said--"Shambuk is a Shudra by birth, but he is doing an austere penance. Shudras are not entitled to do penance in all the three yugas, except the Kaliyug. So, only his death can bring back the brahmin's son alive."

Sri Ram instructed both his younger brothers--Laxman and Bharat, to look after the state's affairs in his absence and went in search of Shambuk boarded on his Pushpak Viman.Sri Ram saw a man doing penance at the shore of a reservoir. He landed his Pushpak Viman and went near that man. He introduced himself and enquired about the man's identity--Sri Ram asked--Why are you doing such an austere penance. Who are you?

Without moving the man replied that he was a shudra named Shambuk. He said---- I am desirous of attaining to devaloka and hence I am doing this penance.Sri Ram took out his sword and severed Shambuk's head. All the deities hailed Sri Ram and the brahmin's child became alive once again.
[Padma Puran [translated from Sanskrit].