Every religion existing today denigrates and discriminates women one way or other.The scriptures of every religion degrades women.Every scriptures indicates to women that they are inferior to men and their value is next to nil.Due to these old and outdated scriptures and due to every man who has participated in perpetuating these scriptures,the untold physical and mental torture, gender based character assassination and suffering of women everywhere has been boundless.Since Hinduism is religion of majority in this part of world,let us examine the status of Hindu women as prescribed by Hindu scriptures [practice and perception].
The book Genocide of Women in Hinduism has been dedicated by the author, Sita Agarwal, to her sister, who was murdered in a dowry-related incident. She writes that as of June, 1999, the “status of women in India has sunk to its lowest ebb. … cases of female infanticide, sati, dowry-related murders and crimes against women are on the increase…” According to Agarwal, the reason for this degeneration is not tackled. Instead, Western or ‘foreign’ influences are blamed. But in fact, she states unequivocally that it is India’s own religion – Hinduism – that is fully to blame for the pitiable plight of the Indian women. She refers to the Vedic and Vaishnava ‘religions’ or scriptures as prescribing in their texts the “crushing of women to the status of sub-humans. Rather than being due to some kind of ‘corruption’, the ghastly practices of sati, female infanticide, dowry and related acts are actually enforced by Vedic and Hindu scriptures.” It is also a commonly-known fact that in the Vedic era and in the Puranic era, if a woman or a lower-caste person so much as heard the Vedas (Hindu scriptures) being recited, molten lead would be poured into their ears, to deafen them forever!
According to Agarwal, the worst holocaust in human history was not that of Jews or Africans. It was the holocaust inflicted on Indian women by Brahmins – the priestly caste. It continues up to the present day! Female infanticide was sanctioned right from early times, by the Vedas, as stated in Atharva Veda.6.3.4.: “Let a female child be born somewhere else; here, let a male child be born.” Female infanticide helped the Brahmins to maintain control over conquered populations by reducing the number of women. Hence the populace was brainwashed regarding the ‘holy Vedas’ – the unerring truth of the Hindu scriptures.
The Brahmins further indicated the killing of baby girls in a prescribed manner, such as cutting up the baby and then feeding it to animals. Or it was to be smothered. Or it was to be thrown into the Ganges River where crocodiles would quickly gobble it up. The Rajputs would throw their baby girl up in the air and slice her with swords as she fell down to the ground. Today, starvation, suffocation and live burial of the babies is done – and often by the mothers. And today, not only do we have female infanticide, we have also female foeticide – killing it before it is born! Since Indian independence, in the past fifty years, more than 50 million baby girls have been killed in India. It is an average of 1 million babies per year, and it is continuing. 50 million baby girls is ten times more than the Jewish Holocaust.
Young Hindu girls when given in marriage could be abandoned at will. Quoting from Manu Smrti IX.72: “Though a man may have accepted a damsel in due form, he may abandon her if she be blemished, diseased or deflowered, and (if she have been) given with fraud.” Such girls, thrown out by their husbands, led a pitiable life as outcastes of society. Yet Brahmin men were free to engage in debauchery with devadasis any time they wanted! Subscribing to Hinduism means being a “mindless male supremacist pig”!
Now let us talk about bride-burning. It is rampant all over India. It is happening every few seconds. Every day the local newspaper will report a case in that town. So many go unreported. The women’s screams remain silent to the world. In Tamil Nadu one can read that wives are tortured with burning cigarettes by their husbands and mother-in-laws – in order to try to get more dowry from the wife’s parents. If they fail, very often they burn her up completely, pouring kerosene over her and lighting a match. The reason the practice continues is because the police are easily bribed. For a few hundred rupees, the husband and his family go free or are never sought. More than 5000 women die each year for not giving more dowry money. Many of them are reported in the newspaper as ‘kitchen’ fires. The sari (dress) caught fire while the woman was cooking! The Aryan Hindu wife can be burned by her husband any time, for any reason. If he merely suspects her of infidelity, the council of village elders forces the accused to walk through fire. Any sign of burns are taken as proof of guilt (Encyclopaedia Britannica 8:986). Then, as prescribed by Manu.VIII.371, the guilty wife is to be devoured publicly by dogs. (It is happening today still in the villages, and is mostly unreported in the press.) This is why today murder of supposedly ‘unfaithful’ wives is tolerated by the police and by the society. This is the justice given to Hindu women!! The dowry system has been prevalent in India since the time of the Vedas thousands of years ago. Modern materialism and the rise of Hindu fascism have only made the practice more vicious.
Another horrible fact one can also read in Indian newspapers is witch-burning. Any woman in any town or village can be accused of being a witch. The grounds for charges can be nothing more than being outspoken or talking back to men and priests. It may not even be that. It may be nothing at all. Maybe her husband wants a new wife! That “witch” is then hunted down and murdered in the most gruesome manner the townsmen can concoct for her. Some are eaten alive by wild dogs. Others have boiling oil poured over them. Still others have their genitals mutilated after being paraded naked through the town.
According to Manu, the great Hindu law-maker, “If a wife, proud of the greatness of her relatives or (her own) excellence, violates the duty which she owes to her lord, the king shall cause her to be devoured by dogs in a place frequented by many.” It was Brahmins who destroyed the dignity of women by (1) forcefully confiscating a woman’s property, (2) enforcing the dowry system, (3) locking women in the home, and (4) denying their women education and keeping them in a state of enforced illiteracy. Many marriage practices of Hinduism prevalent today have a terrible origin.
The Hindu scriptures are as denigrating of women as are other scriptures we have already examined. In the Rig Veda (10-95-10), it states, “The friendship of women does not last long. Their nature is like that of the hyena.” Manu characterizes women as loving ornaments, having impure desires, being full of wrath, dishonesty, malice and bad conduct. (Manu.9.17). In the Atharva Veda one verse states that “a wife is given by God to a husband to serve him and to bear him children. Further she is referred to by her husband as his subordinate and slave.” (Atharva Veda 14.01.52). Hinduism is the only religion where women are considered as innately promiscuous. The Puranas state that “…as a butcher is not satisfied with the slaughter of any number of animals, similarly women will not be satisfied with any number of men.” Hindu literature truly pours hatred on women, calling them thieves, dacoits, pirates, thirsty tigresses and hypocrite cats. In one scripture it states, “The following eight qualities are characteristic qualities of women. They are: uttering lies, unsteadiness, deceit, stupidity, greed, impurity, wickedness and rashness.” (Sukra 3-163).
In the Mahabharata , (Anusasana Parava, Section XXXVIII), the great Indian religious epic, there is an entire chapter in which an Apsara talks in detail about the character of women and says how they are the root of all problems and how they are always looking for another man, no matter how good their husband may be. How, because of this, a woman never deserves to be independent – as she can never be trusted! We can still read these lines in many places in India:
“The husband is the highest guru,
Service to the husband is the highest service.”
“The husband is the be-all and end-all of life,
verily, the husband is god;
The husband is greater than heaven,
The husband is the ruler of destiny.
[The status of women under religion].