Sunday, 31 March 2013

Our sacred texts/scriptures emphasize obscurantism,appeasement based on virtual sycophancy and mechanical ritualism in place of social or moral behavior. Today even in 21st century ,meaningless mechanical ritualism and obscurantism is the only gauges to evaluate the character of a man.Even a most corrupt,wicked and morally degenerated person is regarded pious and righteous if his practice and perception is religious.Our scriptures assure us that even the most heinous sins and crimes of present life and  of    many "consecutive births" can be absolved by uttering the name of "god"[reference Geeta,9/30,9/31,18/66 and so many other] or just having a dip in supposedly holy river along with visit to a pilgrimage to a "holy" place.
Osho,has rightly pointed out,"they have been praised.Their paleness has been given the halo of holiness.Their anti life attitudes have been raised to great spiritual fantasies. Their hysterical experiences have been called samadhi. Their madness has been respected as if something of the beyond has descended on them. Their gibberish is thought to be esoteric;people go on finding meaning in it.Fools have been worshiped,masochists have been thought to be ascetics,sadists have been thought to be great saints. Perversions of all kinds have been given a spiritualist connotation."[The goose is out, page 133-134].
There is not a day that a new calamity does not hit a group of people, destroying their lives and bringing much pain and misery. Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, plagues and incurable diseases every day claim their own share of devastation's and deaths. "Where is God?" is the unheard cry of the victims of these “acts of God”

God as described in the Semitic religions, is a compassionate, omnipotent, all hearing all seeing god. If that were true, then a god, who witnesses the suffering of his creatures and does not respond to their cry for help, is an unjust, callous, and cruel god. Thousands of children are dying every day around the world by droughts, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes and other natural disasters or as we call them the "acts of God". The victims of these natural “holocausts” cry in desperation, pray with anguish, weep in silence, yet God does not care or is unaware that they need help. What god is this God? Where is his justice? What happened to his claim of being the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful?

This very fact proves:
a) God is not hearing the cry of his creatures,
b) he is incapable of helping them or
c) he is a sadistic merciless, ruthless, tyrant that enjoys watching the suffering of his creatures just as Roman Emperors enjoyed watching people being devoured by lions or killed in coliseums.
Professor Paul Davis,Templeton prize winner for his book-'The mind of god' has quite logically exhorted people to discard primitive religious concepts. "In the popular imagination,god is a sort of cosmic magician,who sits somewhere beyond the sky and from time to time works miracles. As a scientist,i find the very notion of miracles repugnant,while the concept of god who is just another force at work in the universe,whimsically moving atoms about,strikes me as childish.I would rather suppose that the laws of physics operate unfailingly throughout the physical world."
In a Persian couplet,the poet inquires:-
"I do evil and you punish me with evil;
pray,what is the difference between you and me ?"
Meaningful question indeed !

Friday, 29 March 2013

Cult suicides are some of the most publicized and terrorizing aspects of what can happen within a religion. The fear of such an event happening leads some people to distrust many new religious movements, even if a specific movement shows no indication that suicide would be acceptable or beneficial.

"Cult" is commonly used in society to denote a dangerous or destructive religion. Mass suicide is by its very nature destructive, so religious mass suicides are generally termed cult suicides.

Homicide vs. Suicide

While such events are commonly described as mass suicides, they frequently are actually murder-suicides: the most dedicated members kill the less dedicated ones without their consent, then take their own lives. Child victims are almost always victims of murder.
Those determined to die may do the deed themselves, or they may assist each other in their deaths. Since all parties in this scenario are consenting to death, they are generally discussed as suicides.

Reasons for Mass Suicide

Mass suicides are most often undertaken by groups who feel trapped within circumstances they cannot control or escape other than through death. There have been several events in history where groups of Jews have killed themselves (or each other, as suicide is strongly condemned in Judaism) to escape torture, painful execution such as burning, or slavery, for example. Other groups throughout history have committed mass suicides for similar reasons.
Suicidal cults often have a strongly apocalyptic theology. In some cases, the apocalypse will be worldwide. In other cases, it will mean the destruction of the community at the hands of its enemies, which might include, death, imprisonment, or spiritual slavery, forced to accept ideas counter to that of the religious community.

Like other destructive cults, suicidal cults generally center around a single charismatic authority figure whose word is accepted as something akin to scripture. Often these figures are described as saviors or messiahs. Some even describe themselves as an incarnation of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Atheism is on the rise in the United States and elsewhere while religiosity is declining, according to a new worldwide poll. “The Global Index of Religiosity and Atheism,” conducted by WIN-Gallup International headquartered in Switzerland, found that the number of Americans who say they are “religious” dropped from 73 percent in 2005 – when the poll was last conducted – to 60 percent. Those who said they were “convinced” atheists rose from 1 to 5 percent. And 33 percent of the people polled said that they don’t consider themselves as a “religious person."

Ryan Cragun, a University of Tampa sociologist of religion, told the “Religion News Services” he questions whether the number of atheists in the United States really grew as the poll suggested. Dr. Cragun suggests that people may just be more comfortable identifying themselves as atheist.

That view seems consistent with a study conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life in 2009 showing that 5 percent of Americans at that time said they did not believe in God or a universal spirit, but only 24 percent of the nonbelievers actually called themselves atheists.

The new poll is based on interviews (face-to-face, by telephone or online varying from country to country) with more than 50,000 people from 57 countries. The participants were asked this question: “Irrespective of whether you attend a place of worship or not, would you say you are a religious person, not a religious person, or a convinced atheist?”

America remains way down the list of countries for self-reported atheism. China tops that list with 47 percent “convinced atheists,” followed by Japan (31 percent), the Czech Republic (30 percent), France (29 percent), and South Korea (15 percent).

Religious Ghana

According to the poll, the following are the top ten religious countries: Ghana (96 percent of the participants that they are religious), Nigeria (93 percent), Armenia (92 percent), Fiji (92 percent), Macedonia (90 percent), Romania (89 percent), Iraq (88 percent), Kenya (88 percent), Peru (86 percent), and Brazil (85 percent).

The least religious nations, according to the poll, are China (14 percent saying they are religious), Japan (16 percent), Czech Republic (20 percent), Turkey (23 percent), Sweden (29 percent), Vietnam (30 percent), Australia (37 percent), France (37 percent), Hong Kong (38 percent) and Austria (42 percent).

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

The word Holi has originated from Holika,sister of Hirnyakashipa. In Viishnavism,Hirnyakashipa is believed to be great king of demons and he had been granted boon by Brahma which made it almost impossible for him to be killed.The boon was granted due to his long penance after which he had bargained not to be killed during day or night,not on earth or in the sky,inside home or outside,neither by man nor by animal,neither by astra or shastra. Consequently he grew arrogant and attacked every body on earth. He demanded that people stop worshiping gods and start worshiping him.Accordingly to mythological story,Hirnyakashipa,his own son Prahlada was a devotee of Vishnu and refused to worship his own father.He was poisoned,ordered to be trampled by elephants,put in a room with poisonous snakes-but he always survived. Finally King Hirnyakashipa ordered Prahlada to sit on a pyre in the lap of his sister,who also could not die,because she too had a boon,which prevented her from being burned by fire.When the fire stated,Holika was burnt to death,while Prahlada survived unharmed.Today,even after thousands of years,Holi is celebrated for supposed salvation of Prahlada and burning of Holika.
Earlier, Holi colours were out of natural ingredients like turmeric, flowers, vegetables etc but with time and dying natural resources, colours have become chemical content which has it's own side effects. Holi Health Hazards - Holi is played with three basic type of colours gulals, water colours and dry colours. Each of them have their own health hazards, which we often ignore. Gulals – Holi health hazards is the worse in gulal. Gulala has heavy metal content in it and the new shiny gulal has added extra amount of powdered glass. The Holi health hazards is not restricted to skin alone, in the process of playing Holi, a lot of the powdered colours does get inside the system. The metal content of gulal often get deposited in the kidney, liver and bones. This directly affects the metabolism functions. The colourant base of Holi colours is usually asbestos or silica. Asbestos is a dangerous element which is often said to have the agent which causes cancer. As for eh effect on the skin, silica dries on the skin and breaks down skin tissues. The shiny glass based shiny colours can lead to eye damage Water Base Colours/ Paste – Water based Holi colours enter your system much more easily making the Holi health hazards almost unavoidable. The water base colours is basically colour paste which is dissolved in the water. It has a high amount of alkaline base and the final result is by mixing toxic compounds with engine oil. The very famous black paste, without which the Holi prank is incomplete has lead oxide. These harmful chemicals used in water Holi colours leads to blindness, risk to skin cancer and allergies. Dry Colours – Dry colours which heralds the start playing Holi is extremely dangerous. Dry colours are made with high chemical base. Green colours have copper sulphate, silver has aluminum bromine etc. The dry colours during Holi get mixed in the air and are sniffed in the breathing process thus, entering our system. It created severe respiratory disorders and throat infections. The lead content in the dry Holi colours affects the nervous system and kidney in the worse possible way. Some of the symptom of maximum inhalation of dry colours is feeling of nausea, toxicity, skin irritation and loss of appetite. 

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Quite true to their class interests,ulterior motives and nefarious designs,the 'god men' industry has always preferred to target wealthy segment of the society.Their ancestors had close class collaboration with then kings and feudal lords.Today they are enjoying the clout and patronage of both politicians and business community. Meera Nanda has quite rightly defined and described it as "the state-temple-corporate complex".
The consciously ignorant [otherwise highly educated and successful] class of Doctors,Scientists,Professors,businessmen,Lawyers,Politicians,Movie stars etc etc, has become solid defenders and protectors of these social parasites.The photographs of said 'god men' find a place of honor in their prayer rooms [mini temples],next to old traditional 'gods'.However,these self proclaimed gods tend to get their photographs tailored to blend into the way the traditional gods look like.This is the god market and meaningful and purposeful prsentation plays an important part to enhance and establish their divine image.
It will be pertinent to quote here Rahul Singh,former editor of the Readers digest and the Indian Express. "Somehow,god men occupy an exalted place in the minds of the Indian public life,though many of them have been exposed as charlatans.Perhaps no other major society in the world,has such a variety of outlandish and thriving -swamis.gurus,yogis,babas,acharayas,bhaghwans,astrologers,palmists,numerologists,faith healers- as India does.Frauds or not,while India moves ahead technologically and economically at a rapid pace,the Indian public somehow also remains transfixed by the sight of bearded and saffron-robed man who belongs to middle ages.The rest of the world can only look on this paradox in wonder and smile."[Atheist].
Quite true to their class interests,ulterior motives and nefarious designs,the 'god men' industry has always preferred to target wealthy segment of the society.Their ancestors had close class collaboration with then kings and feudal lords.Today they are enjoying the clout and patronage of both politicians and business community. Meera Nanda has quite rightly defined and described it as "the state-temple-corporate complex".
The consciously ignorant [otherwise highly educated and successful] class of Doctors,Scientists,Professors,businessmen,Lawyers,Politicians,Movie stars etc etc, has become solid defenders and protectors of these social parasites.The photographs of said 'god men' find a place of honor in their prayer rooms [mini temples],next to old traditional 'gods'.However,these self proclaimed gods tend to get their photographs tailored to blend into the way the traditional gods look like.This is the god market and meaningful and purposeful prsentation plays an important part to enhance and establish their divine image.
It will be pertinent to quote here Rahul Singh,former editor of the Readers digest and the Indian Express. "Somehow,god men occupy an exalted place in the minds of the Indian public life,though many of them have been exposed as charlatans.Perhaps no other major society in the world,has such a variety of outlandish and thriving -swamis.gurus,yogis,babas,acharayas,bhaghwans,astrologers,palmists,numerologists,faith healers- as India does.Frauds or not,while India moves ahead technologically and economically at a rapid pace,the Indian public somehow also remains transfixed by the sight of bearded and saffron-robed man who belongs to middle ages.The rest of the world can only look on this paradox in wonder and smile."[Atheist].
Quite true to their class interests,ulterior motives and nefarious designs,the 'god men' industry has always preferred to target wealthy segment of the society.Their ancestors had close class collaboration with then kings and feudal lords.Today they are enjoying the clout and patronage of both politicians and business community. Meera Nanda has quite rightly defined and described it as "the state-temple-corporate complex".
The consciously ignorant [otherwise highly educated and successful] class of Doctors,Scientists,Professors,businessmen,Lawyers,Politicians,Movie stars etc etc, has become solid defenders and protectors of these social parasites.The photographs of said 'god men' find a place of honor in their prayer rooms [mini temples],next to old traditional 'gods'.However,these self proclaimed gods tend to get their photographs tailored to blend into the way the traditional gods look like.This is the god market and meaningful and purposeful prsentation plays an important part to enhance and establish their divine image.
It will be pertinent to quote here Rahul Singh,former editor of the Readers digest and the Indian Express. "Somehow,god men occupy an exalted place in the minds of the Indian public life,though many of them have been exposed as charlatans.Perhaps no other major society in the world,has such a variety of outlandish and thriving -swamis.gurus,yogis,babas,acharayas,bhaghwans,astrologers,palmists,numerologists,faith healers- as India does.Frauds or not,while India moves ahead technologically and economically at a rapid pace,the Indian public somehow also remains transfixed by the sight of bearded and saffron-robed man who belongs to middle ages.The rest of the world can only look on this paradox in wonder and smile."[Atheist].

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Apparently both print and electronic media is maintaining a love and a hate relationship with 'god men'.Media ,especially T.V.channels provide prime time to spread ignorance through self proclaimed 'god men' and 'god women', who have the money to buy the prime time or get sponsored for it.Just switch on the TV set in India in the morning and the only thing you would find is 'god men',astrologers,spiritualists providing so called expertise on the world problems and individual concerns.All of them,having established that larger than life status,are omniscient and omnipotent with divya drishti [super natural perception] and offer solutions to their gullible and credulous followers for all possible problems.They provide code of conduct also on daily basis.
This relationship between media and 'god men' is detrimental to the overall progress of the country,supremacy of reason and for strengthening scientific temper.Today media is a powerful tool to build knowledge,spirit of inquiry and help young minds cultivate a habit of critical thinking which subjects metaphysical assumptions of inherited traditions to a scientific challenge .On the contrary,media is promoting superstitions,ignorance and obscurantism.Instead of implementing 'magical remedies and objectionable advertisement act' and other relevant legal remedies,today Indian state directly or indirectly has become instrument for spreading ignorance and blind faith.It is state which has authorized various 'god men' and their religious empires to start their own channels and media houses for spreading religious canard and trash.As the world is progressing,media has greater outreach and if misused,it will be detrimental to the meaningful and purposeful development of the Indian state in general and of the Indian society in particular.[Atheist].

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

>A man fell into a well and did not drown as the well was not full of water.He cried out for help, A passer-by came to help him. He was a Buddhist monk. The monk instead of helping him,advised,"Buddha's last sermon was,we should be a light into ourselves;since you are not,you have fallen.If i save you,the darkness in you will make you fall again into the well;so create light within and that light will help you to come out."Thus he went away without helping.
>A little later,a Hindu monk passed-by,heard the cry for help.He gave a sermon ,"it is because of your karma-past deeds-you have fallen.Even if i help you.your karma will make you fall again.Do a noble act and earn good karma.Good deeds will help you come out."He walked away without helping.
>A disciple of Confucius saw the man in distress. He assured him,"i will definitely help,but i will go and tell the village authorities how important is the teaching of Confucius .Confucius always taught society is more important than individual. Meanwhile you go on screaming; so that you set a precedent for others not to fall.Then the village authorities will ensure every well is covered properly."He too went away.
>A Christian father happened to come next. He immediately helped the man out of the well. Then he made a request,"any time you fell into a well,please call only me and no one else.Not only you should fall but also ask others to fall. I will definitely come and help;thus doing good service to you all,i can go to heaven."
*Classical example of selfish religion with ulterior motives !

Sunday, 17 March 2013

*On August 2,2002,then chief minister Farooq Abdullah,flew all the way from Srinagar to Jammu to lay wreath on the coffins of two policemen who were killed in an encounter on the outskirts of Jammu city.In July 1999,he was present at the wreath laying ceremony at Pantha chowk,BSF headquarters in Srinagar.He laid a wreath on the body of a BSF DIG who was killed in the first fidayeen attack in Bandipur in north Kashmir.From October 1996 to 2002,when he was chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir,Farooq would make it a point to visit the wreath laying ceremonies and his speeches were filled with anger against Pakistan and terrorism.
*But every thing changed after 2002 elections.Mufti Mohammed Syeed who had become chief minister with support of the congress,would not utter even a word of condolence or condemnation on the killing of the army or paramilitary police personal at the hands of terrorists or their planted mines.He did not issue any statement even on the killing of 28 BSF personal in a mine blast in the lower Munda area of Anantnag,as he was 'advised'that it would annoy militants and their sympathizers by some of his close aides.A fidayeen attack in the neighbourhood of his official residence in Srinagar in 2004,made him change his stance.He would issue statements condemning the incidents of violence by militants,but would shy away from calling them militants or terrorists,instead he invented the phrase "enemies of peace"for them.He however never went to any wreath laying ceremony of soldiers or policemen.
*His successor Ghulam Nabi Azad,stated a new cult.He would end his speech even at places like Sopore-the strongest bastion of of militancy to date-with "jai Hind"and would visit the army and para military forces camps to lay wreath whenever there were such occasions.He would condemn the terrorist strikes in unequivocal terms and was the great defender of security forces and their actions.
*Omar Abdullah,who lost elections in 2002,learnt not to condemn Pakistan for any terror strike nor would he blame militants. He was told that he and his party has lost the assembly polls because of his and his father's anti-Pakistan and anti-militancy utterances.Now he is the one who is following the footsteps of his rival in Kashmir politics,changing the course from anti-Pakistan to involving Pakistan in the resolution of Kashmir issue.On Wednesday-March 13,when the news of the killing of five CRPF troopers came,Omar gave a bland statement in the legislative assembly,saying that five CRPF troopers have been "martyred",two fidayeen have been "neutralized".Next day-on March 14-he did not visit the District police lines,Srinagar to offer floral tributes to the five slain troopers.Only when he was told that CRPF jawans were angry over his absence,he rushed to the airport to bid adieu to the coffins of five jawans.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Every single state of USA demands independence and wants to convert to Islam. No doubt it is a great awakening that every other non Muslim state needs to undergo to fulfill the great promise of Allah to bring the whole misguided humanity to the right path of Islam before there is a day of judgment. Sooner all the other states and religions coming to believe in the truthfulness of Islam will follow suit. India also to be divided into countless states to prove the world of Allah is in the offing. It is for Shias and Sunnis to decide the matters later among themselves once they conquer and defeat infidels. Murderers will be beheaded, thieves amputated, adulterators stoned to death. We shall be blessed with vigilantes with sticks in the hands to enforce Islamic morality among the believers. Economy will be taken care of god who gives birth to every single being on the surface of this earth. Opium can be cultivated in abundance and Kalashnikovs culture be promoted to get an answer to economic issues. Jihad will remain the mainstay of foreign policy of these newly islamised states to nib every un-Islamic evil in the bud. All the notorious universities of both east and west are to be converted into Islamic seminaries to islamise knowledge and disseminate the true word of Allah. Dates are to be the national fruit of all these islamic states and soon we find every one dressed into Arabian cloak and Arabic language to be declared as lingua franca among the Islamic amity of nations.

Friday, 15 March 2013

*Pativrata dharampatni pitr pujan tatpara,
madyam anto tata pind madyat sabyak suta arthani. [chapter3/263]
Exposition :-faithful wife of sacrificer [performing shradh in honor of manes] with profound faith in the ritual,should eat the middle most cake [pind] offered to grand father,if she is desirous of bearing a male offspring.
*ayusham antam sutam sutay yasho medha smavintam,
dhanav antam prajav antam saatvikam dharmikam tatha[ch.3/264].
Exposition :-Thus she will bring forth a son,who will be long lived,famous,super intelligent intellectual,the father of numerous offspring and endowed with the qualities of grandeur and righteous.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Albert Einstein
Einstein was born on 14 March 1879 at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany. His father was a featherbed salesman and his mother was an amateur violinist.

Often termed the father of modern physics, it was in 1905 that Einstein developed the theory of general relativity. He's also renowned for his mass-energy equivalence formula E=mc2. Also in 1905, he wrote the paper Does the Inertia of a Body Depend upon its Energy Content? Einstein had been working as a patent clerk at the time.

General theory of relativity
Einstein formulated the general theory of relativity in 1916. Five years later, he received the Nobel Prize in physics based on his contribution to theoretical physics, especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect. This paved the way for the field of quantum theory.

Einstein also delved into the thermal properties of light. His scientific research broke ground for the foundation of the photon theory of light.

During the 1920s he lectured in Europe, the US and the Far East.

US citizenship
In 1933, he renounced his citizenship of Germany for political reasons and emigrated to the US. He had been a professor at the Berlin Academy of Sciences at the time. Stateside, he took up the position of professor of theoretical physics at Princeton University. He became a US citizen in 1940 and retired from his Princeton post in 1945.

Among Einstein's most important works his Special Theory of Relativity was published in 1905. Then in 1916 he published his paper on the general theory of relativity. Investigations on Theory of Brownian Movement was published in 1926, while The Evolution of Physics came out in 1938.

He also produced non-scientific works, including About Zionism (1930), Why War? (1933) and My Philosophy (1934).

According to, in the aftermath of World War II, Einstein was a leading figure in the World Government Movement. He was offered the presidency of the State of Israel, which he declined. He collaborated with Dr Chaim Weizmann in establishing the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Einstein died in Princeton Hospital on 18 April 1955 at the age of 76 due to internal bleeding following the rupture of an aortic aneurysm.

His brain was preserved after his death, as Thomas Harvey, a pathologist in Princeton Hospital, removed it. Einstein's other remains were cremated.

Harvey was subsequently fired from his position at the hospital for refusing to relinquish Einstein's organs, as he had removed Einstein's eyes, as well. Harvey dissected Einstein's brain into around 240 blocks and preserved them for around 20 years in alcohol in two mason jars before they were discovered in 1978. Since then, these blocks have been studied by scientists to glean more insight into Einstein's brain composition and how it might have worked.

Monday, 11 March 2013


The creator of god said that there is no shape for god. He did not say that gods had so many heads. He said that god is only a philosophy. God is said to be beyond all senses. The Alwars, Nayanmars and Mahans did not say that god had a definite shape. Then how did the present gods get definite shapes? How is it right to keep the idols in temples calling them gods? Is not the creator of the god a scoundrel? Is he not a fool, who gave a definite shape to god? If it is true that god cannot be seen or touched, is there any meaning in offering food for him and that too six times a day? Because there are fools to spend money on all these, these scoundrels go on swindling. Who sees the god eating? Does god need food six times to exist? Which person places a morsel of food into the mouth of god? Does the god digest the food? Did any one see the god going to the toilet at least once a day? Who has seen him pass urine? He does not move. Then where does he attend to nature’s calls? Those who do not think and ask are considered as great. They are deemed as theists.
If it is true that god does not want anything, why should these Brahmins make the gods marry? What for a wife, children and so on?
One god has two wives. Some have thousands. Why do gods need thousands of wives? They do not think about and answer. They don’t leave the matter as it is. They celebrate the marriage not once but regularly every year. Our people who devotedly attend the, marriages of gods do not ask them as to what happened to the marriage made last year? Did the wife elope with somebody? Or did she die of any disease? Or is there any law that marriages of gods are valid for only one year? Who cares to question all these? What a fool one must be to simply go on attending the marriage of gods every year. You see how we are made fools. If it is true that god is the embodiment of virtues, how could we see the gods having relations with concubines? 
Gods Subramania, Shiva, Vishnu, Krishna all have concubines as per the Epics! Does anyone ask why they need concubines apart from so many wives. These fellows who created gods, do not leave with that. They have written many stories about their conduct and character. How horrible it is for their gods to behave as immoral wretches?

Saturday, 9 March 2013

While they [Brahma and Vishnu] were thus engaged in fighting, a shining linga (Shiva’s image) arrived on the scene. It seemed to have no beginning or end. 
Vishnu said, Brahma, let us stop fighting. There is a third being here now. What on earth is this linga? And where did it come from? Let us try and find out what this is. You adopt the form of a swan (hamsa) and go up. I shall adopt the form of boar (varaha) and go down. Let us try and find the extremities of this linga.
Brahma agreed. He became a whilte swan and flew up. Vishnu became a white boar and went down. They looked for four thousand years, but could not find the end of the linga. So they returned to where they had started off from and began to pray. They prayed for a hundred years. After the hundred years were over, the sound of om was heard and a being with five faces and ten arms appeared before them. This was Mahadeva or Shiva.
Vishnu said, It is good that Brahma and I have been fighting. It is because of our fight that you arrived.
Shiva replied, We are all three parts of the same entity and have been divided into three. Brahma is the creator. Vishnu is the preserver and I am the destroyer. There is another being named Rudra who will be born form my body, but Rudra and I are really one and the same. Let Brahma create now.
Shiva disappeared and Brahma and Vishnu gave up their forms of a swan and a boar.
[Reference :Shiv Puran; translation from Sanskrit].
The Shiv Puran relates a story of Maha Shivaratri's glory. The most popular story associated to MahaShivaratri goes as follows:

A hunter was roaming in the jungle on the bank on the Kolidum River. He was chasing after a deer when he heard the growl of a tiger. He ran as fast as he could and climbed up a tree nearby.The tiger stood at the foot of the tree, and did not leave. All through the night, the hunter had to stay up in the tree. Afraid that he would fall if he fell asleep, he gently plucked one leaf after another from the tree and threw it down.

At the foot of the tree was a Shiva Linga (an image of Lord Shiva). Without realizing it, the hunter, who was sitting on a vilva tree, threw the leaves down at the Linga. The tiger left in at sunrise. The hunter looked down, and found that the tiger was gone, and in its place stood Lord Shiva. The hunter prostrated in front of Shiva and received mukti-the release from the cycle of birth and death.

The popular story of the union of Shiva and his consort, Parvati:

King Daksha, opposed Sati's marriage with Shiva. At a yagnya (holy sacrifice) the king ignored Shiva’s presence and thereby insulted the latter publicly. Sati was so angered by this that she jumped into the sacrificial fire and ended her life. Lord Shiva unleashed his fury at the death of his wife by performing the violent dance, Taandav. He wiped out Daksha’s kingdom, undertook rigorous penance and retired to the Himalayas. The Gods, who feared that the severity of Shiva’s penance might bring an end to the world, revived Sati in the new avatar of Parvati. Shiva-Parvati married and this reunion is celebrated on Maha Shivratri.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Every religion existing today denigrates and discriminates women one way or other.The scriptures of every religion degrades women.Every scriptures indicates to women that they are inferior to men and their value is next to nil.Due to these old and outdated scriptures and due to every man who has participated in perpetuating these scriptures,the untold physical and mental torture, gender based character assassination and suffering of women everywhere has been boundless.Since Hinduism is religion of majority in this part of world,let us examine the status of Hindu women as prescribed by Hindu scriptures [practice and perception].
The book Genocide of Women in Hinduism has been dedicated by the author, Sita Agarwal, to her sister, who was murdered in a dowry-related incident. She writes that as of June, 1999, the “status of women in India has sunk to its lowest ebb. … cases of female infanticide, sati, dowry-related murders and crimes against women are on the increase…” According to Agarwal, the reason for this degeneration is not tackled. Instead, Western or ‘foreign’ influences are blamed. But in fact, she states unequivocally that it is India’s own religion – Hinduism – that is fully to blame for the pitiable plight of the Indian women. She refers to the Vedic and Vaishnava ‘religions’ or scriptures as prescribing in their texts the “crushing of women to the status of sub-humans. Rather than being due to some kind of ‘corruption’, the ghastly practices of sati, female infanticide, dowry and related acts are actually enforced by Vedic and Hindu scriptures.” It is also a commonly-known fact that in the Vedic era and in the Puranic era, if a woman or a lower-caste person so much as heard the Vedas (Hindu scriptures) being recited, molten lead would be poured into their ears, to deafen them forever!

According to Agarwal, the worst holocaust in human history was not that of Jews or Africans. It was the holocaust inflicted on Indian women by Brahmins – the priestly caste. It continues up to the present day! Female infanticide was sanctioned right from early times, by the Vedas, as stated in Atharva Veda.6.3.4.: “Let a female child be born somewhere else; here, let a male child be born.” Female infanticide helped the Brahmins to maintain control over conquered populations by reducing the number of women. Hence the populace was brainwashed regarding the ‘holy Vedas’ – the unerring truth of the Hindu scriptures.

The Brahmins further indicated the killing of baby girls in a prescribed manner, such as cutting up the baby and then feeding it to animals. Or it was to be smothered. Or it was to be thrown into the Ganges River where crocodiles would quickly gobble it up. The Rajputs would throw their baby girl up in the air and slice her with swords as she fell down to the ground. Today, starvation, suffocation and live burial of the babies is done – and often by the mothers. And today, not only do we have female infanticide, we have also female foeticide – killing it before it is born! Since Indian independence, in the past fifty years, more than 50 million baby girls have been killed in India. It is an average of 1 million babies per year, and it is continuing. 50 million baby girls is ten times more than the Jewish Holocaust.

Young Hindu girls when given in marriage could be abandoned at will. Quoting from Manu Smrti IX.72: “Though a man may have accepted a damsel in due form, he may abandon her if she be blemished, diseased or deflowered, and (if she have been) given with fraud.” Such girls, thrown out by their husbands, led a pitiable life as outcastes of society. Yet Brahmin men were free to engage in debauchery with devadasis any time they wanted! Subscribing to Hinduism means being a “mindless male supremacist pig”!

Now let us talk about bride-burning. It is rampant all over India. It is happening every few seconds. Every day the local newspaper will report a case in that town. So many go unreported. The women’s screams remain silent to the world. In Tamil Nadu one can read that wives are tortured with burning cigarettes by their husbands and mother-in-laws – in order to try to get more dowry from the wife’s parents. If they fail, very often they burn her up completely, pouring kerosene over her and lighting a match. The reason the practice continues is because the police are easily bribed. For a few hundred rupees, the husband and his family go free or are never sought. More than 5000 women die each year for not giving more dowry money. Many of them are reported in the newspaper as ‘kitchen’ fires. The sari (dress) caught fire while the woman was cooking! The Aryan Hindu wife can be burned by her husband any time, for any reason. If he merely suspects her of infidelity, the council of village elders forces the accused to walk through fire. Any sign of burns are taken as proof of guilt (Encyclopaedia Britannica 8:986). Then, as prescribed by Manu.VIII.371, the guilty wife is to be devoured publicly by dogs. (It is happening today still in the villages, and is mostly unreported in the press.) This is why today murder of supposedly ‘unfaithful’ wives is tolerated by the police and by the society. This is the justice given to Hindu women!! The dowry system has been prevalent in India since the time of the Vedas thousands of years ago. Modern materialism and the rise of Hindu fascism have only made the practice more vicious.

Another horrible fact one can also read in Indian newspapers is witch-burning. Any woman in any town or village can be accused of being a witch. The grounds for charges can be nothing more than being outspoken or talking back to men and priests. It may not even be that. It may be nothing at all. Maybe her husband wants a new wife! That “witch” is then hunted down and murdered in the most gruesome manner the townsmen can concoct for her. Some are eaten alive by wild dogs. Others have boiling oil poured over them. Still others have their genitals mutilated after being paraded naked through the town.

According to Manu, the great Hindu law-maker, “If a wife, proud of the greatness of her relatives or (her own) excellence, violates the duty which she owes to her lord, the king shall cause her to be devoured by dogs in a place frequented by many.” It was Brahmins who destroyed the dignity of women by (1) forcefully confiscating a woman’s property, (2) enforcing the dowry system, (3) locking women in the home, and (4) denying their women education and keeping them in a state of enforced illiteracy. Many marriage practices of Hinduism prevalent today have a terrible origin.

The Hindu scriptures are as denigrating of women as are other scriptures we have already examined. In the Rig Veda (10-95-10), it states, “The friendship of women does not last long. Their nature is like that of the hyena.” Manu characterizes women as loving ornaments, having impure desires, being full of wrath, dishonesty, malice and bad conduct. (Manu.9.17). In the Atharva Veda one verse states that “a wife is given by God to a husband to serve him and to bear him children. Further she is referred to by her husband as his subordinate and slave.” (Atharva Veda 14.01.52). Hinduism is the only religion where women are considered as innately promiscuous. The Puranas state that “…as a butcher is not satisfied with the slaughter of any number of animals, similarly women will not be satisfied with any number of men.” Hindu literature truly pours hatred on women, calling them thieves, dacoits, pirates, thirsty tigresses and hypocrite cats. In one scripture it states, “The following eight qualities are characteristic qualities of women. They are: uttering lies, unsteadiness, deceit, stupidity, greed, impurity, wickedness and rashness.” (Sukra 3-163).

In the Mahabharata , (Anusasana Parava, Section XXXVIII), the great Indian religious epic, there is an entire chapter in which an Apsara talks in detail about the character of women and says how they are the root of all problems and how they are always looking for another man, no matter how good their husband may be. How, because of this, a woman never deserves to be independent – as she can never be trusted! We can still read these lines in many places in India:

“The husband is the highest guru,
Service to the husband is the highest service.”


“The husband is the be-all and end-all of life,
verily, the husband is god;
The husband is greater than heaven,
The husband is the ruler of destiny.
[The status of women under religion].
The face and style of women exploitation has changed from visible to invisible. However, the cruelty and extent is unchanged. In earlier times, where women were prohibited from pursuing education, today, educated women are exploited at home and at their workplaces. Physical exploitation of women has it’s prominence in the rural areas of the country while urban women face mental torture that sometimes even extends to physical torture.

Modern educated women have become independent but their responsibilities have increased. A modern Indian woman has to provide income as well as has to perform household duties to support her family. During marriage a woman’s family background and property still plays a major role for acquiring a good alliance.

So, the question remains whether have women really acquired independence through education or have become scapegoats to new kinds of exploitation. The answers to these questions are difficult. Education surely makes us aware of our rights but social conditioning makes us believe the unacceptable norms of the society to be our duties.

A divorcee woman or a widow still finds it difficult to find a worthy alliance. But it still works for a man under similar conditions. Even if the woman is the sole income provider of the household and the man has proven to be incompetent, she is expected to be a socially correct “good wife”.

Female feticides have increased in the metropolitan cities due to advancement of science and technology while infanticides continue to grow in rural areas. The modern policy of countering population explosion and family planning has become an excuse for those who prefer sons over daughters.

A wife is discarded; a daughter-in-law is abolished for not giving birth to a boy child. Although it is scientifically proven, that it is the man who is the sole determinant of the sex of the child to be born. A girl child’s education is interrupted and she is diverted towards much “feminine” educational courses.[Ground report].
Most religious teachings are contrary to reason. We are told to believe that a god who must look like a man, because a man was made in his image, made the world in six days. This god took some clay in his hand, molded it, blew on it, and a man was formed.

Science teaches that the world was formed as an offshoot from the sun, over a period of millions of years, and that man evolved through the ages from lower forms of life.

Religion tells us that Christ was born from a virgin. Reason teaches that this is impossible. The Bible says Christ made wine out of water. Reason denies such a thing is possible.

The Bible says Joshua made the sun stand still. Science and reason could not countenance for a moment such a fabrication. The Bible says that God of the Jews cut the Red Sea in half and let the Jews escaping from Egypt, walk between two walls of water. Science denies such a possibility.

There are hundreds of "miracles" reported in the Bible and thousands in the traditions and writings of all religious works. All these miracles purport to set aside natural laws. The miracles are supposed to be phenomena which men are unable to do but which gods and supernatural beings can do. Any modern magician can perform any number of tricks which people do not understand. By relating these miracles, listeners are supposed to be convinced that the people who tell them are correct in their religious belief or propaganda. No miracles in Christianity of any consequence have been reported during the last 1900 years. The farther away, and the longer time back in history, miracles are reported, the less they are subject to investigation.

"Miracles" are for the purpose of "selling" the prospective convert the religion the "promoter" has to offer. It is a method of getting the "prospect" to sign up and join the religion. Those who head the religion or church usually are well paid for their work. After a few years an organization is built up which tends to be self-perpetuating. All the "promoters" have to do is to keep talking. They toil not, neither do they spin. Their "gift of gab" keeps them on the payroll.

Their arguments are, of course, always contrary to reason. The miracles they tell about are contrary to reason. The philosophy they propagate is not originated on a basis of common sense, practical benefit to people, and the production of happiness. On the contrary, the following of religious philosophies often is the greatest cause of unhappiness in a whole nation.
[The case against religion].